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Pink XIV & Red XIII {darkest_fate&My Angel is Broken}


machina erotica
Dec 17, 2009
It smelled in the room.

Aeris wasn't sure she could even really call it a room. There wasn't anything in it, save for the beautiful Cetra girl. Her green eyes had swept the room a few times. she'd even spent a few moments walking the width and breadth. Not a whole lot in the way of room, really. Glass walls lined every side, but they were of an odd make: Aeris could just barely see out. Various scientists wandered the room outside, leaving her little doubt as to where she was.

Tseng had found her. Had abducted her, or, well, she'd agreed to go along, to protect Cloud and the others. Even now Aeris's mind drifted toward the handsome blonde SOLDIER, remembering another SOLDIER and his touch. They were so similar, Zack and Cloud. Maybe that was why she'd been so eager to take the blonde as her bodyguard. Maybe that's why she'd gotten wrapped up in this. Not that Shinra had been shy about wanting her: Hojo had been after her for years.

And now he has me she thought, gaze sweeping. There were observation platforms around her, some scientists, not a lot, examining various monitors. She could just barely see them: it was almost as if the stink of the room overpowered everything else. What was that odor? It made Aeris lightheaded, almost wanting to nap. Was that the idea? Get her tired for... whatever Hojo had planned?

She could remember what he'd said. Gloating over a Cetra. But ah, the last of her kind, just like the other he'd had on hand. They'd rushed through prep, their motions sloppy. Aeris barely knew science, but she'd been able to glean that much. She could tell when men were rushed, hurried. A lifetime in the slums of Midgar had left the young woman quite savvy to certain things. Savvy enough to realize that Hojo had something planned she would not like.

The girl rubbed her arm, frowning. She still wore what she'd had on when they'd found her. The red denim jacket had been reinforced. The light pink dress that sheathed most of her, however, was decidedly less so, though still of a durable fabric. The scant cotton pink undergarments below were a degree less of protection, not that she expected it. Her bracers and her rod were her usual defense, along with a high degree of aptitude for materia. But they'd made sure to strip her of that... though not of the bracers. Aeris had studied her wrist, knew there was nothing there to draw from, but she still had to wonder why.

The beautiful Cetra only just understood their plans. Lifestream and Ancients, and access to unrestrained Mako energy. Supposedly Hojo had promised a long term plan. Mix the Cetra blood with the other that is last. Their offspring will be long-lived, and tied to the Lifestream, precisely what we need to establish Shinra for years. Aeris didn't believe that bullshit for a moment: Hojo struck her as a pervert, and she was a pawn in whatever they had planned.

And she'd had enough: "If you're going to do something, do it!" she yelled, turning, trying to see how they were properly monitoring her. Through the glass? Through cameras? she almost gagged on the thick air. "Whatever you've put in here sure isn't affecting me like you'd hoped," she pointed out. "Unless you're trying to--" she paused. She thought she'd heard something move. Aeris had been unconscious when they'd put her here; she had no way of knowing how they got her here. Was there a hole in the wall... did they drop in from above? Something was moving, and the flower girl was left wondering what.

Hojo was ecstatic. The Turks finally proved some worth and delivered him the prime test subject. His last of the remaining Cetra bloodline back under his scope, to poke and prod at his leisure. Or rather that'd be the case if the damned thing could live long enough. So the contingency plan. The subject Red XIII would be mated with Pink XIV so that the combined life of both mother and offspring would ensure all testing come to fruition. All that remained to be seen was whether or not the two species were actually compatible in their mating.

Hojo was no fool. Biologically, the chance of test subect RXIII and PXIV was slim. In the name of scientific curiosity however, it wouldn't stop the Professor from trying it anyway.

"The gas is a go, sir. We're flooding the chamber now." An assistant informed Hojo from his post, scribbling on his charts and monitoring vitals. From heart rate to blood pressure, Shinra's sensors were the best that gil could buy.

