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Pit's Vacation (Cold Chaos X Starmech)


Dec 6, 2015
Stars in the sky shine brightly over the illustrious Wuhu Island. This island paradise is considered a little slice of heaven in an endless ocean. Large enough to house an entire town, many people marvel at the incredible vacation spot the Nintendo Company has to offer. Between the amazing beaches, the wondrous volcano, and the amazing spots grounds, it's no wonder most people would spend an arm and a leg to spend a week here. And just off the island's main town, right near the most beautiful beach, is Wuhu Islands little home away from home, Wuhu Island Resort. A 6 story hotel, built bigger then any castle. With all the best amenities for the daily living, most people don't even need to leave the resort ground to have a good time. Hotsprings, a gym, a pool, and an all you can eat buffet serving delicious food from around the world. Yes, Wuhu Island is just the perfect vacation spot.

Bright lights flash onto the road of the island, as a jet black limousine rides through the town of Wuhu Island. It's polished roof and hood reflect the late night sky like a flawless mirror. Inside the vehicle, a young angel eagerly awaits the real beginning of his amazing vacation. Pit has been looking forward to this day since the goddess of light, Palutena, told him they were going to this spot for some much needed R&R. It felt like the war with Hades and his Underworld minions lasted several years, bringing more then a fair share of stress and tension.

As the car rolled closer to the resort hotel, Pit looked up with eager eyes. He spent the whole flight reading the island's brochure, arguing with himself over what to do first with Palutena. Maybe a nice walk on the beach could work? Or a bike ride through the dirt trail? The volcano seemed like a good spot to visit for some fun. None of this would have been possible without the generosity and care of Palutena. Pit knew she was always their for him, like a warm smile in the most fearsome storm. Since the very start, he appreciated his goddess more then anyone. Now he was getting a chance to spend some time alone with the woman he cared about most of all. Pit knew he wasn't going to let this vacation end without some happy memories.

Dressed in a light blue t-shirt and light brown cargo shorts, Pit looked almost too casual to be an angel. Of course, he couldn't leave his wings behind, and the laurels resting on his brown mop of hair was enough to tell he was an angel. The t-shirt showed off a bit more of his arm, which had become rather full with muscle, thanks to Ike's training plan. The years had been kind of Pit, making him a bit taller then the little angel that beat Medusa so long ago. Now he was a full blown man...but still had the up beat attitude that people liked him for. "Aw man, it feels like this car ride is taking forever! I just can't wait to check out everything Wuhu has. Oh, I wonder if they have the Mario bobblehead with the FLUDD pack." He gleefully exclaimed, trying to finish his Mushroom Kingdom bobblehead collection.
As the car made its way across the road towards the Resort, its prominent building visible at the top of the rather long huge hill, the young angel could still glance at the people going through their daily lives in this paradise.

Wuhu Island welcomed everyone all across the vast universe of Nintendo, and as such, one could catch glimpses of a multitude of people, races and species. From Humans to Toads; Gorons to Zoras; Piantas, Pokemon, Inklings, Kremlings and more; People from all over the countless worlds walked on Wuhu soil, either indulging in their own relaxing vacation or fallen in love to this tropical paradise and embraced it as their new home. Of course, one couldn't forget the plenty of Miis; The island's native inhabitants, who as well as living here they worked on the Resort, gladly attending the many of visitors that arrived through multi-versal waters. One of said Miis, cheerfully was driven the very vehicle our white winged hero was currently fidgeting inside.

The limousine crossed a small tunnel, leaving the town area behind, going into a slightly steep road. The anticipation probably not doing Pit many favors.

To his right however, was the Goddess of Light, Palutena. Her usual divine robes currently amongst her luggage as she was currently wearing a white sundress and a pair of sunglasses currently resting on her hair. Her staff, however, continued to always remain within her grasp. She glanced at the currently unsettled Pit, unable to contain a soft giggle.

"Now now, Pit. It wouldn't be a full vacation if you just rushed through everything in the Island on the first day, would it?" Palutena said in her peppy tone of voice. "How about first of all, we check in so we can get the keys to into our rooms?"

While much more subdued, the Goddess also was exciting for what the Resort had to offer. After all their Trials & Tribulations at the raise of Hades, the one thing in her mind was not just for her to get some well-earned rest, but Pit as well. After all, he sacrificed so much, used all his strength to finally bring peace to the chaos that the lord of the Underworld had unleashed...

