Mx Female Genak's search for a dominant villainess (updated 4-28-23)


Jan 21, 2018

What I bring
  • Posting from 1 to 5 times per week. This isn't a hard number, it can be more, or it could be less. If I cannot post in a given week I will do my best to let you know, but life happens and I have other priorities outside of the rp.
  • Multi-Paragraph. Even when writing fight scenes out I try to give 2 paragraphs, never less than one.
  • Details. I love all the details, how is my character's breathing, heart rate, what are they thinking, did their eyes go wide, blink fast, what hand are they attacking with, what motion is the limb moving in. What hurts, what surprised them, how's the weather… I also love to use fluffy words, metaphors, and things that keep it interesting to me. I try to use a variety of vocabulary (though I am not always successful)
What you (hopefully) bring
  • Post when you can. I am extremely patient. I might check in after a week, but it is more just to make sure you are still interested. Even then I may not, I will give you all the space you want/need. If you ghost me, then so be it. It happens to everyone and I will not hold it against you in the slightest, this is a hobby, it isn't personal.
  • Paragraph to multi-paragraph. Anything less than a paragraph of writing generally means a lack of details about what is happening and gives me very little to work with. I will give some notice about it, but after too many times (no set hard number) I will drop the roleplay.
  • Details. I provide them, and I want them back in return. I understand if you don't use all the same fluffy prose and words, but give me some details, please. What hand, foot, etc is your character attacking with, where is it aimed, what are they thinking, motives, plans, surprised, etc.
  • Your IRL gender doesn't matter to me at all and is irrelevant to the gender of the character you play.


Likes: My f-list for more details
  • BDSM elements
  • Femdom
  • Clothed sex/mostly clothed sex involving superhero/villainess suits
  • Having a story of some kind
  • Ballbusting
  • Anal
  • Revealing alter-egos/unmasking
  • Smoking
  • Pregnancy, or even the threat of it
  • Toilet play
  • Romance/Love
  • Batman x Catwoman
  • Batman x Poison Ivy
  • Batman x Female Riddler
  • Batman x Harley Quinn
  • Batman x ANY FEMALE VILLAIN (who does not have superhuman strength or speed)
  • YC does not have to be canon


  • Combat: This is an essential thing for me to have in a roleplay. I love juicy detailed fight scenes. I am extremely old school (or just plain different) in that I don't want any part of the fight skipped. I hate one or two blow fights, beat MC up. This doesn't mean bone-breaking or any last effects, but please show him who's boss. Don't worry, MC will fight back.
  • Defeat: This is a non-negotiable, MC will lose. I love it when the hero, who is supposed to win, just doesn't. It can be for a variety of reasons, but I want to see MC lose to YC more often than not. In that same regard, I generally never want MC to win, and at best stalemate the encounter.
  • Bondage: Incorporating the previous two will keep me very happy, adding this in, is icing on the cake.
A huge shoutout to
Retrojapan for the layout
Fruit for the graphics
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Still searching, feel free to send me your own ideas as long as they are along the lines of my likes and dislikes. Ciao...
Come one come all, making progress, but looking for more awesome peeps
Make me shake and make me quiver. If you play dominant females and don't like my plots throw something at me :)
Up up and away we go, I look forward to hearing from you lovely peeps :)
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