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Draco's Birthday gift (Scrum x Kirby)


May 27, 2017
The battle at the Ministry of Magic wasn't supposed to have gone that way, Voldemort wasn't supposed to win, he wasn't supposed to strike Dumbledore down like that, to scatter Harry and his friends to the winds, fleeing for their lives. But that was what happened...and with Dumbledore gone the rest of the magical world was powerless to stop Voldemort from taking over, from suppressing any and all resistance to his rule. Those who resisted only suffered. Some were killed, some simply vanished, others were publicly made examples of. Those who joined though, those who helped, were greatly rewarded. The reasons for their aid was inconsequential. It could be fear, loyalty, respect, belief, Voldemort didn't care so long as you served him. The most loyal subjects received the greatest rewards of course, and for the Malfoy family that was going to mean a most wonderful reward indeed.

It had been 3 years now since that fateful day, Voldemort had been the undisputed ruler for over 2 of those years now, and just recently the Wizarding World had been in celebration. After so long the most wanted man in the world, Harry Potter, had been apprehended at last along with his friends. Many had called for their execution of course, but Voldemort had much better things in mind. Execution turned people into martyrs, made them respected and remembered. No, people like this needed a different punishment...something that would ensure they would only ever be remembered for the wrong reasons, that they would not be respected but mocked, to bring them so low that to even mention they were once a potential saviour would be nothing but comedy.
And it was for that reason that today, on Draco Malfoy's 18th birthday, they were receiving a personal visit from Voldemort himself.

"Ahhh, Draco my boy" Voldemort's raspy voice echoed through the giant mansion, the expansion of it another gift from Voldemort shortly after his victory. "Congratulations on finally becoming a man, this is a momentous occasion for oh so many reasons. And that is why I have brought for you a gift, a very special gift...." With only the most subtle movement of his hand some black robed figures came forward, shoving another one infront of them and pushing the person to their knees. With a flick of a wand, the hood flew back, revealing the face of none other than Harry Potter, now kneeling before the Malfoy family.
"Draco, my gift to you is this boy. He is yours, he is nothing more than your property now, do with him as you will, treat him as you will. All I ask is that you keep him alive. After all, what enjoyment is a dead gift?" He chuckled slightly, then bowed his head slightly to Draco. "Happy Birthday Draco, please, do enjoy your gift" With a chuckle Voldemort vanished in a whisp of black smoke, his attendants doing the same, leaving Harry kneeling on the floor, staring up at Draco, not knowing just what life was going to have in store for him now.
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