"And I'm sure the Resort has a Gift Shop somewhere. This was an all-paid trip, so no need to worry about any expenses." She also added.

The Mii drive politely interrupted their chit chat to inform them they were finally arriving at the resort. The limousine slowly break right in front of the entrance before the round headed man, stepped out of the car and opened the the doors for the two inhabitants of Skyworld to step out. The starry sky and the fain illumination of the Tiki-like torches placed at the building's entrance gave a warm and comforting welcome.

"Well, here we are." Said Palutena proudly before turning to pt with a warm smile. "Way better than just staring at the picture of the brochure, right?"

An automaton unit, a ROB, soon arrived to greet them. Quite goofy looking, as with the Hawaiian-styled tee on its torso and the hat on top of its head.

"Bzzzt, Greetings! Welcome to the luxurious Wuhu Island Resort! Where fun and relaxation are infinite. bzzt!" Exclaimed the robot. "Please stay still as I scan you for your registrations, bzzt."

The eyes of the ROB lighted up with a color blue and blinked before returning to normal, "Scanning Complete! Reservations founds. Miss Palutena and Mr....Icarus?"

Palutena had a hard time containing the urge to laugh, but she did manage. "Actually the name is Pit."

The ROB span its head before correcting itself. "My apologies m'am, bzzt. Seems there was a small bug in my systems. Welcome Mr. Pit, bzzt!"
Listening to his goddess, Pit couldn't help but chuckle. "Well, it's tough not thinking about it all. When you've got so much to do and so little time, I just can't stop planning." Sitting back in his seat, the interior of the limo set the mood of this vacation, luxurious and peaceful. Pit took a moment to compose himself, their wasn't any need to rush through everything. As the car peeled up to the immaculate drive way of the hotel, Pit couldn't help but marvel at the awesome size of the building.

Letting the ROB scan his, he couldn't help but spread an embarrassed grin at the Robot's reading. Even after getting his name out their through the Smash Bros. Circuit, people still called him Kid Icarus. It made sense why Samus would get pissy over the same thing, but Pit would just roll it off. Looking back at the limo, the Mii driver was pulling their luggage out to towards the front door of the hotel. Thinking back, Pit was glad he left the Sacred Treasures back home. It would have been too easy to lose them here, plus airport security wouldn't have been too kind on a young boy bringing arrows made from divine light.

His gaze then turned toward Palutena, looking lovely in her sundress. Even in the dead of night, the goddess of light radiated an almost unearthly glow. This place was perfect, and it was all thanks to the amazing woman Pit's eyes were looking up and down. She looked so casual, but so beautiful, Pit had to struggle to tears his eyes off of Palutena. "Maybe this vacation would be the perfect time..." He thought to himself, dwelling on a few feelings he developed for Palutena over the years.

Pit's attention was pulled from outside the hotel, when he saw 2 men walking up to the front desk inside the lobby. They already read his pass, so Pit took the opportunity to walk into the lobby. His wide eyed face looked all around the inside of the hotel, taking in it's glorious scale. The floor was made of a fine black stone, polished to a fine shine. Leather couches decorated the side walls, filled with more brochures on activities on the resort. The front desk rested in the back, with two hall ways splitting off to more ends of the resort. And at the corners of the lobby were a pair of glass elevators leading up. Pit could see each floor of the hotel had a balcony made to look over the lobby from high above, and a glass chandelier blazed a fine light from the very top.

Taking a closer look at the men in the front desk, they were talking to some kind of floating robot with a screen for a face. These models were very common in the Nintendoland Theme Park, as guides for newcomers. It seemed Wuhu Island was using some of them as receptionists for the resort. Squinting his eyes again, the hair on top of their heads made Pit feel like he recognized these men. "...Ike...Roy?" Pit asked out loud, checking to see if his hunch was right. Both boys turned to look at the angel calling to them, both instantly recognizing Pit from the Smash Bros. tournaments. Ike was wearing his usual dark blue headband, but was wearing a red t-shirt the fit tightly around his large biceps. Roy was looking rather slick in his open black shirt and plain white T underneath. They both held their hands out, as if asking the other what Pit was doing here. Pit was also excited to see his friends, looking back at Palutena with a smile that would match an excited puppy's.
The Goddess of Light didn't seem as surprised by the sight of the two swordsmen as Pit was. After all, she was well aware that this was a popular vacation spot for many of the Smash Bros. tournament participants, so they were bound to see some familiar faces.

