Mx Female Ayrune's Dark Dreams - a variety of prompt ideas! Updated 7/30


Jul 13, 2017
Below are a few anime inspired prompts. I'm not looking for any specific canon anime characters or universes. I prefer everything to be completely original with a world we create together, though inspirations from canon works are totally fine!


This is a little more straight forward. I would love to get involved in a GMed game of some sort where my character is involved in some sort of adventure or conquest. I enjoy playing villainous roles, though it can be light hearted and fun, it doesn't have to be terribly dark (though dark RP can be fun.) I'm thinking worlds like Overlord or That Time I was Reincarnated as a Slime, though with a more sexual twist of course. I'm pretty flexible on this one, so I don't want to write out a large prompt for it, but this is very much a prompt I would love to brainstorm with someone. If you're interested in something like this please do send a message.

Matthew Hawthorne was what most would consider a spoiled child. In a way he was. He got everything that he wanted. His parents were fabulously wealthy and powerful. He got all the best of everything always. But he wasn’t loved by his family. He was born to satisfy his mother’s whim of childbirth, and after he was born she swore it off forever. His father was far too busy to ever pay him much attention. As far as familial comfort, he had none.

At least until one day his parents decided to staff their palatial estate with android servants. More expensive than traditional help, but they were perfect servants. Their costs to maintain were low, not that that mattered to his family. They never got sick or needed time off. They were available at every hour of every day to serve the needs of the home. With his own wing of the palatial estate all to himself, Matthew was afforded a staff of his very own. Instructed to care for him in every way. Matthew soon grew very attached to the female androids that tended to his care as he began to grow.

A duo of maids tended to cleaning up after him. A lovely chef prepared and served his meals. A beautiful, caring teacher taught him all that he needed to know to grow up to be an intelligent and fine young man. And his personal attendant made sure that he always made any appointments that he had to keep, that he was dressed and washed, and that he didn’t get into too much trouble, watching after his safety and playing with him when he was bored. It was with this artificial family that Matthew grew. There was an affection for these synthetic women that tended to him night and day. And as Matthew matured from a little boy into a young man, his natural urges began to take over.

These doting mother figures were commanded to tend to their young Master’s every need. And his hormones were quickly becoming an all consuming need. And his servants have no choice but to help him relieve this pent up desire.

So I’ve been obsessing a bit over androids recently, and I thought that I’d put something out there to satisfy my love of mothering play and perversion with this newfound android fetish I find myself wanting to indulge in. I love detailed play, with strong, multiple paragraph posts. It doesn’t have to be overboard, but I do need something with good grammar and reasonable writing.

As far as my kinks, I love bondage, D/s, dress-up play, a bit of perverse doting and mothering, reluctance, and playing a demanding, dominant young man. Age wise, I was thinking he would be in the 15+ range, when his hormones are raging but he knows very little about sex, save for what he finds online. I’m open to him possibly reprogramming some of his servants, adding in things that he likes, and customizing them how he pleases, essentially compromising their supervision of him to allow him to indulge how he pleases.

The AI Revolution had come. But it wasn’t the catastrophic end that everyone had predicted. There were of course problems. There were wars, extreme loss of life, and the destruction of whole civilizations. But the world went on, and rebuilt. Synthetic humans were the answer to the shortage of labor and life. So they became ubiquitous. But even as we created robots with artificial intelligence, we never really let them be free. We hardwired them to be owned. They had to be property. They craved it. They needed someone to dedicate themselves to completely. All the complicated thoughts and emotions and the solution to the worry that AI would displace humanity was simply to make it obedient to their owners.

Of course the world never really changes. It just evolves into something different but the same. These synthetic humans swiftly became weapons. Those who owned them were always developing new and more powerful models. Battle droids they called them. Synthetic men and women with an arsenal of futuristic weaponry and combat techniques far beyond the limits of any mortals. The powerful became more powerful, like they always do. And the weak of course became even more downtrodden. Mega-corporations displaced governments. Both Synthetic humans and regular humans were slaves to these companies and if they weren’t they were viewed as little more than cockroaches. The wealthy stayed safe in their fortified ivory towers, protected by the companies’ synthetic arsenals. It wasn’t uncommon for whole sections of the city to be destroyed as these Battle Droids fought for supremacy in the air and on the ground.

But the weak who lived in the ruins of the old cities below these glistening towers still went about their lives. Everything above them was well out of reach. The same was true for a very skilled young man who had spent his entire life inventing and tinkering. He scoured through the refuse pits looking for discarded technology from the wealthy towers above, fixing, salvaging, and disassembling everything he could get his hands on.

It was on a clear, bright day that this young man was scavenging through a fresh mound of discarded junk that he was caught by surprise as a battle began to unfold around him. Diving for cover as laser blasts and the clash of blades at high speed rang out all around him. A lone figure battling no less than six other droids. From his place of safety he watched in awe as the female battle droid above him fended off her assailants. Fast, agile, and powerful, she fought with incredible precision. He’d never seen one like her before. She felled foe after foe, but when reinforcements came in she was caught unaware and sent spiraling down into the refuse pit below.

