Ellara's Shop of Wonders (Looking for Literate Male Partners for Plot Based RPs)


Dec 31, 2017
East Coast

Hi there, and welcome to my request thread!
I am Ellara, but you may call me Elle or Ella if you'd like.​

◊ Do not let yourself be fooled by this shiny new request thread or account with no posts because I have been roleplaying for about seven years now! I used to be a very avid user of BM until real life brought me away.

◊ Outside of roleplaying I do fancy myself some good OCC. Getting to know my partners is something that I find both enjoyable and beneficial! Just like any other relationship, the better the bond the better the conversations you will have. So feel free to shoot me a message outside of our RP!

◊ I absolutely and utterly expect to be respected. I will not tolerate or stand being disrespected by anyone, in any regard. I am in a relationship outside of BM so I plan to keep things very strictly mature and professional. I am your writing partner nothing more, unless a friendship is developed of course!

◊ I do have a life outside of BM, as does everyone, so I will do my best to get back to any of my partners in a timely matter. If for some reason I can not do so, I will inform them, and I expect the same from them. I do not appreciate being poked, prodded, and bugged for a reply because trust me when I say I will drop the RP the second that happens. An occasional polite message asking for an update on my reply is however perfectly fine!

◊ If you would take the time either now, or after you read over my thread and decide you would like to discuss an RP with me, to read over my F-list that would be greatly appreciated.

My Requirements:

I know some of this may come off as bossy or even harsh/rude, but I have learned that if you don't blatantly state exactly what it is you're looking for, then your likely hood of finding good partners is slim. I promise I'm not some mean, bossy, picky person, it just makes my inbox less hectic and a hell of a lot cleaner!

◊ I want my partners to be literate. This means use proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation. If English is not your first language, I completely understand. However if you message me using slang, unnecessary abbreviations, etc, I will not reply back to you. Same goes for during an RP. If you start to use an excessive amount of slang terms, abbreviations, etc, when the time is not right, I will drop the RP then and there. I do however understand that everyone makes spelling, grammar, and punctuation mistakes so I will not pin those against you. I basically just want to be able to easily read what you're writing!

◊ I want all post to have some sort of substance and emotion to them. I want to know what your character is feeling and thinking, not just doing. I don't want to participate in an RP that lacks depth, that's absolutely in no way enjoyable. Contribute the the roleplay, add your own ideas, twists, or whatever it may be. Don't just repeat back in your words or YC's eyes what MC just did. That's no fun, it bores me and leads to me growing uninterested.

◊ I will not, and I mean WILL NOT role play through any means of IM. No Skype, no YIM, no AIM, no MSN, nothing. I feel rushed to get a reply out using those means of communication, and I do not enjoy that feeling. I only play through threads or private messages. I have noticed that I lose track of private messages at times when I get busy, but if you are willing to risk that then I will role play through them. Like I said above, if that does happen and I lose your reply feel free to message me!

◊ If you have come here looking for a pairing to be based solely, or majorly based on smut or even story, you are in the wrong place. Sorry! I am not going to be your bimbo, sex toy, rag doll, slave, or whatever you may call it. I like my pairings to have story and plot to them, a ratio of about 60:40 is what I shoot for. The 60 obviously being story and plot, and the 40 being smut. That being said, I also do not like diving right into sexually activities. Give the story a chance to build up and evolve before treading into those waters.

◊ I absolutely refuse to take place in a one liner RP. If you can not get at least a one paragraph response to me, I will drop the RP. There are never any circumstances that I see fit, when one liners are okay and acceptable. I usually give out anywhere from one to five paragraph responses, sometimes more, depending on where we are at in our role play. Whatever you give, I will do my best to mirror, and whatever I give, I expect you to do your best to mirror. That being said though, I do prefer quality over quantity!!

◊ As well as respecting me as a person, please respect my F-list. I have it posted for a reason. If something is listed under my no, or even my maybes section on there, please ask me before incorporating them into the role play. Chances are if something is listed on my maybe list and are discussed, I will allow them. If they are however on my no list, the chances are minimal that I will even consider incorporating them. If you do incorporate something that is listed under the no section of my F-list the first time I will give you a warning, and ask that you do not do it again. If you do it again, or have no remorse for doing so the first time I will drop the role play. Again, I have it posted and readily available to you for a reason.