Pit's current look was almost adorable. almost like begging to be taken off an invisible leash to go talk to his two friends. "Hey don't let me stop you." Palutena said following a giggle, "Go talk to them. I'll take care of the check in for the both of us."

This was enough to assure the young angel that he was free to speak and do as he pleased, the all green-haired woman simply walking to another of the monitor-shaped robots to fully confirm their registration.

Everything seemed to go without a hitch, and so Palutena was handed two golden keys chained to a pair of small wooden squares with the designated numbers of their suites.

She thanked the lobby bot before turning her glance back at Pit, dangling the keys to him to show that they had them now.

It was then when a powerful cracking sound caught the attention of everyone. Like lightning striking upon the earth. This was accompanied by a powerful gust of wind that somehow even managed to sneak inside of the lobby do to the automatic system of the entrance's doors being turned off and left open to fully greet the new arrivals.

The strong wind rattled the chandelier a bit, as well as some of the flower vases who decorated the room. The gust even caused Palutena's dress to lift up for a moment, causing the Goddess to gaps and blush, quickly pulling down upon her dress to cover herself. Unfortunately, this happened way too late and everyone Pit specially, caught a good glimpse of the Goddess' silky white panties.

The wind was quick to disappear. It wasn't much of a windstorm rather than the effects of a sonic boom generated outside. However, it was not the likes of Sonic who stepped inside the building, but rather a really familiar acquaintance of our two Skyworld heroes...

"Why am I not surprised that you two goofs also happened to book a spot the same time I decide to take a break..." Groaned Viridi, Goddess of Nature and "friend", in huuuuuuge quotation marks, of Palutena and Pit.

After all, they tended to go on-and-off between bickering and snarky allies to downright bitter enemies over the fate of humanity...

She seemed mostly the same in terms of wardrobe; Her blonde hair made into a long ponytail and her wooden laurel crown and purple flower decorations in her head. But even Pit had to notice, just like him, she seemed slightly changed physically. She was still rather...ahem...petite, for lack of a better word that wouldn't bring the wrath of nature upon oneself, but still slightly more mature than back on the times of Kid Icarus Uprising. She was also wearing a more simplified version of her red dress, probably made that way to combat the heat of the tropical air of Wuhu island.

"Oh, hey Viridi." Palutena greeted her with no bad feelings behind it, "And what can I say? We all deserved a big rest after dealing with Hades."

"Hm, I suppose." The nature goddess shrugged. "Just don't take it as me lowering my guard, you know. As I said before, once the Forces of Nature fully heal, we're going back to being enemies."

It was really hard to read Viridi sometimes, specially with her rather rash temperament. Part of her seemed to be true in every word she spoke, but one could also wonder if regardless of all her talk she still had a soft spot for the angel who she helped some time ago when Palutena was indisposed.

"But I guess for now we can call it a truce. I heard this place is one of the greatest vacation spots in all the worlds, so we decided to take their word for it while Arlon gladly offered to stay and oversee the regrowing of my troops."

Curiosity struck as palutena asked, "Gotta ask, was that you who made that gust of wind happen?"

"Probably just a sonic boom generated by our arrival. Unlike you two, we decided to save on an extra car ride and took the Lightning Chariot instead." Viridi answered, "After all, your little angel simply left it abandoned so Phosphora gladly took it home. not my fault he can be such a clutz..."

"Can't really argue with that." Palutena admitted. Pit tended to have a knack to just left stuff all over the place.

It seemed Viridi wasn't alone, however. Pit could see that right next to her stood Phosphora, the lightning divinity and Commander in the Forces of nature. "Hey guys~" She said as her arms were crossed behind her head in a laidback fashion. She noticed Pit's gaze and responded it with a quick smirk and a teasing wink. She didn't seem much different from the last time he met her, still wearing the light robes that she wore that showed a fair amount of skin.

"I still don't know why are we wasting time in a place like this..."

Another familiar sight for Pit arrived, moving to Viridi's right. A figure quite similar to his own, but different: Dark Pit, or Pittoo as him and Palutena nicknamed as, much to her annoyance. Created when Pandora, Goddess of Deceit, used the Mirror of Truth on the young angel back in the war against the Underworld forces; Pit shattered it and created Dark Pit who, in a bizarre twist of events, formed as his opposite in more than just attitude but physically as well! Brooding, cold...and a girl! She had recently joined with the Forces of Nature after the battle of Hades to fuel her own goals of becoming stronger. And as usual, she was being her deadpan and brooding self.

