Sleeping beauty fetish & original stories, fandoms, etc


Jun 21, 2009
I'm going to keep this fairly simple like I normally do.

I've been around the site off and on for years. I mostly play off site or in pms, feel free to ask and we can probably set something up as far as that goes. As always I have some cravings but I'm always willing to hear ideas.

I mostly would just like something dirty at the moment, probably smutty but there has to be story at some point or it's dead. Right now I'm craving dub-con and non-con to a certain extent. I can elaborate but if that's not your think you should probably still hit me up, I have other interests too.

I'm around more during the days then later at night. Say hi here first and I'll get back to you asap!

Will we work together?
There's a few details to go over to figure out if we're going to work together...
  1. You see my dick and we fuck - I hate getting these ideas. Anything where my character walks in on yours jerking off and just can't help herself or anything along those lines. It's boring for me and not at all how I work sexually (or any women I know for that matter) and thus I just can't do a story like this. Now I appreciate that this is entirely my opinion but I feel like a one sentence story suggestion like this is just...well, lazy.
  2. Have I heard this idea before? - I'm not against cliche or reused ideas at all but some ideas are going to need a little something extra to catch my eye. It's hard to get excited for you 237th offer for a sub student falling for her dom teacher. Put a spin on it or have an interesting take and you're more likely to catch my eye. When it comes to Incest stories I'll pretty much always say no to the overly cliche stuff where family want to fuck each other as though it's entirely common place. I want a little more shame, hesitation, or even deviousness involved for those sorts of things.
  3. Faceclaims - I use real people. I really enjoy looking at models and using them to flesh out a character. In some circumstances I'll use artwork instead though that's honestly pretty rare. I'm not into anime, something that I know puts me in the minority here on BMR. I normally don't worry too much about whether my partner uses a faceclaim but I will admit that I dislike anime.
  4. Sub/Dom ideas - So I don't strictly adhere to the whole sub/dom thing (honestly I don't like labeling things quite like that.) I'll admit that if, gun to my head, I had to choose one to describe myself I'd say I'm a sub. That said, I don't respond well to bullies. I feel like there's a world of difference between a bully and someone who is dom. The whole dom/sub thing is built on trust (in my mind anyway) and if there's no trust there's no submission. I do like bad boys in my stories from time to time but not in my writing partners.
  5. Kink based offers - Please don't just look at my f-list and then message me something along the lines of, "I want to do a blowjob rp, tell me if you're interested." I'm not trying to be bitchy here, it's just that...I've already said I'm interested in certain kinks. Throw a story idea at me and I'm more likely to reply. Also, if you're feeling bashful about a kink or scenario, don't. I don't judge but at the same time not everything is for me. I have tact, I swear.
  6. One liners - Please don't send me a single sentence as a post. I think for most people this goes without saying but the moment you stop saying it, someone tries it. This also goes for story ideas for the most part. Your ideas don't have to be fully fleshed out but it's frustrating when I get this; "Wanna do a story where a guy fucks his neighbor?" The answer is no. No I don't want to do a story about a guy fucking his neighbor. Flesh it out a bit, give me something the chew on and I might be interested. If it's something interesting with opportunities for twists and turns then the answer will be yes, absolutely!
  7. My characters & your characters - This too should be a given but please don't write the reactions or actions of my character. Be it physical, emotional, whatever, none of it is acceptable. There are some rare situations where this is ok. If you ask me before hand how my character would react so you can include it in your post I could be okay with it. If it's simply restating something I already said she did, that would be another example. Some people get a little too excited when it comes to certain situations and want to make sure things happen a certain way. The best way to make sure things work out the way you want them is through communication with me. Also, a reasonable give and take is important. Though that brings me to my next point...
  8. I know what I like - If something doesn't work for me I'll let you know. If something I like doesn't work for me please do the same and I'll respect what you have to say. Sometimes things can be ironed out and sometimes they can't and I'm fine with that. Two perfectly cool people might not be able to find a single thing they can agree on story/smut wise. A word of warning though...if you take it too far, if you play games, threaten me, or anything else along those lines I will report you. Period. That's not being "dom" as some have claimed. In bird culture that's called being a dick.
  9. Standard disclaimer about real life - I am not my characters, I'm not looking for a boyfriend or girlfriend, I don't want to talk about how hard you are or how wet I am. Telling me that you're really enjoying the story is great. Feedback means repeated success but let's keep it at that. Also, I have responsibilities and a life away from the computer. When I'm available I'm all about writing some dirty stories but understand that real life comes first and sometimes that means being away from the computer. If the same happens for you, I get it. :)

My biggest kink these days
Somnophilia. It's an odd one especially for roleplaying and I'll give you that. For those who don't know, I enjoy writing about sleeping beauty syndrome or characters who are taken advantage of while they're out cold for one reason or another. For me it is tied into themes of humiliation and vulnerability and can be a lot of fun to explore the actions and thoughts of the opposing characters when they are free to behave however they'd like.

