High School Stories (FxM, FxF, MxF, FxMFMFMFMFMFMF)

Jul 14, 2013
Heya! Thanks for taking the time to read through my roleplay request thread ^_^

As real life is a hot mess at the moment, it's been exceedingly difficult for me to find the time and energy to come online to play. I apologise to everyone who's been affected by this. I'm not dismissing new requests and suggestions out of hand, but be aware that playing with me will be slow. Also, for the time being, I'll only play over notes or instant messaging, and not in threads (this is going to sound stupid or weak, but threads add too much pressure for me at the moment).

I'm a sucker for realism. I'm also a sucker for tension, conflict and difficult choices facing my character(s). I highly enjoy high school or secondary school settings, although I'm also very open to college / university settings and ages.
In most cases, I'll provide either a character blueprint, or a character in my scene ideas. Both are flexible and can be adapted, although blueprints really should be seen as more vague and flexible bases to start brainstorming from. Few things about my characters will be set in stone, unless I'm really looking to find something specific or particular. Never be afraid to ask me about them, so long as you keep my main preferences in mind. Worst I could say is "no".
Also: while I am female, and I'm aware I'm on the female request subforum, I do enjoy playing male characters from time to time.

Note: All characters involved will conform to Blue Moon's regulations considering age, etc.

Girls and Reputations

Growing up is hard. School has its fun moments, but the whole social thing is murder. Wear the wrong brand of clothing, listen to the wrong music, and your life could be over. Even worse: talking to the wrong people, let alone dating them. Dating this guy can make you look like a gross loser, while dating that guy may mean pictures of you end up on the internet. Navigating this social maze without getting a bad reputation one way or the other is harder than any quiz the teachers may throw at you.​

This sets the stage for the stories I hope to find right now; a teenage girl trying to get through high school, or college, without stepping into the traps of the ever shifting social order among her peers.​

I'm hoping to play a girl going through this whole process while trying to balance her curious, sexual nature, and maintaining her good girl reputation. She won't be an easy slut, especially not at first, but after a while she may get the reputation of one, if she's not careful. And that's the emphasis here, her reputation.

reputation[/b], I'm looking for]
  • boys, non-sexual - friends, classmates, guys to comment and reflect on my character's decisions, position and reputation;
  • boys, sexual - shy, clumsy boys that develop a crush on her. Cocky, confident boys, that seduce her. Realistic, three-dimensional characters, although clichés are acceptable to a degree;
  • girls, non-sexual - friends, classmates, but also bullies. Girls can be mean and vicious, especially if my character should behave in a way that makes her fall from the popular girls clique's grace;
  • girls, sexual - in this school, there are few things more taboo than girls doing girls. All the guys want to watch something like it happen of course, but no girl would want to be seen as a dyke. Instant reputation killer.

In essence, I'm looking for a bunch of class- and schoolmates. You can play one character in particular; you can play one at a time, spanning multiple subsequent stories; or you can just play a whole bunch of them, if you like.

Of course, by this, I'm asking a lot of my potential partners. What I have to offer in return: good writing, a willingness to make a serious effort, a dirty mind and a hot and clever fantasy.
I'm a non-native English speaker, but I tend to think I've got my ABC in order. I'm massively kinky, and any character I play will reflect this - even if they suppress it at first. I'm also flexible - my character will follow a certain blue print, but I'm hoping to collaborate with my potential partner(s) on her specifics. I'll try to keep response times reasonable, and will endeavour to give you a heads up if I can't come online for a few days. In terms of post lengt, I depend on what my partner's able to give me, but I prefer to average around two paragraphs at least - although I'm fine with simple and short replies when they're called for.

Character blueprint: Sasha[/b]]
Sasha has always been curious about everything. She's eager to learn and experience, and consciously or subconsciously believes it's better to regret something you've done, than to regret something you haven't. As a result, she's always been eager to explore her surroundings when she was a child, even if it got her lost and waiting for her parents to pick her up at the supermarket's service desk on a few occasions.
As she hit puberty, she became very aware of her own body and sexuality, and has been impatiently hoping to explore more before too long. Alcohol and drugs scare and intimidate her, but she can't help but wonder about them all the same. She's sort of convinced herself that she'd never really take drugs, because she knows they're all bad - and she's also convinced herself that she won't touch alcohol until she's of legal drinking age. Still, the more she tries to convince herself, the more she wants to give these substances a try.
Sexually, she likes to imagine herself being commanded and pushed around at times, while she imagines being on top at different times. She has several taboo fantasies and kinks she keeps to herself, fearing she may never get the chance share them with anyone, because they're just too weird. (I'm a pretty big fan of watersports, wetting, cum on clothes / hair, cuckqueaning and several more kinks - none are required, but I'd love to include some of them if at all possible).
Her social position in school would probably be the silent, enigmatic pretty girl that doesn't talk much to people, but depending on the scene, she could be anything from the emo outcast to the (entourage of the) queen bee.

