BIBLIOPHILIA; smut with feeling


Aug 18, 2016


Right now, only I can post in this thread. Please PM me if you're interested in starting a RP. I have a discord, so feel free to ask for my ID or PM yours, though I'd like it if it came with a kinda introduction message? Gimme a feel for your vibe. I just need the first few posts, thanks! If you're unsure, curious, and/or (of course) interested, feel free to send me a message with any questions or ideas.

Here's my


Table of Contents

Three's a Crowd
A Little Weird
Plots Real Life, Science Fiction, Fantasy, etc

List of Roleplays

The Bare Necessities


The Characters I'd like your character to be attractive, in the most generalized sense of the word. There has to be a reason my character would be drawn to them or, in the case of a longer non-consensual RP, a reason why my characters begins to want them. Personality's the most important draw, in my opinion. Especially since this isn't the most visual medium. Furthermore, for long plots, I'd prefer if our characters were interesting and multidimensional. If they're wonderful, they should be flawed. If they're wretched, they should be redeemable. This is all pretty obvious, so I'll stop here (lol.)

My ladies are submissive, and I'd like to play them opposite dominant men. Dominant and submissive is not exclusively in regards to BDSM. It more has to do with dynamics and personality. Which, by the way, I fully believe that someone can submit and still be strong and confident.



Writing I only write in third person and don't care about the gender of my writing partner. Just the gender of their fictional character. There's no word limits or anything. Just please be responsive and give me something to respond to. I'll try to do the same and am completely open to (respectful) critique if I do something that rubs you the wrong way. Also, I really enjoy brainstorming and sharing ideas. In regards to Historical plots, I want to be reasonable. There shouldn't be toasters in Ancient Greece, but we shouldn't have to refer to encyclopedias to write and understand the story. In my opinion, at least.

Pace I'll be honest. I'm not a fast poster. Depending on life and my mood, my posts could be as frequent as daily or they could be biweekly. Whatever happens, I'll do my best to keep you updated and in contact.

Romance I love it. Twisted, toxic, turbulent, "sweet": give me everything. It's not a requirement, and I have a wide range of things in mind when I say romance. Not just I dunno, romantic comedies and bouquets of flowers. Regardless, I'll never write just empty banging. There has to be an emotional component.

Preferences I prefer to RP in threads and PMs. PM's strongly preferred. I think IM can be really good for OOC chatter, but not so much roleplay. No cybering.

Also! Some of my pairings might be a bit squicky/creepy. Don't think less of me please! Though for at least one, I wouldn't blame you if you did (Kilgrave|Jessica, Bruce|Steph, etc). I like creepy sorry! Though psa: I like creepy fictional characters. Writing partners should be chill. The character I intend to play will always be second.

This is a quick, listed overview of what I like to include in Roleplays.



Fandoms & Pairings
Sherlock - DC/Marvel - Star Wars
BtVS/Angel - Harry Potter - The Walking Dead
Mass Effect - Dragon Age - Elder Scrolls -SPN

Sherlock|Sally - Sherlock|John
Kilgrave|Jessica - Clark|Lois - Bruce|Lois|Clark
Bruce|Steph - Bruce|Tim - Clark|Kara - H'el|Kara
Lex|Kara - H'el|Lois - Peter|Mary Jane
Poe|Finn - Kylo Ren|Finn
Spike|Buffy - Dark!Willow|Faith - Willow|Tara - Giles|Faith
Vamp!Xander|Cordelia - Vamp!Xander|Buffy - Giles|Buffy
Draco|Hermione - Tom Riddle|Hermione - Theo|Lavender
Draco|Hermione|Harry - Snape|Hermione
Draco|Hermione|Snape -Fred|Hermione|George
Daryl|Michonne - Daryl|Michonne|Rick - Neagan|Sasha
Daryl|Rosita - Rick|Michonne|Neagan
Sam|Dean - Castiel|Dean - Sam|Dean|Castiel

Romance - Passion - Seduction
Supporting Characters - Conflict - Complications
Power Dynamics - Sexual Tension - Monogamy
Betrayal - Danger - Banter - Manipulation
Forbidden - Odd Pairs - Vitriolic & Rough - Sweet & Gentle
Toxicity - Abuse - Obsession

Go to f-list for more on ons and offs.
Thank you!

