(FxM Likely Taboo) Searching for an RP.

Jan 2, 2013
Hello there, don't let the lack of posts and long-term profile existence fool you. I am looking for an RP and/or some constructive ideas. Do not hesitate to ask for particular ideas, details or other relevant information, so much as even references can be asked for. I will provide my own references as I have my own set of predetermined characters already wrote up and prepared for multiple contexts.

Pairings: Not picky at the moment, been very out of practice so the worse I will tell you is no and we move on to the next suggestion.

Primary plots (If you want to keep it canon to said characters):
There is a library in a large city that seems to ran by unquestioned by someone who is clearly not human. Everyone who has been sent to investigate, or even seemed curious, has come back saying there was nothing out of the ordinary as if their memories were wiped clean.

Ideas (Ideas can obviously go sexual at any time, and is not discouraged on such. Do note that the character I will play as may be rather voluptuous and possibly much bigger than the usual types.):

Magical School Instructor. (My character) is a large and rather well known instructor, both for her assets and for the fact she is the only of her kind to become an instructor at a prestigious magic academy. You, as a student there, are having trouble keeping up with your grades and sought tutoring from her, in hopes that the problem is just your instructors and now you yourself. Occurrences can range from magic spell backfires, unexpected affection from both sides, or incidental potion errors that causes the other to fall asleep and one to take advantage of it.

Dystopian Queen. The world has come to its absolute end at the hands of a newly discovered race of humanoids that had always been about. Their power was always subtle, and the second they set foot off the island, they seemed to gain a destructive power with a single queen at the head of it all. It is now 40 years later, and that same queen is agelessly running the major group of that race.

A Librarian's darker secret. A librarian of unusual looks seems to have become of notice to some local folks. The librarian herself seems to have people come in with the intent to investigate her, but only ever come back claiming nothing was out of the ordinary, as if their minds were altered in some way.

The Fabled Queen of The "Lost" Empire. You are an adventurer who has set out with the tales of a long lost Britanian empire that one day mysteriously disappeared. Every ship sent out to find it with the proper sea charts have come back claiming the island itself has outright disappeared into a explainable abyss that has formed in that area of the ocean. Upon reaching the said abyss, you find that the entire ocean around where the island, as well as the island itself, has sank to an unknown depth.

A Strange Student. This one is rather simple. My character is an unusual student who, while she passes with exceptional grades, she seems unusual.

An Exotic Choice in a Pet. For those submissive times. My girl (This goes for any) is one that stood out in the most unusual way, from the numerous markdown tags to the unexpectedly outgrown gown that served more as a top than a full body shroud. And you, a (Rich/Noble/Curious/Just got that money yall) male has caught the sight in your eye. Perhaps this (Pet Store/Black Market) has something of interest after all. (This can be in a world where my character's general race is commonly owned as pets, or just outright raided kingdom slaves)

The Sleeping God of the Old (Fatter) World. Within a buried temple, there rests a shrine, locked away behind thick and heavy stone that was once adorned in ornate stories of a rather huge woman. She was regarded as the "All Mother", the source of their kind, as well as the largest of that world. However, that stone wall is now in ruin from whatever means, and within, a sleeping, and in an unexpectedly unchanged size, maiden. She is clad in regal clothing, fine strips of surprisingly well kept fabrics with untarnished pure gold trim. To the touch, the metal weighs more than it looks, but to her...

More will be added as they are thought of.
Drop a note or thread reply to get a response from me.

Note: The character is of the heavier body-type in almost all cases.
I also have an F-list and other info you can ask for.

Some ideas I had in mind: Dystopian Queen
Fantasy Setting is fine.
Prefer being only one character.
Bump for refresh, as its been a good week or so since I posted this. Also open to modern settings, fantasy mostly, and future settings.
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