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FFXI Short - An Interesting Night [ Ryax x Ironic ]


Dec 2, 2012
Northern Europe
A regular day in Windurst. Clear skies with a chance of high magics. Tarutarus are roaming about all around, Shantoto testing crazy new groundbreaking magics and slaving away her loyal pupils for magical sport. Cardians were pacing around, always busy, always goinf somewhere. Some were assisting the mages in their process of learning and discovering. Some were serving as guardians around the city. Some were helping families with their daily chores.

In the middle of this sprawling city of knowledge, stood the Heaven's Tower, proud and tall. Within the confines studied mages of the higher order and worshippers of the twin gods Altana and Promathia, the gods of benevolence and chaos. The Windurstian council also sat in the highest tops of the tree. Coincidentally that's also where the venerable Fenrir and Carbuncle reside, and the Summoners practice their art.

The bottom of the tower housed a special sort of green house. Shallow walkways submerged in crystal clear and magically imbued water. Between the walkways situated small pods filled with nutritious dirt and the key component that was grown here. Star Tree Seeds.
While the seeds were useless when growing, they were invaluable as magical components and magical catalysts, not to mention growing new star trees to power the land with magic. Once matured, they would be moved to a special section of the tower off limits to the public for safe keeping until it was time to use them. A spacious room, scattered crates of gently bluish white glowing seeds all around. Only one archway in except for a crack in the roots, letting the moonlight in and illuminating the room a pale blue when not overshadowed by the dark green and brown of the tree. A torch were lit over a small corner of the room where someone had set up camp for the night. A stack of books, a soft spread of several blankets, two scabbards with the swords still in them leaning against a crate close by.

And this is where we'll meet our guardian for the night.

Stretching every limber but taught fiber of his body, Asha Mihli had risen from a sleepy read of a thick, dusty old magical tome.

"I know I'm just a Red Mage, but come on..."
complaining to himself, he paced the room slowly with leisurely steps that eventually took him out of his room and into the great hall with stairs and study rooms

Asha rested his hands in the pockets of his leather vest, a few soft metallic pings with every step
He gazed around, looking for something, anything, out of the ordinary to catch his interest
A Tarutaru asleep in one of the study rooms again. Face down, like the book was a comforting pillow

"I don't know how they do it ... I need to stretch my legs every once in a while at least, how can they just sit there, rrrreading, eating, sleeping all the time. I don't get it. Tsch"
always astounded over the Tarutaru's zealotry attitude towards book and studying

"GrEeTiNgS Asha! hOw ArE yOu ToDaY!? aRe ThE sEeDs SaFe?"
the magically mechanical noise of speech clanged through the innards of the cardian

"Oh, hi Eight. I'm just taking a walk, don't worry, the seeds are safe."
no longer startled by the direct and fairly loud speech of the low ranking Cardians

"ThAt'S gOoD! hAvE a GoOd NiGhT!"
Eight of Clubs vocalized before shifting its gears, turning and patrolling away again with a soft, uneven hum and the clacking of its wooden wheels over the flooring

"You too, Eight."
Asha murmured to himself before slowly heading back to his little spot to continue his dreary read

" ... Looks like it's going to be another slow night ... "
It wasnโ€™t hard to spot Heavenโ€™s Tower in the pale moonlight, the slightly wettened leaves shimmering as they rustled with the gentle breeze. Riya Lunnaa squinted her luminous grey eyes, investigating where the guards were stationed at. Spaced out, and not in her favor. Frowning, she rationalized their movements inside of her mind, studying their rotations for a few weeks until memorized. It wouldnโ€™t be long until the shifts would switch, and their positioning would be closer, giving her a chance to climb the side of the tower and dive into the slightly opened window.

The Mithra was sent on a mission by a wealthy Elvaan male, Civerion, residing in San dโ€™Oria. He had called upon her in request for the valuable Star Tree Seed, offering a hearty lump of currency if her mission was successful. Who would pass up an opportunity such as that?

Impatience wasnโ€™t a trait she held onto, waiting patiently in the confines of a bush a mile and a half away from the tower. The soft hum of the Cardians filled her twitching ears, their wooden wheels scratching the rocky ground as they patrolled. As hoped, a new guard team stepped out from the tower, bidding the others a farewell and goodnight before taking their place.

Riya noticed that the later shift wasnโ€™t as keen on patrolling as the others, chatting and joking amongst themselves more than they should be. An arrangement of Dark Knighted Mithra and Tarutaruโ€™s huddled together, their chuckling and giggling spiking her legs to summarily dismiss themselves, her calves tightening as she used every muscle in her body to keep as quiet as possible. Just as the towering tree came into view, the fluctuating of armor rustled, the banter ceased. On que, her backside pressed up against the rounded walls, huffing in a breath of air before holding it.

โ€œDid you hearrrr something, Foo?โ€ The clanking of mail approached closer, stopping, then shifting again, this time the sound moving further away than closer.

โ€œI thought I heard something, must be a critter nearby. Now, what happened to her?โ€ The Tarutaru continued to carry on with the story, the lively aura clouding the air once again, deeming it safe to exhale the puff of air residing in her lungs. Taking a glance at the structure of the building, moss and stone was the exoskeleton, making it a perfect combination to use her daggers as climbing utensils. Testing her prophecy, she would grip her weapons of choice firmly. The sweat from the palm of her hands aiding her in sticking to the base of the daggers, using the tip to dig into the cracks of the rocks and moss.​

Perfect, it fit in snuggly! Taking her left hand, she would dig the dagger higher above her head, using the tip of her lightweight shoes to stand on the wall, shifting her weight so physics would be in her favor to walk upwards. Despite it using a lot of bicep force and caused them to ache after a period of time, she continued to hold onto the wall with determination, not backing down after months of preparation. The location of her purpose was higher than she wanted, meaning more climbing was to be done followed by exhaustion. Before she had thought that the green house inhibited what she wanted, but later discovered the precious Star Tree Seeds that were matured lied in a reserved room, far away from the public.

The opened window was small, almost too small to pass through, but her lithe body could manage to contort uncomfortable for an even such as this. Her right hand pressed against her pants to wipe away the sweat in order to get a tight enough hold on the windowsill, and when her hold was trustworthy enough, she mimicked the same actions with her left hand. Heaving upwards, her head sank in first, once the all-clear was made, sliding in her body like a squished snake before popping her head back out to secure her weapons.

Riyaโ€™s eyes widened in disbelief, the radiance of the pale blue light shimmered in her hues like sequins on a dress. After all the hard work she put into this mission, it would pay off! Blankets and an arrangement of books cluttered a section of the floor, obvious that a guard was on duty, yet nowhere to be seen.

