- Joined
- Dec 23, 2013
- Location
- East Gotham

"Champions of Cinder Covenants and Lore"
☸ Covenants ☸
Covenants in Dark Souls allow the player to ally with certain factions within the game to gain access to special items, abilities, or mechanics, especially during online play. To join a Covenant, the player character must equip one of several Covenant insignias discovered throughout Lothric.

Dragon Scholars
Founder: Seath the Scaleless
Quartered: Grand Archives
Focus: PVE, PVP.
Purpose: The Dragon's Scholar's covenant is an original covenant I made up specifically for this roleplay, I noticed a lack of covenants geared for INT builds, so I thought I'd give Mages a proper covenant.
Allies: Way of Blue, Blades of Anor Londo
Enemies: Warriors of Sunlight
Rank Items: Old Moonlight, Moonlight Sword. Dragon Transformation

Way of Blue (Sentinels)
Founder: Gwyn, Lord of Cinder
Quartered: Kiln of the First Flame
Focus: PVE
Purpose: Way of Blue are the followers of Great Lord Gwyn, and seek to kindle bonfires in order to sustain the power of the gods.
Allies: Blades of Anor Londo, Dragon's Scholar's
Enemies: Warriors of Sunlight, Chaos Servants, Abyss
Rank Items: Firelink Sword, Wraith of the Gods, Soothing Sunlight

Blades of Anor Londo
Founder: Darksun Gwyndolin
Quartered: Anor Londo
Focus: PVP
Purpose: A silver pendant depicting the Darkmoon and a sword, the crest of the Darkmoon Knights, the original Blue Sentinels. Equip to pledge oneself to the Blade of the Darkmoon covenant.
When a member of the Way of Blue faces a dark spirit, the Blades of the Darkmoon, by an ancient accord, help to root out the invader.
Allies: Dragon's Scholars, Way of Blue
Enemies: Warriors of Sunlight, Rosaria's Servants, Abyss
Rank Items: Darkmoon blade, Sunless Set, Velka's Rapier.

Watchdogs of Artorias
Founder: Artorias and Sif
Quartered: Darkroot Garden
Focus: Neutral PVP, Co-OP
The Watchdogs ensure that the warriors sleep in serenity, by taking the form of loyal spirits and hunting down those who would trespass the grave of Artorias . These hunters on occasion, are known to offer up their co-operation to fellow wanderers in need. They appear as "purple phantoms".
Allies: Neutral
Enemies: Neutral
Rank Items: Artorias Sword, Artorias Set. Wolf Ring. Purple soapstone.

Rosaria, Mother of Chaos.
Founder: Rosaria, Mother of Chaos.
Quartered: Cathedral of Deep
Focus: Invading PVP.
Sacred seal of Archdeacon Klimt, who served Rosaria, Mother of Rebirth. Equip to pledge oneself to the Rosaria's Fingers covenant.
Rosaria's Fingers collect tongues in her name. Some do it to be reborn; others do it to help comfort their voiceless goddess."
Joining this covenant allows the player to conduct invasions as a Red [/align]Spirit, a.k.a. "Red Phantom".
Allies: Warriors of Sunlight
Enemies: Way of Blue
Rank Items: Obscuring Ring, Chaos Storm. Thorn Set

Warriors of Sunlight
Founder: Nameless King, Solaire
Quartered: Lothric Knight Castle
Focus: Co-op, PVP.
Warriors of Sunlight are brilliantly beaming co-operators who place their golden signatures to help those in need, for it is their duty to deliver a great conquest to their summoner.
They appear as "Gold" phantoms, however they can appear as invaders as well, in their "darker" forms.
Allies: Lords of Abyss, Rosaria's Servants
Enemies: Way of Blue, Blades of Anor Londo.
Rank Items: Iron and Sun Set. Sunlight straight sword. Gold Soapstone
Lords of Abyss(Formerly Darkwraiths)

Lords of Abyss
Founder: Chosen Undead, Darkstalker Kathe.
Quartered: Ring Knight City
Focus: PVP, Co-Op.
Purpose: Lords of Abyss harness the power of the Dark Soul found in each human. Continuing the plan of the Furtive Pygmy and led by Darkstalker Kaathe, members of the Darkwraith covenant aim to be the new Dark Lord, to herald the Age of Dark.
Joining this covenant allows the player to conduct invasions as a red-black Dark Spirit, a.k.a. "Black Phantom".
Allies: Lords of Abyss, Rosaria's Servants
Enemies: Way of Blue, Blades of Anor Londo.
Rank Items: Ringed Knight Sword. Black Soapstone, Ringed Knight Set