Fun times for everyone! (F X M )



Hello everyone!

I'm here for some good old fashion Rp! I love it all, action, adventure, sexual. Though I do have to say I have always had an over abundance of love for Japanese anime/hentai ish sort of things. But not to say that is the only thing I will play. I have no problem with playing Role Plays in a realistic capacity.

I am not one for playing anime Rp's unless they are with OC's. I love to make original stories, I just draw a lot of my inspiration from that sort of genre. But that doesn't mean I can't be persuaded for the right anime/manga/video game, it just has to be characters I can click with. But I am quite open to doing many other things.

Some Random I don't mind , Fallout, Elder Scrolls, Mass Effect, Star Wars, Naruto , Bleach and the like. But I do have a thing for the Gerald, Tries, and Yennefer dynamic.

Other universes I'm open to, Bioshock, absolutely love Rapture. Prey, Dishonored, Halo, God of War. Soul Eater, Bleach, Naruto, Code Geass And more.

I personally prefer PM over thread, but I can convinced to do a thread. I just find PM to be easier.

I prefer semi para to paragraph posts. But I can do multi if we have the right flow going.

And I will pretty much do anything! So feel free to ask. I also like partners that are willing to do almost anything as well. As for a partner I will pretty much play out any such fantasy, threesomes, harems. I would like the same courtesy, be it double team, gang bang or even tentacle monsters! I just like there to be so openness and equality for everyone. But I understand limits so don't fret!

Now I shall get to some of my ideas!

Lust in Space!

The year is 3020 and humanity has long since expanded itself away from it's original home of earth. But as they expanded they came across other life out in the vast space. And they were friendly at first, being more than happy to trade and learn about humanity, but then quickly taking a turn as they began to kidnap women, taking them and enslaving them to do anything they want from them.

But humanity isn't rolling over to give the aliens what they want. They have the means of fighting back and they plan on doing just that. Promising to rescue as many of the taken as possible, and to drive the alien force away. Humanity is in for the fight of its life, as it makes sure to keep it's worlds save from the alien scourge attempting to take what they want.

From A Book

From a time long since past there was a Master Mage, a man who could wield any spell, bend the elements to his will. Whatever he imagined he could bring into existence. But there those who would seek his secrets, who would desire his power but to use it all in the wrong ways. And so he sealed all his secrets into a single avatar and sealed it into a book. For whoever had the book would have mastery over the Avatar.

But the book was lost, traveling hands time and again, getting into the hands of conquers and saviors in before being lost again to history, until the book found its way to a school library shelf where it was left to sit and collect dust until an individual with enough power to unlock the book's secrets come a long.

When the student finds the book and opens it and attempts to read is when the beautiful avatar comes out of the book, once more free into the world, but again under the control of the owner of the book, now she is lost in another new time, and her entire being is in the hands of the book owner, and she is compelled to do anything she is commanded to do.

Giant Robots, mysterious Girls, and High school!?

Our hero is an average joe, doesn't stand out from the rest of the world in any one way or another, but is always pretending that someday he will. But it never seems to happen, until one day while on an errand a meteorite hits the ground not to far from the students location. But when he takes a peak there is actually a naked girl in the crater!

And once he notices she is still alive he can't possibly leave her there alone. So he decides to pull her up and help her out. And while he thinks his life might have just changed for the more interesting a giant robot comes out from left field in attempts to take the girl from him. And in the heat of the moment he makes a pact with the girl, summoning forth a giant Mech of his own to fight back against the creature. Sending his life into a spiral as he has to decide what to do next!

A Harem Adventure!

I have always been fascinated with Harem idea, anime or manga and even games, when a single champion wonders the world righting wrongs and bedding multiple women and having them enthralled and fall in love with him. And while there is some internal conflict they all seem to get over it in the end. So, I have always wanted to do one! And I am open for ideas as long as it involves at least a little bit of story. As I am willing to play multiple females here even as I am with every other story, this type just geared towards one bad ass guy with multiple women with the conflict. So without further delay! My Harem idea!

Medieval/Feudal era:

A demonic queen has begun to invade the human world, having prepared for years systematically killing off the demon hunters of the world before her invasion, making it a quick and easy take over. Though some kingdoms were able to stave off a complete take over, they still were in danger to being taken at a moments notice, always on alert.

And the Demon Queen quickly began rounding up the most beautiful young girls and grown women for her to take as host bodies, for her to use and abuse until she burned it up and took another beautiful host. Her goal to find the most beautiful host that could withstand her power without burning out, with several choices out there who were being hidden and protected, a magical princess, a powerful priestess, and an assortment of other gifted females. But the queen would have to obtain them first.

But she had made an error, she hadn't killed all of the renowned demon hunters. A child had gotten away, hidden by one of the grand masters who knew it would be better to wait and regain their power before attacking. Teaching the young man all the greatest techniques passed down from past generations, until he was old enough to begin his travels to gather a team to stop the evil Queen. Needing to find all the help he could get.