Two feet lightly landed on the floor, her body quick to contract before tip-toeing around the scattered crates, eyes drooling over the precious seeds scattered around. It was hard to choose one, there were so many! One seemed to shine brighter than the rest, her gut telling her to grab that one for Civerion. Placing her left palm on the wooden crate she would bend down to grip the seed with her right hand, until her ears twitched to the sound of oncoming footsteps.

In panic, she quickly ducked down and tucked her legs towards her chest, attempting to stay as small as possible as a guard entered the scene, nestling back into the secured spot. Damn it! She cursed inside of her mind, letting the heat of the moment get to her. She will have to sit it out and wait hopefully for the guard to shift around and leave.
Two painful hours, for the both of them, passed since Asha had entered the room and Riya had hidden herself
The moon was high up in the sky, pale blue light beaming through the crack and moving across the room at a creeping pace

"Ok, enough."
slamming the book together and setting it aside

"Time for some... nnnngghh~aaaahhhh ... prrractical lessons~"
playfully tinted words, standing up, stretching upwards to remedy the stiffness built by sitting still for many hours

Asha grabbed one of his scabbards and brandished the sword within
One, two, three swooshing flourishes as he moved to the center of the room

"Remember the progression..."
he told himself as he moved into position

For a few seconds, a low mumbling passed his lips before sparks shoot up the length of the sword. A failure. The spell didn't take effect. Asha took a deep breath, a long exhale, eyes fixed on his chosen weapon. Another low mumbling, sharper then last time. Now a bright and plentiful orange fire burst upwards from the hilt of the blade. His blade enveloped in steady flame, Asha celebrated by proudly flourishing his sword in a powerful display, light and shadow dancing across the room in an soothing yet violent manner

"Yes! Wohooo!"
celebratory shouting and flickering light erupted outwards from the room into the main chambers

A pleased sigh escaped him as he gazed upon his magical work for a moment, until the excitement and joy passed to his pride. Asha begun heading back to his little spot to stow away the blade and take a celebratory walk around the premises again.

... but just as he was about to put out the flame ...

Between the crates, the golden strands and pale color of skin stood out like a sore thumb thanks to the sharp light of the fire from his blade. Surprised at the unfamiliar sight in the room, he stopped right in his tracks for a good second before cautiously approaching the huddled mass.

"I see we have an intrrruder with us today"
his voice had an authoritative and superior tone, catching someone red handed in a bad position

Closing the distance further, he saw the beautiful complexion of her ears and eventually her tattoo, and some of the scattered pieces of information fell together when all the pieces gathered to form the image of someone he'd gotten to know recently

"... Riya? ..."
"What are you ..."
his voice soaked in equal parts surprise and relief

Before he had the luxury of finishing his train of thoughts, a mechanized wooden clanking had made an echoing entrance into the room

"aRe YoU iN nEeD oF aSsIsTaNcE, Asha?"
another Cardian had come to assist as a response to the shouting and evidence of flames

Asha, frozen in place, confused and in a cold sweat panic, as if he was caught red handed himself
A couple of moments passed, the Cardian was silent except for the magical hum, awaiting a response from him
Asha stared at Riya for the duration, unsure of what to do, before finally taking a stance and relaxing himself and turning around towards the Cardian
He released the angry flame engulfing his sword and it dissipated with a soft crackling noise and the murkiness of the room returned

"Everything is as it should be, Six. I merely managed to perform an Enfire spell and got a bit excited. No need to worry"
both his posture and voice was steady, expertly hiding the confused anger he could feel rising up from within

Cardians were fairly straight to the point and less fond of words

Six of Hearts twirled around and clanked away without further ado

"Get up."
"And don't even think of escaping. I'll restrrrain you if I have to. You know I can."
a dark and commanding tone soaked the words that came to him surprisingly softly

"Gods be damned, why did it have to be like this? ... "
he cursed quietly for himself, a sullen frown taking shape across the canvas of his face

They two of them knew each other from before. Only a few weeks, at most two months, but he'd taken a solid interest in her. There was always the sliver of a doubt that she was pulling information out of him, asking so many questions about himself and his moonlighting work, but those feelings were often nudged aside by warm carnal instincts telling him that she was interested in him too. It was fact that her body was a point of attraction to him. And so was her mind. The trust he felt he'd built with her broke in a single instant and left with him a disorienting mix of hopefulness, dejection and anger.

"I'm sure you know that Shantoto is going to rip you a dozen new assholes if she got her hands on you. I know you know because I told you this myself."
"So tell me, Riya, before I thrrrow you to the fangs of Shantotto myself, did you have any interest in me at all, or was it all a deceptive charrrade for getting your hands on a Star Seed?"
a dark and commanding tone soaked the words that came to him surprisingly softly​
Two. Unbearable. Hours. Riya forgotten how it felt to stretch her limbs, envying the sound of satisfaction coming from the mouth of the guard. Still, she hadnโ€™t a clue who was in the room with her, not wanting to risk her chances in staring a glance. Asha mentioned a few guards patrolling here, but his schedule was wacky, and never knew when he was assigned. Once the guard began to speak, the all too familiar resonance of his voice filled her ears, heaving a sigh of relief. At least he was up and moving, perhaps he would even venture out into another room.

The heat of the flame could be felt behind the crate, her mind curious as to the performance he was putting on display. The shadows danced on the wall, appearing larger than they were in real life, the object shifting as the light source danced around effortlessly, as carefree as the breeze. With the short amount of time knowing him, she never knew this side. It was adorable, yet innocent all in one. Everything was fine, up until the word โ€˜intruderโ€™ disrupted the still air.

Shit! What do I do?! Regardless of her skills, she never planned for this to happen. If it werenโ€™t for that imprudent flameโ€ฆ

As he towered over her, she mustered a foolish grin, one of defeat yet one of keeping her composure. The churring of the Cardian insisted on Riya to stay in place, waiting in anticipation to see if he would rat her out or not, and to her blessing, she was sparedโ€ฆ from the Cardian, at least.

Another side she never thought she would see from him. Anger, authoritativeness, and disbelief. Without question his words or hesitation, she sprung to her feet, moral enough to acknowledge her own faults. Truly, she felt bad, witnessing his heart shattering in front of her. He was a great guy, hell, striking too, with an all-too-sweet disposition. Yeahโ€ฆ Why did it have to be this way. She retorted to him to herself, feeling a hint of fault.