"Shush you." Said Viridi as she turned to her, "Everyone got hit hard after Hades was done for, even you. So try to enjoy yourself for once and just relax. No point on in saying no to a free vacation."

Dark Pit sighed before she crossed her arms and groaned. "Fine..."
Running up to greet his Smash friends, Pit was glad to see he'd have some more buddies on this trip. As soon as Pit got into arm's reach, Ike's massive arm snared the poor angel by the neck, assaulting his already messy hair with a firm noogy. Pit struggled in vein to escape, laughing along with his guy friends. "Ach!! Hey, knock it off! You're gonna rub all my hair off!" Pit shouted up at his beef head assailant. "Someone's been slacking off in his training. Don't want you flying off the first round in the next tournament." Ike was being playful of course, letting Pit go to recover from his joking. "Yeah, real tough, coming from the guy who got dunked by DK last time. I think I hear him winding his punch right now." Pit retorted, as all the boys laughed.

Both Roy and Ike saw Palutena passing by them towards the help desk, familiar with the goddess of light from the Smash tournaments. Ike flashed a friendly salute, while Roy just gave a charmed thumbs up, before both of them went back to Pit. "Glad to see you on the island, Pit...and you brought Palutena with you? Sly dog, did you get a queen sized bed to roll around in?" Roy whispered to Pit, nudging his side with a wicked gleam. Pit was bright red at the accusation. He told them both his feelings for Palutena, and the two of them have been giving him advice to get into her pants non stop. "It's a good time to let her know, man. Wuhu Island is incredibly couples friendly." Ike continued, looking very sincere to help his close friend. "You know, I hear Wii Fit Trainer has a special 18+ yoga class on the beach. I think she called it Intimate Stretching, it's a nude yoga session. Could be something to build that relationship." Ike's suggestion was much appreciated by Pit, but he had no idea how Palutena would react to such a thing. Still, the through of her doing it was very arousing. Her slim body out their on the open beach, stretching everything she had for everyone to see. The warm sand along their bodies, sliding into intricate positions, moaning at the feeling of loosened muscles. Roy prodded Pit again, pointing down to the floor for Pit's attention. Seemed the day dreaming was causing a little too much arousal, as Pit used his shirt to cover the boner sliding up to half mast. "Maybe you'll want to start slow. Me, Roy, Marth, and Link all got a chocolate fondue fountain last time we were here. Maybe she'd enjoy that for dessert." Ike suggested again, as Pit nodded in agreement. They needed some rest after the long flight, so a chocolate fountain dessert would make for the perfect treat to relax to.

Before Pit had the chance to suggest the fountain to Palutena, a fierce wind caught them all off guard. The gust was blinding to the boys, though they all got a nice view of Palutena's pristine panties after turning their heads. It was a nice shot, but the wind was their main concern for the time being. Pit recognized the groaning voice, as the gale began to die down. Of all places a goddess of nature could come visit, it had to be the same island they were visiting. Pit remembered Viridi from the war between Skyworld and the Underworld, making things much harder for him and Palutena. Still, she became a great ally later down the line, so Pit saw her in a mostly positive light. Maybe a vacation like this could convince the young goddess that humans weren't so bad?

"Uh, heheh, hey Viridi. Glad to see you here." Pit started, trying to act friendly towards the young woman. Phosphera was also a nice surprise to see. Roy and Ike both remembered her as a guest from the Smash Bros tournament. Honestly, the lightning lady wasn't a bad looker. The biggest surprise came when a third, darker colored, lady came into the lobby. "Whoa, Pitoo, you're here too?! Now it's a real party!" Pit exclaimed, trying to be nice to his darker half. Pit knew she wasn't a bad person, more misguided then anything. Pitoo was also a threat turned friend during the war with seemed Pit had a knack for making friends out of people that tried to kill him.
"I told you not to call me that!" Dark Pit quickly lashed out. Of course, at this point both Palutena and Pit had gotten used to said nickname that no matter how much the reversed doppelganger tried to complain, it wasn't gonna change.

Viridi was quick to cut her off. As much as she'd like to see both Pits duking it out, this was nor the time or place. Specially when they've just arrived. "Anyways our rooms are located on the fifth floor. Where are you guys staying?"

"Sixth floor it looks like." Palutena responded as she glanced at their room keys. "Anyways, we better get our stuff to our rooms now, it's been quite a trip. Talk to you later, Viridi."

