STAR WHORES Episode XLIX: A New Grope

one shot

Jul 3, 2015
dun dun, dun dun, duunnnnnn dun dun dun dun
doo doo doo doo
doo doo DOO doo
doo doo doo doo, doo doo doo doo,
doo dum dee doo doo doooo!!​

A long time ago in a galaxy far,
far away. . . .


Episode XLIX
A New Grope

Working tirelessly as an ambassador
to the GALACTIC SENATE, Senator Padme
Amidala soon finds herself courting a hotbed of
controversy while attempting to stand in the path
of the rise of a resurgent SITH EMPIRE. Her rivals
have seen fit to arrange that the former Queen soon
finds significant obstacles to her diplomatic blockade and
her continued existence as a mouthy tart not put in her place.

The Princess of Alderaan, Leia Organa, has just seen the only world she
ever knew as 'home' destroyed by the might of the GALACTIC EMPIRE and
its fearsome new super weapon, the DEATH STAR. In captivity aboard one of
the flagship vessels of the mighty Imperial fleet, it is only a matter of time before
the usefulness of royalty from a nonexistent planet comes into question. Of course,
there are many who would pay handsomely to extract a wide variety of uses from such
a beautiful young specimen, regardless of her heritage or her role in the REBEL ALLIANCE.

Ironically seen as a backwater planet despite its punishing, sweltering heat and distinct lack of moisture,
JAKKU is home to scavengers, slavers, and malcontents who are scarcely fit for an existence anywhere hospitable
by comparison. On such an ignominious rock, the junkyard of the Galaxy itself, an AWAKENING has nonetheless been
felt. It may ever well draw unforeseen attention to a nearly uninhabitable corner of the stars in search of the lovely young
scavenger REY who sits at the center of this mysterious ripple in the Force . . . provided her life isn't sold into servitude for the
promise of continued meals before anyone of any merit or import can arrive to inform her that she's of more worth than slaveflesh.

Also I mean, if you want to fuck Jyn or someone else too, that's cool also.

I mean, um.

STAR WARS!!!! </camera pan to a big ship over a planet or something>

Proud, Upthrust Lightsaber of Horniness: Slavery plots! Alien species! Dark force powers! Space blowjobs! Playing fast and loose with canon! Bad guys with good girls! Boobs! Dicks! Clothed dudes, unclothed ladies! Barebacking! PMs!

Sad, Sith Lightsaber of I Hate Sand: Sand! Skywalkers! Tickling! Putting your tongue near my butt! Putting my tongue near your Hutt (space slugs are kinda gross no matter their impeccable taste in outfits, y'all)! Disintegrations! Bantha pudu! Discord/IMs!
no new movie from december has me feelin' kinda like i should make my own. with way more nudity.
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