"Good! Keep me updated. How's XIII?" He snapped, almost with an impatience, then he raised a finger to the brim of his small glasses and adjusted them before putting the hand behind his back with the other, back slightly arched, staring out at the chamber with an intense focus.

"He's on edge, as you might expect. The gas should shift his focus to XIV but it's hard to predict how he'll take to the mating process. He will smell her as a potential mate but appearances will confuse his senses. Ideally we'll overwhelm him with enough pheromones that it won't matter. He'll--"

Hojo lifted a hand to stop the assistant. "I know, I laid this plan out. I don't need a step-by-step. If it goes smoothly, he'll only see the Cetra as something to mount and push his sperm into. The trouble will be if the drugs in the gas will be enough to keep XIV non-combative, the feisty little-" Hojo stopped and pressed a button that tapped into an intercom. "Send XIII in!"


In the chamber Aeris was held in the floor opened up in a small circular shape and a platform was raised. Red XIII was crouched, defensively, upon this platform. He was muzzled and a low, instinctual growl was audibly rumbling from his throat. The room was thick with the gas and it clouded his senses. Overwhelmed them. His vision shifted in and out of focus and clarity faded in and out. Sound dulled and sharpened. Meanwhile, his nostrils were assaulted by a strong odor that began to affect him almost immediately.

A sensation he had not felt... ever? In years? It familiar yet different. A hunger of sorts. He couldn't see beyond the glass walls, or whatever the material was, he could hardly even acknowledge that there was a beyond. He didn't like this limitation. This mind alteration. Prior to this, it had been pain and torment, tests and injections, and now this. This, however, was also the most freedom of movement he had been granted since his capture.

After a few seconds, the wolf-beast found the origin of a sharp, enticing scent. It was almost intoxicating. It was... pink. This musty allure that begged him closer, begging him to...

His hips lifted and the sheath between his legs twitched as thick, reddish cock began to protrude. So much of this screamed danger and yet this strong, underlying and persistent whisper of fuck echoed beneath it. So he padded curiously forward, toward the object of desire.

A voice boomed overhead that only sounded muffled to him.

It was Hojo, speaking to Aeris.

"Don't play too hard to get now, we wouldn't want to do this the hard way. The painful way." His voiced practically slithered into laughter before the intercom cut-out.
The floor opened. Aeris scrambled backward, the sound of her leather boots scuffing against the floor. Her arms instinctively went into a defensive position, as if she could draw upon magic materia or some other force to save her. No weapons, no materia; she'd have, at best, her Limit Breaks... and all of those were meant to heal and help those around her. There was nothing she could do to fight against...

...the beast that rose up.

Aeris stared, taking in great sucking breaths of the thick air. She felt it trickle into her lungs, making her knees buckle slightly. Aeris staggered back, reaching the edge of her container. A hand went to steady herself, while she studied him. He looked... wild, feral, but not like a creature that should belong here. Instinctively Aeris knew: this creature, it belonged in the wild. Something in the way it padded and moved just---this wasn't some misshapen experiment of Hojo's, at least not yet.

Her gaze flicked, taking in the emblazoned number on its soldier: XIII. It flicked down further, seeing what had started to unfurl. "Oh my god," she breathed, a hand going to her mouth. Aeris knew enough to recognize a dick when she saw one, and the creature's was hardening with every step. It bobbed lewdly, and she could read its threat.

The voice made her jump, Aeris twisting. "Hard to--are you kidding me?" she asked, face twisting in horror. She turned back to the creature, holding out her arms. "Easy there, big guy. You don't want---" her eyes flicked, and she was pretty sure she knew exactly what it wanted.


