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Mx Any The Captain's Quarters

Charlotte Honeycutt

Sailing the open sea
Apr 13, 2014
Hi there and welcome to my request thread!

Please, do stop and stay a while, I'd love to have you here.

As a note, this is first real new thread since starting here on the site, and as such, should always be considered a firm work in progress!

  • [*]I'm a 26 year old overworked educator on the East Coast US

  • [*]I've been role-playing for almost 7 years. Exclusively here through BMR!

  • [*]I'm very open and love talking! Don't ever hesitate just to shoot me a message to say hello! ^_^

  • [*] When I say I mean just about anything, I mean it! Don't be afraid at all to ask. Of course I'll get into that later ^_^

My Adventurous Spirit: My likes and dislikes

When it comes to what I like and don't like, there's a lot to consider! I plan to help lay it out without sounding or seeming too wordy when I'm all done, but there could be a lot to talk about. ^_^

I love a good role-play. I've learned that ever since i realized that i sort of had a knack and enjoyment of writing. I've found over the past that a role-play is made or broken not by how much you love the story-line, but instead is made by the compatibility of the two partners between one another.

So what do I look for in a partner?

-Consistency: This doesn't mean I expect a post every day, or even every week. I'd just like to know that you aren't dead irl from time to time is all

-Communication: This kinda goes hand in hand with the last one, but I love to talk, especially to make sure the story is headed in the right direction!

-Honesty: If you don't like where the role-play is headed, don't be afraid to let me know. You won't hurt my feelings, honestly!

-Patience: Just because I'm online doesn't mean you should be expecting a response to your role-play. Being on WC means I'm likely online welcoming or interacting with new members. I'll get to you soon though. I promise.

-Real Life Stuff: Please understand that as a full-time college student, real life comes first always. There may be times where I won't be on for a day or two at the most, and that's school taking over my life. Have no fear though! I shall return.

That's not too much to ask, right? When to think and come up with these, I've looked this over for a while and determined that this is a pretty fair standard and not too much at all to hold a partner to when coming up with or playing out a role-play.

Next, I want to get in some likes and dislikes. This is in regards to both style, so we'll take it away from here.

My Likes
-Third Person.
-Thread or email RP's.
-Plot over smut (I'm open to having heavy smut, but I want a little bit of buildup.)
- Following the set rules or general perceived plot line.
- Really. That's it honestly.
-Here is my F-List. I took the time to answer almost every single kinks on there. If something is on there that is in the Hard No section, assume I can be swayed to play it in the right situation.

That pretty much sums up my likes. It's not very broad, but I felt I'd give it a broad window to try and get an umbrella under all of the things that may be covered in this or the dislikes section. As always, if you have any questions whatsoever, don't hesitate at all to ask me. Clarity is my open policy and i'd be more than happy to try and help figure it out in any way possible that we may could work well together!

My Dis-Likes
-First Person role-plays.
-PM role-play: I like to use this for planning and OOC talk.
-Scat, Death, Hard Gore, Water-sports: These are hard-no's that are likely on my f-list, but I just want to re-emphasize it here too.
-Godmodding: Unless we've talked about this, no thank you. I don't like any one player wresting control of the entire story-line. That's one way to get you dropped quicker than you can say, oops.

That's not too bad either. I don't think it's again too much to ask to respect the other person's wishes when it comes to what they do and don't want. I promise you I'm not an asshole. I'm pretty easy to get along with.

Settings I do: Historical: Always wanted to try it. Modern. Fantasy: With the right idea and plot, I'd like to try it. Science Fiction. Superhero.

Settings I can be convinced to do: Humor and Horror

Settings I won't do: Fandoms: Sorry, I've just never been hugely into it.

Characters I will play: Males, Females, Female to Male, Male to Female, Futas, Aliens! (lol). I'll play any sort of character opposite any other character. I don't care what your IRL gender is. It doesn't bother me one bit!

Speaking further onto that. I'll play any pairing possible. M/F: M/M: F/F etc. etc. I am also capable of playing a number of characters in any sort of setting as long as the other writer agrees to pick up even just a little bit of the slack for some of the writing in the posts.

That's about it for the 'About Me' section. I figure you know more than enough about me at this point.

Now we'll get into the ideas section. This will eventually contain plots, but now will contain preferred pairings that could be tried and played so that we can get a basis for what you might want to message me about.


Pairings: I can play either role in any of these pairings. Also keep in mind I will play multiple characters of each pairing if the pairing allows it.

School Setting:
Coach x Athlete
Athlete x Cheerleader
Cheerleader x Coach
Cheer Captain x Cheerleaders
Teacher x Student
Nurse x Student
Principal x Student
Principal x Teacher

Work Setting
Boss x Secretary
Boss x Employee
Boss x New Employee
Employee x Secretary

Home Setting
Brother x Sister
Brother x Brother
Sister x Sister
Son x Mother
Son x Father
Daughter x Mother
Daughter x Father
Niece x Aunt
Niece x Uncle
Nephew x Aunt
Cousin x Cousin

Random Pairings
Shopper x Stranger
Coach x Soccer Mom (s)
Superhero x Villain
Superhero x Villainess
Super-heroine x Villain
Super-heroine x Villainess
Cashier x Stranger
Hiker x Hiker
Demon x Human
Demoness x Human
Scientist x Test Subject
Futa x (any of the pairings mentioned above)

This may be it for now. Look for the coming plots soon!

As a reminder if i didn't mention it before, I rp mainly through Thread or Email, but can be swayed to do discord too if necessary!

I look forward to hearing from you all soon! ^_^
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