Persona-themed RP (Idea)


Sep 30, 2016
So, this thought has been lingering on my mind for a while now, to make a sort of Persona-themed RP. As for mechanics and how it'll play out, I'm thinking it to be somewhat similar to Persona 5, though I also enjoyed Personas 3 and 4 as well, which I could incorporate as well based on the choices provided by those wishing to join. The only difference about this RP is that it will not be set in Japan, like the games, but rather, North America, or even another setting in the world somewhere in the modern day. And the target group of 'Persona-users' will be those who should be attending college or university; whether they share classes or not, though, I will leave that to be decided on at a later time.

Now, the fun part; the Persona themselves, who gets to be the Wild Card ability to summon more than one kind of Persona, and what will the Velvet room look like for them? I have decided that for those who decide to join, I will place your usernames in a hat, and draw one of you by random to see just who gets to be the Wild Card and, subsequently, the group leader, of which I will send a group PM to explain who gets this privilege. Social Links/Confidants WILL be a vital point of this as well for the Wild Card, hence I will most likely make NPCs that share similar ideals to or hold interest in them at certain points. Igor shall remain the primary resident of the Velvet Room; as for his assistant(s), well... I'll be thinking that over. I will play as him whenever the leader makes a trip into the Velvet Room. The Wild Card will possess the ability to summon all the available Persona in Persona 5, minus the character exclusives and DLC.

Rules are fairly substandard; no godmodding, so no avoiding or repelling every attack thrown your way and not every hit you attempt to make will connect or even be successful. Shadows do possess immunities or even absorb certain skills thrown at them, and even the player character Personas hold weaknesses as well, making them susceptible to being knocked off their feet if said weakness is exploited. I will allow for new skills to be made, but I personally would like skills to be limited to what is available in Persona 5 (minus the DLC exclusives). Try to keep basic skills the earliest learned, and then gradually come up to learn better skills; send me a message of your Persona's skill-list in PM, and I will determine if it's acceptible. If you come up with a new skill, be sure to describe what it does in as best detail as possible.

This has been an idea that's been on my mind for a while now, and I hope to hear what others think of it.
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