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Temper the Storm [Star Wars: JGS & Blue]

Blinking Blue

Jan 15, 2016
Erisa Naiyo mostly tended to Stormtroopers. Occasionally it was others if there was an accident or someone had a fever, but mostly it was those who were in combat on the ground. Not a lot of people came back in for treatment after a fight that was in space, after all. She was decently well liked - good at her job, always warm and wholehearted in her support of the First Order, and talented at remembering the designated numbers of all the Stormtroopers she saw. Her uniform, a very light grey with a baby blue medic's symbol underneath the First Order symbol on the sleeve, was always clean, pressed, and fitted to her form appropriately. Admittedly she did often go without her uniform hat but nobody had ever called her out on it

When the doors to the medbay, staffed sparsely by humans and mostly by medical droids, slid open, she assumed it was going to be troopers. It... it was not. His hood had been pulled over his head to help hide the man's face, but Elitha recognized the robes. "That way." They had two private rooms in the back, and that was clearly where he would go. Kylo Ren could not be left among the standard folk, for many reasons. A medical droid was sent over to meet them and relieve the Stormtrooper escort of the unconscious leader because she assumed that he would prefer that to having another human being see him in a weakened state (and see his face), but General Hux, who had strolled in immediately after, put a stop to that. "No. You do it."
"Pardon?" It was taken as questioning an order though it wasn't what she meant, and the General fixed her with a stormy and intimidating look until the woman nodded her head took over. The unconscious man was transferred onto a bed - a healing pod was standard but she couldn't help but think of the temperament he was known for and ended up fetching the lighter, less restrictive portable monitoring equipment. She fetched her uniform cap while this was done, determined to look the way she was supposed to while in the company of someone so prestigious, and then set to work. His wounds were cleaned and a droid applied the necessary patching to his face. Erisa had a steady touch and had done it before, but facial work was best left to the mechanically perfect hands of the droid. More needed to be done on the deeper and more concerning abdominal wound. A combination of different treatments would ensure that the wound healed as flexibly as possible.

His helmet was placed reverently near the unconscious man on a small table,and then she stepped out to check on other patients in the bay, taking another brief moment to water small lotus-esque pink flower in a glass pot that had been with her since she'd set foot on the Supremacy. It was from her home planet and she had taken careful care of it to make sure it stayed bright and beautiful. She kept it with her in the medbay because she thought the little burst of color would help those who came in sick or injured to the main space. It certainly helped her, but that was because it symbolized more than just home for Erisa. It was a reminder of how much better things were with the First Order, even when things seemed dark, dangerous, and potentially problematic. There was law to be brought, lives would be made better.

Hesitating by the small screen that held all of his vital information, she pushed a few strands of hair behind her ear and let her eyes drift down to the face of the man who she had only ever seen from an immense distance while in the mask. He wasn’t what she’d expected. Honestly Erisa wasn’t sure what she expected, but it was not him. This was just the face of a man. She understood why he would wear the mask. It wasn't like he couldn't have inspired without it and it definitely wasn't like she was any less in awe of him now, seeing the man instead of the symbol he'd become. Face hidden or not he was still the one they called Jedi Killer, he was the one some said he could fight an entire squad of Stormtroopers by himself. And yet he just... looked like a man. All that strength was hidden inside of him, at least now when he was unconscious and under her care.

((have a full body picture of Erisa!
I ended up editing this like three times lmao))
The air is cold and harsh against his face as it sweeps through the bereft forest. But he continues on, pushing through the coarse thicket as the pale snow creaks beneath his feet. Around him, slender frames of darkened timber dot the landscape, protruding from the frosty floor and extending endlessly into a starless night. A girl stands to meet him, her light unwavering. His hand is hot as he raises his own, chaotic light. It ignites angrily, burning red with the hatred that festers inside him. He wants to kill her. To reduce her to nothing and leave her in the same state as the lifelessness that surrounded them. His weight is heavy on his back leg as he drives himself through her effortlessly. The sharp pain in his chest begins to dull as he finds himself peering into his own eyes. Now, he feels nothing. The dullness is paralyzing as he finds himself tumbling from an elevated catwalk. As he falls, he sees a face. The girl from the forest. She shines so bright he can hardly see. He scrambles desperately, reaching and grasping at her light as he descends deeper and deeper into darkness.


With a ragged inhale, Kylo Ren's eyes flitted open to an obnoxious light. His sight was cloudy, steadily adjusting to the intense brightness that filled the private room he rested in. Raising a shaky hand to shield his recovering sight, a familiar shape became visible behind the blinding light. The shape of a girl. Instinctively, his palm shot forward violently, knocking the small medical flashlight out of her hand as he did so. As he squeezed, he could hear the rattling of the various tools and instruments in the med bay as they elevated from the sleek surfaces they had rested on. He could hear the choked sounds from his tormentor as her wavy, brunette hair became visible to him. He noticed the pale skin of her face and the slender frame of her body and he exerted more strength. It was only when he'd pulled her close enough to touch that he recognized the insignia on her shirt.