"Sir," said one of the attendants, "signs are showing that XIII is affected quite strongly: he appears to be getting closer and closer, though we can't say for sure. XIV's vitals are perfectly fine, but we're seeing no elevated showing in her readouts. It, ah, seems like the troubles you predicted--"

Not that he was likely to get further. Hojo was clearly enjoying himself. For that matter, most of the scientists watching were of the same mind. Their gaze settled on screens, alternating only for moments to doublecheck readouts. After all, there was no doubting that PXIV was by far one of the most appealing subjects they'd gotten, and while most were in agreement with Hojo: an offspring from the initial coupling was unlikely, that didn't mean they wouldn't get a... satisfying demonstration.
With the state of Red XIII, the girl's attempts to penetrate his daze into some field of reason was futile. Even if there was some awareness that he could interpret her words, it was the same muffled and inconsistent sound he heard when the voice buzzed over the intercom.

The wolf's face gave a shake as if an attempt to clear away the fuzz that slipped into his direct control of motor function. With the movement, his adornments clacked and waved. It gave the decorations a prominence. The arousal wasn't necessarily putting him on auto-pilot as much as it was being prioritized over all other instincts. Security, environment, survival all slipped away from his animal directive. It was growing stronger by the second.

"Release the muzzle." Hojo ordered.
"Sir? What if-" An assistant started in opposition.
"Look at him! He's not about to attack. He's about to mount. Let him smell her." He insisted and the assistant complied.

The muzzle featured an electronic lock, controlled remotely, no doubt so that removing it wouldn't put their fingertips at an even higher risk of being caught between powerful jaws and a row of canines ready to tear apart their captors. It clicked and unhinged and Red instantly shook it away upon feeling the release of pressure.

It wasn't a huge leap from the amount inhaled before but the fumes were making their way into with less opposition, giving cleaner and quicker passage. There was no going back for the beast from here. Muscles flexed beneath his magnificent red coat and he finally moved at Pink XIV with real purpose. He wanted one thing, the source, the reward. He craved to fill her up and everything else faded into the nothingness beyond. The pink she was dressed in seemed to glow and pulse in an enticing invite. The rushing blood beneath her pale skin seemed to promise a warmth, lending her entire shape a hum of raw energy.

He pressed forward now, quick, his snout coming to press against her neck first and inhaling. Quick, short breaths followed by a final and deliberate inhalation before he moved on. Downward. He sniffed down her body, pressing into napes where her body scent was strongest. Between her breasts into the fabric of the dress, and finally between her legs.

There, of course, he met opposition in his haste. The clothing was shielding his invasion. He pawed now at her thighs, scratching with a hurried frenzy before letting out a huff and shoving his snout roughly towards the source between her thighs.
"Yes, that's it, resist the... urges," tried Aeris, keeping her voice level. How could she possibly get out of this? Was there any getting out of this? The beast almost looked confused, well, most of him did. There was no denying that what dangled between his legs looked anything but confused. Why would he be interested in Aeris though? She was a human, well, a Cetra, but human enough. Shouldn't he want to mount another wolf... dog... cat... thing?

Aeris jumped as the muzzle fell. She could see his body flexing: he was not someone who needed materia or tools to be a threat. "Oh no," she said. Aeris tried to push upright, to move, but her body felt just sluggish enough to not want to fully cooperate. The drugs they'd pumped in may not have put her into heat like her "partner," but they'd certainly worked to weaken her further. That she'd been knocked out, only recently revived medically, and was fighting against her own inner fright wasn't helping either.


The monitors on Pink XIV's ratings showed increase heart-rate, within healthy parameters. A few technicians coldly noted that the muscle relaxers they'd put into the pheromone aerosol were apparently having a delayed reaction, and that Pink XIV may be a little... tense for what was about to happen. Not that any of this would slow the procedure.


"Whoa there,' said Aeris, moving her hands to run along his head, ruffling through the mane. She could feel his hot breath on her, and she quivered. "Please tell me you're not someone that eats their mates..." she said, though she knew that made no sense; she was the female. Still, nothing about this made sense. Not when its head lowered to her chest and sniffed. "Okay, yeah ,those aren't coming--" she started, only to stop, biting her lip as he ducked beneath the dress.

