Born in Flames -- Cravings Thread


Oct 13, 2013
This is kind of request thread part two for me. This thread contains some specific requests that I am craving at the time. For my general request thread, if these particular requests don't strike your fancy (or if you would like to read general information and find my F-List) click here.

UPDATED** 12/21/19


The Guardian
Setting-- Modern, fantasy, sci-fi, post-apoc, historical (This one is quite flexible)

Summary-- Someone is out to kill her. After a traumatizing assassination attempt, she is assigned a round the clock body guard meant to ensure her protection until the mystery of who paid to have her killed is solved. Sent into hiding with her guard at her heels, she soon comes to discover that skill often comes with arrogance, and her guard has far too much of both. She fights for her survival and to maintain her sanity in the wake of that... goddamn smirk.

Explanation and Possibilities-- So given the openness of setting possibilities for this plot, I hope it's clear that this person's role can be very open. A government official, royalty, faction head, etc, etc. Another important note: I'm looking for both main characters to be women. I really have a craving for an FxF story. If I can't find that, then I can certainly work with an MxF set up. I am more than willing to take on either character, of the guard or the charge as I can fit well in either role. 'Cause obviously there's gonna be hella sexual tension between the arrogant guard and the exasperated charge. Oof. Anyway, here's a list of possibilities I see happening in the story:
Power Dynamics
Sexual tension
Slow burn
Some tender scenes

Ministers and Charters
Setting -- Science Fiction (open to tweaking here and discussion... this is based off of one play I did but never finished, so it's just an outline of the elements I'm looking for).

Summary -- The Federation, a powerful faction of intergalatic control, runs an experimental program known as the Minister Project in which they balance the discipline of some of their strongest superhuman marines with the untamed power of some of their feral mutants. Bound together by an intercranial LINK that offers complete control to the marines (Ministers) over the experiments (Charters) they are forced together into a twisted bond built on power, violence, and a balance between domination and companionship.

Explanation and Possibilities -- Here there are a few different options. I'm kind of looking to explore the Minister and Charter's relationship from the beginning to see that turmoil and violence that occurs as they are figuring each other out. Below is a list of thematic desires for this play...
Gore (on the part of my character most likely)
Power dynamics
Authoritative relationship
Emotional manipulation
Some tender scenes
Some domination scenes
Fight scenes
Sadism (on both sides)
Story development

**Additional Note on Ministers and Charters: I'd be willing to explore this similar bond (violence, domination, companionship) in other settings including Modern Fantasy or whatever else.

I don't have any specifics for this one, but I'm definitely craving some kind of rebel forces vs. authoritarian dictatorship of some kind. So, if you have any ideas for that, feel free to reach out.
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Uhh. Bump~

One new idea I'd really like to work on. It's pretty much a gay rip off of Anakin and Padme in Clone Wars, with my own twists. Thx.
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