Tell Me What You Want~ F for F/M/Futa


Aug 13, 2011
Bridge towards insanity
Welcome one and all to the rebirth of the Rabbit Hole!

Hello my dears, I am a switch looking for a balance between story and body exploration and I'll be frank, I will play every pairing with no problems and with very little care as to what gender I play however, I ask that you be at least semi literate. No one liners please? I know writers block can kick us all in the ass out of the blue but if that comes to be, take your time. I will never rush you to make a reply so keep that in mind for real life always comes first. Now as for me and my limitations, I have very little of them. Due to my late hours, I only RP through PMs, so I apologize for those who use threads as a means to RP as my schedule won't allow for me to keep up with such methods. I am capable of writing 4+ paragraphs per post and I type in 3rd person using original characters. As I hope to world build with my partners, feel free to ask me questions and throw out ideas of your own as all of my ideas listed below are changeable. Everything is open here so don't feel shy, drop me a PM and from there we can get started on creating something fun for the both of us. Now with all of that done and out of the way. Let us begin <3

What I Expect and Reject

This might be the part where I lose a bit of people but lets see how this goes~

    • I play both male and female and as promised I am a female IRL

    • With close to 0 limits please update me on what you want and do not want as the RP goes

    • PMs Only: Besides it is so easy to keep track of now~

    • No Scat

    • No Gore

    • I do not play Muscular/Amazonian women

    • I'm a huge fan of plot, but I will play smut

    • If you don't see anything you like here, just PM me your request, there's no harm in asking

Current Cravings And Thread Updates

    • A total overhall has been done on plots. Having removed the pairings (as they're changeable anyway) there will be multiple pictures for each plot. This shows other possibilities for you to choose from regardless if he/she is used.

    • 3/31/18 New Plots have been added as well as old ones from an old thread of mine. They're listed under spoilers so check em' out whenever~

    • Anyone looking for RPs considering Romance, Stalkers or Reverse Harem? These are just a few cravings and I have a few ideas that aren't too generic

For now this is just a few of the many things I'm craving however I am open to much much more and will update this thread with a list of plot ideas and more roles up for play. If interested, send me a PM and we can get things started~
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Plots So Soft And Sweet

Notes: All Plots have pictures as reference, all will be NSFW!!! All plots are not character constricted and will be flexible for world bending and character customization, please do not be afraid to PM me for questions. It may be an idea of mine but that doesn't mean I don't allow changes. All RPs can be fantasy mixed. Don't want to play a human... You don't have to. Just let me know how you want it, when you want it.

Other Pictures:

Our lives are all because of bored Gods playing dice. Man, Woman, Hermaphrodite etc... Be it born comfortable with yourself or wanting to change who you are, it's all because we're bored with nothing else to do but watch you humans like entertainment on a television screen, and yet sometimes, we expand our little games and join ourselves. I'm a female in this life... A Kitsune, Elf, Bovine... My species has yet to be determined though. Apparently I'm to be some high class person of sorts, strung off of the pleasure of the world due to having some parents who have gained loyalty in those around them whilst searching for you as usual my dear. Though as a God, I must say it as is. This game of dice is growing VERY old for us and they all feel the same way. I think I'm going to sit this one out and have fun for once with this body I've been gifted. Maybe I'll even find someone abnormally fun and spend the rest of my days with them, or even better. I am a God afterall! How about I just separate myself and make my own little world even if it's only temporary? As if finding one of your minions to ease my bored nights is worth wasting yet another life. If you find me though, come join me and my harem.

They came in and ran amok. Men and women raped and forced to conceive the moment their bodies blossomed into that of adulthood while those who lifted their swords were slaughtered without mercy. As for the King and Queen, they've been imprisoned and forced to watch as their kingdom became overrun by the Orcs who had broken their treaty of peace before they met their own demise. They wanted their princess, someone who could bestow power for their Kingdom and having been denied her hand, violence and force was the very next best option in mind before complete take over. Luckily for the Princess, the King turned to an on and off ally beforehand and had her removed before capture where she was sent to live within the walls of the Dragon Kingdom. Without warning, she's deemed their new princess by marriage to their oldest child in return for her safety and citizenship. Though her Kingdom now has fallen to ruin, her being the wife to the now Dragon King only gives way to a powerful future with promise to rebuild what has fallen. This doesn't mean the Orcs have backed down, their ruler still seeks what should be their's and has taken the leisure of making proper use of the Kingdoms knights to bring their princess home.

