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Star wars: Lost&Found (Firestarter09 & SithLordOfSnark)


Feb 26, 2017
The silent roar of the Delta-7B Aethersprite-class Starfighter, or jedi interceptor called by sum was heard through out the night sky, as it plummeted towards the surface of a grassy field, one of the sides badly damanged. How had this all happend? Who was the pilot of the craft? What was the pilot doing that had lead to this? Well there were several answers to these questions; the reason for all this happening was due in part to a major war spanning the known galaxy, The Clone Wars a conflict between the Galactic Republic and their armies of clones and Jedi, vs the Confederacy of Independent Systems (Cis) and their army of droids. As for the reason for the pilot crashing, well that was due in part to the Jedi sent on the current mission; a solo mission to obtain current objectives and locations of Cis operations from a third party, this was in hopes that it would help change the tied of war. The Jedi sent on this mission was Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, and he had ran into some trouble on his way to the rendezvous point, and as such forced him to try and survive a crash landing on the nearby planet, which his ship told him was habitable ans suitable for life. Better than dying in the vaccum of space. Up on a hill a woman in a rather indistinguishable black skin tight suit, as she held macrobinoculars to her eyes watching as the ship was crashing; cursing under her breath as she saw the republic insgina on the side. "Oh fuck berrys, thats our guy!" She let out an annoyed sigh, making her way down the hill into the fields below, heading to an even lower area in which the ship crashed.
Anakin crawled out of the wreckage, eyes narrowing as he looked into the sky to see if he could see the nature of the trouble he had run into. He shielded his eyes to the sun as he heard someone running at break neck speeds to get to him. "Who are you?" He called out as he tried to sit up, cringing in pain as he could feel that he probably had a broken rib or two. He pulled out his blaster and waited for the person to come into view so he could see if they were friend or foe.
The woman came to a halt as she saw the jedi knight pull a blaster out. A very simple DC-17 hand blaster; used mostly by clones of the republic grand army, or high-ranking commanders, captains, and ARC troopers. The woman ears which sat on top her head, and looked reminiscent of some type of feline animal. Flattened as she really didn't was to get shot. "Hey! Don't shoot! Friendly!" She really hoped that the Jedi didn't shoot her. "You're the Jedi right?! I'm the informant, I've got all the data." The woman could feel her blood run cold as her her twin tails that were just above her behind, swished and moved slowly. The woman watched with her amber eye's with slitted pupils; sweat running down the sides of her face, her dull grey-sliver-ish tails continued to curl. "Look, I'm not going to stand here all day, while you keep a blaster pointed at me; I also wouldn't want to stay out here for too long either... At least in this area." The woman's eye's continued to stare at Anakin.
Anakin's demeanor changed when he heard her voice and he placed the blaster back in it's holster. "Sorry. One can never be too careful." He told her with a smile. He glanced her over once again before he moved silently to his feet, nodding his head. "Lead the way. You're right, we shouldn't stay out here." He told her as he waited for her to start walking. He didn't know this planet all that well, after all.
"Hey I don't blame you." Menta told Anakin, making sure that it wasn't that big of a deal. "You know, I've been told that Jedi don't use blasters?" Menta purred the question in a seductive matter, was she aware that she did that? Most likely. "I've been told you use swords, big and long dangerous swords." Menta was seemingly hitting on The Jedi. "I Just hope the information about Jedi isn't wrong, I'd hate not seeing such a big sword." She let her tails flick and curl as she walked.
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