In an instant, the room they shared behaved as if it'd just discovered the existence of gravity. The expensive and intricate instruments crashed onto the sterile floor eagerly as Ren released the medic who'd been monitoring his condition. As he scanned the room, his hand moved over his face, fingertips pressing against the tender wound that cracked along his angular visage. His attention shifted immediately to his mask, which sat atop a small table beside him. As he rose from the bed, his swift ascent was slowed by the sharp pain in his side that forced a grimace to shape his solemn expression. He turned away from the girl beside him as he collected himself.

"Where is this ship headed?" his voice sounded with the unnerving calmness characteristic of a Knight of Ren. "The girl and the traitor. Where are they?" Ren's attention finally shifted to his nurse, his piercing eyes narrowing in on the girl whom he'd awoken to. Her light grey uniform wrapped her petite frame neatly. Her hair, only slightly disheveled from his earlier reaction, was tucked behind the matching hat designated to medical staff. Unlike much of what surrounded her, her face seemed to glow with a particular aspiration he'd not seen aboard the Supremacy in a long while. "What is your name?" His appearance mimicked the ambiguity of his mask well, but there was a hint of intrigue even he could not conceal as he studied the young medic before him.
The twenty six year old didn't have time to respond to the fact that the air in the small room was suddenly oppressive and heavy or that the man who'd been lying down on the bed was awake. All of her attention was immediately pulled to pressure on her throat. Her attempts to breathe came in sharp, short gasps, and her slender hands lifted like she would be able feel whatever it was that was choking her. Her feet slid along the clean white floor and Erisa forced herself not to struggle. Fighting it wasn't going to help. The pain and fear were obvious on her face because she was barely capable of hiding her feelings at the best of times and this was definitely not that. The powerlessness perhaps more frightening than the pain, though she had previous experience with both. Then everything dropped, her body was under her control again, and the pressure was gone entirely. The room felt the way it always did, and the only signs that anything had happened were the fact that equipment was out of place and her own agitation.

She took a deep slightly rasping breath and stumbled backwards a few steps. After a few inhales the brunette bent down to pick up the small flashlight, using the moment to compose herself. She tucked the small tool into her belt where it was always kept, like a rogue might store a blaster. Pockets were in short supply when it came to First Order uniforms, and the flashlight wasted space in them. She straightened promptly after, not looking him in the face. It seemed to be more politeness than fear though because the moment he started to rise, concern flashed in her large brown eyes. Covering the distance that had been lost while she recovered, Erisa raised a hand like she was going to touch him, but let it fall. "Don't get up, you're--" Oh. Well he was doing it anyway. "The ship is currently holding a slow course away from the Outer Rim. I think there are ships locating the Resistance. As for those two, I don't know. The Starkiller exploded and everyone who survived was brought back here and haven't heard anything about them. My job is to patch people up, I'm afraid I'm not entirely kept up to date." She’d learned all the important things eventually, but if the announcement wasn’t made to the entire ship it might take her a while to receive unannounced information unless someone came to deliver it.

"Erisa Naiyo. Sir." That seemed like the right thing to add onto the end. Kylo Ren existed in a weird position outside of the same hierarchy the rest of them followed, but he was definitely far above her. She wished the head medic was there, but it was just her. and that made things a little bit harder. Technically third in command when it came to the medbay staff, but that wasn't saying much when there were only five people worked there. Her First Order rank wasn't offered up because she hadn't thought of that and didn't often introduce herself by it anyway. When people were injured the rules changed a little and even those who were her superiors listened to her, at least usually. To be serving as a medic on the Supremacy meant that she was either very good at what she did or she knew all the right people, and the knowledge of that tended to factor in when it came to trying to get people to do what she needed them to. "Please sit back down so I can finish my work. I’d like you to be laying down for a little while longer but that seems unlikely, so perhaps we can compromise?” Her tone was friendly and though there was still a little bit of wariness buried in her expression, she seemed to have moved past the fact she’d been choked and dragged by unseen energy just a minute before.

"The General would probably be... willing to fill you in," she was going to say 'happy' but General Hux didn't seem like the sort who was ever happy about anything, at least not openly, "he was concerned enough to accompany you here." And make sure she was assigned to him as opposed to one of the droids. It could also have been a power play, and she wasn't so foolish as not to recognize that. If it wasn't legitimate concern that had him putting her with the man who preferred to keep his face covered by a mask around everyone, it was to use her as a tool of discomfort. Obviously not something Erisa agreed with or enjoyed the idea of, and she was going to do her best to negate the issue as much as possible.

((in my head there's like 5 non-Stormtrooper medics and then the rest are all medical droids. In an emergency the troopers could probably be called for extra hands on deck, but they train and get deployed with their squads so they're not standard staffers))
"Erisa Naiyo. Sir."

