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RP: A Galaxy Far, Far Away: randomname98766789 and HorrorShow

Dec 22, 2014
United States
Nearly ten years ago, Jax Droma was a member of the new generation of Jedi. Training with Master Luke Skywalker, Jax was the only trainee keeping up with and surpassing Skywalker’s nephew, Ben Solo. The friendship between the two was strong, helping each other train late at night and early in the morning. One fateful night, everything changed. Jax awoke to the sounds of screaming and the smell of burning wood hitting his nostrils. After running outside his small hut, the image he saw was forever engrained in his brain. The temple was on fire. Other Jedi that were training lay slain on the ground. Even worse, he remembered seeing Ben Solo standing over the bodies. Solo tried to slay Jax as well, but it was not plausible. Jax fought valiantly and escaped with a few scratches and small wounds. Ben Solo disappeared into the night. Try as he might, Jax could not save anyone – or anything – from that temple. It was all gone, except for Master Skywalker. However, after seeing the destruction once he escaped the collapsed structure, Luke ignored Jax’s please to continue training him so Jax could hunt down Ben Solo.


Much like Solo, Skywalker disappeared. Since that night, Jax joined the Rebellion. Working closely with General Leia Organa was the best fit. Her son was like a brother to him, but he betrayed everyone. He always promised Leia and Han Solo that he would try his damned best to bring Ben home safe if their paths crossed again. Relying on nothing but himself and old Jedi texts, Jax trained daily, shaping his body where it needed to be along with his mind. Thankfully, his strength in the Force was unlike anything anyone had ever seen before (until Rey). Kylo Ren and Jax were arguably two of the most powerful people that were force-sensitive, possibly ever. It made for a glorious, catastrophic battle whenever their paths crossed again. So far, it had not. It had been a long time since Jax sensed a shift in the Force. There were hardly force-sensitives anymore, and those who were could not unlock their power. The first time it happened, Jax was sleeping. He shot up from his bed, heavy breathing and wide eyes. Something was awakened on the planet of Jakku. Something was going on in the Force, so he needed to check it out.

A surprise awaited him, making the long trip. What the fuck could have possibly been important on that barren planet? Before he even arrived, something else occurred that would alter his life forever. The feeling was unspeakable, unsettling, but liberating. A pull occurred, making out like someone was calling his name without speaking a word. He would close his eyes and then open them to see the opposite half of his room turn into a cave with the most beautiful girl he had ever seen standing on the other side. It took them a few seconds to understand what was happening. Finally, Jax recalled something he read about in the texts, something that was highly scrutinized and not took at face value. It was something known as a force-bond, where two force-sensitives connected via the force. When that happened, it could only mean one of a handful of things. Jax introduced himself and told Rey what was going on. In return, the brunette told Jax about the events she had witnessed with the droid and the First Order. Thankfully, Jax could help Rey get the BB unit where it needed to go, but there was something else more important, looming over the entire situation about Rey.


Jax would train Rey with the force. He would help the girl learn how to use her powers. They talked every night together through the force, but he would not only teach her lessons. It turned into leisurely conversation after training. Soon enough, they connected to only pass the time while Rey was hiding from the First Order. At this point, they had gotten to know each other better than anyone ever had before. It made Jax feel close to Rey, looking forward to when they could finally meet. If all went well, maybe it would turn into something more. The night before he arrived on Jakku, they had one last force-bond connection. They touched – his hand reaching out for hers, holding it while they eventually cuddled until Rey fell asleep in a dark cave. The tension was extreme. Jax hoped it meant they would pick up where they left off. The following day, Jax arrived on a small fighter ship and landed right after Rey was surrounded by a group of storm troopers. They had weapons aimed at her head until a green lightsaber sliced through the hot air, deflecting bullets as well. Together, this badass duo took down the stormtroopers and did not miss a beat.