โ€œIโ€™m not going to lie to you, Asha. Iโ€™ve alrrrready caused enough damage to you.โ€ Riya admitted before straightening out her position, irises sealed onto his to stress her seriousness. โ€œI was sent to retrieve the seed, but I couldnโ€™t do it alone, and thatโ€™s where you came along.โ€ Her story began, unknowing if he would believe it or not, โ€œThe more I got to interrrrract with you, I grew more fascinated. I was actually hoping you wouldnโ€™t be the one guarding them tonightโ€ฆโ€ Those hues stayed on his, unflinching and focused. โ€œYou do not understand what I will get in returnโ€ฆ Please, just let me take one, thatโ€™s all Iโ€™m asking for.โ€

Her hands cascaded outwards, displaying her point as many of the precious seeds laid scattered around. โ€œIโ€™m not asking for a handful. Just one. Iโ€™ll even go as far as offering you anything in return for your sympathy.โ€ Delicately her tail swayed, ticking like a clock that was synchronizing with the time she was losing progressively.
The story she wove for him to see certainly had the voice of something real. However, Asha's broken heart was too mad at Riya to let her find the sympathy she brazenly begged him for. The few words of heartfelt emotions she provided him with sadly didn't compare to the tears within that needed consolidation.

"You say you're not going to lie to me anymore, yet how am I supposed to believe what you're saying now has any truth or merit what so ever after you've lied to me all along?"
The entirety of his being shrouded a calm anger. Low growls, partial flashes of fangs, threatening posture, voice steeped in disbelief. Anger towards both of them. Her for betraying him. Him for falling for it. He turned his head away in shame

A moments pause, a calm before the storm

"For fuck sake, Riya! How can you have the sheer audacity to let me have feelings for you, then both go ahead and completely betrrray them and ask for my sympathy for trying to screw me over again!?"
"Have you no shame?"
Frustrated with the brazen request, he turned his head towards her again and spat on the ground between them. Sharp pendulum swishes with his tail, his ears pointing slightly backwards

Memories, hopes and desires haunted him, flooding from his broken heart into his mind, painting him past pictures of shared meals, drinks, laughter and shenanigans; painting him hopeful pictures of jaw dropping copulation, homes and kids. The pictures of the past had been reduced to cinder, the hopeful paintings of the future disappearing like a cloud boiled away by sunlight.

All fading away but one. One carnal image remained. On queue, his hopes and anger latched on to this image, the lingering trails of hope morphing into determination. If she was betraying him, breaking him, destroying him, he was going to come out of it with one memory that burned as bright as the sun itself.

His ears shifted back to normal, tail still flinging back and forth. The shroud of anger remained. A few steps forward and he closed the distance between them. Dismissed the flame on his sword and tossed it away all in one fluent motion. A soft tough to her right shoulder before he slid his caring hand along her collar bone whilst closing the final distance, his hand brushing backwards along the side of her neck and landing with a secure yet soft grip around the lush golden hair on the back of her head. The height difference between them was minimal but even so he'd have to slant his head slightly downwards if he were to look straight into her eyes.

"The way I see it, you used me for your own personal gain. I'm taking the liberty to reverse the table now. I'm going to use you for my personal gain instead."
words of strength, yet spoken so softly. He slid his right hand across the low of her back, helping her into his grasp.

Asha leaned in to Riya's right ear

"... I concede. I'll give you seeds ..."

"Just not the ones you want"
โ€œAsha, please, believe me, I never meant to take it this far.โ€ Her ears flattened as his tension grew, unaware that he was capable of such a vigorous temper. He was a ticking time bomb, and she was now stepping on eggshells.​

Thinly she skated backwards, endeavoring to keep their distance at bay, but with each step she took back, he took two. His caressing touch defined his intentions, yet they were warm and softโ€ฆ deceiving.

โ€œAsha, I understand youโ€™re hurt, but please dismiss yourrrr hands from me.โ€ Her head sunk inwards, forestalling her stare as she felt uncomfortable with his atmosphere.​

Hitting her eardrums like a bullet, she gulped at the frog in her throat, ears compressed as much as they allowed, tail stiffening before bristling outwards in a sign of creeping fear and anxiety. Riya didnโ€™t understand his sudden change of character, suspecting to be punished for her crimes to the Shantoto, not by him himselfโ€ฆ let aloneโ€ฆ in a different manner than violent.

With force, her right hand slapped away the lingering hand that dared touch her delicate skin, the arch in her back tensing as she scooted away from him.

โ€œKnock this nonsense off, Asha!โ€ She commanded, fangs visible as her brows furrowed.
โ€œIf you think about touching me with that thought on your mind you can go fuck yourself!โ€ She pushed him away before bobbing down to grasp a precious Star Tree Seed, not the one she originally wanted, but at least it was something.

Without knowing if she would have enough time, she bolted towards the window regardless, not daring to look back to see his next fluid set of movements.
It gave Asha a strange sense of macabre joy to see Riya in fear of him. What else was he really supposed to feel, after all. To have her dismiss his dark and desperate passion like this just further spread cracks throughout his heart. Not only didn't it knock any different sense into him, but instead fueled her intended punishment greater.

Her attempted escape was a futile effort, but of course she wouldn't know that. She's not the one who's been studying Enfeeble Magics for years.
A few choice words escaped him, vibrations sent through the air impacting with the body of the fleeing girl, effectively binding her body in place halfway between himself and the window.

She'd be able to talk and move in a fairly restricted manner, but not move from her spot.
The spell wouldn't last long, but long enough.

"It's you who should knock off the nonsense, Riya! Do you really think this is how I wanted it to be!? You can't just ensnare people's hearts and break and betray them like this."
walking up close to her bound body, he would proceed to pry the seed from her hands and put it back where it belonged inside its crate

"You must learn that your actions have consequences. You must be punished for what you have done."
Asha came walking back, behind her this time, stripping her of visible weapons and tossing them aside

"I've wanted to do this for quite a while now. Minus the restraining, obviously."
from previously having been antagonizing, his voice was now far more forgiving

Asha softly clasped his fingers around the base of her now fluffy tail and ran them slowly along the length of it. He moved himself in close from behind, his hands grasping her hips only to move to her stomach and travel upwards along her warm skin and tantalizing fabrics.

"I've wanted to feel your warm skin like this. To smell the scent of your hair up close. To taste your body."
the tone of Asha's voice was soft, desiring, suffering

He brushed his face against the side of her head, her wonderful smell making its way inside his nose. Bringing his head down to her neck, he would plant kisses along her long neck. His breath hot against her skin. His hands would continue to travel upwards and without a shred of consent grasp a hold of her plump breasts.