Fear - Pain
Blackmail - Kidnapping - Humiliation - Exhibitionism
Temptation - Redemption - Corruption

Anal Prolapse - Mutilation - Scat
Objectification - Pet Play

Fantasy - Urban Fantasy - Fairytale
Science Fiction - Space Opera - Post-apocalyptic
Romance - Romantic Comedy - Dark Romance


RE: Bibliophilia {smut with feeling}


Three's a Crowd

Hi! I'd like to at least one roleplay that involves three characters, but isn't a threesome. At least, not by my definition. It's basically a relationship that's probably forbidden and involves the humiliation of a third member. So, yeah, infidelity. Our characters go at it and that really puts an NPC out.

They might start out running behind the NPC's back and then progress to waving it in their voice, i.e the aforementioned humiliation. A scenario where say, a son has his way with his mother without care for the father's presence, might be too outlandish for some people, but I like it. (And if there's a combo that interests you more or seems more reasonable for whatever reason, I'm listening.)

Whether my character's older or not, she's submissive and he's dominant. It might not start out that way, but both mean more to the other than a piece of meat or an (in)convenient hump. I want to things with rivalry and resentment. Neither character should be very attached to the NPC. It's what I'm interested in.

A woman and her sister's son. Aunt|Nephew.
A woman and her sister's husband.
A mother and her married son.

A sister and her married brother. (Maybe they chose the wife for her money.)
A mother and her daughter's husband, boyfriend, ex.
A mother and her husband's son. (Duh haha.)

A daughter and her married adopted or stepfather. (Maybe he married her mother to be near her, if stepfather.)
A niece and her married uncle.
A nanny and her married employer.
A mistress or long-term escort decides to displace the wife.​

These are just suggestions. If you have more imagination than me (which's likely! haha), please free to make suggestions of your own. I should probably've realized I'd need to explain more what I'm looking for in general? I think this's maybe a smuttier request and on the easygoing side, but I don't do just smut. I think there should be interesting stuff with character and emotions. Like, a lot of these ideas involve incest. That should, on a level, bother the characters and if it doesn't, there should be a reason. In general, I like descriptive writing and engaged plotting. You don't need to write like Byron, but I'd like to understand what I'm reading haha.


RE: Bibliophilia {smut with feeling}


The Weird Stuff
Don't judge me.

The Horse and His Girl

A centaur is enslaved by amazons. He’s put in the kitchen and grows infatuated with the beautiful young lady of the house. However he does, he manages to spill his cum into her meals. Eventually, he escapes, but the addictive property of his cum makes her take notice of the change in her meals. And her growing hunger. By the time she tracks him down, he’s a successful adventurer (champion? errant knight? etc) and she’s desperate. The two begin a tense partnership.

This's inspired by a smutty story whose name I can't remember. For the centaur, he can be the type we're used or, I once saw an early drawing of a centaur and they resembled satyrs a lot. So, he could be like that, but with horse parts. Including between his legs haha. I'd like for their dynamic to start out with him infatuated/in love with her, and her in begrudging lust with him that will eventually turn to affection. Also like, an amazon in a patriarchal society, attached to a patriarchal man. I'm really craving this.