These were not the only people looking for Rey. He knew that Kylo Ren, Supreme Leader Snoke, and anyone in the First Order would continue looking for the BB unit. It meant Rey was in grave danger steal, so they quickly sprinted aboard his ship. They quickly jumped into the atmosphere from the ground, trying to avoid the trail of anyone following them. It would take a few days to make the trip to the Rebel base. Plus, the male just wanted to hide away for the next few hours to ensure nobody was following them. Once he deemed it safe, the ship was placed on auto-pilot, coasting through the stars and staying hidden near an asteroid belt. Finally, he decided to exit the cockpit and seek out Rey now that they had a chance. Looking through the doorway at her while she sat onto one of the chairs, the male offered her a meager smile.
Rey was out on one of her runs when she saw a teedo scavenger trying to capture an unknown droid. She was already grumpy and starving and pissed from the one quarter portion of food she had gotten. He had scammed her when she had spent a good amount of time scavenging materials from a crashed imperial class destroyer. She had salvaged what she could and cleaned up the rest to trade for food. She helped the droid and learned it was supposedly on some secret classified mission. He needed some repairs and wanted to follow the young girl back to her dwelling.


It was only after she had found this droid, that it was the start to a sequence of strange events. After returning to her home, she had turned a downed Imperial All Terrain Armored Transport into her personal quarters after seeing a flower somehow sustain life. Since she was a younger girl she had acquired many useful skills an average girl wouldn’t know. Inside of the walker she had a computer display BTL-A4 Y-wing assault starfighter/bomber that she used to learn alien languages, study the schematics of Republic and Imperial starships, and run flight simulations in order to hone her skills as a pilot. Her ability to understand alien languages, including the binary language of droids, helped her when off-worlders came to Niima Outpost.

Growing up on Jakku was dangerous and she was lucky to have survived the hardships growing up. She spent her time studying how the starships that littered the lands worked. She had also learned to protect herself and studied mediation. Her weapon was a staff she had found a long time ago and she had gotten good with it. The young female was trained by the demands of each circumstance; naturally gifted by the Force, she's honed her reflexes to counter assaults from creatures far larger than herself. It was only when her powers started to awaken that trouble was soon to follow.

After rescuing the droid known as BB-8, she quickly discovered that it was in danger of being caught. Even though it wouldn’t tell her what secret mission she was on, she had a feeling it was dire to protect it. She realized something was wrong when she had gotten cornered and did a force push on people sent to retrieve the droid. It gave her enough time to escape with the droid and hide in a close by sand cave. That night as she was hurting, confused and hungry she somehow felt the strangest phenomena, she forces connected with a complete stranger, an older man named Jax. She was fearful of what was happening, but he was kind and eased her panic. The first connection didn’t last long, and she thought it would never happen again. She felt alone and helpless and collapsed beside the droid silently crying. The droid kept her company. To astonishment the very next morning, even in her sleep she would connect with Jax.


It wasn’t just a one-time occurrence. It didn’t take long for her to spill out like a fountain, expressing to him her hardships and the danger she was in because of a droid she has rescued. She would speak of the force push that somehow bought her enough time to hide in the cave. He would hear the pain, fear and confusion in the young female. He would see the hardships she had survived growing up. Over time, the force connections became more frequent. He was able to explain to her about the force and her abilities, he would teach her what he could, and they would telepathically converse for hours into the night until Jax knew she fell asleep. She had made a friend and an accomplice. Jax had promised to come to save both her and BB-8. He would take her from the god ridden planet she had been stuck on. That alone was enough to make her humble. At first, she had tried to reason to just take the droid but he refused to leave her. He may have not told her he was falling in love or that force bonds could happen for a reason, but she could feel it. He had faith in love, he had faith in her.

That night that touched, it felt real. It felt so real it was unbelievable. Jax would make the connection stronger as soon as they connected and pulled her into his embrace. She would hug him, feeling him through the force. He would feel her apprehension, how conflicted she was. She had become attached to Jax, dependent on him emotionally to survive in such a short amount of time.
The next morning, she had gotten prepared and made one last stop to the place she had called home for years. She grabbed what small things she could shoving them in an old ragged pack and headed towards the destination she was supposed to meet Jax. She hadn’t had a force connection with him yet and was scared. It didn’t take long for her to find out she was being tracked and even more soldiers were on her ass. She had retreated running through the village, causing a scene. She had tried her best but there was to many and she was one single untrained female. She screamed out in rage holding her staff seeing all blasters pointed. She thought this was it, she had to surrender or be killed. She cried out in rage.


