Search of new rps.


Oct 29, 2016
Please PM if you are interested. Your own idea are welcomed as well.

I will not rp: scat, any type of vore, necrophilia, snuff, gore, mutilation, and toiletplay. (everything else is open but don't be upset if I say no to a Kink)

My fav kinks : non-con Turing consensual, breeding/pregnancy. Dom/sub. Spanking, orgasm denial, begging.

No idea is set in stone and you are more than welcome to bring your own ideas.

I rp submissive the majority of the time. If you give me a good plot you might get me to play a dom character. 


Taken: < 2. Force>

Want it bad****
Willing to do it ***
Convince me  **
Not at the momment *

On to the ideas.

**1. MC a nurse just started in a new hospital, she notices things seem rather off, but she can't figure it out. That is until one day when she’s asked to go to a room only to find it empty except for one doctor who wants to show you the real ways of the hospital

*2.   Young business woman (Mc) has always used her body to get to where she is. Now she's stuck her boss (yc) is strict but fair but also has a habit of punishing her unruly subordinates. At first the punishments fit the crime but after a while. She realizes it doesn't seem to mellow out her new employee. She goes back to what she use to be (BDSM)which seem to do the trick.

***3. Young woman kicked out of every college even the strictest ones. Now with no College that is willing to take her. her parents hire a teacher (you) to home school her and lives with them. At first everything is going well. the teacher even wondering why she had been kicked out of all the schools she had gone to. Finally, she understands once the young woman starts to act out. finally, at her with end after two weeks she asked the girls parent to leave her in her care including discipline her.  the parents agree. weather they stay at her house or she has her move in with her is up to you. (Can be made into incest)

***2A. the base is the same a idea 2 but change is in the fact that the young woman is in the last collage willing to take her in. They pride themselves in being to cure any 'bad child'. The requirements are that the parents relinquish all their right to their kids when they are enrolled. The young woman/man is assigned a teach to act as a parent to them and teach them. some teachers have multiple student depending on how bad they are. MC is sent there and YC is assigned as her teacher and (in locus parentis ).

father/step daughter or Stepfather/ daughter: 

*4. A single father is having trouble with his daughter. Ever since she's gone away to college she's become out of control. Always partying, dressing like a slut and he's had enough. So during summer, he places rules for her to follow it goes from there.

**5. MC recently turned 18 and is ready to take on the world. Her new friends influencing her to make, YCs had enough of the disrespectful person MC has become. 

**6. MC tries to seduce father but it backfires.

***7. YC is at his end wits with MC her disrespectful and mischief nature need to end. YC had a Dark secret which he used to tame his rebellious daughter.


<*8. Older brother/younger sister: MC is use to getting away with things since she the youngest. YC being the older brother mad at her special treatment.  parents both being doctors leave YC in charge and he takes her as his.>

<*9. Older Sister/ younger brother:  YC has had an infatuation with MC. He's tired of her running to him every time a she gets out a messed up situation of fucks up. YC decides to train her as his.>

*10. Vampire:
The idea behind this is that a ‘blood bank escapes a farm using her gifts which is very rear and  gift mostly occurs in vampire/human children.  Royal  finds the escaped blood bank and is drawn to her. Soon enough though after been made into a royal bank. There are allays clashing and the bank is always trying to run away until the royal has had enough and takes full control and takes pleasure in braking blood bank
The humans had long ago ruled the world, but now it was the era of the vampires. The vampires had their own type of hierarchy, the lower class worked as farmers though the females would sell their body at taverns, and they had all green eyes. The middle class worked as salesmen and estate officers and they had blue eyes, then there was the upper class who worked as police officers or guards and they all had purple eyes. And then you had the royals, they were the ones who ruled the nation of vampires and made the laws, they had all red eyes. 
The vampires would age until they reached their 20's then the aging would stop, even though they were ageing they had vampire teeth, it was actually funny to see the small children's who lost their baby teeth, because then they only had one little fang, at least for the time being. 
The humans who had not died in the war between the immortals had been placed in so called houses, but in reality it was farms. This was where the farmers came in, they would 'milk' the humans for blood and send to stores, though there was one catch. The only ones who was allowed to have human blood from the store was the middle and upper-class, the lower class needed to hunt for themselves, or take blood after they had sent to the stores. The Royals however would have personal blood banks. 

MxF, or FxF
The Bride [played by Myself]
Her new husband (or possibly wife) [played by Other] 
Possibly semi-fantasy, definitely feudal age. 
****11. Male Version: A lesser royal house has found a way back to redemption and has promised their crown jewel, the dark beauty of their princess, to one of the higher and more respected houses. The free-spirit of the princess balks at the thought of being married to the (Lord, Prince, etc) having had no wish to ever marry, however it is her duty. Despite wishes to run away, she obeys and goes to her own wedding. It's a nicer house with many servants and a good life is promised. However, seen on their wedding night, her new husband has some of the darkest of tastes and takes out his cruelty on her in the bedroom. 

***12. Female Version: Two failing houses come together in a unity of unorthodox marriage by pairing their two daughters together in matriomony. Already reluctant to do so because it's a woman, the Bride shows disdain to her new wife and after growing frustrated of the rift between the both of them, the wife decides to force her new bride into acceptance.


*13. MC is a pokemon trainer and there had been a break through in pokemon medicine. It allows them to communicate with their trainer but there have been a few reports that it does more. some pokemon are taking human characteristic while still retaining their feral side. YC is the pokemon on MC that turns anthro still with the feral instincts YC needs to make and the only person to mate with is with MC. At first there is reluctance from mc but after a few time she enjoys it and full starts to YC to properly talk and have a full blown relationship. 

 *14.MC is an apprentice in a science facility. They have been experimenting on various animals to make them anthors.  so far it been four years since the experiment started and there are no signs of any change in the animals or so they think. there's an accident in the lab and MC is trapped with YC until they fine a way to pull them out leaving your with mine. They have access to the majority of the facility.  MC is sexually frustrated by the end of the week YC can smell MC arousal we can go from there.

Little red riding hood with a twist (modern setting)

****15.Red Riding Hood & Big Bad Wolf 
- Lovely Red ventures off on her own to a new city  and encounters a werewolves who becomes infatuated with her. he tried to court her but she turns him down multiple times. He finally loose his patience and takes her against her will. Would prefer the man/beast

****16. Bodyguard and client.

The client is a very well known young CEO of a multi-billion company. There have been a few attempts on his life by fellow competitors and a dark past that his/her family tried to hurry. S/he has become cold to those around him due to the loose of his fiance. (This one is a slow build up of a relationship. The only dark themes is the fight scenes that will occur or any flashbacks/explanations)



Sword Art Online:


****Inuyasha× Kagome 
**Sheshomaru× Kagome

Harry Potter:

****Harry×Fred×George(plot in mind)
**Harry× Fred


Life is strange


Mass effect

***NoctisxLunafreya(rough idea in mind)
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