Female LF Male for Long term. Story.


Dec 26, 2017
Hey there thank you for looking into my post.

To start I'll say that this is going to be much more story involved than smut though there will be a little bit of smut when it is more helpful to the story and not just because. So saying that I want to say that I won't do a small number of things the usual no that people have. But if anyone is interested I am more than open to discussing kinks and stuff.

As for the story I had a number of different ideas but two that have more come together for anything worthwhile.

My first is an idea open to modern or sci-fi. It involves a woman perhaps found in something like an Egyptian tomb, unearthed. Or who is kept in a facility like the SCP Foundation. And is something sort of a demi God, or powerful alien who escapes and is on the run again.

And my other idea is one of a woman travelling throughout a world after an apocalypse. This can be in the vein of Mad Max, Fallout, something more like an alien attack so War of the Worlds or even something more like The Mist. Either way it's her and whomever YC is story of survival.

I am also now open to some incestual pairings and maybe some older men(YC) with a younger girl (MC) all within the rules of the site of course.

Another idea I've had is one with the romantic place known as Camelot. King Arthur, knights, queens, princesses, sword fighting, magic and of course the fall of the old Roman Empire. And the political intrigues involved in England and the people there facing a world without the guiding hand of Rome.

I am also looking into a fun spy roleplay if anyone is interested!

I am also more than open to try more modern slice of life RPs if people want to try that?

Kayla? Kayla!

I also have faceclaims I can offer once we work out what we want to do. And what we come up with. I like to RP in the 3rd person and through PMs or a messenger.
Bumping this up yo! Let me know what you liiiiike! And thanks for htose who've already contacted me, you're all awesome. So keep it coming!
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