That was until a blur of bright emerald green was seen. Jax had single handedly taken down a handful of the men, she had breathed out, tearful and in shock. He smirked, but his gaze told her to be strong, that she could win and to join him. They were within each other’s presence and mentally connected, they think and feel what the other was. She gripped her staff and went into action dancing around him. She didn’t have a light saber, not yet but she used her weapon impressively. They were able to escape to his shuttle and for the first time, she would be leaving Jakku. He had quickly strapped her in securely in the back before rushing to jump into the cockpit.

After a while they were in auto pilot and Rey felt sick. She was exerted and famished. She barely got off her restraints of the chair and leaned over exhaling. That’s when she saw Jax come back to check on her. He gave her a smile giving her reassurance. He quickly made sure she was alright and got to work helping her get well. He checked her for any injuries which were minor bruises and scratches from the events of today. He had more visible wounds, he had made sure she was for the most part unscathed. He gave her food, extra and watched her eat what he had to offer. He knew he would need to stock up.


They had a mission, but he wasn’t going to leave her side, not if she allowed it. She had eaten and washed off and changed into basic clothing that was a loosely fit her but did none the less. She had never felt actually clean or had access to clean water or food. She was so grateful. She returned out a small area looking a little better.

"Thank you...." She said, her eyes searching his. He would know how grateful she was, he would feel she almost felt unworthy of everything he had done including risking his life to save her.
Even through dirt, sweat, and blood – Rey was gorgeous. Since being rescued, she had cleaned herself up and changed into a new set of clothes. It appeared she was assimilating well so far. It made a wider smile tug at his lips, listening to her thank him for everything he had done. Honestly, Jax needed no reward or recognition. The only thanks he wanted in return was knowing that Rey was indeed safe and sound. People do not just connect in the force without good reason. It was something the male had read about before, a long time ago. Some people believed it was only a fable. Not many in the Force believed Force-bonds were real. There was only one logical explanation from the possible reasons that the connection happened. Not only did the connection happen, but it was strong as well. Without a shadow of doubt, Jax believed they were truly soul mates. Even if he had not read about it, that feeling was obvious from their first meeting. Even before he read about the force-bond, that first night with Rey was special. It felt like the other half of his heart was found, put together, and completed. Ever since that fateful night at the former Jedi temple, Jax lived in pain.


His fellow Jedi trainees were all slaughtered, but he somehow managed to escape. Lucky to alive, but feeling guilty that he was the only one, Jax refused to back down from the fight. Therefore, he joined the Resistance and continued working closely with General Organa. As long as he was around, there was hope for the Jedi to return. Master Skywalker has still been missing ever since that night, leaving Jax to fend for himself. He felt abandoned and he often felt like there was no reason he was still alive. With Rey in his life, there was an entirely new outlook. There was even happiness. It was so foreign to feel this way, he almost forgot what being happy felt like. Yet, Rey completed him, made him whole, and made him smile. The best part of each day was bonding with Rey, teaching her how to harness her power and control her power. She did not have a lightsaber yet, but that was quickly going to change. One step at a time, though. Locking eyes with the brunette, Jax finally pieced together a proper response.

“You’re very welcome, Rey, but you do not need to thank me. It was the right thing to do. After we connected, I could not bear the thought of something happening to you. If anything, I’m the one who should be thanking you instead.”


At this point, the male paused and reached down to take her hand much like he did a few nights ago. Instead of stopping there, Jax placed his other hand onto the side of Rey’s face, gently stroking her soft skin with the pad of his thumb.

“Before you came into my life, everything was dull and bleak. Now, everything has color and is bright and vivid. Two people do not just connect in the force together without good reason. This might be much for you to take in, but the old Jedi texts tell us there are only three ways that a force-bond could happen. Either the two people are family members, the two people are soulmates, or it is just destiny itself. I confidently believe it is because we are meant to be together, we are meant to be soulmates. I know you feel it, too. I can sense it. My heart only beats for you, now. I could not imagine losing you, Rey. I needed to reach you as quickly as I could. If I lose you, I don’t know what else there is for me in this world. I haven’t felt happiness in a very long time, as you know. Now, when I’m with you, I can’t stop feeling it. I love seeing your smile, I love hearing your laugh. Our connections turned into late night conversations together and I savored each one. Now, we do not have to rely on the force-bond anymore. We are at each other’s side, and I promise you that I will do my best to ensure we never have to leave. You’ve changed my life for the better and I cannot thank you enough or tell you just how much you mean to me.”