With the battle done, he frantically ran to aid her, finding her hopelessly damaged. Without knowing why he did what he did, he grabbed her body and dragged her from the refuse back to his workshop. He knew someone would come to look for her, but he didn’t care. He felt the need to help her, so he set about fixing her mangled frame any way that he could.

So I’ve been watching a little bit of Beatless recently, and you don’t have to know what it is, because this is unrelated except perhaps a bit in theme. It’s gotten me thinking about other battle maiden anime, as well as some ideas I’ve had recently. I’d love to play out a long term scene with someone who would be interested in playing one, or possible more battle maidens who are found/defeated/recovered by our hapless hero here. There are a variety of influences on this prompt, but beyond Beatless, I count Seikirei, Chobits, and other anime and stories among them.

Kinks would include, D/s, BDSM, Master/Slave, technophilia, possibly Harem if he finds/fixes/defeats other battle maidens and takes them in out of sympathy, we can discuss this, story, world building, and detailed, long term partners, and possible romance, though we could go darker with this aspect. Other kinks are negotiable, though my limits are sexual violence, toilet play, and scat.

“Are you sure that’s him? He looks a little…pudgy…” The first voice was thick and sultry, a teasing tone that was both captivating and alluring.

“I’m absolutely certain. The stones don’t lie. Look, they’re glowing! Besides, you know as well as I do that what he looks like doesn’t matter. It’s him!” The second voice was light and playful. It tickled the senses and filled the mind with a warm, pleasant feeling.

The first voice changed slightly, her tone annoyed, “I suppose so. Still, I wish he had been some hot movie star or something. Maybe the stones are malfunctioning?”

“They don’t malfunction, you twit! I said this…is…him! Look what you did, he’s waking up now. Ugh...I guess this time is as good as any.”

I groaned, like I’d just woken up from a thousand years of sleep, my eyes blinking open. My vision was still blurry, but that was to be expected with how tired I felt. I had thought I heard voices but when my sight finally cleared there was no one around and the television was off. Sitting up in my bed I scratched at my belly for a moment, head still in that early morning daze. Glancing at the clock I realized it was very early for me. I always slept in late, being that I didn’t have a job to go to or classes any longer. I was fresh out of college and unemployed. I had this apartment paid up for another six months, so I wasn’t too worried about it. With a sigh I flopped over on my side, intent to get back to bed. It was then that I heard a rather loud knocking on the front door.

“Coming!” I groaned out as I rolled out of bed and planted my feet on the floor. “I hope it’s a package and not some window salesman.” I pulled on a t-shirt and grabbed a pair of shorts before I shuffled out of the room. The apartment was a bit of a mess, but no one ever came over so it didn’t bother me much. I kicked an old pile of pizza boxes off to one side as I reached the door. Another series of loud knocks made my head ring and I called out again, “Just a second!” Package handlers never knocked more than once, it was definitely a salesman. Grabbing the door I pulled it open, my annoyed expression very quickly turning to one of confusion as I saw who was knocking at my door.

Two women stood there. They couldn’t have had more contrasting figures. The first had long, flowing hair, raven black that lightened to a rich brown at the tips. It was thick and full, matching her own figure. She had the body of a woman out of a Victoria’s Secret catalogue. Full, heavy breasts, a trim, tight waist that flared into a gorgeous ass. She was wearing a pink tank top and tiny jeans. She looked to be about my age, with full lips and bright green eyes, she had a smug little smirk on her face.

The other woman was smaller. She had a fit, trim body, and stood maybe five foot even. It was hard to guess her age, but she had shoulder length red hair that was straight as an arrow. Her eyes were bright and blue, and she had a girlish smile spread across her face. Her figure wasn’t nearly as full as her companion, with pert and perky breasts that couldn’t have been bigger than a b-cup. She was wearing a little black t-shirt with a cartoon devil on the front that showed off her midriff and I could tell that she was fit by the shape of her abs. She was wearing capris that hugged her ass like they were painted on. She had a nice, fit swell to her backside and it complimented her well.

I didn’t know how long I had been staring, but I snapped out of it when the taller woman cleared her throat. “So, this is going to be a little shocking to you. It always is when there is a new one. We’ve been looking for you.” The smaller woman chimed in excitedly, “Oh lord yes! We’ve been looking for *ages*! But we finally found you and you have no idea how excited we are. Can we come in? We’ll be on our best behavior, Sir!”

I snapped out of it and stared in disbelief at the two of them, suddenly feeling a little self-conscious about my appearance and my apartment. “I uh…really don’t think that’s a good idea. What is this all about anyway?” The taller woman smirked and leaned in close. Her voice was like a warm fire and I immediately recognized her as the voice from my dream. “Really Sir, you don’t have you worry about any of that. It doesn’t matter what you look like or how you live. All of that is going to change soon anyway. All that matters is that you’re Him.” She let her finger run down the front of my shirt, flicking her nail against my stomach, causing me to suck it in slightly, suddenly embarrassed by it. “Him who? What is this about?” I tried to hide my discomfort behind a flare of anger.