She'd landed spreadeagled after getting off balance. The thin fabric of her pink pantie stretched across her sex, offering a thin protection from the creature. When the creature started pawing, digging into her reinforced dress, Aeris winced.

"C'mon," she said, laughing a little, "I'm clearly not another dog," though she was quickly bunching up her dress all the same. Aeris was a slum-girl, she knew practical measures. She could try talking it down, maybe get it to relax, but she only had one dress right now. Last thing she wanted was to lose that. "Don't you want a pretty she-wolf?" she asked, getting her skirt up her thighs, baring her long legs, save for the pair of delicate panties. The light pink showed against her pale flesh, and the little bow on them seemed to almost invite.

Slightly desperate, Aeris tried shifting her foot, nudging against him. Sometimes guys would lay off if they came; maybe she should try and stroke him off? She wasn't sure how effective rubbing him with a boot was though, and she was definitely not sure about removing any more clothing than was strictly necessary.
If any member of the team held reservations about what they were doing, they kept it to themselves. The rest wore their interest a little too much on their sleeves. One would have to assume a few hard copies of what was going on here would be made for personal use.

With Hojo, it was difficult to tell where the scientific obsession and perversion began and ended, or maybe they were simply one in the same. The man might as well have been salivating over the monitors.

"Yes... Yes. XIII won't be dissuaded from here. Turn up the dosage, just a bit. I don't want XIV to pass out but as long as we get what we want here, I don't care the state of her." Hojo waved a hand and then waited, all too comfortable wielding power over another life.


Red XIII was apparently reactive, though not distracted. When Aeris ran her hands through his fur and through his mane, he leaned sensually against her touch, following it even. He was locked on her. His hips moved in uneasy frustration, the beast very clearly trying to work out how best to deal with the shape of Aeris as well as the obstruction of these... clothes.

When she hiked up her dress, his face went straight to confirming his target and this time there wasn't enough fabric to stop him from making contact. His moist, long tongue moved from his mouth to lick at her. He had the scent, now he wanted her taste and what came next was far more than just obvious at this point. The tongue played along the hems of her panties at first, rapid little licks, until finally, an increased fervor brought it between where skin met fabric and pressed against her bare and sensitive flesh.

It was all he needed before his hips began a slight premature bucking of sorts. If he was in a stable mind, his embarrassment would be overwhelming. Right now it wasn't even a factor. RXIII moved his face away from PXIV and his chest pressed against hers, his upper body and face moving out to her side and stretching forward so he might line his hard, exposed wolf member at her entrance. The panties were still, mostly, hindering any actual penetration but it wasn't going to stop the creature from trying to move by anyway. After all, his tongue managed. He knew where he was going.

So he went. His hips bucked upward and he tried to press himself inside. His red and swollen cock was thick and long and seemed to grow longer still while the mating knot pushed out of his sheathe, the entirety already slick with dripping pre-cum.
Strange, but he seemed almost... affectionate. It was probably just like with any beast: he reacted to her touch. But just for a moment there, Aeris thought she saw something else in his eyes. Perhaps it had been her imagination, but something... sparked. As if some sort of conscious thought had drifted in, something he just couldn't quite grasp.

Only for that moment. His head lowered, and Aeris gasped. Her head lolled back, her lightly curled brown hair starting to fan out behind her. The hot sensation of mouth upon sex simply shot up into her, her body reacting despite its source. Wet, lingering warmth spread, lathering her lower half. Aeris tried to straighten up then, to sit up push back, but her muscles felt even more sluggish than they had before. It was as if her body simply wanted to lay back and let this happen.

"The air,' she said, realization lighting her green eyes. "They did something--" she shuddered, taking another gasp as his tongue slid under the hem of her garment. There was just something sensual, debauched in what was happening. A hot, wet, large tongue splashing attention on the girl's core. Her thighs trembled, and she tried to pull together, but her body could hardly resist.

