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Animal Crossing: Turning Over a New Leaf (StarMech x JmBz)


Jun 5, 2016
Santiago, Chile
Across its rails and through the soft breeze of the early morning, the train continued its way. From the window of the cart, one could see the green foliage zoom past at high speeds. Small rumbles could be felt from the few bumps on the road. Nothing mayor; Just another trip on train.

Of course, this one particular trip did carry a little more weight for a particular fellow. A young human lad currently sitting on his seat, glancing at the passing blue skies. Leaving the big city behind, it was the beginning of a new life; A life on his own...

His eyes almost aimless as he simply tried to pass the time. That's when a soft pitter patter caught his ear. A figure moved from a seat behind and was now standing near him. Glancing back he would see a friendly young cat. His figure very similar to a human with the exception of his blue cat ears popping from his mess of hair as well as a short cat tail popping from behind.He was also wearing a red sweater and a air of simple blue pants.

"Oh! Excuse me, but do you have the time?" Asked the young feline lad. "I lost my watch a few days ago, you see. I can be such a clutz sometimes..."

He took a small pause to notice how zoned out the human boy was, chuckling a little. "Sorry if I snap you out of whatever you were thinking. The name is Rover, by the way. Nice to meet'cha!"

He seemed friendly, so letting him seat nearby was not annoying in the slightest. "Gotta say, I don't see young lads traveling through these roads that much as of late. If it's not to bug you too much, where are you heading?"
So I'm finally on my own path, Markus thought as he watched the rural greens and sky blues whiz past him through the window. It had been a tough sell, at first, for the 18-year old, convincing his parents to let him move out of the big city and into his own place. It was only after he'd placated his mother, telling her that he would write back to her twice a week, that they had finally relented, although not without him being wrapped into a really tight hug.

Now he was on the train to where he'd make his new home, with nothing but the clothes on his back, some Bells provided from his parents, and a suitcase with two weeks worth of clothing. He wondered about what the residents of the village he'd chosen would think of him. Would they like him? How many friends would he be able to make? Those questions and more ran through his mind, blue eyes and prim black hair staring back at him through the windows reflection.

The sound of footsteps, however, soon stole his attention from his musings, turning to the blue-eared, sweatered cat who was now standing by his seat. Judging by Rover's reaction, he must've looked kind of dazed, quickly getting his bearings as he laughed himself.

"It's fine, don't worry about it," Markus remarked, stealing a glance at his watch. "It's...about 12:19 in the afternoon." Had he really been on the train that long? he wondered. He did have to arrive at the station rather early, he remembered; the other departures were several hours apart, so he supposed he could count himself lucky. "And the name's Markus," he offered with a smile, turning his full attention to Rover now that he was seated by him.

"Where am I headed?" he repeated, mulling it over for a moment. Rover seemed pretty friendly, affable even, so he supposed that it couldn't hurt to tell him where he was going. Who knows? Maybe that's where he was going, too! "It's a town called Blue Lakes."
"Hmm, Blue Lakes, huh?" Rover rubbed his chin, "Can't say I ever heard of it. Must be a pretty secluded place. Most people nowdays tend to stay in the cities so towns like that tend to become more forgotten as time goes by. But hey, nice to see someone still with the love for the open country air, hahaha!"

He took a small pause before continuing. "So you're moving over there on your own? I can see it in your eyes. Moving into a whole new place! A whole new LIFE, even! You must be pretty excited, huh? I certainly hope you find happiness..."

That's when the sudden ding sound caught the two boys' attention. A voice poping from the intercomm: "Now arriving at Blue Lakes! Blue Lakes Station!"

Rover chuckled a bit before scratching the back of his head. "Boy, time sure flies when you speak to someone. Seems your stop is coming up. Thanks for the small chat, it's always fun when i find someone to talk when going through these rails..."

After another pause to think he muttered, "Come to think of it, I've been riding the rails an awful lot again lately. Haven't done this much traveling by train since 2002...Man, that's weird."

"But hey don't let me stop you with my nonsense. Good luck out there, Markus. hope you have a great time there at Blue Lakes! Bye-bye!"


