Back to the 50ies, Religion,Suburbia& forbidden sins(Current Non/Dub-Con craving)


Aug 31, 2015
Hello there, this is an extra thread for a current craving that I am having. It will probably change as soon as my craving for this goes away but for now I am head over heels for this. I suggested it to someone who I was eager to play with but he politely rejected. HE WAS POLITE so lets hold off the shitstorm towards him for now. I will continue with some lines from my usual request thread that also count for this one.

My name is Grace, or Gracie, depends on what you prefer. I am a 24 year old female with a job from Europe. That means I might be busy sometimes. It's possible that I am able to post a lot on some days and almost not at all on others. If you seek someone who is gonna post several times a day, sorry but then I'm not your girl.

Lengthwise I prefer 3+ paragraphs, depending on the pace of the story 2 are also fine, but I'm talking paraghraphs not lines. Obviously sometimes more than 3 happens, the openers are usually longer, but in general I would like to keep it at about 3, otherwise I might feel obligated to match what is given and pressure is the worst nightmare of my muse.
I have figured out that I like to play with faceclaims, at least for my character. Of course it's always a plus if your character has one too but I will leave that to you.

On another note, if you decide to write a PM to me because you want to play with me, please please pleeeeeeease do not just give me one or two lazy lines. I will come and punch you in the face if you do that, just kidding but I will ignore your PM. Give me something to work with, why are you interested? What in my thread made you write to me?

I prefer to play via PM, mostly because I feel a bit shy about my writing skills. However, I think I can be persuaded to play in threads if thats your desire. I do not play via IM or Email, sorry.

I am pretty much into rough wild sex, and I am looking mostly for noncon, forced, rape rp with a dom guy as I am pretty sub. Though this one goes a bit more into the dubcon direction, at least the way I imagined it, but I am open for tweaks. If you are not into that, I am perfectly fine with that, but dont judge me because I am. So please only contact me if you like the same stuff. To get a better picture check out my F-List

The Plot:

It all started with the desire to play something set in the past. Like recent past. At first I had pondered over the 40ies, 50ies or 60ies but by now I think I can see this playing perfectly in the 50ies. Back when the American Dream was still alive and the world was a better place. (Obviously it wasn't but people perceived it that way). A time when America was still thriving off the victory in WW2, where people got married young, the wife stayed at home and white picket fences marked the outlines of somewhat lavish houses in the suburbs of the big cities. You know, something like this, or this, just the embodiment of what people wanted back then. So that is my idea of the time the roleplay is gonna play in.

The idea was brooding a while in my head and it got a new spark when I saw the movie Cafe Society with Kristen Stewart, though the movie is set in the 30ies I still felt that the overall style was matching up with the rolepleay I had in mind.
So yeah this is my preferd choice for a faceclaim. I am open for other suggestions but Im gonna let you know now, that this is the face I have had in my head for a while now, so it would have to be someone I also feel really really excited about.

The other thing that I would like to incorporate in the roleplay is a somewhat strong theme of religion. Before you turn your ahead away now in disgust, hear me out Wink. I was thinking a play that involves strong beliefs but also strong desires. Desires that are sinful, desires that are taboo in that society. I have actually two different directions this could go, if you are with me so far you should totally tell me which one sounds more appealing to you.
First plot idea: My character is that young beautiful woman in her early twenties. She lives with her husband in one of those popular suburbs and has assumed the role of housewife like it is expected. I guess you could call her ambitious but not in a "searching for power or money" way, more like she has been taught the American Dream from childhood on and now she is doing everything to achieve that. Marrying a business man who is providing her with that picture perfect life that is advertised and sought for by so many for starters. They are in no way rich, but they are doing very well and she is really happy. At the same time she is somewhat shy and submissive, as is expected from women in that time. They are both christians and attend church every sunday, as well as participating in extra activities involving the church and the community. Then something happens. I am not sure exactly yet what, but I was thinking something along the lines of either her husband is doing something in the bedroom that puts her off, maybe cumming on her face, or something like that. In a way shocked, and repulsed she is seeking guidance from the priest at their church. This is where you come into play. For the priest I have two ideas as well. It could be that he is a secret pig, obsessed with the thought of abusing women and showing them their place. So he would use his authority role and his estimation he is relishing in within the community to rope her in, fucking her brutally. Almost traumatized by that expierience she missed church the next time. The reason behind that though is the fact that she is ashamed that her body had betrayed her, feeling utter pleasure inflicted by his treatment. The way he disregarded her every worries and wishes and just used her, gave her body a pleasure that her brain can not justify or explain. She would seek another meeting during the week, maybe confessing to the sinful enjoyment, hoping unconsciously that the events would repeat themselves. That would be the starting point of an affair that is full of secret meetings, secret desires and debauchery beyond words.
The other way this could go is that the priest is actually not that predatory person, but is simply defensless against his own desires, feeling something in his groin from the very first time he layed eyes on my character. So when the opportunity arises, he cant fight the urge to take her. In this take, he would be struggling just as much as she is with the longing for lust and depravity.

All along the way the priest justifies his treatment of her with religion. Something along the lines that god speaks through him and her sins need to be eradicated, by you guessed it, even more sinful acts. This can be stretched out for example on some church community event he gropes her secretly, only to take her away under a false pretence to facefuck her before they return to the event. Some other time he visits her at her home when the husband is away and things like that. I guess by now you have an idea where this is going. I just think the fact that he is abusing her naivety, her faith and her gullibility to fulfill his own dark desires is an interesting thing to exploit.

To round things up I will hit you with some gifs from my usual threat to give you a visual of what I like. NSFW

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