◊ I personally am very picky with the gender of the person who I decide to role play with. If you are a male, I expect your main character you play to be a male. If however you take over the role of a female side charter, I do not mind at all. Just keep the sex that you are, the sex that you engage in smut as.

◊ Multiple main characters is something I personally will not do. If you want me to be two different females that you engage with, sorry, that's not going to be something I'm willing to do. I am not comfortable playing two main roles, and personally don't like it. I get too confused and caught up in things and it just throws me off. If you however want to play multiple main characters we can definitely discuss the idea and I will most likely have absolutely no problem with it.

◊ When it comes to playing a submissive character or a dominant character, I am the type of person who will not play either solely. To me, having a character who is fully submissive, or dominant throughout the whole roleplay is not only boring and dull, it's unrealistic. My characters will always be switches, meaning I will play both dom and sub whenever necessary in the roleplay. If it comes to a scene where MC needs to be submissive, then I can do that and will do that, same goes for being dominant. It keeps things fun, it keeps things exciting, and it just makes things more realistic.


My Pairings:
Those listed with a strike through them are already taken or ones I am not interested in currently.
Those underlined you're really going to have to grab me with a good idea.
Those in bold are current cravings.

◊ Older Sibling's best friend
◊ Best friend's older sibling
◊ Step Siblings
◊ Adopted sibling
◊ Single mother
◊ Babysitter x Single dad
◊ Best friends
◊ Old Flame
Camper x Camper
Camper x Counselor
◊ Bartender x Customer
Waitress x Customer
◊ Neighbors
◊ Vampire x Human
◊ Vampire x Hunter
◊ Vampire x Victim
◊ Vampire x Vampire
◊ Band member x Fan
◊ Band member x Band member
◊ Band member x Crew member
◊ Boss x Assistant/Intern
◊ Doctor x Patient
◊ Nurse x Patient
◊ Doctor x Nurse
◊ Police Officer x Criminal
◊ Police Officer x Victim
◊ Kidnapper x Victim
◊ Criminal x Victim
◊ Celebrity x Celebrity (OC's only)
◊ Celebrity x Average Joe (OC's only)
◊ (Zombie) Apocalypse Survivors
◊ Roommates

My Plots:
◊ Four Years Later
Pairing: Old Flame
MC and YC dated all through high school, and were completely and utterly in love. We were that couple that everyone expected to one day get married and live our lives together, and we saw it the same exact way. Things were perfect until senior year came and we both got accepted into different colleges on the opposite sides of the country. Once graduation had come and passed we decided that it would be the best for us to break up and focus on our own futures. Four years later, YC's moved back to our hometown to start your new business or job. YC and MC run into each other and you find that I've become a mother to a three year old child, little did you know that the child is yours. Thinking that it's the best thing to do since YC has such a promising future MC hides her pregnancy from you and never tells you that she's had a child. Where things go from there, who knows?

◊ Welcome Home
Pairing: Best friends
MC and YC were best friends all through Jr. High, and High School. The two of us basically were inseparable and we spent all of our time together. Due to fear of losing our friendship, neither of us confess that we actually have feelings for the other one. After graduation YC decides to join the armed forces, whichever branch is up to you, and MC goes off to college. The two of us have seen each other a few times a year since graduation, and talk through emails back and forth, but really haven't got a chance to talk one on one. Almost two years after finishing college MC gets engaged to a guy she met at school, and invited YC to the wedding to be in her wedding party. After finally seeing each other, and being with each other one on one our feelings for the other person start to come back. It's a few days before my wedding and MC has to decide what she wants to do. Get married to this guy who she realizes she doesn't truly love, or break off the wedding and leave with YC.

◊ The Foreign Exchange Student
Pairing: Student x Student
MC is a foreign exchange student who has just transferred to YC's school from a completely different country, continent even. After being stuck in the same small town for years on end MC gets bored and decides to study abroad. Taking a big change and making a big chance MC moves to YC's country without knowing anything about the area, the people who live there, or even the school she's going to, besides what she had read online and the bit of research she's put into it. She needs new friends, and new people to talk to, but most importantly she needs someone to show her around and get acquainted with the area, and that's where YC comes in!
The type of character you play will be completely up to you, whether he's the quiet nerdy kid, the jock who everyone knows, the misfit or different kid who stands out compared to everyone else, etc. It's completely up to you and I'll let you have fun choosing who you want YC to be.