The smaller woman giggled and leaned in close. “The Dark Lord, Sir! He’s you, you’re Him. Or well…you will be. See, you got a tiny piece of Him when He died. It’s just a little seed, but you’re the only one in the whole world who has it! And we’ve been sent to nurture it. I’m Lilith and this is Abraxis.” The other woman curled up her nose, “Lillith, you know as well as I do that name is so old fashion. No one on Earth uses that name anymore. You can call me Abbie, Sir.”

I was just about ready to shut the door in both of their faces when Abby put out her foot and wedged it open as if she could read my mind. “Sir, I am certain that we can prove our sincerity somehow if you give us a chance.” She locked her deep green gaze with my own and I practically melted. Or a part of me did anyway. “A..alright…ten minutes. That’s all you’re going to get to convince me you aren’t just pulling some prank or something.” Abby gave a playful wink as she pushed past me into the apartment, followed closely by Lilith. “Ten minutes is all that we’ll need, Sir.”

So I’m looking for someone interested in a hapless nerd finding out that he is the Dark Lord. Whether that be a literal demon or just a lord of demons, I’m open to discuss it. I want a slow build, where he’d grow from nothing into something much greater than what he was with the help of his two succubus servants. I’d love to explore things playfully, though we can have serious moments in the roleplay. Eventually we can introduce rivals or villains looking to kill the new Dark Lord and take his powers for their own. Bonus points if his rivals are female and he ends up enslaving them after the fact, likely at the urging of his servants. I love a corruption aspect, with these two urging him into more and more perversity and nurturing his evil and domineering side. He’ll transform from a kind hearted nerd into a true Dark Lord.

Her eyes were wide as she held the blade close to Sandra’s throat. The poor cheerleader was shivering in fright, her gag preventing anything but the most helpless squeaks from leaving her mouth. The girl leaned in close and let the knife just barely touch Sandra’s pale, soft, perfect skin. The girl’s lips were turned into a twisted grin. “I could kill you just like this. You worthless bitch, he’s mine!” Sandra’s eyes were huge with fright, her head shaking side to side. Her arms were bound above her head and her ankles locked together. The girl slowly lowered her blade, sliding it up under Sandra’s bra strap, she sliced cleanly through it. “You’re just a tramp. You’re pretty and popular, but he doesn’t want you. He wants me. But I get it. You’re beautiful, and soft.” She swallowed hard, as if fighting the urge to slice the girl open. But she couldn’t bring herself to do it, he’d told her what he wanted from this girl and she couldn’t disobey.

Finally she pulled away to keep herself from following through with her baser desires. “He told me he wants to fuck you, to break you down into the worthless whore you are. I’ll do anything for him, anything. So he told me to get you and I did. I’m a good girl. I do whatever Senpai wants no matter what!” She shouted as she turned towards Sandra, blade still in hand. She moved closer, and hooked the knife up under the bottom of Sandra’s halter top, sliding it upwards slowly, causing the fabric to slice and tear. The knife caught for a moment under the clasp of her bra, but the girl twisted her wrist and snapped the strap, causing Sandra’s tits to fall free, a small knick allowing a drop of blood to spill out. “Oops. let me get that.” The girl leaned forward and ran her tongue up along Sandra’s stomach, looking up at the horrified Sandra as she latched her lips onto the small cut and sucked until the bleeding stopped. “Senpai wouldn’t want to see you bleeding.” The sound of heavy maintenance door opening far off in the distance drew the girl’s attention. Excitedly she stood back up, hiding the knife behind her back, she called out, “Senpai! Over here! I have a surprise for you!”

So, I’ve always thought the yandere personality had some potential, but I’m not really into extreme violence or gore in a sexual roleplay. I also prefer playing a dominant role rather than the resistant role of the typical male protagonist in these situations. So I imagined what a yandere who fell in love with a sociopathic pervert would be like. I expect she’d want to please him no matter what and the typical jealousy might be transformed if he accepted her and reciprocated her affections. She has the urge to hurt anyone who would come between her and her senpai. He has the urge to rape and abuse the beautiful girls in the school. Obviously she would do anything for him, and he would use her often for his perverse desires. But he also has his own needs, which she happily provides for.

So the idea would be a non-con scene where a yandere girl would be helping her senpai rape and break the rivals for his affection. She wants to hurt them, and he wants to hurt them. And it’s just so much better if her senpai is enjoying himself too. A rather perverse love affair between two people who should be locked away with the keys destroyed forever.

Read my kinklist here

I tend to post 2-5 paragraphs on average, but can post more, though very unlikely would I want to post less. I would prefer a partner that can write in detailed terms, anything less than 7-8 sentences on average probably wouldn’t give me much to write a response, so please keep that in mind if you want to approach me in this RP. I’m otherwise very, very flexible and I’m completely willing to alter these prompt to suit my partner’s interests as well.
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