Something brushed against her. "Oh god," she breathed again. She could shift enough to see, see his throbbing wolf cock scraping against her panties. It ran the fabric across her skin, dragging friction across her. Worse, the fabric caved just a little. He kept thrusting and Aeris knew that a thin little pantie wouldn't be enough to stop. "H--Hold on, "she breathed, trying to reach down. She could feel his heat already leaking into her, and she saw the swollen thing.

No way he could fit that in her, right? Trembling ,sluggish fingers tried to work her panties. But the thrusting, mad cock kept pressing. Aeris should move, try to get into a position, but her body simply would not cooperate. But she could not afford to lose her panties, not have them shredded. She quickly jerked, fingers finally pulling, sliding them to the side.

"I can't believe I'm doing this," she mumbled as she tapped his cock ,trying to orient it. Better it slide into her sex, which was at least meant to take it, than shred what she still had left....


"Neither can we," murmured an enthralled scientist, earning a slight jab from another.

"It seems as if subject XIV has taken enough dosage from the gas to be compliant," said a monitor, flicking across screens. "Recommend lowering dosage before subject loses consciousness," because it would be more fun if she were awake, and would possibly get less injury. "Also, it may be important to note that she seems, ah, a bit more willing than we'd have expected, sir?"

Or she just had the practicality that came with living in a town where people were regularly abducted and one of the first things your mother taught you when you grew breasts was how to handle sexual assault...
The air.

This broke through. The proximity of her voice at his ears, just enough to piece language back together and, if nothing else, jolt a reminder through to him.

This was their manipulation. Drugged air, confused senses, altered consciousness. Nanaki could fight monstrosities and savage beasts, even soldiers and warriors, but this sort of fight was one he was not built for. Was anyone?

Even with the breach through to his psyche, Red was far too along to stop now and even deciding to, the scientific observers weren't about to let them end their entertainment.

Then Red entered inside of her and the rest of the world fell away again. A euphoric embrace wrapped itself around his starved cock. He was inside of her and his entire body shook lightly at the initial rush of bliss. He growled out a barely audible grunt. One might even imagine it as a voice.

With direction, aid and permission his thrusting lower half moved more deliberately, if still awkwardly due to anatomy and the drugged effects. It wouldn't stop a steady rhythm to develop, the lubrication from mixing fluids assisting the fucking. And making a mess of it. XIII was absolutely dripping thick drops of wolf sperm - a result of the intense build up the flood of pheromones put him through.

So it was push after push after push of thickness into Pink's pink, Red between her petals and touching her deeper with each adjustment, wiggling his throbbing mass of a mating tool up to the knot.

Part of him could tell already, by the feel of her, fitting inside of her would not be pleasant for her. At least not now... Nanaki could only whisper, "Relax."


"Did the beast just speak?" An assistant asked, shocked.

"Quiet! Watch! He's going to knot her, he's ready to fill her with his sperm." Hojo's perverse excitement was palpable.

"Both heart rates are increasing steadily now, sir. No danger yet but the knot may--" The assistant was cut off again.

"She'll take it. She doesn't have a choice." He interrupted coldly.
Flesh parted. Aeris knew that sensation, had felt it before. Zack had been a pretty decent lover, from what she'd heard. She'd always came along with him, and he always pulled out just in time. Strange that she thought of that memory now, of that bliss, of the union she'd been quite a bit more willing to engage in than this bestial frenzy.

Yes, frenzy. She could already feel his thick lupine cock drizzling seed within her. The white hot stuff practically sizzled on her insides. Inner flesh trembled, stirring alien fluid, gripping beast cock. Aeris could feel his strange shape, that tapered head, his impressive girth. Men were not this big; she knew that. Knew her body realized it as it started to stretch about her. Despite herself, despite the damn drugs melting her muscles, Aeris could feel herself tensing. Lower muscles flexed, interior walls clamping shut, as if to stop him from getting too deep, as if he could actually seed her womb should he push far enough.