How do I write if my Character is unconcious?
A few of you have asked this question or something like it and I've been using an example of what some short back and forth might look like.

So your post might read something like this:
John wanted more and so he moved up so that he was kneeling next to Trisha's head. Looking down at her beautiful sleeping face it sent a chill through his body thinking about what he was getting away with. Almost lost in thought he ran the head of his cock over her lips and decided to try and get her to play along a bit. Squeezing her cheeks until her mouth opened, John started working his thumb into her mouth to try and stir her tongue to life.

And my reply might read something like this:
Trisha had always been fidgety in her sleep and it sometimes worked out to John's advantage. As he worked his thumb over her tongue, almost pulling at it a bit she started to slowly respond. It was a faint, faraway kind of thing that started with twitches and soon built to her starting to lick at his thumb. With a little less pressure on her cheeks she even started to suck at it a bit, leaving the perfect window.

Story ideas
For a lot of reasons, that might be obvious, I have tons of ideas for my current craving that are one offs. Some of them could be developed into longer term stories. I do have a few ideas for long term stories that play to my kinks as well. If you're at all curious feel free to reach out to me. I'm excited about this and it's something I've sort of been toying with for ages but am hoping to get a few good RP's out of now.

Prostitution Ideas
I have a few of these that are usually based around the idea of a woman falling on hard times and turning to sex as a way to get by. I normally like the idea of this being a bit degrading but she grows to enjoy it (even if she can't admit that fact to herself.) Some concepts have darker endings and some are about the spiral out of control before finding some way out. This is an idea where I'd be looking for a partner who isn't afraid to play more than one character. Hit me up if this sounds at all interesting and I can elaborate on some of the different ideas I have.

Arranged Marriages/Fantasy Setting
So this is an idea I'll just go ahead and post here in its entirety. MC is an Elven princess and in a world of feudal politics, she's worth a great deal in marriage rights. Her father is the high king of her people and he's getting old even for an elf. Her younger brother is technically next in line but his mean spirit leads many to wish that she could take the throne instead.

She's popular like Princess Dianna was for a lot of similar reasons. She's considered sweet and caring, she looks past traditional lines and cares about everyone.

I'm thinking with the story it could have a touch of Games of Thrones with the really cut throat politics. I like the idea of the elves getting in trouble and needing some military might to defend themselves and the only way to make that happen is to broker a deal with the king of the orcs. That means marrying her to that same orc king.

I love the idea of the orc seeming brutish and awful at first but her slowly coming to appreciate an otherwise misunderstood culture. Also, him rescuing her from the nastiness of elven politics. I've been playing a lot of Total War: Warhammer II lately so the elven politics from the high elves is a huge inspiration and of course I love GoT. This is another idea that I think we can do a lot of different things with.

I would be playing a female street samurai. I'm thinking free-form, no need for rolling up characters beyond writing a background of some sort. I would ideally want someone interested in handling the stories or at the very least interested in collaborating on the runs as wells as the events in their personal lives. The down time would be equally a part of her life as the work.

I want to start at the bottom and work my way up. Entry level sorts of jobs, slowly proving herself, eventually finding a full time team. Finding better and better fixers who offer better quality jobs and so on.

I want a story where I can smell the street food cooking, and the sad hint of garbage rotting in the alley nearby. I want her to not have to turn on a light for all the neon coming in through the window. I want to learn about the prepackaged garbage they sell at the stuffer shack. The joy of earning enough money to buy a real meal, maybe get a place of her own.

Dragon Age
Have you played Dragon Age: Origins? Did you agree to make a baby with a certain someone? Were you disappointed that this plot thread went NO WHERE AT ALL??? Me too! *****Warning Spoilers ahead for Dragon Age: Origins*****

So I was thinking that if I could find the right person perhaps we could do a story that takes place about twenty years after the events of the first Dragon Age with me playing as the demi-goddess produced by that ritual. Raised by Morrigan, her father was a human noble and she returns to his lands when she hears that he passed away. Maybe it was only after he passed that Morrigan revealed who her father really was. Perhaps she doesn't realize what the source of her incredible powers are. These are all details to be worked out. Let me know if you like this idea and please come armed with some ideas of your own!

More concepts to come!
RE: Back around and looking

Having read the rules I think I'm bumping within an acceptable time. :)

Some big updates to the thread.
bump, hopefully I can find an amazing partner who loves one of my ideas and is really eager to create some entertaining stories with me
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