"If I must." replied the Goddess of Nature before walking away, calling the rest of her allies to follow her. Dark Pit walked quietly, but not before giving one last look at Pit followed by a "Hmph."

Phosphora hovered after them, stopping only to turn towards Pit and the others and winking. "See you later, boys~" She said after blowing a teasing kiss then continuing going after Viridi. Palutena simply had to shake her head. She knew Phosphora was simply teasing; It was the way she was. But deep down she always wondered: Why did she always feel so angry when that teasing was directed at Pit...?

Regardless, the green-haired Goddess shook the thought out of her head and glanced at the rest. "So Pit, are you and your friends going to do something around the hotel or should we go check our rooms?"
Pit chuckled at Pitoo's attitude, something about her stubborn nature made the young angel seem kind of cute. Though Pit felt saying that was an easy way to get beaten. Viridi was also looking nice, and a little older too. It was funny to think so much time had passed during the war with the underworld. Pit wasn't much of an expert with ladies, having never really spent too much...intimate time with one. It seemed like this resort was full of cute girls, Ike and Roy both felt the same way.

The way Phosphora walked away made the two boys smirk with lewd ideas. They both enjoyed a good eyeful of Phosphora's ass walking away from the group. "Think she might enjoy a nice shocker?" Roy muttered to his roommate, knowing the line was utterly awful. Ike was visibly groaning at Roy's lame oneliner. "I'm not feeling any sparks on that one." Roy simply shrugged at Ike's less then pleased comment.

A loud growl broke up the comedy act Roy and Ike had going on, as Pit blushed from the sound he made. It was his stomach, crying for food. The flight was long, and peanuts did little to keep him satiated. Fighting hordes of underworld minions usually left Pit with a monstrous appetite, to the point Palutena would have to drop snacks mid mission. "I guess some food would do us some good." Pit retorted, giggling at the noise his belly was making.

Ike pointed back to one of the halls behind the help desk, looking toward a white sign in the dark hall. "The dinning hall has a pretty big buffet right now. Might be the kind of thing you're looking for. Me and Roy are getting pretty hungry, if you'd all like to join us?" Ike suggested, as Pit glowed with excitement at an all you can eat buffet. Of course, such a large meal had to be enjoyed with a few good friends. Looking back at the goddess of nature walking away, Pit breathed in a little air to make sure his next words hit home. "Hey VIRIDI!! Wanna eat dinner with us!!" He shouted, much to the dismay of the help robo behind the desk.
Viridi stopped dead in her tracks, followed by a groan. Was this gonna be how things were gonna go though the entire vacation? Pit had lucky to be so cu--A MORON; She meant to say a Moron, in her mind...totally. A sigh escaped her as she motioned her two allies to follow her.

"I heard there are plenty of organic choice at the lounge, and the pay is cheaper in large groups. So might as well?" The Goddess of Nature shrugged once returning back, not trying to make it seem like a big deal. Dark Pit would have objected, as usually, but in reality she didn't want to admit she was equally as hungry at the white angel boy.

"Hey I'd never say no to such a buffet, so I'm in!" Phosphora said cheerfully. Palutena smiled at the gathering, bringing her hands together. "So it's settled then! Let's go!" She exclaimed.


The Lounge room was quite large, filled with many tables and chairs, all surrounding the donut-shaped food bar that stood at the center along all the cooking equipment inside. At said center was Chief Kawasaki, the one in charge of cooking all the meals while Miis in waiter attire handled the plates to the people with tables, while the ones close to the food bar could simply sit nearby, grab a tray and enjoy of the already prepared food.

To the left of the Lounge stood a small stage. Currently, a group of men and women Piantas were performing a series of dances at the sound of the tropical music. To the right was the actual Bar. A few stools all surrounding a large barstand. Behind the counter was what seemed like a non-villanous and nice looking Octoling wearing a black tank top and jean sorts, really showing up her decent chest size, who was preparing the drinks with a somewhat aloof yet still motivated expression.

As the group sat by a large table, they had a great view of the entire room. Many participants of the Smash Bros tournament could be seen amongst the crowd. The likes of Link, Marth and Corrin; Veterans like Captain Falcon and Samus Aran, as well as recent combatants like Little Mac, Cloud Striffe and even Mega Man, who while busy, was able to see Pit and trade a couple of friendly waves at one another.