◊ The Mob Bosses' Daughter
Pairing: Mob bosses daughter x Rival mob bosses son
YC and MC have been dating for almost a year now and are as happy as can be. We know everything about one another, and share every little secret we may have except for one big secret, our father's occupations. Our father's are both the Bosses of the city's two biggest Mobs that just so happen to be bitter rivals that will do whatever it takes to take down the other. After my father becomes terribly sick and feeble, sending him to the hospital, your father comes up with a brilliant idea to bring him down. While walking back to my apartment from school a group of your father's guys kidnap me and hold me for ransom. Being that your father wants you to take his place at the top of the Mob when he no longer can he decides to involve you in the whole ordeal. Upon finding out that MC's the rival Mob Bosses' daughter YC has to decide what he wants to do and how to handle the situation. Does he choose MC over his own father, come up with a plan to settle the rivalry, or choose his father over MC leaving him ultimately in charge of my fate?

◊ My Best Friend's Girl
Pairing: Bestfriend's girlfriend
YC and MC have been good friend for a few years now, and over time YC has grown and developed feelings for MC. Being too scared and shy to say anything to MC about it you decide to keep it to yourself, not telling anybody else about it. After introducing MC to YC's best friend, the two hit it off really well. Deciding that he has to have MC, YC's bestfriend comes to you seeking help on how to get MC. Knowing pretty much everything about MC, YC reluctantly tells your bestfriend everything he knows not knowing why he's asking or what he's going to do with the information. With the new found intel and advice, YC's best friend wins me over eventually leading to the two becoming a couple. Little does MC know that the guy he truly is, is completely different that the guy he pretends to be around me. Getting frustrated not only with yourself now knowing you could have easily won MC over, but with YC's bestfriend as well, you come up with a plan to expose your best friend and tell MC how you really feel in hopes to win me over and get the girl.

◊ Rock and Roll Takes its Toll
Pairing: Ex's
From the beginning of high school up the summer after senior year MC and YC were as in love as two high school kids could ever be. We spent all our time together, hardly ever fought, gave the other one our everything, and put up with each other's shit Everyone thought we were going to last forever, and both our characters thought so too until YC's band got offered a recording deal and a tour around the world to promote their newest album. It was all YC's dreams and hopes come true and without even a second thought you and your bandmates quickly accepted the deal. It wasn't until a few hours later that MC called you that you remembered the relationship you were in. Upon hearing the news a few days later from someone else MC confronts YC over this deal his band was offered. Having put up with the constant up and down from YC's band and being beyond royally pissed that YC didn't even talk to MC about accepting the deal, I end up giving you a choice, your band or me. Without hesitation or much thought being too excited by the offer YC picks his band over MC leaving me absolutely devastated and heartbroken.

It's now five years later and OC haven't spoke since the final decision was made. Having completely reinvented herself, and moved on with her life MC is as happy as she could possibly be, while YC on the other hand has been living in a constant state of "what if" leaving him to never fully getting over MC and the feelings he has for her. It's the end of one of YC's band's US tour and you and the guys decide to stop in to one of the bars that all the younger people in the area hang out at to relax and let loose. Upon entering the bar to grab a quick drink before heading home for the rest of the night to relax YC literally runs into MC causing him to spill his drink all over me. Now standing face to face, feet away from each other for the first time in five years YC realizes he has a chance to solve his "what if." Taking it upon himself, YC vows to do whatever it takes to get MC back and prove to me that you still love me, even if that means fixing what you screwed up.

Feel free to message me with any ideas or plots you may have, or if you'd like to discuss any of my pairings or plots listed above. I am open to any ideas and changes as well!

Thank you for taking your time to read over my request thread, and if you are interested don't hesitate to send a private message my way!
If you have read through all of my thread, and have looked over my F-list include an asterisk symbol, "*", in your subject line and you will get priority over other messages.
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