Mx Female Looking for people interested in specific fandoms (M LF F) Click here if you like story with your smut!


Jul 7, 2010
Quebec, Canada
This is going to be simple. I'm just putting this out there for people to reach out to me, get a bit of a feel for my interests and what I'm looking for.

What I'm interested in: Hey everyone, I'm here looking to make some contacts for roleplay that enjoys dips into the adult end of the pool. Not always necessarily straight to sex, but with the openness to go that way if things seem natural, and a mature respect for how things can go with violence, or drama.

Kinks and fetishes are fairly open, aside from a couple of main turn offs for me. I'm not big into full on rape scenes, snuff, underage or bathroom play. Mostly anything else I can probably work around or compromise.

A bit about myself: I've been RPing for a long while, since I was probably a wee lad of about 13 or 14 in the ambiguous chats about the web, various forums, messengers and games. I'm interested in doing some paragraph RP, possibly in messenger for more private things, or on a forum if anyone's interested in doing a collaboration of a small group. I'm primarily focused on looking for some fandom roleplays to scratch some itches that I've got for a few shows and games I've been deep in lately.

We can discuss options for ether original characters, or canon ones we both like that we'd enjoy seeing interact.

I'm usually good for anywhere from a partner that posts once every couple of days, to someone that wants to go through bursts of 2 or 3 posts in a 24 hour period. Multiple paragraphs preferred, but it doesn't have to be a contest. If you're character only has a little bit to say in response to my post there's no need to pump out 5 extra paragraphs talking about how pretty the sky is.

The fandoms in question (Subject to change):

Wakfu: A bit of a long shot, but if you know what it is, you've probably seen some of it somewhere. It's also a series of video games, but I know the most about the cartoon so I've listed it here. Associated series are usually Dofus, or Kros-something.

Dragon Ball (Z/Super): A sucker for a childhood favorite. I've been guilty of making OCs for this since I was a wee lad, and have gotten even more invested in the franchise lately with the revival of the anime, and the new games coming out.

My Hero Academia: I've been enjoying this series profusely and I think it has some great potential for a franchise, to the point that, similarly to Dragon Ball, I've got a few originals already in mind for this world and developed in detail.
Monster Hunter: I've been getting deep into both the console game and the RPG on handheld. I love the world and the art style, but it's a bit thin on story (aside from the RPG) so I'm interested in trying out making a little story of our own in it. The anime is a nice little distraction too, but kind of thin on world building.

Mega Man X: The franchise has been something I've been a fan of ever since it was on SNES, and a universe of mostly artificial humans that are waged in near constant civil war with one side always fighting to protect the few remaining humans opens up a lot of fun possibilities in my mind.

Mass Effect: I'm sure folks can tell from the avatar (Currently as of this writing a purple Drell) that I'm a sucker for that sci-fi universe. Biotics, alien races, politics, drama, probably got some of the best world building if you enjoy both the games and the expanded content of the comics, animations and novels.

Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Beat this game not too long ago, and I've been doing repeat playthroughs. I love the art, and while some of the cast is a bit thin, I see a lot of potential with how it plays and the openness of it's world, as well as where it ends.

Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild: Same as above, I've banged through this game a few times now and I just love the setting. I can feel a bunch of potential for greater world building and interesting characters where it leaves off.

Warcraft: Been playing this game on and off for many years now, always enjoyed the world, races and potential for a lot of fun stories in a lot of interesting locations. I haven't played it for a while, but it's hard to forget something you've put nearly a decade of your life into.

Final Fantasy: My two favorites are Tactics and VII. With FFVII Remake coming out it really did expand on my enjoyment of that world, and maybe playing some OCs running around in there, but I am also a big fan of Zack so I could work around that as well if that's an interest anyone has. For Tactics, that's just a big wide open world that thrives on both the canon and OC characters, that one is open for a lot of possibilities for me.

.hack//GU: Probably one of the only 'trapped in a video game' franchises that I've enjoyed. I think the pacing is better than the first one, and the characters are more likable than most anime I've watched centered around this. Plus the ability to mix both playing in the game and 'real life' interests me.