Palutena meanwhile licked her lips as one of the Mii waiters left an special thing upon the table. According to a current promotion in the Resort, any newcomer group of their size at the lounge get a free serving of a small chocolate fountain, as well as a variety of fruit and other things to dip into the brown sweet. Viridi seemed to still be searching through her menu on what to order, while Dark Pit was already asking for her order to the waiter while the rest were chatting.

"Mmm, this fountain looks so yummy. What a way to start this vacation, huh?" Exclaimed Palutena, her eyes almost engulfed in stars. Pit knew that when it came to sweet, even the Goddess of Light couldn't resist.
Pit wandered around the lounge, wide eyed and eager. This place was gigantic, and the savory scent of succulent meats wafted all throughout the room. It seemed no matter where he turned his head, their was something amazing to look at. Chief Kawasaki's amazing cooking skills, as his hands blitzed across the iron grill, countless Miis sending plates full of exotic meals from all around the world, and Smash friends all enjoying the most colorful and sweet drinks. The rumors were true, the Smash community really seemed to like Wuhu Island. Pit was only able to catch glimpses of the island during a Smash match, but he was too busy trying not to get slammed by Ganondorf to really take in the scene.

"Woooooow!" Pit exclaimed, as Ike chuckled at the young angels excitement. As they sat at their table, the chocolate fountain special was already waiting for them. Palutena was also eager to dig into the running fall of liquid cocoa. The white plastic fountain was raised on a thin pedestal. Two layers of falls drizzled down to the pool lifted above the table, with sweet fruit and cookies decorating the underside. Strawberry, banana, wafer cookies, pretzels, the pile of food seemed to go on forever.

A Mii waiter was quick to step up to take the order of the large party, as Pit and Viridi were looking at the menu. "Yeah, this place has everything, Lady Palutena! Uuhhh, I'll have a water to drink...and-" Pit started, while Ike lifted his finger to interject. "And get him a Long Island Ice Tea. Can't really be on vacation if you're not buzzed. Get me a Wario's Brew tap beer while you're at the bar." Ike ordered for Pit, who was a little nervous at getting alcohol to drink. Pit had gotten a few drinks when not on a mission, but he had never had the opportunity to get properly drunk. But just like Ike said, he was on vacation, their was no danger in a place like this, so what the hell. Nodding to the Mii waiter, Pit ordered the iced tea.

Next was the meal, something that had to be filling. One item on the menu really caught Pit's attention. "Dillon's Rollin Western Burger and Fries: A pound of angus beef cooked to perfection for any armadillo. Loaded with bacon, onion rings, BBQ sauce, and cooked on a toasted sesame seed bun. Enjoy it with a side of loaded fries, drizzled with queso, bacon bits, sour cream and chives." Just reading the description made Pit's mouth water. The picture looked like just as amazing, a burger almost too big for the plate it rested on, fries cooked to a crunchy golden brown, sauce drooling off the sides of the patty, Pit couldn't control himself. "And I'll take that Armadillo burger thingy!" Pit continued, pointing to the burger like a young child.

Glancing down at his own menu, Ike already knew what he wanted. "The top sirloin for me, cooked medium rare." Ike ordered, quickly folding his menu. Roy was just as prepped for his order. "Margarita to drink, and the Rollin Western Burger for me as well." He responded almost as soon as Ike was finished, giving his menu back to the waiter. Roy took the moment to grab a pretzel from underneath the chocolate fountain, dipping it in the pool of milk chocolate at the bottom of the fountain. The whole thing vanished in his mouth with a massive chew, the taste of creamy goo rolling along his tongue with the salty pretzel.
((I will admit, I don't know much on alcoholic drinks...))

Palutena simply grinned at Pit, with a devious look on her face. "Now now, Pit. It is very unbecoming of an angel to be drinking that much~"

Of course she was simply teasing him, as he laugh immediately after confirmed. The blushing face of Pit was so worth it. "Oh, relax. I was just kidding. We're on vacation, so feel free to eat and drink to your heart's content."

She came next in ordering: Asking for the some delicious grilled fish and some Dreamland Pastries for dessert. Alongside all that she asked for some Fire Flower Bourbon to go with her meal.

"I'll take the Isle Delfino fruit salad and some Bubblaine Sparkle Champagne." Viridi spoke, her gaze turning to her companions for their orders.

"I'll take some fish as well. And really not care of which drink you bring. Just make it a strong one!" Phosphora said, almost daring the waiter to bring something that could rock her socks off. Said laidback crazy attitude just made Dark Pit roll her eyes before ordering the burger and the long iced tea similar to Pit.

