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Stacked stylish spy seeks sixties-set smutty storylines!

Nov 27, 2015
A little alliteration always allures.

Part the First: I have an f-list right here but hold on, hold on just a second before you go and click on that, because you might need a little context.

The Second Part: I'm more or less exclusively seeking a very particular tone that's not really all that easy to nail. Think of it as "straight faced spoof" if you like, or "hard-boiled with humor". It's a tone where silly things can happen, in narrative and around it, but it's still taken seriously within the context of the story itself.

Number Three: And what is that all about? Well, it's about a very particular retrograde whimsy involving a devoted wife and mother and happy housemaker who also happens to be one of the greatest spies in the hierarchy of The Agency of the United States. She can balance a pocket book, bake a perfect pie, and have Russian secrets on a desk in Washington all before tucking her kids in for the night. She's unquestionably beautiful, she's hated by her enemies and loved by her allies, she's practically perfect in every way (give or take a British accent). Candice Striper, Agent 00D. She's like Apple Pie's answer to James Bond. There's just oooone little other thing.

4.): She's about to get fucked really, really hard.

#5: In summary; amazing secret super-spy in the 1960s, living a double life, probably soon to see that come crashing down around her ears while her outfit comes crashing down around her ankles. You can go back to part one and click that link now.

But wait, where do you come in?
Well, that's simple enough. You come in as a Russian with a laser satellite. Or a French assassin masquerading as a new neighbor. Her child's new school teacher bent on brainwashing the youth of America into a new reich. A Brazilian with a moon base. A long lost Agent gone rogue come home to roost (oh, that one made you perk up, didn't it you special half-dragon-elf little snowflake, didn't it!?). A near-parody of what you think of whenever someone says "Bond Villain", played with a serious bent, seriously intent on bending Mrs. Striper over once and for all.

Men, women, and in-between are all adored. The details of the scene itself and the window dressing are all very malleable on a play-by-play basis. Candice Striper is "played by" Christina Hendricks, because, come on. (Her.) I prefer to play by PM. I'll edit this if I think of anything else!
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