"Real Life"

Admirer x Priest

i. All her friends have been talking lately. She'd never been very religious and would've been a proud casual Catholic...except that it would've meant an amount of care. Despite this, she's been going to church like clockwork. Every Sunday, she's one of the first in the pews and she's even started showing up for the prayer group. They think she's been born again, but that's only because they haven't seen St. Bernadine's newest priest. Or the hungry stare she shoots his way. Perhaps it's time, she confessed.

ii. A nun and a priest. He might be a sort of "Borgia" clergyman, a wolf in sheep's clothing, who lives in luxury and can't help himself when it comes to her. Even more so, he might not even be a real clergyman, but a fox come into the henhouse to hunt. All these predator-prey analogies wow haha. But yeah, I haven't played a virginal woman in a while and I love this idea. The sexual tension and guilt. Sneaking around. Her being taken out of her convent to live with him, under some pretense of holy service (...or I different holy service...) and being a fish out of water.​

Quid Pro Quo
Client x Lawyer

What a weekend. She's about to make partner and he's about to make bail. Or well, they will if she can just get through his case. It's not an issue of her ability, though she just knows he and all the other pricks at the firm would love to call it into question. More, it's a little on the impossible side to help a client who doesn't seem to want help. Guess she'll have to think outside the box. With him, that proves a more provocative prospect than usual.​

The Spoils
Cam Girl x Rich Fan

Finding herself desperate for cash, she looks up ways people desperately make cash. So, she makes a cam site and, as well as that surprisingly goes, she still finds herself in need of cash. A reckless baby sister will do that. Back to the research and she finds...sell her virginity? Well, she wishes she'd known about that on homecoming night. Now that she's thought about it, though, she might have the next best thing.​

Motherly Love
Mother of the Groom x Groom

She doesn't approve one goddamn bit. He's too young. It's too soon. And, most importantly, he's her goddamn son! Whatever happened to honor thy father and thy mother? Oh well. It didn't matter. She was twice the woman his little slut could ever be and if he didn't already know, he would soon. [This is the prototype for the pairings above in Three's a Crowd. So if you're interested in this, maybe consider one of those! Since this one's been snagged by an awesome partner.]

Guard x Inmate

A fresh-faced prison guard captures the attention of a very dangerous man. Taken by her, he makes a call to his minions on the outside and has them threaten her family. The price for their safety is obvious. Her. She has to be ready to fuck on his every whim.​

The Gambler
Bait x Gambler

He wins her in a game of cards. Might be best for a Wild West type scenario.​

??? x ???

While I don't have a steady idea, I'd love to do something in the Roaring Twenties or somewhere around then. Maybe a Great Gatsby type plot where Gatsby gets the girl and cruel revenge. Or something; I dunno haha.​

Science Fiction & Fantasy

Time Warp
Assistant x (Mad) Scientist

Marty and Doc. Except Doc isn't quite so gray and Marty's a young woman. A young, abrasive feminist woman. One day Doc, conservative but fond of his assistant, gets fed up and takes Marty back to what he considers a more time where women knew their place. Then the real mentorship begins. [For what it's worth, I don't agree with Doc at all politically haha. But I got a craving for this: slowburn breakdown of stubborn feminist straw-woman into the perfect submissive idk timewife. Possible time periods: the 50s, Victorian Ages, most of history lbr.]​

I Was Kidnapped By Alien...
Alien Abductee x Alien Abductor

Space Pirates. Vampires. Warlords. What have you. I'd like something in the vibe of old pulp fiction. A secretary on her way home from work one night finds herself caught in the beam of a space ship. For one reason or another, whether by intent or accident, the captain keeps her.​

"Persephone" x "Hades"

When the Templars hunt down the druids, they leave no prisoners. Or, they didn't. Until he found himself stood over her, struck though she'd been the one to take the blow. Druids look like anyone else once you wash them off, he might reason as he smuggles her away into his fortress.

Magic might be real. She might be able to use it to win his favor through the granting of wishes. Their dynamic, off the top of my head, could sorta be like (a less repulsive) Frollo and Esmeralda, a tweaked Macbeth and lady Macbeth, and a re-imagined Persephone and Hades (she is the innocent flower girl, trapped in his righteous hell.)

Macbeth and Persephone especially come in because she believes that if she must be dragged into hell, if he must have been born to hell, why serve it? Why not rule instead?

He can be cruel to her in the beginning. with actions like non-consensual and branding, if you’d like. or he can be kind and contrary to her expectations. He can be anything from a dashing knight in his prime to a grizzled war hero. I wanna be as flexible as possible while still holding true to the idea.