With everything order, the Mii excused himself and walked away, leaving the group to their own devices and the fountain of cocoa in front of them. "So yummy~" Palutena said excited before dipping a strawberry into the chocolate, then slowly bringing it into her mouth.

"Mmmm~" The boys were certainly loosing control of their sight as they all locked glances at Palutena. The image of her so eagerly enjoying the chocolate-coated fruit. For anyone else it'd be just enjoying the sweet; But for a slightly dirtier mind the imaginery was quite arousing. And Ike, Roy and Pit sure had a lot of hormonal feelings inside of them to NOT be thinking that, even if a little. Her soft lips sucking on the straberry, the soft coo in her mouth, the idea that a drip of chocolate could fall down upon her ample bossom...

Overall, it was hard to bear for our male heroes...

Seeing their entranced gazes at Palutena simply made Viridi huff and just turn away. As always, the Goddess of Light simply getting much more attention. Phosphora simply grinned, telling herself she just needed to do try harder if she wanted more attention.

And so she did. Her feet moving underneath the table. She reached Ike's leg and she slowly rubbed up. the tip of the feet caressing the warrior's leg to get him to look her way.
Ike, Roy, and Pit were all dumbfounded by Palutena eagerly chowing down on the tender strawberry. All three boys were practically willing to see droplets of chocolate drip down to her soft breast. The way she suckled at at the head of foot of the fruit was driving them wild. Each boy couldn't help but think if that fruit was a specific body part of themselves. Pit just couldn't stop himself from marveling at her. Ike quickly played it off like he was just looking around the dining hall, turning his head and looking pretty suspicious.

His focus is broken off by Phosphora's foot dancing along his firm leg. Ike's eyes were drawn to the lightning user, sensing a few sparks in tender playing. As the Mii waiter returned with drinks, Ike's frozen mug of beer was placed right in front of him. It was a massive jug almost the size of a desk lamp. Cold beer was foaming at the top, dripping with condensation. As Ike's hand grabbed around the handle, he subtly flexed his bicep to show off his strong form to Phosphora. No one ever questioned how strong Ike must be to swing a two handed sword with one hand, the man was ripped. He playfully winked at Phosphora, clearly showing off his masculine form.

"I always wondered if everyone working for the Goddess of Nature were vegetarians." Ike began his pitch, bringing up Phosphora's order of fish. "So Phosphora, do you enjoy meat often?" Roy had to stop himself mid sip of his drink to keep from laughing. Ike's euphemism was pretty apparent, though at least the set up made it less obvious. If Pit and Roy had score cards, they'd give Ike a 7 out of 10.

Pit took a vanilla wafer cookie, dipping it in chocolate for a quick treat. He knew the burger was going to be massive, so it was best to not fill up too badly. The angel's eyes wandered to see Viridi in a huff as usual. It was no good for her to get upset while on vacation like this. After a quick munch on the sweet pastry, he thought on a way to help Viridi cheer up. "Hey, you doing alright their Virdi-Birdie?" He chimed in with a rather lame nickname, but the stupidity of his nickname might help her relax a bit. Pit smiled at her with a warm expression. Viridi was a friend, just like Pitoo, Phosphora, Ike, and Roy. All he wanted was for everyone to be having a good time.
Seeing that her ploy seemed to work, Phosphora eagerly replied at Ike's flexing with a smirk and a giggle.

Her caressing continues, climbing up the leg of the strong swordsman, the tip of her barefoot toes teasingly touching upon a bit of his crotch area. She was about to respond back to his obvious flirting when Viridi butted in, much to her dismay.

"Eating meat still counts as natural. Animal needing to eat other species is part of the cycle of nature. The whole "we only eat fruit and vegetables" is such a tired cliche, anyways." It was hard to tell if the petite Goddess did that on purpose to stop Phosphora's tomfoolery or simply couldn't resist being the smart-pants in the conversation. Regardless, it made the lighting divinity simply sigh and roll her eyes.

"Way to kill my thunder, boss..." She muttered, luckily deaf to Viridi's ears. Luckily she got her payback once Pit just blurted out that nickname. The Goddess of Nature's cheeks lightened up like a Maximun Tomato at the cutesy name calling, quickly frowning while still blushing.

"The heck with that nickname!?" She quickly replied back. Everyone around her simply chuckled. even Pittoo cracked a smile, even if for a short moment. "Who told you it was fine to call me like that?! We're enemies, remember? Truce or not!"