Marvel: Always been a big fan of Marvel, most frequently Spider-Man, but also parts of the Avengers, the X-Men, and more than a few of the spin-offs. I would be fine with OCs, or even some of the more obscure secondary characters (Honestly the more obscure, the better for me. Like "Blood Spider" and "Uranium Man" levels of obscure) or a few of the more playful secondary tier pairings (Like Valkyrie and Flash Thompson's Agent Venom)

DC: DC is a bit tricky for me. I love a lot of the characters, but really the ones I have the most fun playing usually end up being a specific set of anti-hero, or some fun, weird OC playing off of the alternate universe where Heroes and Villains have flipped their alignments (IE: Ultra Man, Owl Man and Super Woman's universe)

Dungeons & Dragons: It's got Dungeons, it's got Dragons, it's got Orcs and snake people. You know how this goes. I love it.

Star Wars: Yes please with the space wizards, very much OC focused, expanded universe. We can talk. I'm very open to just about anything here.

Writing Sample:

His chest swelled with pride and joy as he saw the shining face of his young daughter, and moment's later, the glowing figure of his beautiful wife, rising up the steps of the Temple of Karabor. They had escaped Telmor, thank the Light. He had heard of the devestation that had over ran the small village, even with it's magical cloak to hide it from predators. He heard rumblings of how it was the Orcs that had ravaged the city and how Restalaan had been torn apart by one of their giant wolves.

His brow furrowed as a wave of red fury flooded his vision, but it quickly washed away as he heard the meliodious voice of his child and saw her scamper towards him, throwing her small arms around his wide waist. His large chest heaved out a relieved sigh beneath the heavy plate, his hands embracing the dwarfed Draenei child. He held her close for a moment, or what he thought was a moment, but when he opened his eyes, his wife had closed the gap between them and his daughter was squirming in his grasp. He must have been holding her much longer then he thought.

As he loosened his grasp, she quickly wriggled free like a baby Sporebat. He looked to his wife, wanting to ask how many others had managed to escape, but the look in her eyes spoke more then words ever could. His daughter glanced from his face to her mother's and after a moment too long of the awkward silence, she pipped up in the beautiful voice only a child of their race could have. "...Daddy, where's everyone else? I didn't see Elli or her mother with the other children." She asked in perfect innocence.

Madaar inhaled deeply as his eyes fell to his daughter. Looking back to his wife, she bit her lower lip and shook her head before averting her eyes as she undoubtedly shed tears. Even now she tried her best to be a pillar of strength, as she had always been, for him and now their entire family. Finally exhaling the breath he had been holding, he knelt down and looked into the curious glowing orbs of his young daughter. Her brow knitted as she obviously expected a quick 'They're on their way' or 'They're somewhere in the inner Temple'. A child of her tender years should not have to experience the loss of a friend in such a way so "...I don't know where Elli is, Shiiana, but wherever she is, I'm sure she's with her mother." He spoke finally.

His daughter mulled it over for a moment before nodding in satisfaction. He placed a kiss on her brow, which she quickly wiped off with the back of her hand, making a small face and trotted away to play with the children that were gathered near one of the Temple's many fountains. Her soft red hair fluttering slightly behind her as she made her way to one of the more prestigious Priests, Akama. He smiled, even if just for a moment. Knowing Akama was around made him feel, at least slightly, safer.

Once his daughter was decidedly out of ear shot, he turned to his wife. His arms encircled her torso and he held her to his chest, feeling the struggle in her breathing to stay calm and steady. He rested his chin atop her head, feeling her silken hair caress the front of his throat. The normally sweet, honey smell of her skin was tainted with the salt of tears and sweat. "Naalya..." He whispered, his strong, deep voice carrying a surprising amount of tenderness in it, as if he was walking on a paper thin sheet of ice with every letter.