Religious Themes, Fantasy Shenanigans, Rivals to Lovers, what's not to love?​





Common Tweaks Students start Hogwarts at 16 and end ten years later at 26 (no one's upset because most wizards decelerate the aging process at 20+ and extend their lifespan through magic.) All characters are 18+ yay!

Five Points for Gryffindor

Potions is Hermione's favorite class, but not for the reason anyone'd expect. And definitely not for a reason she'd admit to in public.

Hermione starts Hogwarts at around 14 because prodigy and this isolates her from her peers. Snape is even worse than the rest with his insensitive remarks that make her long for his approval. After a 2 to 4-year long sabbatical abroad, Snape returns to find an 18-20 year old Hermione who's blossomed. Snape didn't care about proper behavior when he slapped Harry, didn't care when he insulted a little girl's looks, and he doesn't care now. He gives her so much special treatment, people begin to wonder if Hermione's been transferred to Slytherin.

Things are more or less fine until Snape calls Hermione to his office and propositions her. She refuses! So he gives her his second offer, sexual favors or he'll ruin her perfect record. She'll tank Advanced Potions and DADA. When she goes to Dumbledore, he says something vague and cryptic and she's left at square one. I'd like to start us off from Snape's return and then progress from there. The sexual favors will start off small and then progressively get more hardcore and kinky.




Male character is open. Anyone from Harry, Snape, Draco, etc If you want to throw in two new men, be my guest. If you'd like to do an OC, we can talk.

After the polyjuice potion (age 18+), everyone thinks Hermione's back to normal. Except, months later, it turns out something in her DNA reacted very poorly (or very well) with the feline attributes. She wakes up somewhere between her normal self and the polyjuice transformation. She's more flexible and tactile. (Optionally: curvier and/or furrier too. Ears, tail, and cat eyes?) It doesn't make biological sense, but no one listens to her! They just roll their eyes, call her a know-it-all, and stroke her supple body as she instinctively rubs up against them. After a week, she learns to live with it, miserable as she is, so then her heat kicks in of course. She could really use some help.

Something fun could be that after the heat, she becomes the plaything of the house of whoever it is that takes care of her during her first heat. Or her savior might be possessive and roughly fuck her everytime someone tries to touch what's his. She might cling to her savior because he's, possibly intentionally, imprinted himself as her mate. Etc.



The Goblet's Prize
Hermione|Harry and/or Hermione|Draco (w/ some Hermione|Krum)

The prize is chosen similarly to the way the participants are chosen. Unbeknownst to her, Draco (or Harry??) drops her name in and she's chosen. Whoever wins, gets their pick of whichever school's prize they'd like. The prize is theirs until they graduate from their wizarding school or no longer want the other person. Instead of Cedric, Draco is the other representative of Hogwarts. Hermione believes this is a cruel, embarrassing joke. It takes her a while to realize how prized she really is.


In This Together


Sorted into Slytherin and callous from his abusive upbringing, Harry is ambivalent at most towards his destiny. Hermione is the last one anyone wants to convince him to do what's right. That doesn't stop her from going to him when it looks like all hope is lost.

It's around their last year. Umbridge is in charge and Harry is the leader of her Inquisitorial Squad along with on-again off-again girlfriend Pansy. When the leader of Dumbledore's Army shows up at his door, he's more than intrigued. Was Granger always this cute? It appears dissent agrees with her. She tries to remind Harry of their first year when they were almost friends, but Harry only cares about the now. He's grown bored with Umbridge, bored with the prospect of being ruled by some noseless freak. He agrees to help her with an ease that makes Hermione suspicious, but there isn't any other choice but to work with Harry.

Somehow, Harry takes Voldemort's power when he kills him and dubs himself the new Dark Lord. Pansy is elated! But Harry barely looks at her. He's decided the brightest mind of their age would look good on his lap as he sits in his throne. This could work, alternatively, with a Chosen One Draco, instead.


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