"No need to get so worked up about it." Palutena responded with a giggle after a short zip of her drink, "Besides, it was kinda cute."

Viridi simply sank on her seat, sighing in relief once the Mii waiter arrived with their meals. The silver cloches were lifting as warm steam poured out, revealing the fresh and delicious meals that they have ordered. Soon the group started to chow down...
Ike was left dumbfounded by Viridi's factoid, almost feeling a little cockblocked. At least he was getting a little attention, feeling himself growing hard as Phosphora cheekily moved her foot along his body. Pit held his hands up in a none threateningly manner, trying to stave off the angry goddess. Sweat poured from his brow, worried Viridi might bight. Thankfully Palutena was able to stave off the goddess of nature, before she had the chance to tear down the resort.

As the Mii waiter drew closer with their meal, Pit took another sip of his own drink, feeling a little buzz from the alcohol. With no food in his belly, the ale was much stronger on the young angel. Chuckling to himself, Roy turned over to whisper in Pit's ear. "You know...cranky girls become a lot nicer, after a good fucking." Pit spit his drink back mid sip, aghast at what Roy was insinuating. Sure, Viridi was cute, but she wasn't the kind of person to let some guys grab at least that's what Pit thought. What, was Roy suggesting they just start fucking Viridi here and now? Pit couldn't stop himself from thinking of Viridi, naked on a soft white bed, a look of desire and nerves as he moved on top of her. The thought alone was enough to get Pit going hard, but he quickly jumped off that train of thought as the tray of food was brought to them.

The burger was the size of Pit's head, more then enough food for the little angel. Opening his mouth as wide as he could, his bite left a massive dent in his smokey sandwich. It was savory, with a hint of sweetness to it. The food was amazing, and he still had those delicious looking fries to wharf down.

Ike's eyes were glued to Phosphora, his mind thinking of ways to get the girl alone with him. As cute as Viridi was, he was feeling sparks for Phosphora that he was more confident in. Thinking back the last time he was on Wuhu Island, Ike remembered having a steamy encounter with a Mii waitress in the downstairs piano lounge. It was usually very quite around this time, the perfect place for a couple to sneak off for some fun. Chugging the rest of his beer, Ike slammed the cold mug back onto the table. "Phew, the booze here just isn't that strong. Might have to give the other bar a try." His words were directed at Phosphora, trying to pique her interest in a little adventure.
The angel could only thank the heavens that Roy's little joke wasn't caught by the Goddess of Nature. The least this vacation needed was for her to blow a fuse and end up dropping a Reset Bomb on them...

The rest of their meals were enjoyed by everyone. Phosphora continued to slowly caress the swordsman's bulge. At think point Ike was already up for some fun after this was over, but she could always top it with more...

"Oh, I wouldn't mind going somewhere else." The lightning beauty responded to Ike's idea. But then her gaze urned towards his redheaded partner Roy and continued, "Although, we should take your friend here too. He does seem to be a guy who likes fun too~" Her sultry voice at the end of her lines certainly conveyed the intentions to Roy real good.

"I think the drinks are really good in here. I'll just stay here if you don't mind, haha" Palutena said. To Pit's surprise, he noticed how she was on her third glass; The Goddess already starting to show up her tipsyness while she chuckled slightly to the nothing. The angel couldn't but find her oddly cute in that state, even if she was drinking a tad much; Her giggles always made his heart flutter and now he was getting them way more frequent due to the buzz.

She immediately went back to sipping her brevage, letting her usual regal self drop down now that they were in vacation, with no responsibilities to care about at the moment.

"What about you, Pitty?" Phosphora asked the angel with a wink, "Do you wanna come with us?~" Of course, part of her knew the loyal angel would be either to embarrassed to accept or opt to take care of his dear Goddess, but at least she could say she tried...

"I have my own plans so you can go do whatever you want." Viridi said while getting up her seat. Her champagne finished, she gave one last look to Phosphora before saying, "Please don't go around getting in trouble, ok Phosphora?"

"Oh, boss, when have I eve?" Her ally innocently said, with a wicked smirk. Even the Goddess of Nature couldn't hold her smile at that so simply shrugged and got moving. "See you tomorrow." Already knowing whatever the sparkling lass was up to, it'd be all night long...

Dark Pit however didn't bother to say any goodbyes, simply getting up and walked away, possibly to explore around the resort.
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