Please I need Kingdom Hearts Smut


Dec 6, 2017
Hey all, in light of the Kingdom Hearts 3 trailer I really want to do some good ol kingdom hearts smut. Please feel free to message me, and I’ll list some of my kinks and pairings below

Okay so I am really okay for any kinks except for the usual Gore, Vore, etc. that’s a no no

I also love BDSM, non-con, dub-con (don’t worry I can also do good old Vanilla) and I also enjoy multiple penetrations, large penetrations, etc.

I can play both some girl characters and boy characters, again I’ll list my pairings below.


AquaxTerra (I’ll be Aqua)
ReplikuxNaminé (I’ll be Naminé)
RikuxNaminé (I’ll be Naminé)
RoxasxXion (I’ll be Xion)
RikuxKairi (I’ll be Kairi)
SoraxKairi (I’ll be Kairi)
MarluxiaxLarxene (I’ll be Larxene)

For yaoi pairings:

RoxasxVentus (I can be either or)
Sora x Riku (gladly be either or)
-Ventus x Vanitas (PLEASE omg I will be Ventus please)
-Riku x Ansem (horrible I know but I want to try- id like to be Riku)
-Xemnas x Roxas (Pleaseeee I’ll be Roxas)
-Xemnas x Terra (Gladly please I’ll be Terra)
-Xehanort x Ventus (I know it’s fucked up, I’d like to be Ventus though)
-Marluxia x Ventus (Gimmie that I’ll be Ven)
-Xemnas x Sora (I’ll be Sora, I’m kind of curious with this .
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