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The Mission isn't all we have to deal with (Yummy x Usagi)


Jan 5, 2018
Sakura Haruno had been going through several old and dusty scrolls while she had a little time, she was due to meet Hinata soon for them to head off on what was likely to be a long mission. Not because it was going to be difficult, it was just that they would be travelling quite a distance. They were on a herb gathering mission, but some of the herbs they needed were exceptionally rare and only grew in very specific places. She had been hoping that perhaps she would find some kind of scroll to help with the journey, though as she dug through the scrolls were getting older and dustier and there was nothing even remotely useful. "Maybe I should just give up, I've got to meet Hinata pretty soon after all..." Sakura sighed, picking up one final scroll that had been tucked away in a corner behind several others. "Hm? How old is this..?" She brushed down a thick layer of dust carefully, then opened up the scroll slowly, though perhaps not slowly enough. As the unfamiliar symbols were revealed the scroll seemed to glow for a moment before suddenly exploding in a puff of smoke and dust.

Sakura was coughing as the smoke cleared, having been knocked backover onto her butt. The scroll was now blank, though as Sakura waved the smoke away it seemed nothing had happened. "Huh....must've been so old it was just a dud. Or some really old practical joke...." She sighed slightly, about to stand up when she suddenly felt something, an odd tightness in her stomach. "Ngh!" Sakura clutched at her stomach for a moment, the tightness moving downover slightly, before there was suddenly a burning heat in her crotch. "A-ah!" She suddenly moaned loudly as there was a sudden burst of pleasure, then the tightness further increased. "Ooooh!" Sakura could feel something inside was trying to get out of her. A moment later there was suddenly a bulge in her skintight shorts, a bulge that was slowly growing, pushing further out. "O-ooooh!" Sakura put her hands further down, crying out as she felt the bulge, trying to push it back in, but that only made the feeling worse, the bulge starting to grow more rapidly. Before her shorts could rip Sakura pulled them and her panties down, screaming as she saw the still growing cock pushing out of her body. "N-no no no no!!" Sakura cried out as the cock finally seemed to stop growing, at least for now, pulsing and throbbing, hard and erect for a few moments before it quickly started to soften.

Sakura just stood and stared down at herself for a few moments, before there was a sudden beep from her watch. Shit, it was time to meet Hinata! But she couldn't go like this could she?! But then again this mission was important, without these herbs people could die. "Oh crap oh crap oh crap!" Sakura stared down for a few more moments, then pulled her panties and shorts back up, groaning from the sensation. The bulge was obvious in the tight shorts, though her shirt still came far down enough to cover the bulge up.
The girl dashed out of the room, though the sensation of the shorts rubbing against her caused her to have to suppress several grunts as she ran, glad when she got to the meeting point and could come to a stop, glancing around for Hinata.
It wasn’t everyday Hinata had the opportunity to work on a mission. Sure, every now and then she’d be sent on one, but mostly it was scouting, and with the war over and done with, things were relatively quiet in that regard. Of that she was grateful—it was a time of peace, after all! So when the mission assignment came to her, she was happy to do her part. She’d be traveling with Sakura to a nearby mountain range to collect medicinal plant samples. It was for a great cause, and Hinata admittedly idolized Sakura for her medical prowess. It would be a nice chance to watch her work, even if it was just plant collecting. There was wonderful knowledge Hinata could gain from it, and, clad in her Konoha flak jacket and ensemble, she waited patiently by the gates.

As thirty minutes went by, however, she was starting to get flustered. Sakura didn’t strike her as someone who’d be late, especially to a mission as important as this. Had Hinata gone to the wrong rendezvous point? She could have sworn the report said to go to the gates. What if she’d messed up and was halting the mission? That’d be awful... the last thing she wanted to do was make an impression that bad!
Hinata breathes a sigh of relief when she saw the other young woman approaching the point and slowing to a stop to no doubt look for her. “Sakura,” she greeted her in her usual small voice, waving her over to where she stood. “I was so worried, I’m glad you’re here,” she confessed with a soft smile as she lowered her hand to rest it over her still beating heart. What a relief she was here! But... something seemed off. Concern was evident on Hinata’s face.
“Sakura... are you alright? You don’t look so well... did something happen?”
Sakura took a few deep breaths as she tried to relax a little, though it was rather difficult with the constant pressure on her crotch. She could feel every single movement thanks to the tightness of the shorts. It wasn't like there had been time to go home and get a change of clothes either given that she was already running late, and the only extra clothes she had pre-packed were the same type as well. "Ah, h-hi Hinata!" Sakura did her best to smile brightly, attempting to act like there was nothing wrong. "Hm? Oh I'm fine really. Just lost track of time and got a little flustered over it, that's all" She waved her hand and adjusted her back on her back, glancing down at herself to make sure her shirt was still reaching down far enough to cover up her crotch. She blinked as she glanced down though. Wait, were her breasts a little bigger? it had to be her imagination, her mind was so all over the place right now she was just imagining things.

"So! All ready to go? It should take a few days to get there, a few more days to collect the right herbs, then a few more days to get back" Sakura was still grinning happily, though for some reason she couldn't help but find the concerned look on Hinata's face rather adorable. And stood there like that, Hinata did seem rather.....attractive didn't she? Wait, why was she thinking like that? Sakura had never thought that about another girl before! She quickly tried to dismiss such thoughts, turning towards the village gates. "Ok! Let's get moving" She pulled a map from her pack "I've got the route all planned out here, including where we can stop off to camp for the night. Luckily there are some rivers and lakes at the right spots so we can clean up after a long days walk"
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