The Perfect Couple

Everyone knows one of those couples. On the surface, they appear perfect for each other. They're obviously deeply in love with one another, and engage in public displays of affection all the time. Oblivious to the looks of annoyance and even disgust, they can be found locking lips during every lunch break, and it's not a stretch to imagine they've done more than just kiss already. She muses about how perfect and dreamy he is. He raves about how hot she is, and how he'll never love another girl in his life.​

But as Jewel once sang, everything breaks, right?​

Thing is: they're both very attractive, and very desirable. And from what they've made their friends believe, they're also both amazing in bed. So, why wouldn't you want to seduce one or the other, and see if the stories are true? Or maybe you just want to see if they're really as unbreakable and impossible to get as they claim, just for fun.

I'm going to approach this one a little differently.[/b]]
  • First of all, I'll be available to play as either the girl or the guy in this perfect little relationship.
  • Secondly, while brainstorming this out before we play is definitely an option, I'm inviting those that are interested to approach me in character, with an opening post. Basically, you introduce your character, state whether you're after the girl or the guy, and start your seduction attempt. My response will either immediately start of our story (which we may or may not move to a thread on the forum), suggest some tweaking, or tell you "sorry, but no thank you".

Character: Denice[/b]]
Denice is a real girl-girl. She used to play with dolls when she was younger, loves the colour pink, and is a make-up expert (even if she's just as happy leaving the house au naturel). She loves to dance, is great at drawing, and has her eyes set on a future career as lawyer, following in the footsteps of her father. School is something she takes seriously; she works hard to get good grades, while also maintaining several close friendships with other girls in school. She can be slightly alternative at times too though; she's been known to give freaky hair colours a try every now and then, and she usually prefers rock music over pop and R&B.
Her father, as stated, is a lawyer, which keeps him away from home for long hours. Her mother works at an art consultant for musea and the wealthy, which occasionally takes her away from home for several days at a time. With both their jobs combined, they're still nowhere near filthy rich, but they're able to afford themselves and their daughter with everything they require.
Rumours (may turn out true or false)[/i]]
From what her boyfriend has let slip to his friends, either while sober or drunk, Denice is amazing in bed. He's claimed she's very active and competitive, and likes to turn sex into a playful fight from time to time. He's remained vague about whether she ever wins. He's also claimed she keeps everything perfectly smooth down there, can get extremely wet, can get very loud, and loves giving (amazing) head.

Character: Dylan[/b]]
Dylan's parents got divorced when he was young. Along with his younger brother, he lives with his single mother, who works hard enough to provide for herself and her sons. They live in a small house, but they're not too poor to afford enough food, decent clothing, school supplies and pay for sports and other extracurricular activities.
Dylan himself is quite sportive and somewhat athletic; he's not buff, but he is fit. He's also into music, as he plays the piano and sings. He doesn't really know what he'll be when he grows up. Not because he doesn't have ambition, but because he genuinely doesn't know. He finds almost every class in school equally interesting or uninteresting, and generally only pays attention in class when the subject appeals to him. As such, he manages to get passing grades, but nothing more than that.
When it comes to his social life, Dylan gets along with a lot of people, but only has a few close friends. He doesn't like attending big parties too much, and instead prefers to hang out with groups of friends - especially if someone manages to sneak some booze in.
Rumours (may turn out true or false)[/i]]
Other guys have claimed that Dylan almost always loses at arm wrestling, and that he's overall not very strong in spite of his attractive physique.
Denice hasn't spread too much gossip about her boyfriend, although she has maintained many times that he's so loyal that he won't even look at other girls. During a game of truth or dare at a sleep over, she's also revealed that he's supposedly got athletic endurance in other departments as well, and is quite hung. When pushed, most classmates and guys he trains with have said they don't check out the other guys' junk, but one guy has mentioned that "Dylan doesn't look much different from anyone else down there".

If any of this sounds at all interesting to you, please throw me a line! I'll play through PMs, threads, or possibly on instant messaging, if it's with the right person!

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