The murder princess' requests: Standards and Fandoms

Jan 22, 2018
Hello there! My name is Lindsay and I'm looking for well rounded and dependable writing partners. I do mostly para rp but I'm flexible so long as we're not trading sentences if you will. I hate to be that person but I do hate one liners and tend to lose interest fast if it comes down to that. Which brings to the forefront a very prominent rule that I keep in place at all times. That if you choose to write with me and you lose interest let's talk to each other and work things out so that both of us can be happy. It is about having fun after all and if both of us aren't then there is no point. Speaking of rules though, I have a few.

~Do NOT pester me for replies. I work third shift and will be asleep for most of the day so I will mostly answer at night on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Those are my normal days off.

~I have the right to back out of an rp at any point. I won't tolerate being guilt tripped as I will always tell you why I am doing it. I will never leave you high and dry. But if I do make that choice please respect it.

~Dos and don't lists will be respected. Don't try and sneak stuff in that we have already barred. I wouldn't do it to you. But if there is something we haven't discussed and you wish to include it please talk to me first.

~Just in general, be respectful.

Those are solid rules. Please do your best to uphold them when we are writing together. Now here is a short list of the things I will NOT do:

-Bathroom play (scat, piss, and things of that nature)
-Most Furries

A short list of what I will do:

+Blood play (this includes the use of weapons)
+Hypnosis (I have specific rules for this)
+Incest (Cousins)
+Tetraphilia (Under certain circumstances)

Now we move on to the basic pairings I'm willing to do. We'll use them as a base and build a plot off of them. My role is bolded:
~Cousin x cousin (my wish list is for twins for your role)
~Student x teacher
~Student x student trap (A guy dressed as a girl. Mind you he will have the mannerisms of a girl and want to be recognized as such. Not some guy that just decided to throw girls clothes on)
~Slave x Owner
~Mistress x slave
~Serial Killer (Already captured) x Detective (Willing to play both here)
~Victim x Serial Killer
~Princess x Beast guarding her
~More to be added...

Now for my fandom stuff that no one is likely to indulge in but it's worth a go:

*Victim x Freddy Krueger (Nightmare on Elm Street)
*Victim x Pennywise (IT 2017)
*Survivor x Negan (TWD)
*Trainer x Pokemon (Pokemon)
*Jedi x Sith (Star Wars)
*Servant x Prince Lotor (Voltron: Legendary Defender)
*More to be added...

That about does it. If you see anything that suits your fancy and you'd like to chat just poke me here or pm me! I look forward to hearing from you!
Sexy bump...

Super needy for someone to play Pennywise for me. I'm watching IT right now and I just love this clown ok?
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