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Good Girl Gone Bad (zzy123 and Kassyghost)



Approaching the front door of the small apartment he shared with his girlfriend, Dave looked for his keys. Every time he got to the door he forgot where he kept the damn things and it was never in the same spot. Sometimes his jeans, sometimes one of the various pockets of his jacket. After checking everywhere on his body twice, he finally remembered that he'd tossed them into his backpack and began fishing them out. Another week of working finally done and now it was time to relax.

Unlocking the front door, Dave entered the apartment and threw his things by the front door before walking into the living room and lying back on the sofa. Closing his eyes for a moment and pulling a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, Dave let out a loud sigh as a grin spread on his face. Just the thought of Kassy being on her way back home to him made him feel happy. Taking a cigarette out and lighting it, Dave leaned over the side of the sofa to crack one of the windows. He usually came home before his girlfriend and so at least had the time to smoke one cigarette inside, rather than perched on the small balcony.

Dave grabbed the remote and turned on the TV, flicking idly for a moment before landing on some 80s action film. It took only a moment for Arnie to appear on screen, a machine gun in either hand, ready to mow down some enemies. Dave chuckled to himself and got up to go to the kitchen, pouring some instant coffee into a mug before flipping on the kettle. Looking at his phone he saw that it was approaching six. "Any time now," he muttered, waiting for the arrival of his girlfriend.

He wasn't the most handsome of guys but neither was he ugly, with messy brown hair, stubble a skinny body and fairly pale skin. He usually wore unfashionable clothing, never really caring about brands. Jeans, old checkered shirts, jumpers - that was Dave.
Kassy Moon was going on 27 years of age next month and that fact hadn't escaped her. She was more than a quarter-century old now. She held no misconceptions that her youth was quickly slipping away into memory. Now don't get this girl wrong, it wasn't like she hated her life, she'd just always imagined something....more 'glamorous' maybe? That wasn't the right word but it hit somewhere in that ballpark.

The truth was that she'd always been mousy, a wallflower and who could blame her. She was the last girl in her class to hit puberty in high school. Tall yes, but not even so much as mosquito bites on her chest until almost the 8th grade.

She was a natural blonde, so pubic hair took even longer to develop. It was these formative years that stumped her social growth. Even after she'd come around and managed a set of perky Dcup breasts, not to mention a healthy butt; her self esteem had been too far retarded to bounce back from. She'd grown so accustomed to dressing in baggy, frumpy, unflattering clothes. By the time she'd finally figured out that she had a nice figure, it was too late and her fashion tastes did little to help. She'd always picked cooky oddball patterns and combinations to draw attention away from her lackluster personality.

This of course didn't last forever, eventually high school ended and thanks to Kassy's spectacular grades, university came nearly completely paid for from grants and scholarships. This was a whole other world and although she'd tried hard to break out of her shell, the ingrained low self esteem problems seemed too strong to overcome. Thankfully in college you meet all sorts of people and Kassy landed her first real boyfriend. David Crowley was a handsome-ish British fellow studying abroad here in America and despite his mediocre looks, his accent was absolutely intoxicating to the bookish Miss Moon.

It didn't take long for all that pent up sexual frustration to rear it's ugly head and even though her quasi-cultish, bible-thumping, midwestern upbringing protested, by the third date she let 'Dave' steal away the covenant of her virginity. It wasn't spectacular, they'd both had some to drink and he didn't really give adequate foreplay to allow her to properly accommodate to the alien intrusion of a foreign member to her ill prepared crevice and to be honest it was rough, dry and fairly quick. Kassy hadn't minded though, she was just happy to have a boy honestly show her some real attention.

As it turned out though, she and Dave had really hit it off and Kassy's very first boyfriend turned into her exclusive and only ever boyfriend. Yeah sure, many people had warned her about settling down with the first Tom, Dick, or Harry that came along, but Kassy persisted. College passed and career and life with Dave had started almost so quickly she could barely fathom it. Shortly after school she'd landed a position as a laboratory technician at a big pharmaceutical company which paid extremely well.

Unfortunately Dave wasn't so lucky. His field of study during college wasn't one that was easily employable and so he'd ended up bouncing from job to job, eking out an existence all the while waiting for some big opportunity to open up, but Kassy admired his patience and with her income they lived a fairly nice lifestyle and living space.

It was one of the trendy 'flats' (as Dave called them), that rich, white yuppie couples inhabited after big real estate corporations implemented brutal urban rejuvenation policies. The same ones that had ended up pushing longtime ethnic locals out of the neighborhood and then re-purposed it, Life was good.

It should have been good enough, until that phone in her ugly purse rang. She was sitting on the highspeed railway transit system that she'd rode everyday since they'd moved here and she stupidly answered it. The caller ID said: 'Bad Influence' and showed a cartoon GIF of a devil girl throwing up 'metal-horns'. This was none other than Trisha Cain, Kassy's long time friend since they were roommates back in college. Kassy breathed a sigh of frustration, she knew her friend well and knew this call could only bring some sort of lurid shenanigans.

Kassy: "Hello?"

Trisha: "Hey bitch what are you doing right now?"

Kassy: "Nothing just riding the train home, why?"

Trish: "Why do you think, I wanna go clubbin' tonight and you're comin' with me!"

Kassy: "Nooo.... I don't think that's a good idea, I'm prolly just gonna go home and watch a movie with Dave."

Trish: "Fuck Dave, he's a cuck, Let's go out tonight and flirt with so real men. Come on Kassy, its been like a fucking month since you went out with me...pweeeease?"

Kassy: "Don't talk about my boyfriend like that Trish, Dave's a good guy and I love him. You know if you found a guy like him you wouldn't have to spend so many nights out flirting with muscle bound knuckle heads. Besides the last time I went out with you I ended up getting black out drunk...I think somebody might have slipped something in my drink."

Trish: "Yeah me bitch...I dropped some Ketamine in your drink in hopes you might loosen up a little and actually have some fun, instead you ended up crying on my shoulder about how much you loved your little fairy british cuck-boy, it was embarrassing. Come on Kass....let's go out and dance and have some fun."

Kassy: "I don't even have anything to wear anyway, last time you spent the whole night picking on my outfit, remember?"

Trish: "Well maybe that's because you still dress like you're 14! Listen I'll bring some dresses over when I pick you up, you can wear something of mine! Deal?"

Kassy: : "Ahh I don't know Trish, we have different fashion senses..."

Trish: "Stop being a fucking whiny bitch, I'm coming over and we are going out tonight....Tell Dave he's gonna have to jerk off to Anime tonight. I see you in a few hours....SAY YES BITCH!"

Kassy: (reluctantly) " fiiiine....jeez....but no drugs and I'm not getting smashed tonight...understand?"

Trish: (excited) "Thas my bitch....see you in a few."

Kassy hung up the phone and huffed in frustration, Dave probably wasn't going to like this. The train stopped and Kassy exited, making her way up to the apartment and unlocking the door. Just inside the door Dave had thrown his stuff and Kassy almost tripped over it as she came in. "Shit Dave..." She cursed as she bent down and picked up his bag and coat and hanging them up on the coat rack which was only a few feet away from where he'd dropped them.

The house stunk of cigarette smoke and Kassy cursed under her breath again. She walked into the living room and saw her boyfriend sitting on the couch, shoes still on while his feet were on the coffee table and the movie Commando blaring on the TV.

"Hi honey how was your day?" Kassy asked absently as she sat down next to him on the couch and pecked a kiss onto his cheek. "Soooo Trish called....I know you aren't the biggest fan of hers, but she wants me to go out to the club tonight with her, is that OK with you?" She asked like a good little obedient girlfriend.
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