Her name wasn't one he recognized. Although, admittedly, Ren didn't recognize very many. As apprentice to the Supreme Leader, the young force user had rarely associated with First Order personnel outside the select few placed directly under his chain of command. Inspiring the troops and maintaining relations fell more under General Armitage Hux's line of work. Kylo maintained his silence, his dark eyes raking over her conflicted guise as the girl presented him with her compromise. Though he hadn't expressed it, her behavior surprised him. Ren was known to be temperamental and had publicly lashed out several times before. In each instance, the affected parties had been quick to submit and flee from his sight. Yet, here she stood. Having been choked a moment prior, the girl was now offering a compromise to the master of the Knights of Ren.

With a sharp exhale, Ren took a seat on the bed. He observed the private recovery room as Erisa resumed her work. Various droids zipped around, picking up the numerous instruments that he'd knocked to the floor. Looking to the med bay, he noticed a pink flower sprouting from an elegant glass pot; its bright hue clashing with the uniform colors that served as its backdrop.

"The General would probably be... willing to fill you in,"

The mention of Hux was enough to draw Ren's attention back to the woman surveying his condition. Of all the lives that had been lost on Starkiller base, Armitage had somehow managed to keep his.

"he was concerned enough to accompany you here."

Ren gripped Erisa's slender wrist, noticing the deep brown in her round, attentive eyes as he glanced at her face. Hux was never concerned enough to accompany anyone anywhere. "We're done here." He ordered sharply. Brushing off her monitoring devices, Ren lurched over to his mask. The heavy helmet encased his head, the intricate faceplate shifting into place. Ren moved to the exit, his steps heavy and labored as he walked. Upon reaching the doorway to the main corridor, his deep strides came to a halt. "You," a dark, veiled face glanced over his shoulder; Ren's voice now buzzing with an artificial, Vader-like quality nearly unrecognizable from his own. "Erisa Naiyo. Take me to the General. Now."
She let out a relieved sigh as he sat down, feeling a tiny bit less threatened now that he wasn't towering over her. Not because she didn't think he was going to be incapable of hurting her just because he was seating, but because he had done what she'd asked and that was a good sign. Not that she assumed he was wholly unreasonable - the First Order was the best military in the galaxy, and as much as things occasionally had to go badly to get better, they were on the right side of things. So he couldn't be a... monster or anything. She tried not to think too much about the bad stuff, because in an organization as large as the First Order, of course there were bad apples. That would get corrected as it was supposed to. "Thank you. It'll just be a minute or two." Most everything had been handled while he was unconscious, but she needed to do a second check now that he was awake.

He grabbed her wrist and she froze, startled, and let her eyes drift from her work to his face. "Yeah, uh, sure." She wasn't about to try and fight with him about that. She had most of what she needed anyway, and had confirmation that everything was patched up as well as it could be. His vitals looked good, there wasn't any internal damage that hadn't been patched already, and while she hadn't had time to get together the appropriate pain medication, that probably wasn't something he was exceptionally interested in. Erisa would get it together and drop it off with him later, or make sure he had it during the follow-up appointment.

She followed after at a polite distance, observing with concern. When he stopped she did too, brow slightly furrowed. His demand made her straighten a little bit, fully recognizing it as the order that it was. "I have no idea where he is," she informed him. It wasn't argumentative, just a simple statement of facts. How was she supposed to know where General Hux was? She was a medical officer, she barely ever left the med bay during work hours. "If you want to know specifically, I'll have to call the control room and ask. Otherwise we can head there and hope, but he didn't give me any kind of personal contact information. I'm also not allowed to leave my post without another medical officer here," it was literally her job description and it had been made very clear that getting caught doing so was considering abandoning post, "so I might have to run emergency protocol and..." She trailed off, already drifting to do what she needed to do. The call was quick and only meant to confirm where Hux was. Meanwhile a droid contacted one of her coworkers to get them to cover for her, and thankfully the other medic understood the situation well. The name Kylo Ren carried weight, after all. But it would take them a little while to get there, ands he didn't think that he'd be interested in waiting patiently. That meant that this was a sort of desperate measures situation. Emergency measures, in fact. And there was a system for that.

Grabbing a silver bracelet with a blinking blue electronic center, she slipped it around her wrist and let her sleeve fall back into position. If something went wrong, she'd know immediately, and be granted access to pretty much every mode of travel available in the ship ahead of everyone but admirals and generals unless their own emergency codes overrode her own. "Don't tell anyone I left before Samira arrived, I'll get in trouble." Though she was uncomfortable, Erisa was also a little relieved that he'd told her to come with him - she wouldn't like it if any of her patients collapsed or started bleeding, but it would be even worse if it was one of the two second in commands. She could keep an eye on him this way, and that was a bit of a relief.
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