Let's Play (Discord preferred)


Aug 24, 2015
Kansas City area
Hello there! Thanks for giving me a read! I have other stuff posted, too, so whatever you want to talk about here, come hit me up on Discord at mizzouchica08#1094 and we'll have a good time.

I've started playing some different characters lately, and with the new year, I decided to pitch some plays involving characters I'd like to embody. I do have some pictures of the characters I can play for each of these ideas, so if you message me about them, I'll have them to share. I'm open to other people or celebrity face claims in these if that's more your speed. Also, in all cases, feedback is not only welcome but required. I want to get your spin on what I've written, the path you most like when I give you options, etc. And now, off to the ideas!


The Dating Scene -
I decided to build a story around a single guy character here (which is your part, not mine!). He gets a new job, moves to a new city, and once he's there, he gets to enjoy the local dating scene a bit. Would he look for true love, for some quick hookups, to break a few hearts? This one's meant to be lighter and fun, as I'll throw different characters at you as we go, and you can decide who to pursue. It might get chaotic as real life and dating does, but that's the fun of this idea to me. Let me know what you have in mind.

What a Guy Wants - A man (at least in his 30s here) is dating an older (40s) single mom. Things are going well enough, but there's a growing interest in the teenage daughter. We can play this a few ways, from a romance through the initial relationship that leads toward flirting with the daughter, on up to things about to go a little crazy juggling both women in the house. What would your guy do, what would he want, how would he handle his attraction and feelings? Let's explore it. (Note: I'm not doing a three-way here)

Dad Will Hate That - We've all had our rebellious phases in life, and this one centers on a college girl who decides to break out and do what she wants with her parents far enough away. What would she do? A new tattoo or two for herself, a new kind of guy (or a run of guys, if you like that kind of play), and what else? The door's wide open on this one, so tell me what you're thinking and how perhaps things would go with her relationship with everyone back home if you like to cover that as well.

Makin' It - This one has a bit of a #MeToo feel to it. A theater major (21/22 years old) decides to take a shot at fame in Hollywood or on Broadway. She leaves school, heads out, and tries to make it from there. For a girl like her, the sharks are out there, and that's kind of the story. Do you want to play different sharks out to get her? Do you want to be just one who holds out promises of fame for his selfish ends? What's going to happen as she chases her hopes for fame? I want to hear more.

There Is Darkness All Around Me - I have this title that I like for this one, but I don't have a fully fleshed out story for it. It's more of a tone. It's based on a woman who just seems to give off a dark energy, and she is one of two things. She's the black cloud who follows other people's lives, or she has one following her. Being with her will be dangerous: is she crazy, is she going to ruin your life, is she on the road to doom (with our without your help), or do you see anything similar?


She's So Awful! -
This idea would involve a public figure of your choice: an actress, music artist, YouTube personality, whatever else. It’s a bit of a hate/love thing: you may look at her and think she’s incredibly attractive but there’s something in the way: you find her untalented, she annoys you, etc. but whatever it is it’s something that… You. Just. Can’t. Stand. Tell me about her, and what’s wrong with her in your opinion. Maybe we can put together a really interesting play based on when you get a chance to meet her. NOTE: Let’s not get TOO political or stray into religion for this one, if we can avoid it.

The Meta Play - This one got inspired by me watching a lot of Community lately and Abed's storylines. Basically, we would run a play based on the cliche plays. A friends with benefits or a bored spouses or boyfriend/girlfriend situation ends up building some fun times around those ideas: he knocks on her door as the new neighbor, she dresses up as a schoolgirl coming to get her extra credit, he's looking to hire a new secretary, the pizza delivery gets a big tip, so on and so on. I was hoping for a fresh take on the "boring" ideas for this one, with some emotional depth as the relationship goes on under all the superficial setups. I think this one could be a lot of fun, especially if you like that winking at the camera type of show. Feel free to suggest ways to combine this one with some of the other ideas here, too, if you'd like.

Picking Up - So I did a play with someone involving the guy trying out some of that "pickup artist" stuff as the character, and basically, I kind of wanted to single that item out for something again. Give me your thoughts either about the whole pickup thing or about an idea that we could use it in, and maybe we can find a way to get this one to work. I think it could make for an interesting dynamic in a play, and if you're feeling shy, maybe you'll find things to help you out offline too!

A Little Celebrity Play - I've had requests for it before, and I figured why not toss it in here. I'm mostly open on the celebrities and don't mind suggesting a few once we start talking. I will object if you pick someone TOO well-known, just because I have a hard time building a character independent from them. That said, I'm also open on playing either as that person or just using a face claim. Is there an idea you've had about a celebrity? Is there a celeb crush you have that you'd like to put in a play? Do you just want to collaborate and put a famous face on the character/s? Ask!