Before he could continue, the shaky breathing broke down into choking and then into sobs as she spun

in his arms and buried her face into his collar bone. The strength and resilience his wife exuded was washed away in an instant, her crystalline voice was now nothing more then muffled weeping. His hand rested at the back of her head as he whispered soft comforts in their musical native tongue, but he knew they were drowned out by the memories and thoughts flooding his wife. It was several moments before she poured herself out enough to gather up what resolve she had left and compose herself again. Her slender fingers reaching up to wipe away the remaining tears that were escaping down her cheeks.

Her dark chestnut hair was matted and tussled, a few pieces of plant life still clung to the ends. He could only imagine what she had put herself through to keep their child safe. He took a moment to clean the smudges of dirt from her cheeks and to pick the dried leaves and twigs from her hair. " words may not keep the memories from returning, love, but I swear by the Light of the Naaru and the strength of my arm, I will not let those Orcs taint this place, or harm our people here as long as I stand." His hand gently clasped her chin as he tilted her face up towards his, offering a smile of reassuring strength.

She forced herself to smile both for him and for herself and she embraced him again, not out of need, or sadness, but out of genuine love and trust. They held each other for what seemed like hours before heading into the Temple's inner sanctums to rest.

They would rest...but there would be no sleep.

For not long after, the Orcs did come. They came in force.

The alarms rang, resounding through the walls of the sanctum but even then it seemed too late. He could hear the screams of battle, from both Orcs and Draenei. The clashing of steel and stone, of weapon and shield. The explosions of magic, both fel and holy. He tore himself from his bed, armor clasped over his limbs and torso faster then they had ever been before. Snatching up the glowing blue weapon he had been given by the Priests of the temple. They called it a scepter, but it was truely a mace. From what they told him...the Scepter embodies the righteous power of the Naaru. Today, that power would be put to use.

Looking back to his wife, she was already dressed and scooping up their child in his arms. "Find Akama, stay with him. He'll keep you safe. His wife simply nodded, mouthing her love to him before she slipped out the back entrance towards the Garden's of the temple.

"MADAAR!" The moment was shattered as the Draenei's name echoed through his chambers and he shot through the front entrance as if possessed. When he reached the terrace, he was greeted by two familiar faces. Thank the Light they were still alive. Vureen, one of the Commanders of the Temple Guard and Yaala, one of Vureen's officers. The two looked anxious and weary, had they already entered the fray and pulled out again? "Madaar! Hurry! The Orcs are already in the lower courtyard, if we don't stop them here, they'll overwhelm us entirely!"

No further words needed to be spoken. The trio flew through the rows upon rows of doorways, every so often another man or woman clad in armor would join their ranks until the three of them were leading a small army. The sounds of battle growing ever closer as their hooves rapping against the stone floor meshed along with it into a horrible song of war. As they passed the final clutch of homes, the group stood frozen at the top of the long stairway, looking down on the ocean of bloodshed before them. Bodies everywhere. Men. Women. Children. Slaughtered like animals, most dead, some left wounded and dying without even the mercy of a peaceful end. That same fury that trickled into the edges of his vision when he thought of Telmor and the death of the innocents there, the death of Restalaan, the noble, began to roar to the surface. All those deaths, all that pain, undeserved. The Draenei had done nothing but honor and at times even protect these mindless savages. And for what? For them to let their guard down and have these...wild...beasts lunge at their throats! The anger burned the deepest, darkest parts of his essence.

But this time it was not pushed back, this time the light did not calm his rage, but instead it boiled, it seethed and thrashed inside of his chest, raging until it errupted from his throat in a noise. A noise that could not be called a battle cry, or a yell, or even a scream. It was something primal, and primordial. Something that no light bearing creature should ever be able to utter. Both hands clutched the great glowing Scepter as he rushed down the massive flight of stairs, the gutteral roar he released was enough to both shake his fellow Draenei from their paralysis, as well as to stun more then a few of the Blood Crazed Orcs. Who was this crazed Draenei charging into the thrashing blades and teeth of the Horde war machine. To run mindlessly into the waiting jaws of certain death. Had he lost his mind? The answer came to the first Orc as the great mace crushed his skull like a loaf of stale bread. Brains and skull fragments spattering out in all directions.