Armageddon has come and gone, but your God has lost and all your virtues are stripped leaving those who accept the change and those who continue to run away from it. A small community clings for normalcy in the far North where they keep their rules and laws for normal living while those who have accepted this new found hell on Earth bask in the pleasures and Sins gifted to them in the name of the newfound God. From it's high walls and church to guide those on the brink of becoming lost, it's a sanctuary for those in need. Sadly that is where she comes in. Even with Jesus as her virtue, she clings to those inner demons that only someone with free will holds making Judas a demon she accepts and with all of the holier than thou nuns around her trying to spout their teachings in a world already lost, why not have fun of her own and finally knock down those walls?

St. Rosuier, a school of prestigious students and teachers of all backgrounds and futures. It's the only highschool around that shares it's doors with it's college campus and to get in, well, it's a thing all about time and money.
It's large for it's name, but only houses a few hundred in terms of actual education making those of poverty question what goes on inside their heavily guarded doors. Students here are trained not only by value of education, but value of business control. In fact, they have one student in particular that seems to be very well grounded after only two years of teaching. It's now going on year three and it seems she's been favored and expected to graduate with flying colors to the point of jealousy and hate. Little do they know though, she's more important to the school than she seems to be.

Rape, Adultery, Bestiality... Have you ever wondered what it would be like if you lived in a world where such things weren't listed as laws?
Well look no further because that is the world we live in now and our government couldn't have been any better. Crime has fallen to such a low number with the only real issues being your typical murder or drug bust. Children are taught at a young age by their schools not to fear the body or judge others for their differences in it thus ruling out unsafe sexual practices. Though as lovely as our new rule of life may be, there are those who don't agree with it and simply wish to ignore it. It's a picnic ground for high school students as their only rule in regards to the law is not to disrupt class for their personal business. Two childhood friends ride the fence as one is against the way of life while her friend basks in the pleasures of it knowing that they will only get a slap on the wrist for being a bully.

With crime being nearly extinct the forces have nothing to do but enjoy their days out in society. Rarely do they even carry their guns or radios and pretty much everyday is free money leaving them all to reap the benefits. This leads for a former undercover cop to get a second job just to pass her time. Taking to a local library cafe, she blends into the community rather well as she slowly forgets the life of crime and relaxes. That is until an old enemy stumbles across her in particular. They were known as rapist and was finally caught shortly before the law was changed to better their society taking their charges and literally cutting it in half along with the rest of them. With it being accepted by the law and the past unable to save her from their desires, there's very little she could do when they make themselves known to her.

Things are going great, a new job and house back in her hometown along with the familiar faces of her past. Well... One she could have went without seeing again. They had parted on bad terms, an ex of sorts even though they never really dated. Soon to be married, he slips back into her life in the most unexpected ways causing her once happy reunion back home to come crumbling down as she wakes up next to him. To make matters worse, he's also her boss at the office. While just trying to get through her days, he reminds her of their past through numerous means to make her guilt herself that she left those years ago. Maybe he doesn't want his fiance or maybe he just wants to play around like they did in the past?

Fear that you may have caught a cold? Need to have 24/7 monitoring? Well there's no need to worry for our establishment can and will take care of all your medical problems for as long as you stay (and pay of course). From your daily intake of vitamins, addiction anonymous programs and physicals, one of our nurses will be able to assist your every request and are proud to do their jobs to serve their patients. All we ask of you is to keep our special service a secret, though we have nurses capable of all medical problems, our red room is strictly for cash only requests.
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Modern Roles & Themes

  • Teacher x Student
  • Slave Trade Market
  • Rich Civilian x Poor Civilian
  • Adult Citizen x Teen Citizen
  • Slice of Life
  • Office worker x Boss
  • Adoptive Sibling x Sibling/Parent
  • Love Triangle
  • Bestiality