The binding spell would release itself any second now.
Asha was prepared for this, and even ready to fire of a paralysis spell if the situation called for it. His softness with her would decrease exponentially with every attempt at escape. There was no escape for her. What remained to see was how far she was willing to push her luck.
The force of the magic caused her to grunt as the wind was knocked out of her, immobilized without any visible signs of restraint. "Using force, huh?" She spat out, using blunt words to fight since her fists couldn't. When he stripped away her weapons, she felt her pride being stripped along with it, the newfound feeling of being defeated foreign to her.​

"Your heart wasn't my target to break, Asha!" She bellowed, fighting with herself to pry the magic barriers off from her, but she was only adding unnecessary strain and exhaustion. His hands vandalized her body, his fingertips skating her flesh to explore his new world. She closed her eyes tightly as his palm firmly gripped her robust breasts, her nipples instinctively hardening from the sexualized touch.​

When the restraints finally ceased, she would attempt to contort her petite form in awkward positions to get his hands off from her, but it didn't seem to work. Those talon-like claws of hers sunk into his shoulders, pulling him further away from her if he allowed it, let alone if she was strong enough to. She felt nude without her weapons, more stripped away than the clothing would be.

"Control yourself, Asha!" Riya fought to say the words, his hands tainting her body in unwanted satisfaction, yet tinged with fear. "Don't you want this to be a consensual event? This isn't right, you won't get what you want!" She warned him, furthermore using her words to scare him, running out of options.

Images of what he would do to her made her fur rise, the phantom touch of his hand on her tail still lingering, causing her to squeam in discomfort. Upon getting to know him, he was nice, sweet, handsome, and most of all someone she wanted to get to know better after her duties had been successful. Now? The image she once painted of him was warped, twisting into a new picture that didn't feel right.

"You don't get it, do you? Your actions have consequences. My heart being one of them"
Asha's words cold as frost, Riya's instead serving to reinforce his belief that he was teaching her something valuable

No amount of clawing would let Riya escape him this time. Asha firmly holding on to her chest, keeping her secured against himself, she would not be able to writhe out of his grasp unless she took great drastic measures or got a hold of a weapon. The more she struggled and tried to let her go, the more he would sink his own claws into her breasts. But the way her nipples hardened under the pressure of his grasp, her voice wavering, all betrayed that her will would eventually waver too. Did some of her words have a minuscule of merit after all? A question for another time, a lesson still had to be taught.

The words she chose to ask him, about him wanting an act of this magnitude to be consensual, struck a deep cord within his heart. Of course he wanted it to be consensual. From the very bottom of his core, he was a sweet and caring guy who believed in others as much as he believed in himself. That was but the bottom of his heart that he could feel. The real bottom was something else entirely. Something dark, something... completely different from his naive surface self. Manifesting itself as a dark sense of justice, pride and selfish desires. Things that Asha normally stuffed deep down inside of him to fuel his 'true' self. Asha was scared of what he was subjecting Riya too, of the darkness that manifested itself upon her, but boy did he enjoy subjecting her to it. Evidence of his enjoyment would strain against the strong cloth concealing his underbelly. The dark selfish nature fueled by Riya's wavering and the fact that he had gone too far to go back now. To go back to a broken heart and boring books. The only way forward was to indulge himself in all that she were, right here and now.

"I wanted nothing more then your consensual body. Ten minutes ago"
Asha's voice warm and soft, only to turn cold and dark
Both voices a representation of who he is

"Now I'm taking it, as another 'consequence' of yours"
words seeping with a sensitive darkness

Asha released his hold by one hand, keeping her with him as best he could as he trailed his explorer across untrodden regions of Riya's succulent flesh. Upwards it went, across warm skin and cold textiles, until it finally rested against her throat, clamping on firmly. His arm now perched between her breasts, his grip steady as a means of control rather then asphyxiation. Next, with a grip secured around her slender neck, he would release the last hand previously secured on her breast, but instead of traveling the same path as it's predecessor, it would determinedly venture quite oppositely, seeking pleasures so delectably concealed from the world.

Either way Riya struggled, Asha had a plethora of interesting ways to control the situation and wouldn't be afraid to use his skills to achieve them.
Quickly Riya found out that the harsher her nails embedded into him, he would reciprocate the favor to her breasts. She loosened her grip, but didnโ€™t take her hands off from his shoulders, eyes squinting in anger as she glowered at him. He was full of words and comebacks, finding clever responses to leave her head searching for more taunts.

The warmth of his palm tightened around her tensed gullet, deeming it difficult to swallow the blockage in her throat. Ashaโ€™s hands became more familiarized with her body, anticipating some of his caresses, while others left her jolting from shock. Iโ€™ll just give him what he wants, then perhaps I can get what I want in returnโ€ฆ A crazed idea splintered inside of her, contemplating on how she would get away with such a cheeky and bold move.

Itโ€™s not like she never used her charm before, putting it up to the test from disuse.

โ€œHey, Asha?โ€ Wanting to catch his attention, the demeanor of her vocal range shifted, more sweet and sincere, the fear raining away. โ€œWith each action you take, the more I realized that I was the fool.โ€ Her hands lightly grasped against the wrist that clutched her throat, eyes softening as their pierced into his. โ€œI was wrong, but if you would just allow me to make it up to youโ€ฆโ€ Taking her hands that were just on his wrist towards the hem of his torso apparel, she would tease it upwards, displaying his abdominals before gliding it upwards, as far as her hand would be allowed to extend up. โ€œThatโ€™s ifโ€ฆ youโ€™ll allow me to?โ€​

Lightly, her top row of teeth nibbled at the flesh of her bottom lip, leaving striations of her forceful bite on her puckered lip. If that wasnโ€™t believable, the heat from the region in-between her thighs lingered of arousal, the trailing scent caressing into the air, inside of his nostrils.

โ€œI wanted this too, youโ€™re not the only one." Nudging her gaze, she locked eyes on the outward bulge from his pants, her eyes dancing back to his to let him know what was on her mind. โ€œCongeniality isnโ€™t as far away as you thinkโ€ฆ Just imagine these lips of mine, opening wide enough, toโ€ฆโ€ The hand that Asha glazed in the opposite direction was gripped tenderly by her left limb, the right one still hooked onto his shirt. If he allowed her to, she would pull his hands up towards her awaiting, eager mouth, opening widely enough to see how wide the back of her gullet was.

โ€œEager to do some playful acts... So...What do you say?โ€ Taking his sprawled fingers, his index finger and middle digit would aim into the depths of her warm mouth, lips enveloping around it as her tongue swirled and coiled on the inviting flesh, showcasing what her mouth was capable of, giving him subtle hints of what he could put inside of it.
Asha's ears flicked and peaked at the change in her vocal tones. She certainly had his attention towards the shift in demeanor. However, the stark contrast between her previously glowering eyes, to the sweet melody he'd wanted to hear all along, left him with a cautious belief that she was lying and putting up a facade for him. His plan to teach her a lesson might be in jeopardy, but as her change proved to be more intense then anticipated, his reason would soon be overruled by dark primal instincts and he would abandon the moral angle to his actions.

