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A Valkyrie in all but name (1x1 or group)

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Forgotten Dark Phantom Knight
Dec 21, 2016
Somewhere you can find me
Plot hook
Ashelia, called by her sisters the Berserker Valkyrie, descended to Earth in self-exile days before the deity which her sister and she served had ordained her be stripped of her wings and armor for the slaughter of souls that were not hers to care for that happened after she had gone into her self-imposed exile. She knows in her heart she was framed, but with her sisters out in force to capture her, her hands are tied. Her only hope is to find allies. However, with both Heaven and Hell chasing her, she may be hellbent not to trust anyone.

Hi, and thanks for looking at this new thread. I recently decided that I would break the mold I roleplay in temporarily so that I may try something new. I'll be playing Ashelia, a Valkyrie whom finds herself hunted by her sister Valkyries and the forces whom want her dead to cover their tracks. I don't intend for Ashelia to be romantically paired with any other character but I'm open to a platonic friendships. I would like there to be a decent bit of action in the rp on top of a slice of life gimmick. For 1x1 rps, I'll accept pm rps while group rps will be in threads.

Ashelia will be a tough character to get to open up. Unlike other Valkyries, she's not afraid to figuratively and literally bust someone's balls to put a person whom annoys her in their place and is practically insusceptible to external corruption due to her father being the strongest of the 13 Demon Lords of Hell. This means that she can wield both Light and Dark magic, but could very well become a Dark Valkyrie via soul corruption if a severely traumatic experience unstabilizes her mental state.
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