Let's write together

Apr 26, 2017
I go by Alice on here, I have been writing and roleplaying on and off for roughly 10 years. I consider myself to be fairly literate, not fantastic but not bad either. Now onto the rules and all that extra stuff.

1) I tend to write multiple paragraphs and ask that my partner be willing to do the same. No one sentence replies. I will drop you like a hot potato if you do that to me.
2) I am not perfect with grammar myself but please don't use text speak. Write in complete sentences and have them make sense.
3) Remember role play is role play, have fun with it. Don't take things personally and don't think there is more than there is.
4) I will play both male and female characters, although, I prefer female. I will only play male if it is a male/male relationship. Otherwise no, sorry.
5) As far as types of role plays I enjoy I am pretty much open to everything. Though, I like romance, adventure, fantasy, and historical fiction the most. Not so much futuristic but if the plot you propose is good odds are I will go for it. I'll go for almost anything as long as I find it interesting. So if there is a story you really want to try tell me, I'll probably go for it.
6) The quickest and easiest way to contact me is PM, I'm far more likely to respond that way. I check the messages more often.
7) With most of my ideas I am looking for a long-term role play partner. If you aren't willing tell me that early on.
8) As far as smut to plot ratio in my role plays I want a 30/70 percent smut to plot ratio. I want my role plays to be story driven. I don't mind doing some purely smutty stories but I have to really like them.

Most craving:

Pirate Queen
Sirens of the Sea
A Hired Sword

Scientist/test subject
Arranged Marriage

Harry Potter
Beauty and the Beast
Peter Pan
Memoirs of a Geisha
Little Red Riding Hood
Swan Princess

Older brother/Younger sister
Older brother's friend/Younger sister
Scientist/Test subject
Imaginary Friend
Multiple Personalities
Egyptian Princess/General
Arranged marriage
Adopted sibling/sibling
middle school crush
vampire sire/new vampire
prince or princess/general or soldier
pirate/"cabin boy"
navy officer/runaway
police officer/serial killer
stable boy/master
Old west
Crush on a Teacher
Childhood friends
Warring Kingdoms
King/Queen to be
Time travel
Gender swap
Gold Digger
Native American/White settler
Skater Boy Punk/Ballerina

Harry Potter
One Piece
Kingdom Hearts
Game of Thrones
A Great and Terrible Beauty
Flowers in the Attic
Avatar the Last Airbender
Swan Princess
Alice in Wonderland
Gregor the Overlander
Helen of Troy
Memoirs of a Geisha
Sword Art Online
Wolf Children
Peter Pan
Hunter x Hunter
Little Red Riding Hood
Legend of Zelda
Beauty and the Beast
Blue Lagoon
Black Jewel Trilogy
Greek Gods
Harley Quinn

More fully fledged ideas

Separated at a young age after the divorce of their parents the siblings knew next to nothing about each other. The death of their mother forces them back under one roof. Their father is away on increasingly lengthy business trips. In his absence the two grow very close, too close maybe.

Sora is a painfully shy young man, he's always been on the small side and the crush of his life just happens to be his playboy best friend. Playboy male best friend. Sora's friend is quite the ladies man and has no interest in men. One night Sora receives a present from his aunt a ring. The next morning after putting it on Sora awakens to find himself female. Maybe now he can finally win the heart of his best friend. Though what will happen if the truth ever gets out?

When a kingdom is captured and beaten, its people become one with the new rule. Its land added to an ever growing empire, it's kings and queens publicly slain, and their children become the play toys of the new law. This practice has been used for many hundreds of years. When the small kingdom of Eros finds itself at war, defeat is inevitable, and its royal children enter a realm of dark desire.

For as long as she could remember he had been there, flitting about in the shadows, talking to her. He would fill her ears with tales of other worlds and beings to incredible and terrible to be real. With every passing year their bond deepened. Alarmed by his daughters seclusive and secretive ways her father sends for doctors, who pronounce her mind unstable. She is sent away to their country estate in the hopes that the fresh air will aid her recovery. But, her condition worsens as she starts to see even more beings lurking in the shadows, frightening creatures that begin to haunt her. Seeing no other choice the father listens to his new wife and sends her away to a place where they heal the weak of mind.