The outright steamy display she put up for him served wonders for corrupting his morality. Each thing driving another nail in the box that kept it locked away. Her playfully piercing eyes, biting of her lower lip, arousing smell and warmth of her body, the softness but however determined willingness of her caresses.

A looming pit, both figuratively and literally, that threatened to swallow the lingering morality of his, nudged closer and closer to the edge of ruin by her very own volition. The closer they came, his grip around her throat would loosen, but still be present there, although more as decoration then anything else. Once his fingers would enter her mouth, the box would promptly fall off the cliff and disappear completely. The other hand would leave her throat and slowly move downwards, trailing about her warm skin as it gripped and held fast around the leather belt suspending her pants on her hips.

He allowed her too navigate his limbs. Slowly, his hand would be guided upwards instead of downwards. Asha would lock eyes with Riya until she widened her mouth and his eyes would wander down her face and peek down the inviting pathway. His tail would flick about behind him, instead of anger it would be by lustful anticipation. His mind already attempting to touch upon how it would feel to put his eager member down such an alluring hole.
Once his hand passed her neck, his lips would lightly part, his eyes fixed on his hand getting closer and closer to its lovely intended goal. The electric anticipation would elevate his heart rate, his breath would be hot as it passed his lips. He needed not respond to her luscious words, it was visibly communicated with his own excited demeanor.

He would be staring at her tongue twirling around his fingers, even after her mouth closed he would keep staring. Zoomed out, his attention would be wholly on the warm, wet sensation of her mouth, of her tongue twirling and playing with his, in comparison stiff, fingers. A soft whimper would escape his lips, the raw and sexual emotions exacted upon him sending slight shivers along his spine. After a moment, the stiffness in his fingers would release and he'd begin moving them around, playing with her tongue as she played with them. They would find a synchronized slipping and sliding within the confines of her mouth.

Slowly regaining his composure to begin his counter attack, he would lock his eyes with hers in a playful gaze, his fingers still having the time of their life for but a few seconds longer before he'd begin to slowly pull them out. Instead of pulling them out, he angled them downwards and hooked them gently on her jaw below her tongue, gently pulling her towards him as he brought his own face in close. Touching their foreheads together, he would gaze steadily into her eyes. His hot, lusting breath hitting her skin in soft bursts.

"Such tactics are welcome, but will not be enough to satisfy me"
Asha's voice labored softly with lust, words playfully foreboding

"Show me what you really got"
To serve his point, he would softly pull his fingers down on her jaw, her teeth digging lightly into his skin. The guiding direction was obvious, she'd even hinted at it before, something that he could stick inside of her fantastic mouth. Asha was more then eager to experience his new situation to the fullest and wasted no time in doing so
Asha didnโ€™t seem to believe her, causing her to bite her tongue from not being as believable as she had hoped, but he would give her another opportunity. The ultimate test to deem her truthfulness. She had this in the bag, winking playfully at him regarding his unique inquire.

โ€œIโ€™m confident that Iโ€™ll show you moreโ€ฆ More than what youโ€™ve bargained for.โ€ His hot breath igniting her skin to tingle, heart racing as the taste of his fingers still lingered on her tongue. With little to no haste her digits entangled around his pants, quickly unfastening them, almost urgently, to release the damned clothing that hid what she really wanted. With enough fidgeting, access was granted, swiftly shaking them downwards to pool underneath his ankles, but another obstacle was in her way โ€“ Boxer briefs. A light puff of air left her lips, deeming this some sort of sick joke played on her part.​

Crouching down, her face would be leveled with his pelvis, eyes glued onto her prize that was lying underneath the only piece of clothing that separated them. Two index fingers hotly dug inside of the elastic band, nudging them downwards, shimmying in motion, until they loosened enough for gravity to handle the rest.

Proudly, his member shot upwards, the bulbous head staring at the ceiling, a hint if precum glazed over the tip. He was larger than she had initially anticipated, but not displeased. Those thin pupils of hers shot up, giving him a naughty glance before wrapping her thick tongue around the sac that dangled between his thighs, tenderly ensuring each orb gathered enough attention from her wet muscle. His skin was soft and warm, the orbs hardened with anticipation. Stroking underneath them, her tongue would gradually slide back in front, opening her lips wide enough to fit the duo inside, giving them a taunting suckle before a loud pop reverberated from the walls, her lips departing from the now glistening globes.

Tantalizingly she would exchange a glance of approval, extending her tongue outwards as she started underneath the base of his shaft, slowly, antagonizing him with suspense, as she made her way to the tippy top. Riya took her time, making sure to catch his facial expression as she made this hard on him. The mushroom-shaped lining of its head grew more defined as her tongue prodded around, knowing soon he would get what he wanted.

That mouth of hers widened, almost too much, as it hovered over the top of his rocket, diligently wrapping her rosy lips around the precummed member. The warmness of his cum slide down her throat, giving her a taste of his seed. Gripping onto his hips for support, she wound anchor herself to him, lowering her head further onto his shaft as she felt her throat widen to accept the intruder. The girth of his rod caused her esophagus to spasm, each time she swallowed the muscle would contract to add further satisfaction to his prick.

Allowing the two to adjust to the new sensation, she would kiss the base of his cock, holding into him tightly as she paused, his member stationary in her gullet, waiting it out until she needed to gasp for air, showing her full potential.
Asha was surprised by how powerful he felt when Riya complied with his demands, following suit in such a satisfying manner. No magic spell would compare to anything of this magnitude. Slowly the satisfying darkness would cement as a part of him. Two lusting eyes followed her descent. Anxiously, he would let her take her time, his hands folded behind him as to not hinder her work. He would alter his hips and legs slightly to help the pieces of clothing to descend unto the ground.

His expectant globes would trace over the bare and exposed scene of himself, catching her glance upwards, almost succumbing to the background shyness he was feeling, but steadily carried on his anticipating glare. Rewarded with untold satisfaction, her warm, wet tongue wrapping and snaking its way around his balls, involuntarily he bit onto his lower lip, a gaze fixed with hard lust as he watched, and felt, the amazing spectacle unfold upon him. Once her comforting, warm mouth took hold of his treasures, a heavy sigh escaped his lips just before the loud pop noted the end of the delicate procedure. A soft, refreshing chill of the night air enveloped his well handled sack.

Her second gaze upwards would be rewarded with a parted mouth, previous expecting eyes now lost to lusting ones. Her plan was working. Slowly she would envelop the situation in her bag and tie the knot. But yet the battle was not lost. Asha would be resilient enough to her attacks as to not get overwhelmed. Although it was proving more difficult then he would admit to even himself. His gaze would softly jump around, looking upon his member, her mouth and tongue, her eyes, as she worked her way up and around it, toying with it, successfully building up his expectation with her luscious performance.