The train made its stop at a small-looking station. Not very fancy, in fact some small bits could use a little coats of paint. But overall, had a rustic charm to it. The door slid to the side as Markus stepped off into the platform. Nearby was an odd looking fella wearing a blue uniform. Rather than cat ears like Rover, however, this guy has a lot of forum on the back of his hands and a bit up the arms, as well as a monkey tail that was slightly visible from his post.

"This stop is Blue Lakes! Everyone from Blue Lakes, exit here! Eek eek!"
Oh, well. Markus did his best not to let his disappointment show that Rover wasn't going the same way he was, let alone knew where the town was. In hindsight, it would have been one hell of a contrived coincidence. The cat was fun to talk to, even if he did seem to be a bit of a rambler.

"It is pretty out-of-the-way," he admitted with a soft chuckle. "But it'll feel like a fresh breath of air after the cramped city I grew up in." The talkative cat's comment about happiness prompted a grin from the human. "Thanks, I hope so too..."

He was cut off from replying any further by the intercom announcing that they were nearing his destination. "Well, it was nice talking to you, Rover," he started, standing up from his seat and placing his hand on the windowsill, to keep himself steady while the train started to stop. "Who knows? Maybe we'll run into each other again sometime."

His 2002 comment mystified him slightly; after all, Rover didn't look to be any older than he was. He shrugged it off, though, gathering his luggage before making his way to the train doors. "Seeya!" he replied back, giving one last wave before stepping off onto the platform.
Taking a look around Blue Lakes' train station, Markus could see that it'd had better days, but it still had that quaint rural feel to it that he liked. The monkey fella reiterated that he had, indeed, arrived at the town that he would be spending the foreseeable future in. He gave him a nod, walking towards the doors that would lead him to the villa proper. He could hardly contain his excitement, really.

"Blue Lakes, here I am," he murmured to himself. Not knowing that his life would be getting a lot more interesting as soon as he set foot outside.
As Markus stepped outside of the Train Station, he was greeted by the fresh and soft breeze. His eyes widened at the vast patches of green that extended past the area of stone flooring that enveloped the Station's area. Lushious trees creating shade, a long stretch of river that seemed to go all the way into the coast, flowers just starting to bloom, and he could even make up a few small buildings and houses over yonder, and same thing behind him up a stone stairway path.

But his sight-seeing was suddenly interrupted by the notion that four individuals suddenly moved towards him; All of them girls. One was cute cat girl of orangeish yellow hair and ears. She was wearing what seemed like a blue and white stripped sundress and had what looked like a big Lead decoration on top of her head. With that thin on her she almost looked like she was themed out of an actual orange!

The second one was a stylish looking Squirrel girl. Her hair and ears of a pinkish purple, but with a some of her hair ends seemly dyed to have a small darker tone to them. With her sparkling dress and strange hat she resembled a particular character from a videogame Markus liked. She also appeared to wear some make up to fit into her outfit, like a faint black mascara around her eyes.

Then there was a dog girl; Her hair of a redish pink but her ears had a black color as well as she sported a black spot-like feature on her right side that made her look quite cute. She wore a black shirt with a "spiderweb" pattern and black pants.

Finally there was another dog girl. Quite curvy and with a decent bust, one would say. Her hair and ears golden blonde, with a bit tied up in a little bun on top of her head. She was wearing a green sweater and squared skirt, and appeared to be leading the group while carrying a small clipboard.

"Oh my gosh! Look who just walked into town!" Exclaimed the pink-haired dog girl.

The orange-like catgirl seemed quite giddy, jumping in place. "I bet that's the guy!" she said.

The Squirrel girl, as everyone was murmuring, was looking at the others whispering. "We can't just stand here. Let's all say hi..."

Finally the blonde-haired dog girl stepped forward, her beautiful brown eyes meeting with Markus' gaze. She seemed to have taken a deep breath before speaking.

"Okay everyone, here we go...ready?..." She turned back to Markus, "From those of us in Blue Lakes..."

"WELCOME!!" Exclaimed all in unison.

One thing was for sure. The people of this town sure seemed friendly if they had this kind of greeting for a complete stranger...

The young lad could ehar the other animal people murmur amongst themselves. "I didn't know he was gonna be a human...", "He seems nice..." and "He looks confused..." were words he managed to pick up before the blonde dog girl approached him quite cheerfully.