Marie waits in vain for her long lost fiance, taken years ago in a pirate raid. Little does she know that as she waited her fiance has been pillaging and building his crew. Marie approached marriageable age and learns she is to be wed to a detestable old man. Disguising herself as a man she becomes cabin boy on a Navy Ship intent on finding her first love.

When a soul and its power proves too much for a single body the soul splits and twins are born. Combining their powers twins can perform impossible feats. An unstable king learns of a prophecy that threatens his reign. Upon learning the prophecy he orders death to all twins and those that will be born. A young priestess gives birth in secret. Unwilling to loose her babies on the fear of a mad king she sends them away to be raised to adulthood separately.

Trained in the art of stealth and assassination at a young age, they are to take any job no questions asked. Hired by an ambitious cousin afraid of losing his ill gotten throne, Kyle has order to kill the only remaining threat to his power, the kings daughter. But killing the young woman turns out to be more challenging than Kyle thought.

Darkness is overrunning Wonderland, the Mad Hatter and the Cheshire cat believe it has something to do with Alice. So they fly up the rabbit hole into the strange land of London in search of her. Searching for the one person who may be able to save their world from destruction.

Sirens of the sea they are called and aptly named. For centuries mermaids have lured sailors to their watery graves. First they would steal the men away to their underwater kingdom and use them for children. When they were finished they would kill them.

She was the pride of the entertainment troupe, their jewel. Her exotic good looks drew men like honey, begging for them to watch her sensual moves. Having heard much of their skill they were invited to court to perform for the king. She went last, clad in purple silks. She entranced the king, eyes flashing, wispy silks flaring she danced for him. The troupe was invited again and again to the palace to perform for him, each time amply paid for their services. She would be richly gifted, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, bolts of lovely costly material for costumes. All of which she must wear for the next performance, gifts from the smitten king. Every night they would come and every night she was invited to give the king a private show. Time and again she refused, coyly. She was showered in more gifts, more jewels, more silks. The king had long run out of impatience with the infuriatingly beautiful woman. He took what he wanted, the troupe fled that night protecting their precious gem. Nine months later she passed on, leaving behind a child so like her in looks, save for her eyes. Those she shared with her sire. The young mother had enough strength for one word, the child's name. Aiko.
Aiko grew up part of the same troupe as her mother. She shared her mother's exotic beauty and love of dance. Aiko garnered a name for herself, Orchid. She was loved by her people, had found an extended family in them. A family that doted on the lovely child. She was never told who her father was. As she grew, so too did her reputation. Soon she caught the ear of the king. The troupe refused to let her go to him. Wouldn't give her a reason why. It made no sense to her, this was a king. One did not refuse a king. Yet they did, which enraged a king who always go what he wanted. In the end they were forced before this man, surrounded by his guard. The leader swept forward all smiles, claiming what an honor it was to be able to perform for the king again. Again? They didn't want her to perform but she was asked for. The king wanted to see the famous Orchid. When she was brought forth, the years melted away and he remembered another woman, alike in all but the hue of her eyes. He coveted this woman, raining gifts on her as he had done to another all those years ago. The troupe could not leave the palace. Aiko was flattered, until the troupe leader took her aside and spoke the truth of her sire. Horrified she rebuffed the kings advances. When nothing worked and she seemed on the verge of receiving the same treatment as her mother they fled. Helped along by a young guardsman, who had taken a shine to the entertaining troupes Orchid. Once finding that the troupe had fled him and angered at loosing what he wants to king plans to turn over every rock, search every house until he finds Orchid and makes her his. Just as he had her mother many years ago. Pursued by the king the troupe flees, looking for sanctuary as romance blooms between the beautiful Orchid and the eager young guard.

