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Scooby Doo: Dangers in the Shadows. (Cerberus and Unicorn cupcake)


Jan 9, 2009
The house that the gang was told about had a history of death and violence. It was different from their normal cases as during the investigation there was no mention of any gold, money, or treasure yet there were still rumors of haunting and people dissapearing from the grounds.

The old building was an old era hospital that had been converted into a mental assylum and that there had been rumors that some patients had died due to a doctor who had performed odd experiments on some of the patients. There was also a fire that had burned through part of the building killing some of the staff and patients.

When the gang had entered the building every sense that scooby had was telling him that this was a building that shouldn't be entered or poked around. While he normally was one who was a little cautious and sometimes scared of places, this building was something much worse then they had ever felt before, something dark and dangerous and maybe even demonic roamed the building.
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