"Mayor! We are so happy you're finally here!"

And that's when Markus was throw off the loop...

From the little that Markus could see of it from where he was standing, Blue Lakes looked simply beautiful, especially for the early summer. Yes, he definitely made the right decision, settling on this being his new home.

The human lad blinked at the small crowd that had gathered around him. Huh, he'd completely missed them while he was looking around. Although, he wasn't sure how that was possible, what with how cute the four women standing in front of him were!

A catgirl that looked like an orange, a squirrel-girl that appeared to be cosplaying Callie, a cherry-red dog-girl, and another, uniform-clad blonde dog-girl...

It was quite the welcoming committee.

It seemed like they had been expecting him, which confused him to no end. Was his arrival that big of a deal? He supposed, since he was human and so far the other inhabitants seemed to be solely animals. But how had they found out?

He put on a smile for them as they welcomed him, but the befuddlement was plain in his eyes. If nothing else, they were very friendly...

And then there was the whammy! Markus froze up, body tensed as he stared at the peppy brown-eyed woman standing in front of him. They thought he was their Mayor? He'd assumed that the blonde was in charge! What?!?

"Mayor?" Markus repeated in a dazed tone. "I...I think there's been a mistake..."
"Huh...?" The blonde-haired canine lady titled her head slightly, "But we were informed the new Mayor would arrive by train at this very hour and you stepped out..."

She then laughed, although a bit nervously. "O-oh, I see. You are a real jokester. Very funny, sir, but we gotta sign all the papers so you can take over as Mayor so we better get to it! Let's continue this chat at Town Hall, ok?"

Her hand quickly reached for his, grabbing him and taking him along as she walked away of the crowd, waving goodbye as they did back.

This was truly a strange turn of events. The dog lass liked with him, her warm hand holding on to Markus, all while he could see more of the town. While still having a rather cozy and serene ambience to it, even he had to admit that things seemed rather...lonely...

Besides a few houses here and there, it didn't seem that much people lived in this town. Deeper through the green meadows he also could see a raise on weeds ad taller grass.

The young woman started talking as their route continued, "Ever since our previous Mayor retired, I-I have to admit, Blue Lakes has seen better days...People don't tend to come live al the way out here these days so there are few, um, unkept areas around town. Main Street has also been a bit slow as of late...not much people coming to buy or sell products. We have tried our best, but many fear that this place could become a ghost town if continuing this way...."

She spoke softly, but Markus could tell the pain in her heart when she spoke about it. She seemed to really care for this place. Just then, her face returned to a peppy smile.

"But now we have a new Mayor! And you're younger than our previous one too. Just the right fresh coat of paint this town needs! We are so happy you heard our request!"

How could one say no after hearing such a beautiful voice ask for help? Could he really say that he was not the Mayor?....

Eventually, the two arrived at a bigger building, located nearby a calm lake, possibly one of the two which the town was named after. It seemed better kept than the Train Station and had a functioning clock at the top of it. "Well, here we are! Town Hall! Let's go inside."

As the crossed the door, Markus could see the regal looking office that lied inside. A long front desk in front of a couple of black velvet chairs as well as a few potted plants and flowers. On one side of said long desk, one was able to lift a pice upwards to continue further, eventually reaching another desk with a large chair near the end of the building, with a few cabinets and other furniture on the back. A picture of the previous Mayor, some old looking Turtle, adorned one of the walls...

"Well this is it. Town Hall here will be your new base of operations." Said the dog lass before quickly gasping. "O-oh! And I forgot to mention I'm on the staff here too...w-well, the only staff in the Town Hall really..."

She gave Markus another heart-melting smile as she held her hands and gave him a short bow before she said. "My name is Isabelle, your Secretary, and I'm here to help you in any way I can!"
Markus still wore a frazzled look on his face as the blonde dragged him away from the group of townsfolk, no doubt to minimize the amount of awkward questions that were likely to follow because of his reaction.

The feeling of his legs moving, as well as the warmth of her palm against his, were enough to shake the human free from his stupor, although his mind was still racing with several thoughts a second. And after what he'd just found out, could one really blame the guy?