Supernatural/Fantasy Roles & Themes

  • Vampire x Human
  • Werewolf x Human
  • Monsters/Beasts
  • Dragon x Royalty
  • Multiple Monsters/Beasts x Ravaged Victim
  • Demon x Angel
  • Devil x Human
  • Aliens
  • Naga King/Lamia Queen or Futa Lamia Queen x Lesser Race

Create Your Own Plots With Pics~

  • Within the link, there will be a list of pictures I'm interested in building a plot with you based on. NSFW warning
  • A lot more have been added as of 3/30/18

Old Revived Plots With Pics

  • So I've decided to bring back a few Old Plots and Pictures for Plots here. Unlike before, some will be listed below with plots where there were none before.

As humans are the fruit to destruction and chaos with fickle souls to be judged by the act known as Weighing Cast, there has been a uproar in the community where the Angels and Demons share their living. Souls are currency in this world however, whoever has the least is the richest in terms of living while those who have the most must use resources to maintain the balance of needs (pleasures). In this case it's pretty much rigged. A demon from the slums is a well known thief from their human years, however their fate in hell is something they keep to themselves regardless of rumors. She's caught one day in the royal streets, red handed by sentinel guards. She's at risk for execution, her soul erased from existence without a means of a second chance but is saved by an angel who apologies for her slaves human learnt behavior. With a fair warning under the law, she is excused and the angel grins. "You're kind is nothing but trash to us. But since I've saved you, I'll use you."

For years people have reported unusual sightings of UFOs and strange incidents including missing persons and vanishings. You have your people on the left who say that aliens are a thing of our futures and on the right, well they say otherwise.Well, what if they're both right and wrong? Aliens don't exactly exist here because they're different. No they exist because of their level of intelligence. The creatures seen in movies aren't what should be feared that may exist, but the person to their left or right because they can be created. From the cure to all illness and disease, these people are born and walk the Earth just as regular humans, doesn't mean they don't have a home to go to at night though however. We live in a society where the Aliens have the intelligence to make humans extinct, so when a study program for the boom of the future becomes announced for testing. Men and women of human nature are collected for data. However when it's a human female before them, they find out the future is pretty dim as she was only made to find human worth.

In a village that boons off of the power of architecture and medical practices lives two friends of different races, a female human and a male of Werewolf descent. The two grew up together and often spent their time together like typical children well into their teens before he turned cold and distant. Her father only pressed his dislike of the male while her mother remained silent for her child's well-being. Now seventeen and having not seen her best friend for four years, she has taken up her mother's teachings and helps with the creation of medical supplies of the village while also assisting other locations by traveling but when she returns home, everything is up in flames and blood paints the streets. Women and men are separated by age and occupation with fates unknown as the wolves maintain order and kill whoever steps out of line. With her parents missing from the sight she steps back to run and escape only to be caught by the long lost friend and leader of the group. The humans have wronged them and now their men and women belong to them, and he has chosen her as his lovely bride to "spoil" and care for to his own discretion.

It started as a cruise to an Island Resort paid by the presient and CEO of the company she worked for. For two weeks she didn't need to think about work, bills or anything about her life involving stress. So, with a glass in hand, her rear in a chair out on deck, she slept under the sun to relax. Until the hull cracked. She was knocked unconscious during the panic and upon coming through, realized she was in a bed, her wounds tended to by a woman old enough to be her grandmother. "You're awake my lady!" She was confused, who the hell was this woman? She could only do but so much as watch as the woman gathered her things and shuffled out, her voice filled with joy. Even with the pain, she tossed the sheets from her body, naked for the world to see yet clothed in jewels. Upon leaving the room, she could only stare. She was the spitting image of the statue at the village center, the Goddess of their land and her job as Goddess was about to begin as she'd already been given the soul of her. "You must repopulate. Your harem awaits."

You've been around since I was little, always protecting me whenever someone hurt me or when I would do something stupid to hurt myself. However now I have become of age and you seem to be, well... Different. You don't like it when other people are around me, you don't want me around anyone who might have a crush on me. You're actually starting to drive people off, but you're also starting to appear as your own person. They can see you now but why? I don't think it matters much now, you've made it known that I'm your property haven't you?
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