More and more. "Fuck, you're big," she gasped, leaning back. She tried lowering her legs, less out of desire, more to just want to help him ease in. Even then, he felt too big. Stretching her out, reshaping her lower abdomen. Aeris took in sucking breaths, almost sounding as if she were giving birth. She could feel him shifting and---and something else. Pushing hard, Aeris levered herself up. His knot. "Okay, boy I don't---" she began.

Wait, a word? Her eyes shot wide. "Did you just talk?" she wanted to scramble, but muscles, and position, made it difficult. Her booted feet clanged against the door while she flailed. "Did you talk? Are you-- oh god," she lowered down, taking another deep breath. The pressure had just increased tremendously. Aeris spread her legs as far as she could, thighs nearly to her side. What position, what could she possibly do to help ease whatever the fuck was happening now knotting; he's knotting you. And he's right, if you don't relax, he'll tear the shit out of your pussy and nothing will fit. Taking a deep, shuddering breath, Aeris tried to do that. Little hard when you were being fucked by a wolf and your body wouldn't respond and you were pretty sure people were watching every bit of your coupling and---



"Audio glitch," said another assistant, waving a hand.

"I've heard--" said another, only to be silenced by Hojo's comment. His perversion rippled, at least half the small team seeming to grow visibly more alert as well. Doubtless this was precisely what they'd signed onto the project for.

"She'd better get used to it," said the same assistant from before, snorting. "'cuz XIII's gonna knot her every time. Lucky bitch."
The functioning awareness Nanaki might have broken through long enough to tell his unenthusiastically partner-in-interbreeding to use some discretion after he spoke, but it was easy enough to understand her shock. That and then it was hard to focus on much else with his body taking him through every step of the mating process. Well, aside from the culture-backed ritual his tribe actually went through with some grace before such shameless and sloppy fucking. Not that he had much of a chance.

It occurred to him now what the point of this little exhibition might be. There weren't enough details to map out all of the whys, but some - namely Hojo - wanted to see if crossbreeding him and human was a possibility. At least, he wouldn't think Shinra readily agreed to fund raunchy animal on human sex showcases. Then again most of what he had witnessed of humans so far, a lot of what they did made little sense to him.

In the moment it was hard to deny, exactly, the very real crash of pleasure that came from being inside even a human. Red warned the girl to relax to ease both the two of them through this next ordeal but the physical discomfort would belong solely to the resilient human female. There was something to admire in this, the way she handled the forced encounter. If it was possible to develop a respect for your fellow forced fuckmate, this was the time.

"Good, good." He paced his... encouragement during the height of her strained and noisy breathing. He would rather not have any of the masterminds behind this know the scope of his intelligence but the two of them were into this together -- about as together as two could be. So he eased into the effects of the drugs once more, this time a bit more willingly, in hopes to settle his own conscience in playing his part in this girl's rape, forced or not.

He stilled his wild humping and the length of his cock pushed further and hard, his hind legs inching him as close as possible as it pushed against her resistant cunny, stretching her but not so bad as it might have been without the preparation they could manage together. XIII felt he could reel over at the way her body clenched forcefully around his hot gooey extension and moments later it squeezed into her, along with the bottom half of lengthy bone and the two were knotted together and he was poised to empty his massive load of wolf seed into her. Red's good eye closed in preparation and he huffed as his cock began to throb in reaction to the way she involuntarily milked it.


"Sir, he's in. They're stuck." The heart rate monitors were near dangerous levels by this point, the process putting both of them through a considerable amount of stress at this point. "It was close, we thought she might fall out there for a moment but she's a resilient one, to say the least."

Hojo's smirk was a twisted response. "Wonderful. It seems at this point we're close to calling attempt number one between Red XIII and Pink XIV an unprecedented success. Depending on whether or not XIV suffers any damage on XIII's exit or lingering PTSD, they both seem to be in relatively... healthy condition."