Coming to America -
This idea is open actually to one of two characters: one from Japan, the other from the Middle East. She decides – with her family’s support or without it, depending on your interests – to come to America (or Britain or Canada, or wherever you live!) to pursue opportunities that aren’t open to her back at home. Whether she’s coming for an education or to start a business, she settles in and seems to attract just one type of guy: the nerdy type. The Japanese girl seems to attract the anime and Japanese-loving nerds, while the Middle Eastern girl seems to just meet them a lot more with her interests in games and sci-fi. In either case, your guy could be one of two types: either he fits the sort of usual guy she meets so she’s kind of down for everything, or he’s someone completely different. The comfortable type would mean she would be pretty cool with everything that happens, and the new type of guy would naturally be exciting because he means new people, new things, etc. Bonus points if you’re interested in a sort of language barrier: her English may not be perfect, or he has an interest in her culture/language, so on.
ALTERNATE VERSION: We can do it with a woman moving here - think in terms of newly arriving or in a "mail order bride" situation. In another approach like that, we can keep the cultural differences without going too deep into any particular subculture, too.
NOTE: I'm suggesting a couple of nationalities here, but they aren't the only ones I would consider. If you have a place you would recommend as well, feel free! If you live in Canada, Britain, wherever, we can have her go there too. Outside of America, we could send a good all-American girl abroad as well!

An Education - She finished high school at the top of her class and had plenty of extracurricular activities that looked great on the state university’s application: NHS, class vice-president, jazz band, so on. With her summer before college ahead of her (or with her freshman year beginning, if you prefer the college setting) and an ability to keep her grades up on her own, she decided she had one more step in her personal growth and development. To that end, she reaches out to your guy (or guys?): a former teacher or new professor, an older male friend, a random-ish guy online, etc. In the process, she learns a bit more about sex and what you want to expose her to, and she comes out of her bookish shell a little bit. How would she start expressing herself more? I want to know what you think there.

A Family Destroyed - She’s a good woman, really: active in the community, a couple of sons she’s raising well, and a very likable husband. Still, she can’t shake the feeling that something’s missing. This is where – well, this is your part – enters the picture. I could see a co-worker (with her or her husband), a salesman or service provider, even a guy at a charity or other organization where she volunteers. While it doesn’t have to be, I would see this one being something that kind of tears her life apart from what she used to know and thought she was happy about: how would it fall apart, and how far would she fall? Let’s talk.
ALTERNATE VERSION 1: She gets into online chatting or role playing, and she gets drawn deeper into it by one particular online relationship. It can proceed from there: calls, a meeting, and eventually, everything comes apart for her.
ALTERNATE VERSION 2: She has the same feelings even as her husband's company downsizes him out of his very good job. He has to find something new, but in the meantime, there are bills to pay. What would she do to pay them, with her husband's agreement at first, of course? I'm sure you have suggestions in mind.

Getting Back Out There - The guy she met in college and married after was going to be hers forever… until it all came crashing down. Now, in her early 30s – perhaps with a kid or two, if you’re into the single mom thing – she’s having to get back out there after not worrying about a date or anything for nearly 15 years. Everything’s passed her by in a sense: the world of online dating, Tinder, etc. is all new to her, and your guy (or guys, if you want to put her on a little quest for the right guy) may have an advantage. Do her unsure looks in her profile photos, her perhaps too-naive trust in the guys she talks to, and similar slip-ups get used against her? Or does she find a guy who finds those little things kind of adorable? This one’s pretty open to a range of tones and styles of play, so tell me what you’re thinking for it.

Taming the Type A - She’s young and successful. Her career is going well, where she’s ascended to a position of power already and she’s about to be one of the Top 30 Under 30 in the city magazine. She works out as hard as she works too, and she’s in fantastic shape. She pretty well has control of everything in her life… except him. Is he a new hire in her company/department, does he work out at her gym, is he just someone she sees socially that she just can’t shake? Let’s figure that out. I could see it going one of two ways overall: either there’s a longer struggle for who controls things full of drama and tension, or they reach an arrangement where she lets go of things when she’s around him. Tell me what you’re thinking – I would love to know!
ALTERNATE VERSION: A guy suggested this one, and it seemed interesting enough to suggest more widely. She's young, she's looking great, and she decides to fulfill a little secret fantasy of hers to take a little detour into the world of stripping (or porn, if you like that more). The story can head in the same directions as above, but it's another spin on the story.

Overall, I just want to tell you thank you for reading this long post, and if you didn't notice, I love to get creative! Let's see what we can do together, and I hope that I'll be hearing from you soon!
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I'll write something new for this summer, but right now, let's go with one last bump. If you've seen my post and thought about it but never messaged, now's your time!
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