The feelings were pouring out now, but Jax felt it was necessary. After all, these were good things he talked about with Rey. There was no reason to feel skittish about telling her. Everything with Rey was beautiful, pure, and happy. His entire body felt warm and his heart was rapidly beating, feeling like it was going to hammer so hard that it would jump out of his chest.

Unsure of how Rey would respond, Jax simply kept his hand on her face and a soft look in his eyes. Even if she did not reciprocate these feelings, Jax would care for her and keep her safe. It was just impossible for him to keep quiet any longer. Rey should know, she deserved to know. After all, if she reciprocated the feelings, then it opened up an entire new world for them to explore together. That was something he absolutely wanted with the girl, but only time would tell if he could get it. They would be going into hiding for a few days, so they have nothing to do except spend time together. That time could be spent in a variety of ways, but Jax hoped it primarily was spent with her in his arms and their lips together. Jax was enjoying their time together already, but being able to have Rey in this sense would be the ultimate victory.
“You’re very welcome, Rey, but you do not need to thank me. It was the right thing to do. After we connected, I could not bear the thought of something happening to you. If anything, I’m the one who should be thanking you instead.”


Rey listened but raised curious orbs as he finished with saying he was the one who needed to thank her? That made no practical sense? She looked as if she was going to interject some preposterous question but stayed quiet as he approached, standing a little taller. His hand took her in his, the other placed lovingly on her cheek. His eye’s is what always caught her attention. They were a dazzling dark blue. She wasn’t expecting the words pouring out of his soul. She listened in complete awe of his confession. She wasn’t to knowledgably on the force or the strong connection they had. All she had learned was from him. He spoke of his happiness, not wanting to part ways and to protect her. She was quiet, overwhelmed. She knew they had become close because of the connection. She was thankful for him saving her, but she was not expecting for him to continue traveling with her after the rescue. She had always been alone, always had to defend herself.


She laughed out and turned her head as his hand still stayed on it. She looked back up at his was still smiling, though now he looked anxious. “How am I supposed to top that award-winning speech…” she teased, her accent thick. He would see she was nervous, maybe shy as she hadn’t ever had to worry about being with anybody. BB-8 had rolled in silently and made a noise in which he was encouraging her to be with him. Rey turned, narrowing her eye’s at the droid.

“….hush.” She mouthed and it made a small come back, lighting up. She turned back, seeing him still waiting, perhaps he was still savoring the moment.

“….you love me?” She asked. The words came out because she had lived such a hard-sheltered life and that was how she identified with everything he confessed, and it was true. He did love her.
“I do.”

No hesitation could be found in his voice. Although Jax did not explicitly state those three words, the way he felt about Rey was obvious. Plus, he did not doubt she could sense the love through their connection. Releasing her hand, the larger male settled his other hand onto her face as well. Gently, the pads of his thumbs began stroking the soft skin on Rey’s cheek. Their eyes remained locked and the silence continued, but it was a peaceful silence. Simply, Jax wished to remember every second of this moment. It was the moment when he admitted his love for Rey, so it was obviously special.


“It always felt like something was missing from my life – someone was missing. As a Jedi, I believed in the old codes. Jedi should not love, for it can create a path to the Dark side. It took years before I realized the truth. Love is the purest emotion in the galaxy. Wars are built on hatred. Love is the opposite – love is peace. I wanted love and I found it when I met you, Rey. Even without our force-bond, I feel something special between us. I felt it the first time I saw you on Jakku and I felt it whenever we departed. You are always on my mind and I feel like my soul is bound to yours.”

Leaning down, his chapped, rough lips pressed a kiss onto Rey’s forehead. It was held against her skin for three seconds. After pulling away, Jax sighed quietly and offered a gracious, loving smile for the girl.


“I cannot see a future where I exist without you by my side. Now that we are together, finally, I never want you to leave my side.”

It might not have been pragmatic, but it mattered little. Without Rey, life would have felt bleak and unnecessary. Hopefully, she returned his sentiments. Teacher and student was not the only relationship he yearned for with Rey.

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