At the height of his expectation, a light gasp for air as he inhaled and held his breath at the wonderful sensation of her melting warmness. Focusing all that he had on the feeling. Taken by surprise when she grasped his hips, he would with a lusting panic watch as she let him delve deeper within her warm hold. The deeper he went into her, the more he leaned his head upward, glancing at nothing, focusing solely on the sensation that was her mouth. At the very end when her lips met with his base, his eyelids would slowly close, his eyes slightly rolling themselves backwards, the tight spasms pulsing around his dick sent a lasting, borderline growling and lush moan rolling out from the depths of his throat.

One, two, three, four, five seconds and counting


"Is... Is that all... you've got?"
such daring and brazen words, especially since his voice was labored by lust and his breathing slow and heavy

He opened his eyes again, head lowered until his chin was almost against his high chest, orbs peeking down towards the dreamy scenery painted for his exclusive eyes. He didn't know it yet, but he was getting greedier by the second. Slowly getting used to the wondrous sensation her swallowing throat and tightness that restricted his member's slight twitching.

Amidst the pleasure center of Asha's mind having a shouting match with itself, further dark words began whispering, stronger and stronger, that he could make the sensation better if only he took a little action. Riya would naturally have to fill her lungs with air again soon. If she would then chose to continue to bring pleasure upon him using her mouth, Asha might become brazen enough to take liberty into his own hands, so to speak. One of a myriad of possible punishments our dear Riya could face.
After all of that, he still needed proof?

โ€œBy the strain in your voice I believe you beg to differ.โ€ Riya smirked, eager to please and show him what she had up her sleeve. Standing firmly on both feet, her arms waved around to peel away the clothing from her body, her breasts bouncing outwards as she released them from the confines of her bra. Her pants slithered downwards, lazily hitting around her ankles before exiting out from them, her panties already soaked at the slit.​

Seductively she licked her lips, approaching him dangerously close before gripping him by the shoulders, commanding him to be thrown onto the layers of blankets he had set up for camp tonight. If he let her proceed with this action, she would hover overtop of him, eyes lustfully glistening at her victim. Taking to the ground she would crawl like her ancestors, claws teasing his skin before she gripped at his thighs, shoving her mouth furthermore onto his cock as her head moved down harshly.

Using his thighs as leverage she would bob her head up and down, the pace growing rapid as gurgles rumbled inside of her occupied throat. Without any help, unless he decided to buck his hips up in retaliation, her throat would fuck his rod eagerly, saliva splattering against his skin for lube, trailing downwards to graze against his sac.

Coyly, her left palm would fondle the orbs, shifting them around like marbles in her palm. Riya locked her eyes onto his, determined to break him, but he was strong-willed and just as strongminded as she was, if not more. His precum tasted of warmth with a hint of salt, savoring the tease of a taste. She worked harder, wanting his load to coat her yearning mouth. Furthermore, her lips hilted at the base of his cock, holding herself onto him for ten seconds until her lungs cried for air. She pulled away, gasping and chest rising, saliva dribbling down her chin, before taking on his length again, giving his balls a tight squeeze before groping them softly.
A marvelous sight in the flesh. Asha took an amused step backwards, vision grazing across her body, predictably following her lead and gazing upon her key features as they were uncovered for him.

No qualms, no resistance, he knew where she aimed for him to lay, so he let her go ahead, landing softly on his own blankets and now with an even nicer view of her features from below. He had a most seductive view of her toned and lusting body.

It was when she crawled down on her fours, stalking him like prey that Asha felt like he'd taken a bit of water over his head. Riya might be more then he would normally be able to handle. Taken aback by her bursting sexuality, he had a little time to recuperate his mind before retaliating against her.

When she once more would hide his length within her throat, Asha moaned out in satisfaction and rested his head back on the soft blankets and closed his eyes, taking his sweet time to enjoy Riya's constricting throat again, and the wonderful noises that she produced in the process.

Asha locked eyes with hers, watching them mist up as she pushed all of him inside of her again, for an impressive display of stamina. While he never wanted the sensation of this moment to stop, his stamina was rushing in a suicidal dash to the finish line. Before the last stretch, would watch her with an air of concentrated lust gasping for air, her hot mess leaking saliva down her chin, strands of her efforts limply connected between his phallus and her hard working mouth.

Dashing for the finish line when she buried his length again, he started bucking his hips in tandem with her bobbing. He felt his hot orgasm rushing forth relentlessly from within, just a few strides away he would place his hands on the back of her head, grabbing a light hold of her hair and ears, keeping her steady, keeping her from running away at the last second. With the last stride, he would watch her closely before his mind faded and he pushed her head down on him at the same time he bucked, her lips right back down at his base as his entire member strongly pulsed and sent his warm orgasm flowing down her throat. After a few seconds, he would let his hips down back to the ground but not before releasing the cum he had left into her mouth, wanting her to thoroughly taste her win. He would release his hold of her hair and ears as his sack became empty and his hips hitting the ground again. Resting his hands on his stomach, he would watch her in a delighted daze as she reacted to his harsher ending. His breathing was at this point slow but heavy.

"You sure showed me..."
Asha stated simply, a delighted expression, part smirk, part grin, part hazy eyes

Only but a few moments of post-orgasmic rest, before he'd work his way up to his feet, a little stretch before he smirked playfully at Riya, his spirit vigorous and willing to give her a thorough retaliation

"Your turn"
His voice amused and excited

This time, it was him that threw her down on the blankets onto her back. Wasting no time he quickly dove down and placed his hands under her butt and pulled her hips up into the air while her torso stayed down on the ground. Glancing down at hey eyes, he would place a couple of soft kisses along her left thigh, each one bringing him closer to her awaiting mound. Hugging her by her waist, he would softly nuzzle his face into her wetness, taking note of her delicious fragrance, panties still in the way of complete access, he would tease away for a little while, gauging her reaction before pulling his head back and grabbing the rim of her knickers from behind and pulling them upwards along her legs and off. Tossing them uncaring backwards, he would look down with glistening eyes of anticipations of her taste, his mouth slowly opening and his tongue extending along his chin was he would bring his mouth down.

His lips pressing down, sliding across her wet slit, he slowly brought his tongue down from her opening up to her clit in one long stroke. Parting her lusting lips with his own, he stuck his tongue slowly but relentlessly down into her warm hole. Exquisite tastes dancing along his buds as he explored her walls with his tongue. He parted with a delighted moan when her tastes hit him.

