Looking for M/F for some fandom based plots


Jan 6, 2018

Hello! And welcome to my thread! I’m new to the site but not new to writing, and I was hoping to find some long term partners to write some story driven content! I’m looking for both Male and Female writers, in which case, if you’d like to play the female character, then I would play the male.

I don’t mind chatting outside of the roleplay, and I completely prefer fleshing out a plot with someone before we begin, just to make sure that we have some kind of chemistry. As far as kinks go, almost anything and everything is fine, but I absolutely will not do bathroom play. Sorry, I just won’t. I do however enjoy ass/tit worship, risk of pregnancy, weapon play, and testing dominance in certain situations. I do prefer story driven plots, but trust me, I’m 100% fine with a fair amount of smut involved, as long as it makes sense with the plot.

Here are some plot/pairings I would like to write.

My Hero, Hercules-
With this, I’d like to do a slutty version of the Disney classic. Maybe adding our own monsters, quests and possibly going a bit farther. Maybe taking it to the point where Hercules becomes a god. I’m open to talk it over and add or change anything.

Saiyan Pride-

Self explanatory. I am a huge fan of DragonBall Z and I’d love to write a story with a human girl trapped on a Saiyan planet. I was thinking she was a space traveler, crash landed on the planet and taken to the Saiyan prince/king. Used as a toy at first, she hates her life and the people she’s surrounded by. But I’d love for it to turn into a love story! **Pregnancy would be a plus here.

Held Captive
A princess from a wealthy family, set to marry into another family, is kidnapped the night before by an assassin. His heart is set on selling her to the black market but the journey there is long and dry. With this I’m looking for monsters, dragons, risk of pregnancy, pregnancy, honestly anything and everything with this one.


I LOVE FANDOM ROLEPLAYS. Avatar and Dragon Ball are my two biggest fandoms right now!

Sorry this was rough, but hopefully I catch someone’s interest! I’m up for any other ideas as well, so throw them at me!​
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