For generations a noble family has provided the Pharaoh with daughters to wed and although many of those girls were simply shuttered away to become one of the king's many extra wives and concubines, it is still a great honor. Thus when Pharaoh sought a new wife they offered up their only child. After many a miscarriage the nobles wife had died with a still born, and his new wife had yet to provide him with a child. Rather than admit that the only child of marriageable age was a male and lose such an honor, they lied. Clothing him in woman's garments and passing him off as female. As luck would have it on the night of their wedding, the elderly Pharaoh passed away. Ahmes figured his secret would be safe and he would assuredly be either sent back home or forgotten with the kings old concubines, who now belonged to the new Pharaoh. The new Pharaoh had his own wives and concubines. Unfortunately for Ahmes, the elderly Pharaoh's son had other plans for him

Briarwood, it was a place for young girls with fragile minds. The elite who frequented there looked after these young ones. What happened within those walls was kept a secret from the rest of the world. When a girl was considered cured she would be sent home. In short time this same girl would be back again after suffering an "episode". Once in Briarwood one never got to leave. Rose had been in and out of those walls since she was five, there was no escaping Briarwood. Now twelve Rose is an old hat in the building. She knew the words to say, the doctors to pacify. So ingrained was the thought that she was a sick little girl, that even she came to believe it. She questioned her hold on sanity and couldn't feel comfortable around her family at home. Briarwood was her world. She was given over to the doctors in hopes that their treatments could cure her. When she was sufficiently well she was sent back home. There she stayed for days, maybe weeks until she woke screaming in the night, or babbling in strange tongues in front of guests. Then back she would go. Back to Briarwood, for another round of treatment.
Briarwood is the pretty poison. There is no cure for Briarwood.

Many a generation ago a female of Maria's bloodline made a pact with the very devil himself, a gift as it were for freeing him of his prison. The pact was one of victory. She and every female of her bloodline was fated to win, always. They used this dark gift to garner riches and power throughout time. Bringing us at last to Maria.
Like the women before her she was fated to win, knowing only an inkling of why this was. A family myth passed down through the female bloodline. Maria is the youngest, and only female of the four major Mafia families. She takes great pride in this fact and uses her abilities to make the world bow before her. She gets anything and everything she desires. This is a versatile role play. We could follow the females throughout time or stick with Maria. Or we could skip to the girl who eventually finds a way to end the pact.

Nothing huge, I just want to create our own characters and go through Hogwarts with them. Follow them through their seven years of schooling. The canon can be there maybe as friends or maybe not at all. Open for discussion

In secret Team Rocket has been cultivating a new Pokemon drug. The drug was designed to enhance a Pokemon's strength ten fold and it did. Much to the pleasure of the scientist working on the drug. The Pokemon's strength would spike with no clean side effects. The drug was given to Pokemon in their first evolution. It wasn't until they evolved that things went bad. The virus mutated within their evolving bodies and the Pokemon became essentially rapid. The virus slowly starts to leak out through the air infecting other Pokemon. Who stay unchanging until they evolve. But, once they do they turn on their trainers and slaughter whoever isn't lucky enough to get away. The only Pokemon who don't become rapid are those with no evolutionary forms. Those mutate into more humanlike forms. Towns have been ransacked, are deserted, and all but destroyed. There are pockets of humans left aided by final evolution Pokemon who turned before the outbreak and first and second form evolutions who have yet to evolve. Because only by banding together can they survive.

After being played and spurned by her pirate lover, one young lady takes to the seas to get her revenge. The daughter of a lord of a small coastal town, Katrina was definitely not a little lady. She knew how to act the part but was often drawn to the seedier parts of town. Twelve years old she met the seventeen year old Micah, a young pirate. They spend much time together when he makes port over the following years. Micah teaches her many things, including the rudiments of sword fighting and how to shoot. Katrina falls hopelessly in love and when she is fifteen takes him into her bed. They proclaim love and he promises to take her away with him one day after she learns her father is thinking of marrying her off. She only has to bring some jewels so they can buy their own ship. She does and he takes them all, shooting her, and leaving her for dead in a gutter. He flees with the money and a new ship of his own, where he is captain. Laying in a pool of her own blood Katrina promises herself that she will find him and she will kill him, as equals. She will become a pirate captain and look him in the eyes as she kills him.
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