Steadily hugging her waist with one of his arms, his other hand would slip away up towards the action. His touch would run along one of her delicious butt cheeks before his fingers meet with his tongue. Taking great care to slowly slip his index finger inside of her,his tongue would dance along side of it for a little while before sliding out and upwards. His lips locking around her clit, he would suck there gently while his tongue danced with a steady pressure along and around it. Meanwhile he slipped his middle finger inside of her as well, slowly beginning to pump them up and down. All while looking down on into her eyes, taking note of her every reaction.
Ashaโ€™s hands were warmly welcomed against her tresses and ears, the force of them signaling his orgasm was soon rupturing. It took her off guard, how robust he had become, but in response her hands gripped tightly on his thighs, eyes closing as her mouth was forcefully fucked. The back of her throat ached, almost burning as the friction of his shaft continuously rubbed up against the soft tissue, her eyes watering in response.

Powerfully, his shaft twitched, a new warmth coating his skin before she realized what it was. There was no turning back, but she wouldnโ€™t even if she had the chance. Deeming herself worthy, she suckled down the sprinkled cum once it touched the back of her throat, her throat bobbing up-and-down as she swallowed continuously. It left her breathless, once all his seed was expelled into her mouth, but still she was as eager to please as before.

โ€œMy turn?โ€ She repeated his words, pointing to herself coyly before tossing him a charismatic smirk. A surprise was in effect, gasping as she plummeted into the same position Asha was in. His taunting lips kissed her thighs, but his foreshadowing was apparent. Riya eagerly nibbled at her lips, anticipating the warmth his tongue would bring to her slightly cooling cunt, each second growing more intense as she waited.

Alas, her cunt was displayed in its glory, his powerful grasp around her wait sending tingles down her spine. His mouth was covered in warmth and saliva, adding further lube to her already damped slit. Her hands retreated, grabbing at the blankets underneath her before tugging them upwards violently, a muffled moan of pleasure seeping out into the air, of course, silent enough so no one would suspect.

โ€œAshaโ€ฆโ€ Riya managed to whisper, slowly gyrating her hips against his lips so his tongue would scatter every fold at her will. His digits added further stimulation, giving her a flavor of how his manhood would feel deep inside of her. โ€œIf you keep this upโ€ฆ I wonโ€™t last too longโ€ฆโ€ She fought to say, eyes shielding from the strain as her body wanted to quake.​
And so it was swiftly time for Riya's second punishment of the evening. Her moaning pleas would do her little good for what Asha's cruel whims were planning. He would proceed take mental note of how her body was reacting, her breathing, her voice, all so that he could sense when she was about to peak. And so, he would slow down his pace, his lips and tongue left their plaything, his fingers leaving her lovely warmth and instead dancing around her craving lips. He would look down into her eyes with ones of belonging to a predator engaging in playtime.

"Don't worry Riya. I'll make sure you last as long as I need you too"
filled with hot lust and darkness his words would linger in the air like an ominous promise

When he sensed Riya got too cool, he would resume the pressure, lips, nose, face, tongue, fingers, all dancing together across and inside of her craving form. Reveling in her hot voice and lust filled squirming, Asha would repeat this cycle a few times until he was satisfied with her punishment having been long enough, and lower her frame down on the ground.

For his coup de grรขce he would let his fingers penetrate her once more, deep into the welcoming warmth they went. Having read a very interesting tidbit in a dusty old tome in the dirty lair of an old codger of a Tarutaru scholar, he was interested to see what effect the information he had found had, for she was more then ready for such an experiment. Pushing his fingertips upwards, he would bring the tips of his fingers back towards his wrist and eagerly lock gaze with her eyes to discern what pleasures were bound to erupt. To watch her explode with pleasure was all that he wanted now, to return the magnificent favor of what she'd just done to him, if he ever could. He would push his limits trying if he had too.
Riya opened her mouth to pant, her body hot and unsteady from Ashaโ€™s roughhousing. She hadnโ€™t been touched like this before, savoring the way his wet muscle lathered over her innocence. As she warned him of her sudden explosion, he would cease his playful tongue from moving, his fingers still bidding to his commands.

His eyes were piercing and intimidating as he watched for a reaction within her features. Those digits of his would hit a certain spot underneath her stomach, causing the tips of her toes to curl upwards in ecstasy, almost tremoring from the unusual but enjoyable feeling. Taking her hands off from the blankets underneath her, they would loop around his back to dig into his skin, little crescent-like imprints remaining on his skin moments after her squeeze.

โ€œAshaโ€ฆโ€ She breathed out his name, drawing him in closer to her body so he could feel her rising heat. The sounds of her shifting honey inside of her entrance resonated in the air, the lewd hums electrifying the air surrounding them. Her clitoris tingled, spiking her body to tremble in reaction, his fingers moving quick and rough, ensuring the pleasure would be reciprocated.​

It wasnโ€™t her goal to hide her pleasure anymore, allowing her body to naturally fulfill its purpose. Holding onto him tightly she would allow her orgasm to seep out, her cunt sopping wet and drooling with her cum, coating his fingers like glaze on a donut. Groans and moans left her lips, not wanting to be loud enough to draw attention but wanting Asha to know his job was done well.
Letting himself be pulled in, he would continue his observant gaze. Following along with her ebbs and flows until it was time for the crescendo. Affectionate pain piercing his skin in tiny shapes. The hotness of her breath a wonderful treat. All this and yet paling in comparison the sensation of her close hold, the wonderful twitches and warmth flowing and pulsing around his fingers, he would still his hand and let her ride out the storm. He reveled in her moans, a warm sense of affectual pride washing over him. Once her ride died down, he would lay himself down on his side, right close next to her, propping his head up with his hand and an elbow on the ground. He let his eyes wander delightedly over her exhausted form before bringing them back to hers.

"You're not done yet, right?"
playful words dancing across his aching tongue where her taste had faded
the air between them had shifted, no longer forced but instead a pleasurable lull. Their previous grievances like a hazy mist unfocused when pleasure had taken the stage

He would gaze into her orbs while bringing his drenched digits upwards, casually plopping them into his mouth and slowly licking and sucking them to clean them and gain a wondrous taste of her essence. Once he had his fill of her cream, he would lean over, his torso leaned onto hers, and plant his soft lips on hers, aiming to part them and have a show of tongue tango and give her a little taste of herself to offset his own brand of saltiness.
Instead of replying to his question, Riya would portray her response through actions, sharing their affectionate kiss before it turned lewd. Willingly, her lips parted in acceptance to his slithering tongue, feel the light bumps of his tastebuds run along her own, his mouth tasting of her and her mouth tasting of him. It felt as if he were draining her life force as he drank in her breath, leaving her eyes sealed shut to savor the moment.