And thus the search will take him around the world building a team, as well getting a personal harem as he teams up with and saves women who will follow him and help him in his quest, all falling in love with him. But there will also be other type of sex scenes as well from the queen, to demons raping women. Looking for someone open to a full blown sexual adventure!

A Contract

This idea is still in the works but the gist of it is where a contract is made. Either between a human and a demon or possibly some random person and a mercenary clan. Where the girl( be she demon/ or young mercenary/ninja whatever. ) is contracted to serve a male counter part. Except she did not realize that in the contract when it states she is required to do anything that is desired of her it means anything. So aside for her bodyguard like duties, or whatever else she had been contracted to do, she could also possibly be forced to be a live in maid, cook, sexual servant?

The Wrong Way

They are just lowly street criminals, trying to find their way through life. They are just trying to make their way in life. They live out of an abandoned warehouse, drive a beat up old bug, but they never stop trying to get that one bit score. Maybe catch the eye of a Syndicate. They won't stop until they've made it big or died trying. ( Work in progress. )

The Single Mom Assassin

Lori lives the perfect double life. Anyone that knows her, just knows her as Lori Winters, single mom, taking care of her daughter and living a normal life. What most people don't know about Lori is that when she goes away on business trips, she is actually working as a Assassin. Not that that is the only job she will do. She performs all sorts of things for anyone that will hire her beyond assassinations, corporate espionage, selling national secrets. It all just depends on who hires her. And what they want done.

( Idea can range from meeting up with clients. Other assassin's. Plenty of ideas we can make around this one. )

The Sex Tape.

Sarah has lived in the same small time her entire life. And she feels like she is trapped. She works at the same diner her mom worked at. Fearing nothing will ever change. So when a stranger walks into the diner, and offers her a chance at freedom. How could she not take it? Especially when he talks about making her millionaire. The only thing she has to do is make an audition tape for a porn. And it isn't long before she finds herself going back with him to his hotel room. But is the man telling her the truth, or is he lying to her just to get laid?

( I'm thinking of an Older man for this one, but doesn't have to be. Just like the contrast of an older man tempting a younger girl into debauchery. )

Live in Maid.

Melody didn't have anywhere to go. She ran away from home. She couldn't keep a job. Everything just seemed to be going down hill. Until she found an ad looking for a live in maid. The pay seemed reasonable, and she would have a place to stay! It was the perfect way to get back on her feet. So she applied! Meeting the man, he was a sweet elderly gentleman. Looking for someone to help him take care of his manor. And he took to Melody right away. But there was a catch. If she lives under his roof she lives by his rules.

( Looking for some BDSM Sir/Slave kind of play with this one. )

The Neighbor's Wife

Cassandra's husband is almost always gone. He travels a lot for work. So she is typically by herself. And her neighbor has begun to take notice. This cute young thing is always alone, so why shouldn't he take a shot at it? Lonely house wives can get pretty desperate at times. So why not give it a shot? ( He can be younger, same age, or older. Drugs/alcohol could be involved. )

Star Wars: Force Island

There is a race between a Jedi and a Sith to find a forgotten planet that is strong in the force, and a belief that there is an ancient power there that could sway the balance of the ever raging war between light and dark. So Sinaca, a young Jedi, goes off to find this island planet before the Sith does.

But just as she is arriving, So is her Sith Apprentice Rival. And they engage in an aerial dogfight before bringing each other crashing down on an island. Where their battle continued. But their powers were weak on the island for some reason. And it was reduced to a duel. But when it is interrupted by carnivorous wild animals, the two are forced to work together to stay alive. And as they survive, maybe they will learn a bit about each other, while trying to turn the other from their perspective side, all while learning the secrets of the Island.

( A Star Wars Story! With some possible hate sex! As well as leading to other Star Wars like adventures. Really craving this right now! )

Sex-A-Holic Anonymous

Megan is a sex addict. She couldn't help it, she just was. It almost destroyed her marriage. But she had gotten help, and even found a support group. But when a handsome new man joins the group it could all spell trouble for the young woman and her marriage again. He didn't come to get help. He came to prey on the vulnerable. And it isn't long before he has Megan and some of the other women of the group wrapped around his little finger.

Wrong Side Of the Tracks

Kim is trying to score some weed for the party she is going to be throwing. But she doesn't have any good connections, and she is referred to a dealer on the wrong side of town. So she decides to go see him. He is sketchy and anything but trust worthy. And when he convinces her to try some product. He may just have a little fun at her expense.

( This could possibly involve Kim with a friend. And possibly a little interracial. )

On the way to Hollywood

Hannah has left her small town behind to go to Hollywood. She has big dreams to make it as an actress. Having no clue how hard it is to make it. And no idea how many people who are out to use an innocent young girl. Fake agents. Fake proposition. But even worse is when you get in. And she will have to learn the dirty things she will have to do to make it as a star.

More to be added. But message me! Lets play and have some fun!
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