Mel's House of Exotic Beauty


A Total Mess Of A Man
Sep 29, 2016
Maine, USA
Currently Craving - F x F or F x Futa

It seems that I need to revamp my primary thread as virtually every approach I've had lately has been for me to play females. So, I'm going to make THIS thread dedicated to playing just females/futas and revamp the primary thread to be for just male roles.

So in short, if you PM me for a request, please note which of my request threads you are inquiring about so I know ahead of time what you're looking for.

First off- It might be good for me to put a few 'rules' up so people know what to expect when they seek me out for a roleplay. I'll mention that I am VERY flexible when it comes to things but I've got to put a few lines in the sand somewhere!

1.) I have decided that roleplaying via PMs is much more convenient for me. This will be my primary method.

2.) I only roleplay in the 3rd person.

3.) I can push out a good 2 or 3 paragraphs under normal conditions but I can produce more than that if I'm really feeling the plot and you are also providing me with enough to go on. I do not require you to match my post length. Quality over quantity is generally the name of the game. But please do not give me one liners. Everyone gets writers block once in a while but if you can avoid falling into a one line trap, I beg you do. I will be doing the same for you.

4.) Face Claims: I highly prefer to NOT use the likenesses of real life individuals. In most cases I will be very adverse to using them unless one can convince me. Usually a plot has to be VERY good for me to break. As this forum revolves around us using our imaginations, I prefer to use images of characters who are just that...imaginary and aren't bound by real world limitations. I also simply don't find many real life likenesses to fit the situations/personalities imagined (Especially if said likeness is a celebrity. Hard to roleplay with that person 'in' the RP with a personality that my subconscious knows is completely off the mark).

5.) Darker themed RPs are not my first pick though I have been trying to broaden my horizons a bit. Though please take note: I'm not interested in gratuitous torture or causing death all that often. If such things were to come to pass, I'd rather not play them out in such vivid detail. At least, not at this time.

6.) I find I am a lack luster 'rapist' so I tend to avoid participating in such scenes. While I have not been a stranger to rape fantasy roleplays, I seem to lack the personal character to enact out such scenes in a strongly convincing manner. I apologize in advance. If you still wish me to give it a shot, I suppose I can only get better at it if I try (That sounds quite horrible when spoken aloud...but you know what I mean!).

7.) DO NOT contact me about a roleplay that I have posted here only to try and overly twist the concept into something else. I understand negotiating a few things but at any point during our discussion that the roleplay no longer resembles the initial've fucked up and I'll kindly ask you to cease negotiating.

8.) I work a very annoying schedule. I simply wish to be shown respect when it comes to my posting frequency. I will do everything in my power to, at the VERY least, post once per day. I can't always. My shifts are late nighers or over nighters, meaning I might not have the mental energy to be super creative. I would rather NOT post than give you a SHITTY post. I'd rather not insult you in such a way. So please do not hound me if I miss a day or two of posting. I haven't forgotten you. I will tell you if I've grown bored with the roleplay or not.


If you are approaching me about this particular thread, then the primary role I'll be playing is female or futa, be it human, anthro, monster, animal, etc. Mainly a switch. Playing the same all the time is dull.​


Below is the link to my F-List. This link is for me, myself. This will tell you the things I like and the things I don't. You'll find that the other characters attached to this F-List will have pre-established kinks and such. Most of the time they will sync up with what I like though some may have things on their no's or maybes that I, myself, like. This is due to their personalities and such. I like to play those characters differently and not just using them as 'skins' so to speak, where I play me just in a different body


Below are links to my female characters. These characters all belong to me and I would thank you not to use them for yourself without asking me first. I likely won't say no, as it's exciting other people love them as much as I do. It's just common courtesy. Likewise, do not claim to own any of these characters either.

Warning: The vast majority of these are not safe for work.






Restricted Form
True Form






Fizzy Pop


Plots Pt. 1

{Priority}Princess and her Bodyguard - She has begun to get older and as such she's gotten more and more curious...about a lot of things. Her father, the king, is forced to dismiss her current guard when he discovers she has been attempting to seduce the knight. He takes drastic measures and seeks out a replacement who would be able to protect his daughter both in and outside of the castle but won't be a risk to her chastity.

They're both surprised when a female Orc arrives to offer her services in the role. He's a tad hesitant simply due to her being an Orc but can't find any other reason why she can't do the job. What the Orc doesn't know is why the King requested a new guard in the first place...nor is she quite prepared for the sheer curiosity the frustrated maiden possesses...especially when she finds out the Orc's secret...

Old Gal, New Tricks: F x F - She's been in relationship after relationship, constantly striking out. Men seem to only crave her body, her beauty, and her wealth. She's tried dating men both younger and older but they all end in disaster. Either they're too immature to sustain a relationship with someone older or they're her age or older and eventually begin to stray to younger and younger girls.

Having grown up in a Catholic household, she'd refrained from her curiosity in her teenage years to dabble with the fairer sex. Though now that she's older and isn't restricted by religious parents, she begins to find her mind wandering to the possibilities. Initially she just explores her fantasy through porn but it isn't enough to quell the burning desire within. Not knowing for sure if she'll enjoy it as much as she hopes she will, she goes out one evening in a hesitant attempt to seek out a partner. Someone who can help her explore her sexuality in a whole new way...maybe, even make it impossible for her to turn back.

The Witches Call F x M/F/Futa - No majorly elaborate plot for this but Priscilla's bio is that she's an Egyptian witch who, despite her negative stigma, is allowed to reside in the Pharaoh's palace as an adviser, protection against magics of those who would oppose him as well as place curses and such on his enemies, and even as a healer. As such she is given certain liberties for her services in addition to monetary compensation. One of those liberties is using the servants for her sexual exploits. In particular, there is one servant she has constantly had her eye on, often harassing the individual, annoying them, etc. She eventually summons this servant to her chamber, an invitation that is dreaded by any servant for fear she might perform rituals on them, use them in experiments, or worse. But to this servants surprise, they are in for the opposite of 'torture'.

Transferred some plots that belong here from my other thread, also added a new character to my gallery, Natalia. Will update this post with more plots soon.
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