Inuyasha Roleplay! (mxf and mxm)


Nov 12, 2017
I’ve been rping for 15+ years. I do it in the third person paragraph style. Depending on the situation and the person I’m with it can be anywhere from one long paragraph to more than five. I enjoy detail! Also I do enjoy smut but I also like some plot too. Depending on the story can either have a more smut ratio or more plot ratio. Just ask!

Bold is the character I'm looking to play

**Inuyasha x Kagome (or the male version Kaname) (mxf or mxm)

This can take place either during the series or after when they get together. They try to hide it but mating and bonding to his mate is something Inuyasha has wanted to do with Kagome for a long time. She gives in to his hanyo desires and cannot hide it from his powerful nose

***Sessumaru x Inuyasha (mxm)


Naraku is able to mess with the Inu Taisha's and causes Sessu to seek a mate rather violently. In order to stop him Inuyasha is informed of his brothers crazed alpha state. Being an alpha himself he refuses to allow his brother to beat him or do anything else to him for that matter! His companions misunderstanding the situation all pitch together and tell him he needs to help his brother. Outnumbered in his mix-matched pack, Inuyasha agrees and submits. It's the worst thing he'd ever faced and after he heals he realizes a tiny growing problem in his stomach. Without being bonded to Sessu he faces a challenge to be able to have their babies alone, but he refuses to talk to Sessu even as more problems arise!

****Sessumaru x Inuyasha (mxm)


Heat?! Inuyasha wasn't aware he'd mature at 250 years old (about 18 in human years) and go into heat! Also the mating mark area he noticed on Kagome is gone! Now he smells delicious to any passing male. Myoga informs the group they need to watch out for the Hanyou because he seems to be a very very rare form of Submissive male that's a seriously prized possession in the demon world. Absolutely livid Inuyasha tried to keep anyone from getting close to him and marking him!

Please pm me if you're interested

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