The sparse and unkempt nature of the town was becoming clear to him, now that he was seeing more than just the area around the train station. Blue Lakes was certainly no longer in its heydays, he agreed with the forlorn dog-girl.

But even so, he couldn't just lead her astray. He didn't know anything about running a town, for one thing. And if the person who was actually supposed to be the mayor showed up, found out that some random nobody had his or her job...

But...hearing how elated she sounded because of him, he realized that he didn't have the heart to tell her more firmly about her mistake. No, he would see this through, at least for as long as he could.

Stepping inside of the Town Hall with her, he was amazed at how well-furnished the place was! There was even what seemed to be a computer on top of the desk. His eyes lingered for a moment on the previous mayor's portrait ("Tortimer" was the name engraved on the small gold plate on the bottom of the frame), before focusing on the bowing Isabelle.

Huh, so he supposed she was technically in charge, at least in an interim position.

"Markus," he introduced himself, bringing out a small smile in spite of the nerves running through him. "You said something about me needing to sign some things?"
"R-right!" Isabelle responded, almost forgetting that was that they were doing, "We mostly need for you to sign your resident registration. After all the Mayor should be a resident, right?"

With that she quickly moved to one of the cabinets around the office, a small one needing him to kneel down. "Now where did I put those? Hmmm.."

The blonde lass bended a bit more to look deeper into the cabinet. Unknowing to her, this position was also making her raise her rear upwards as she looked in deep. Markus' eyes traveled down her curvy backside, her skirt tightening around it and lifting just enough for her white and green stripped panties peeped out right into his line of sigh.

"I'm sure I had them here..." Isabelle muttered to herself as she kept looking. Without realizing it either, her rear was waggling ever so slightly alongside her tail in excitement, giving the new resident one hell of a sight.
"That's generally a requirement, yes," Markus quipped gently, watching the excitable Isabelle hurry on over to one of the smaller cabinets within the room to get the required documentation for him to sign.

With a rolling shrug of his shoulders, he followed closely behind the blonde secretary. The human hoped that he wouldn't have to sign too much paperwork after this.

Once she bent down to try and find the registration forms, however, he found his eyes moving south of her back, to that short tight skirt of hers being lifted up. He was even able to see the colors of her panties, they and the stripes vaguely reminding him of those spearmint candies that he liked.

He found himself staring, transfixed, at Isabelle's curvy butt, helped by the way that it swayed subtly with the motion of her tail. However, he quickly snapped himself out of it. After all, it would be very unbecoming for her to catch him ogling at her, even unintentionally.

"Uh," he let out finally, crouching down beside her. "Do you need some help, Isabelle?"
"I-I'ts okay don't worry." Isabelle quickly responded, with a slight stutter. "There must be somewhere h--AHA!"

She quickly stood up, cutting Markus from that lovely sight he was getting before. She now carried series of papers, not many; Around 4 or 5. "Here are the papers for your resident registration. Don't worry, I mostly need to fill most of them myself...okay name...OH NO!!"

The dog lass suddenly moved close to the now-Mayor and exclaimed, "I can't believe I forgot something so important! M-Markus, the registration needs an address in this form. Do you have a place to live yet...?"

That's when an shock on his end crashed upon Markus' mind. In all his excitement, he took everything, saved all his Bells and got the Train ticket....but completely forgot to find a house in vacancy in the general area!!!

"All our houses are occupied." Said Isabelle, "But...we can build a new house for you in a matter of a single day! We really should see where in the town you'll set your House first."

The poor secretary then sighed, feeling down again. "I-I'm sorry I made you come to Town hall for nothing. This is what i get for rushing into things." Her mood did improve after saying this, so the young human lad could still enjoy her adorable smile.

From her pockets, she quickly took a folded piece of paper and handed it to Markus. "Here's a map of the town. I never leave the house without one! Now past the train tracks there's the stairway up to Main Street; In there you need to check for Nook's Homes, a real-state office. It's owner will certainly help you out to set up your new home. I will, well, continuing to fill the rest of your paperwork while you go speak to him, okay?"
It took all of Markus' dignity to stop himself from slapping his hand against his face after Isabelle's revelation hit him.


how could he have been so short-sighted? Looking to see if there were any available houses should've been the very first thing he'd done when he decided to move here. But no, he'd been so eager to get out of the big city that the thought had never even crossed his mind.