At the successful knotting the team of scientists felt obliged to offer a round of applause. "I can't believe she fucking took it." One noted on the end of what might have been a bet between another assistant.
There, more words. Aeris clearly heard it this time ,even through her fog. Pain from swelling, from fullness, spiked, adding another level of clarity as it went. The drugs kept her loose and willing and, though Aeris would be loathe to admit it, let the cock slide in with a good deal more ease than it would normally. The girl wasn't quite aroused, but she was relaxed enough to at least not tense up terribly around the invading cock

But words, words meant this creature had intelligence. Intelligence meant one of two things: either he knew he was effectively raping her and didn't care, or he, too, was drugged. Desperate to find out, Aeris reached up, grabbing a fistful of mane and pulling. She moved her up, him down, so she could lock eyes with the creature that mated her. Was there a flash of... regret? Compassion? In the one eye that could look at her? Aeris could barely tell: she'd had only a minute.

The insertion, however, had gone from wild humping to a forceful, but almost gentle glide. Aeris let out a trembling breath, nearly a sigh, still gripping tight to his mane. Her green eyes dipped, and she saw. Her tight sex stretched across the rounded part of his knot. Muscles flexed for a moment, Aeris taking another deep, sucking breath, but she relaxed, tried to release, let it just happen, since it apparently needed to. The thing felt so intense, the pressure making her grit her teeth. Muscles attempted tensing, her mostly clothed body trembling with effort. Push, reshaping flesh, insisting upon entry and---

---and it almost slid in with a pop. "It's in," breathed Aeris, trembling. She could feel her belly swelling, a hand dropping to feel what felt like a hard ball near her lower abdomen. Fingers ruffled the finely trimmed hair of her sex for a moment, and she almost contemplated stroking herself. But taking pleasure from this felt... wrong, somehow. She could feel her body reacting all the same, creating moisture as if for a safety measure more than anything. The cock could hit all sorts of areas within her though, and with enough friction...


"Fucking told you," said another scientist, passing along some gil, "slum bitches, man. They'll do anything."

Clearly this was said from experience, as the various scientists again turned to the monitors. If anything, the two specimens seemed to be displaying an above average health at the moment, with a few levels spiking, the ones that would be expected.

"Sir, Pink XIV shows little signs of arousal and no outward signs that fertility may be expected," dutifully reported a scientist, sounding a bit disappointed by the result. They were already so close to a scientific breakthrough, after all.
Nanaki winced in reaction to the sudden yank of his mane. It wasn't in pain but more a surprise. Maybe she was going to try and fight? He wouldn't blame her. Maybe he should have.

Maybe you would have if it wasn't for them meddling with your sense.
It was all he could do to suspend the sudden invasion of guilt. Then it was dismissed abruptly as he practically popped his knot into the clothed human female, with her assistance. Biology rewarded him for the 'success' with a rush of animalistic pride and duty was resumed, stripping him away from conscious awareness.

He did catch her eyes though, tried to relay his own confusion, reluctance and empathy. However a beast could manage mid-mating process with a different species clamped around his knotted, dripping cock as he emptied his essence inside of her, anyway.

That moment came and went, but not without becoming a sharp note in whatever else might be encountered in these horrible, sadistic labs. The end, at least, was approaching and while specimen XIII was no longer immune to whisper of compassion, he still wasn't strong enough to stop, not now so he gave himself over to the reality of his-- of their -- coerced bonding and it took him. She took him.

He watched her with his one good eye, move and breathe and sweat, and he panted before looking away giving a final buck of his hips into her as his manhood began to pulse, flexing out load upon loan of thick wolf cum, an obscene amount drawn out from what one might imagine a deep subconscious desire to impregnate, to give some hope to the life of a dying species. In that moment of transcendent flooding, he could almost romanticize the act.