The battle raged. It screamed and howled and slashed and stabbed. It was like a great wounded animal tearing itself apart in madness. There was no strategy, there were no visible sides. It was a single mass of carnage and death. Blood stained the ground and sky, limbs were torn or sliced from bodies and thrown about like twigs. It was living, breathing insanity. The Orcs fought like beasts, like rabid beasts with no reason or instinct for survival. They would strike at a Draenei even if it meant the cost of their own lives. Their eyes burning red like the blood in their veins, slobbering at the mouth, painted in blood. They danced in the carnage like children in the rain. These were not men....these weren't even beasts....these Orcs were monsters.

Suddenly, from the bottom of the temple steps, came a great crash. An explosion? No, it was something else. There was suddenly a great surge of wind and as Madaar cast a rare glimpse away from the combat towards his fellow Vindicators still struggling at the Temple's front steps, their cries of battle began to give way into screams and wretches. He would see many of them double over, their stomaches emptying in the midst of combat. Their discomfort lasting only a brief moment as the Orcs would swarm in upon them like wolves upon a wounded Clefthoof.

The minutes stretched into what seemed like hours and the great number of Draenei that had come with Madaar and his two fellow Vindicators had dwindled down to nothing more then hunks of meat on the temple floor. The horrible red mist hovering just below them like the vapors of some hellish underworld, home to all manner of demons. More literal then figurative. The three of them had managed to battle their opponents to a more isolated part of the temple, higher up and away from the main body of the Horde. Madaar had dispatched his opponent, leaving him as a headless heap, muscles still twitching in a pile of blood, bile and seeping organs. Vureen and Yaala had teamed up to dispatch the last remaining Orc that had followed, leaving the three to peer out over the edge of the great Temple's highest tier on the scene below.

The Orcs were taking their time now. Savoring the kills, treating them more like executions, torture, the slaughter of pigs for their amusement. A few struggling Draenei warriors remained, but they were no match for the overwhelming numbers, struggling to survive, let alone save others. He tore his vision away from the horrific scenes and he caught sight of a small Draenei girl scampering across the Temple's grounds...that red hair. It was Shiiana! Had the Orcs seen her? She slipped into a darkened alcove with...Akama. Praise the Naaru, she was safe...but..where was...
It was then he saw the flash of the axe as it sliced through the female Draenei. Severing her from shoulder to ribcage. The look of pained relief eternally frozen on her face...on the face of his wife.

The surge of emotions that ran through his mind defied description. He felt sick, he felt fury a thousand times worse then he had at the start of the battle. He wanted to vomit, and murder the Orc...ALL

Orcs...he wanted to break down into tears, he wanted to end his own life, he wanted to steal his daughter away from this horrible place, he wanted to clutch the remains of his wife and whisper how much he loved her and longed to be with her...but the anger...the rage...the need for retribution...eclipsed all the other emotions.

"NAAAAAAAAAALYAAAAAAAAAA!" His voice broke into a feral scream as he tried to leap from the highest tier into the crowd of Orcs below, but before he could, the two Draenei behind him tore him with all their strength from his feet, throwing him to the ground. They tried to speak to him, to tell him to be silent, but he could not hear them over the blood rushing through his veins, over the pounding of his heart. They struggled to keep him down, with Yaala clamping a plate glove over his mouth to silence him. He thrashed and wretched his face away from her only to scream out a second time in protest. "LET ME GO! NAALYA! LET ME GO, DAMN YOU BOTH! GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME!" He screamed, his fury giving him the strength to nearly throw both of the other Draenei off of him while still on his back. "LET ME GO OR I'LL KILL YOU TOO!" It was then that he saw the quick flash of Vureen's mace swinging down towards him and then....
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Re-bump. If anyone is interested in possible Final Fantasy or Monster Hunter they're two of the big itches that I haven't had any offers for.
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