Well, he could take solace in the fact that he could just have one built for him. However, it'd only take a single day? Even the smallest houses, as far as he knew, took several months at least to finish completion. Were things different around here?

"It's not your fault, Isabelle," he replied reassuringly, the cute smile her lips took proving to be contagious as a slight grin came over him. "If anything, I should be the one apologizing, for not thinking this far ahead."

The human lad accepted the map that the secretary handed to him, giving it a once-over while she explained where he'd be headed. "Alright," he stated finally with a nod. "I'll head over, and be back as soon as I'm done, alright?"

With that, he set out from the Town Hall and towards the train station like Isabelle had instructed. Sure enough, there was a stairway just a ways to the right of the tracks that went up a small hill. Stowing the map in his back pocket, he made his way up the steps.

For a couple of moments after stepping off, Markus took in the sights of Main Street.

Directly in front of him, there was another set of stairs underneath an archway, advertising something called the Happy Home Showcase. To the right was a small wooden shack with a sign designating it as Nookling Junction, and he wondered if there was a relation between it and Nook's Homes. Past that was what looked to be a clothing store, Able Sisters it was called, and further down he could make out a building that appeared to be a museum. He might have to stop by those later.

Turning eyes eyes to the left, he saw what looked like a post office. He found his destination just a few seconds later, a cyan building with Nook's Homes written above it. Deciding not to waste any further time, he sauntered on over to the door, pushing against it, what sounded like wind chimes following.

Markus stopped right at the chimes, however, when a sign at the door caught his attention. "Out on an Errand. Be back in 5 minutes".

The quick peek inside that he did showed him that there was noone inside, and venturing in unannounced would probably cause quite the awkward situation, regardless if he was the new Mayor or not.

Before he could ponder what would he do as he waited, a fain giggle ringed on his ear. That was enough to raise his curiosity after picking up how these sounds were coming from a nearby alley...

Should he go peek? Or just stay there and wait for the owner to return?

The door's sign elicited a frown from Markus, removing his hand from the door's frame and stepping back with a sigh. It was only a five minute wait, really. Better to wait for this Nook to come back from whatever errand he was tending to, rather than just waiting in the empty store and scaring the bejeezus out of them, or worse.

But what would he do until then?

The sound of tittering snapped the human out of his contemplation, blinking. It'd been quiet, but not the kind from something that was far away. He bit gently against his bottom lip for a few moments, deciding on whether or not to investigate the cause of the noise.

In the end, he gave in to his curiosity. Just one quick little peek, and then he would wait for Nook's Home's proprietor. Quietly he made his way towards the alley he was sure the noise had came from, leaning against the outer wall and carefully peering his head past the corner.
Markus approached the alleyway and peeked from the outside. Inside he saw two figures, softly covered by the shade of the buildings, but still visible once he took a more focused look.

It appeared to be two people, a man and a woman, with animal features like most residents of this town. Again the wall was a young looking guy of short white hair, wearing a denim jacket and black pants. His noticeable features appeared to be the pair of squirrel-like ears and tail, also as white as his hair.

However, what /really/ caught our new Mayor's attention was the fact that those black pants were being pulled down past his knees. As in front of him and on her knees was the source of the giggling; A nice looking Bunny girl of tan brown skin. Her hair was a darker shade of brown with the exception of her bangs, which were colored blonde. She was wearing a mint green dress with brown dots.

She was pretty nice looking, a nice set of tits and a round bunny butt. The squirrel boy seemed a bit grumpy, groaning while blushing and looking away, all while his back lied against the dead end of the alley. "You seriously need to do it here?" he said.

"Aww, don't be like that, Marshal. It will fun~" The bunny girl responded in a cute voice, mixed with some seductiveness. Her hands already pulling down upon his pants she held on to his now hard cock before stroking it a few times, causing him to pants softly.

"Mmmm, deelish~" She said before leaning in and light slowly up the shaft, making the young animal lad fight to contain a gasp. This made the bunny girl giggles once more before continuing the licking.
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