As more fuel was being added to the fire, she would press against him tighter, intensifying their tongue game, sucking on his wet muscle before popping it back out, only to nibble at his lips before licking them tastefully. Her body pushed against his, moving their positioning so she would lay on top of him and he would be underneath her.

Outstretching her long arms she would clasp them eagerly around his shoulders, their amplified pecks creating a taunting yet satisfying sound against the silent air. Instinctively her pelvis would grind up against his, her clitoris rubbing up and down his shaft, stimulating her to grow wet once more, eager to place his meaty pole inside of her.
To his great delight, she was not tired of him just yet. Quite the contrary it would seem. Moments passed by, every threshold passed slowly stepping up their joint performance until their flames were stoked and burning hot once more. Asha felt her desire to move and let Riya room to flip them around, helping her mount him with a delicately steady hand. He was only spared an infinitely small moment to look upon her before she'd dive down on his lips once more, which Asha accepted just as willing. The chill echo of their design ringing soft and contained within the walls.

Asha's arms had encircled her form, his hands traveling along the crevice along the muscles of her spine. One running down her leg while the other entangled softly in her hair that was strewn all around them like a private curtain just for them. When Riya began her sensual grinding, a hard breath would escape him. Soon his grip would harden just as much as his desire already had. His breath had become heavier, the desire of his soul reaching new heights along the way they were traveling. It didn't take long for his own pelvis to dance, joining the grind in an upward fashion. At this point his hands traveled along her body again but to a wholly new destination, settling them with a firm grasp of her buttocks.

Breaking free from their mesmerizing mouth play, he would run his lips along her cheekbones, her neck, and bite down softly on the tender nape of her neck.

"I want to be inside of you"
his mind fogged over with desire, growling affectionately between strong kisses and playful bites, leveraging his hands to smoosh their groinal samba even closer, a low and soft moan escaping past his wet lips

Asha, despite his better judgement, had given in to his desire to want for everything that she had to offer.
Consequences be damned.
โ€œI want you inside of me.โ€ Riya huffed out the breath of air in response, her hips grinding against his lewdly in protest to what she was feeling inside. His gentle pecks traveled across her body, like a paintbrush splattering its paint on a new canvas. Her body was already claimed with his love, and soon, her lower regions would be too.​

Gingerly, her legs shifted to have them be spread, her love-hole steaming with arousal and anticipation, dripping with yearning. The time was coming swiftly, and she would grow ever more excited, lowering her lips to kiss at his earlobe, his neck, his jawline, anywhere her lips could reach they were there.

Taking the shaft of his member, gripping it by the base of his manhood, she would guide it ever so slightly to probe at the entrance of her cunt, allowing the tip to lather itself in her juices. She yearned for his member to be inside of her, doing anything until they could close in on the idea of their love making.

โ€œDo it, Asha.โ€ She commanded him, eyes glaring with deep desire.
Asha's hands remained firm on her buttocks; An anticipatory squeeze when he felt her take his member in her hands and guide him away from the grind and towards great pleasures. Showered with her affection he would waste no time and laid his head back down in order to get a glimpse of her expression when he made his move.

Asha rose his hips slowly. So smooth, so easy, so melting. He could fell all of her wrapping tightly around his manhood but like a velvety smooth dessert there was little resistance to his intrusion despite the tightness. Asha git at his lower lip as he slowly pushed on. Savoring her expression along the way. A short eternity later and he was hilt deep. He could go no further. A deeply pleased moan passed his lips as he lavished in her numbingly warm tightness for a few moments before pulling himself out again by lowering his hips. The softly cold air encircled his drenched cock as he pulled it out almost to the tip. But before it could pop out entirely, Asha moved his hips upwards again, repeating this pleasurable pattern time and time again, moans of livid pleasure dancing from his throat.

"Riya... Oohhh..."
Asha moaned her name at the melting pleasure he experienced

His hands escaped Riya's delicious butt, his right circling around her vigorous tail and grabbing a light hold of it at the base. The other ran across her back up to her hair, where he would grab on lightly and steering their lips together for a passionate kiss, moans flying and tongues dancing as the real performance had begun in all its glory.

Plentiful moments of lovemaking passed between them before Asha rested his hips down on the ground, his hands sliding down along her figure and settling on her hip. He would coax her hips to move over him like a slithering snake to give them both the pleasure they deserved. A low and primal moan forced it's way past his white gatekeepers as he received her dirty dance with all his senses.

Satisfied with her display, the time for gentleness was now over. Asha felt strongly the desire to make this woman his. He would push himself up and wrap his arm around her waist. Picking them both up for a brief moment he would spin them around and lay her down on her back with him on top of her. All this while still locked around each other in every way. Palms down on the ground on either side of her shoulders, Asha once more picked up his pushing pattern, but not nearly as gently as before. Everything about it had increased. The pacing. The force. Lewd slaps coming from their groins as they met with the wet force of his pushing. Asha glared passionately into Riya's shimmering orbs while keeping his pace up relentlessly, absorbing every essence of her emotions into his mind as if he was figuratively trying to fuck them out of her in increasing amounts. Having neither the desire or current wit to keep his pacing down, Asha was steadily pushing himself to his limits and a gloriously passionate climax with every thrust getting closer.
Riya giggled into his mouth as his hands skated against her sides and hips, entangling around her before moving their positioning. Hands wrapped tightly around his neck as he motioned her to lay on her back, legs wrapped around his waist to ensure he was still inside of her warm entrance.

Her eyes gleamed with lust, yet a hint of passion shimmered within them. Asha sparked the match in her core, allowing her to see something that she hadnโ€™t before. He was special, and her heart melted with each peck of his lips. She wanted this man to be hers, and if not for tonight, for the rest of her days. Her walls tightened before loosening in hotness, his cock easily sliding in and out of her without little to no effort. Those orbs on her chest bounced with their lewd waves, nipples hardened and sensitive to the cool air grazing against them.

โ€œAshaโ€ฆ Iโ€™m going toโ€ฆโ€
She didnโ€™t need to finish her sentence, her body managing to take on the rest from there.​

Shuddering, as if a lightning bolt had struck her spine, her body tensed up and clasped onto him as tightly as she could manage, nails digging into his flesh but not enough to draw blood, but enough to show her pleasure. Her breathing was ragged, moans muffling out with each exhale. A rush of warm liquid expelled out from her tunnel, coating his prick before managing to exit out from the spaces that wasnโ€™t confined. It seeped out to coat her inner thighs, dribbling down towards her puckered hole.

An intense rush of her heart left the hair on her body to stand straight, teeth chittering and legs tightening around his own. It wouldnโ€™t be long before he came inside of her, feeling the way his veins pulsated deep into the depths of her cunt.
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