The Gods Of Myth


Jul 10, 2016
The gods are real. All those myths you thought were just boring stories back in High School? Turns out they're true. But not exactly how people believed.

The gods as we know them were not divine beings. They didn't shape our world into being, they merely took control of it. The gods were really what could only be described as a sliver of space itself that had gained sentience. This most usually takes the form of a tiny, yet brilliantly bright orb simply blinking into existence somewhere in the universe. It is not known how this process occurs. Not even the gods themselves know how they come into being. They simply don't exist one second and in another they suddenly do. This at least is how the Greater gods came into being.

Of course, a glowing ball floating in space isn't exactly much of a threat in itself. The power it wields however makes it one of the most powerful forces in the known universe. they have the power to form the very matter around them. Normally the first thing a god will do is form a protective layer around itself, often some kind of near indestructible armor or a camouflage such as an asteroid or in some cases even an entire, artificially created planet. From there the god in question will strike out to see what the universe it's arrived in has to offer.

That's where our gods come from. Some of these beings happened to stumble across Earth, and some of those beings decided to stay and insinuate themselves into our culture. We worshiped them for millenia, and they relished in the power they held over us. Some used their power to make us better, others used it to torment us. Eventually we outgrew them however, and as we began to understand science our belief in our gods began to fade. Some of these beings accepted our growth and faded away into the background as silent observers, other still attempt to cling onto the minds of humanity in a bid to hold their power for as long as they can.

Eventually even gods die however, usually this is a decision they make themselves after hundreds, thousands, sometimes even millions of years. They simply grow bored with existence and un-make themselves, leaving their power to any offspring they might have left behind. You are one such offspring.

You grew up like anyone else. You went to school, you got a job, you had friends, You were normal. At least, until now.

One day you wake up and things are different. You can't quite place what it is, but it's almost like you aren't really inside your own head anymore. When you concentrate hard enough you can feel an extension of yourself, somewhere far away. You try to ignore it, trying to write it off. But the feeling doesn't go away. Then just when you think you're going crazy she appears.

Another god arrives at your apartment. She explains what the gods are, that they exist, and that you are now one of them.

So the way I'm imagining this it would basically be about your character learning to wield the power he's received. Of course, this would probably involve a lot of smut at some point or another. What person given the power of a god wouldn't use it to fulfill their fantasies after all? I'd like to brainstorm with anyone interested to decide how exactly we want to take this. So, if any of this seemed interesting to you please just send me a PM and we can start discussing it!
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