Circle of Story and Eroticism: Experienced Writer Within

Dec 16, 2017
I'm a highly experienced roleplayer with a wide variety of interests within the genres of science fiction and fantasy. My passion is in worldbuilding and plot construction, and my hope is to find partners who feel similarly about having strong narrative as well as the fun smutty elements. Within that, I am pretty flexible, able to play a wide variety of different kind of characters, including humans, creatures (vampires, demons, succubi/incubi, etc), D&D races like tieflings, orcs, drow, etc. Setting wise I'm happy to pursue just about anything if the characters and story are right, modern/urban fantasy, science fiction, high or low fantasy, post-apocalyptic, cyberpunk, steampunk, oceanpunk or any combination setting you can dream up.

Favorite Kinks
As for kinks, I absolutely love interspecies relationships, have a healthy interest in BDSM, light bondage, demons, bestiality, various degrees of consent, exhibitionism and breeding. In addition to this, I like flavoring this or other ideas with romance, devotioni and the gentler side of things. I'm into LOTS of different things, barring a few hard no's on vore, scat, or watersports and a few others.

Most of the stuff I'm into looks heavy based on this thread, but I'm also very open to more lighthearted scenarios! I'm quite versatile.

Post Length
When it comes to post length and description, if left to my own devices I will write a lot, anywhere from three to seven paragraphs on average--give or take. However, I'm the type to prefer a quality post over lots of meaningless waffle in one, and will be happy to read a shorter post with more content over a very large one with little content. In truth, my posts will typically match those of my partner.

All I'm looking for outside RP--someone who will be cordial and respect their partner as well as communicate their needs and wishes honestly!

I expect investment, reciprocation of effort and a willingness to share the duties of worldbuilding and the playing of background characters.

I like email best, as I can check this most freely and easily, or PMs. But I can do messengers if it is a dealbreaker otherwise. I try to post everyday, but sometimes there may be a day or two of silence as I run around in my real life.

The Plots and Worlds

Here are a list of the stories and premises I have on hand at the moment. Most of them have some degree of developed worlds, but are all open to the input of a potential partner, so we can build something unique together! The ones I've starred are the ones that are of particular interest to me at the moment, but all of them are open at this time! All of these stories are open to editing and changes too suit both parties!

The Horned King
It is a land with a heart of frost and golden halls, bordering a steel gray sea. A horned king's shadow looms from the twisted black of the Ossuary--a tangle of forest and flint, and it is his agents that creep forth to steal thralls from the towns and villages, tribute for an ancient transgression. Now, he seeks a bride for his fortress at the end of the world. Who are you in this cold land? A warrior and husband-to-be of a fair maiden? A monster hunter, all blood and bone and grit? Or are you perhaps the Horned King himself, in need of a bride to carry on his legacy?

A Dead Demon in Zima
Zima, a vast and gleaming city, lorded over by the Rusted King--a half bronze, half black dragon. His city is bustling metropolis replete with the silk and gold of sophistcated society while still casting a grimy shadow in the form of a dark underbelly. Slavers, cutthroats and seedy merchants also ply their trade in a town of oracles and craftspeople, and so the wheel turns in a city of where mortal races and demons live alike in patchwork resplendence and blood.

Until the Grand Warden Kazul is murdered, a demon of great repute. The Dragon king will see the murderer brought to justice and appointed to the task is his daughter, a cambion born of a slave woman who would see her father avenged...or die trying. Your character could be a fellow slave-warror, a foreigner visiting the city, a prince looking for a bride in the devilish, draconic and human courts--the main feature is that he has something to gain from the discovery of the murderer, and perhaps something to gain from the body of the investigator...

The Crown of Glass
In a vulnerable moment, a succubus has killed the Duke of Devils. How or why remains a mystery to the demonic world, abuzz with shock and fury--but the fact is she must take the murder weapon, the famous Crown of Glass and run to the White Needle, a bastion of demon hunters worldwide. Now, the succubus must strike a deal with the only of the only kinds of warriors who can fend off her pursuers, a Demon Hunter, and the two of them must travel to the bastion of the White Needle to deliver the crown into the hands of the Council of Five.

The Open Sky
Demons and monsters rule the land now. The earth is choked with miasma and mist, inhospitable to humankind. Humans have been pushed to the mountains and highest regions, building aerial cities on floating islands. Society is structured based on how far down or up one lives, with commoners and the poor just above the protective barrier, and Nobles at the very top, controlling the substance that makes airship travel and floating isles work: aetherium. However, the system as it is, is poised on the brink of change.

A long-lost exiled heir to the seat of Nobility has come of age, and with it comes with a mysterious heirloom that could allow her to claim her birthright. However, the current ruling family can't allow this and has put out a massive manhunt for her, dead or alive. The girl's foster parents are slain and she is forced to flee, but with no resources, living family or anything but the special Key around her neck, she is forced to desperate measures. Who are you in this world of high flying ships and desperately dark and low villains? A sky captain, a trader, a bounty hunter, a mercenary? The choice is yours.

The Abyssal Depths
The earth has flooded. All the land that remains--scraps of mountains sticking out from the depths and brave little islands, though legends persist of a fabled Mainland, a paradise for mankind. In this inhospitable world, humans are confined to floating cities built of scraps of the past to scrape out a living. Upon them, the pirates prey, in search of whatever bounty they can get their hands on be it resources, parts for their ships or women.

Chief amongst them are the monster-tamers who command Reckoners, magically and genetically engineered kaiju monsters of the deep to protect or destroy ships and cities--as powerful, feared and respected as dragon riders of other worlds. This story could follow anyone, but the first idea that sticks to my mind is that of a young engineer and handler of Reckoners captured by a piratical Tamer with an ill beast that need her help. But to do so, they'd have to take her from a bastion, and run.

Thanks for reading! I hope to hear from you. Let me know if you have any questions :)
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