He grunted through a growl at the back of his throat, something of satisfaction maybe, though it was hard to tell. It just kept gushing out and overflowing. It was a mess. He felt a mess and as the last of it twitched out he'd began to feel shameful, dazed and empty. Sleepy even... Though he was still stuck rather firmly inside of his partner.


"Sir, the sedatives have been amped up in response to the expulsion of Red XIII's sperm into Pink XIV. It should begin having an effect soon enough so we can separate the two without too much difficulty." For this, they'd relax both subjects muscles and apply a generous amount of lubricant to glide him more easily back out of her.

"Well, I guess that's a wrap on our little show." One assistant complained. In their own research aftermath, one or two might have felt the same sobering effects of coming down from the adrenaline of their little project for they began hastily carrying about their business, some refusing eye contact with others or ahem-ing their way to some kind of professionalism.

Hojo already seemed lost in his own world of the aftermath, thinking to mind stages past this. There would be no pregnancy, he was sure. But he could manipulate them into the mating which was an essential part of going forward and getting the support to do so. Neither were going to kill each other, at least. Their resistance may very well be heightened moving forward, the element of surprise and non-existent tolerance to the drugs now diminished. With enough... convincing, however, they may give up fighting back all together. Hojo had plans to consider.

"Take your time with them. They're not going anywhere." Hojo prioritized their clean-up and assistance last on some sick insistence they get to know each other better. So he left them stuck together for a while as the drugs would lull them to some state of unconsciousness. The raped locked with her assaulter, influenced or not. Nanaki attached to her along with all the shame that seeped into him.
Shit, it popped inside, it filled her. Aeris could feel it, could feel him, throbbing within her. His thick cock spread against her walls, formed a tight seal. Leakproof? It seemed like they'd find out soon enough. The flower girl could feel the intense pressure from below: just his being inside her was enough to make everything tight. Lazy muscles couldn't quite clamp, and apparently the drugs at least dulled the pain... in point of fact, Aeris could almost feel a bit of pleasure.

Yes, pleasure. The thick canine cock pressed against her interior. It stretched her out, yes, but it also scraped against sensitive insides. Aeris could feel it hitting parts of her that fingers, that past lovers, that practically nothing had scraped. Raw friction added just a spike of arousal, though that also might have been her body desperately attempting to prepare.

She wasn't.

The cum flooded, and Aeris let out a hiss. "You've got to be kidding," she groaned, shuddering. She tried spreading her legs, adjusting, glad at least that the creature didn't appear to be thrusting madly against her. At least he held still, even as he kept pumping and pumping. Aeris felt her stomach expanding, swelling slightly, that bump starting to rise up within her. Not quite airtight: bits of seed seeping out. "Hot, really damn hot," whimpered Aeris. She swore she could see curls of steam, feel her lower abdomen almost cooking. She drew a few shuddering breaths as she felt the jets pummeling her womb. The raw sensation nearly caused her to lose herself, but she just managed to keep somewhat conscious... until something reached within.

"Stupid, drugs," she spat, green eyes flashing. She could very nearly access her limit if she just---


"Fourteen is showing signs of accessing her higher powers," said another assistant, watching carefully. "increased sedative is counteracting, but it's close. A little more time, and she'd have accessed her known healing abilities..." he trailed off. A fully healed and aware XIII and XIV? That could cause them quite a bit of trouble. And couldn't XIV pass along her heightened state? Did they have anything that could hold down XIII if he broke his limit?

Still, the assistants felt the celebration. There was back slapping and mentions of copying tapes mid the congratulations and nervous shuffling. A few dedicated souls, like the one above, kept going.

"Sir," said one such, turning to look at Hojo, "there is no sign of any fertilization. We do have the experimental Mako process that should rewrite part of XIV's genetics... but it may have side effects. We certainly couldn't do her entire oviduct..." another assistant was waving off. They did still have bits to do: XIV needed her label, and likely the very process the assistant described would be.

For now, everyone just enjoyed the sight of another successful Hojo run experiment: the two subjects locked together and seemingly at peace.
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