Just some journal notes

Mar 7, 2015
Name: Thunderbolt

Alias: Britney Mitchel

Age: 19

Current Location: New York City

Strength: 3
Intelligence: 8
Construction: 4
Quickness: 6
Power: 10
Fighting: 4
*** 1-10 scale, 4 is average for human, 7 is max for human, 10 is max for Olympian

- Ability to create and control lightning/electricity
- Flight
- Enhanced wisdom which allows her to retain knowledge easily.

- Reliving the horrors of her step-father
- Not living up to her dad's standards
- Tortures memories of The Underworld
- Not the greatest hand to hand fighter
- Relapse of her based Lotus drug addiction.



Brit had to live through the tragedy of her father dying in the line of duty as a cop in the small Tennessee town of Dixie when she was just thirteen years old. Her mother would remarry a couple years later to an abusive drug addict because she hates to be alone. Her new step father's drug of choice was a new, non-lethal but highly addictive, planet called the Lotus Flower which was ingested. During this time, he begun to sexually assault her while physically abusing her mother until one night when Zeus crashed through the roof of her house. Brit, having just been raped and forcing her stepfather's passed out body off of her, found the god weak and near death. Before she could react, the two were transported to his suburban home where she would meet Hercules and the others.

Studying through Zeus' personal library, she found the answers to why all of this was happening. The gods had cast from Olympus by a spell and were each dying. They needed to pass their essence on before they died but gods had to pass to females and goddesses to males. Through her reading, she realized only sexual intercourse could complete this transfusion and it would only activate within them once the former god was deceased. Once Apollo arrived at the home, they was able to heal Zeus who explained Hades had lead the underworld against Olympus because Zeus had stolen six souls from women of unbelievable beauty and strength to create the chosen ones.

Finding a tutor in Zeus, who wished to pass his wisdom and knowledge onto Brit, she begun to study beneath him while he created a life for himself as a teacher at Dixie High School. Zeus explained to Brit he was fearful for her and the other five girl's safety because only two people knew all six of their identities, him and Hera; whom was missing. During this time though, Brit started to fall in love with Zeus and his alter ego of Mr. Tatum. Soon, the school girl crush turned into an inappropriate relationship between the student and teacher. It was during their first encounter that Zeus passed his essence onto Brit.

It was the Night of the Beasts, the night when Hades released his pets to hunt down the six chosen ones, that Brit's world turned up side down once again. She was attacked by the Griffin, and was nearly carried off when Zeus saved her but this left him open to attack from Hades. Dragging Zeus to Hades, Brit set herself upon a quest to track him down. With Cerberus loose on Earth, she was able to sneak into the underworld and located a guide in Persephone. As they tracked through the pits of Hell, they was able to locate Zeus just as they became surrounded by demons. Zeus would sacrifice himself, allowing Brit to become the Goddess of Thunder which resulted in an electrical outburst that killed all the near by demons. Using her new found powers, she was able to take Zeus' body back to her world and properly honor him on a funeral pyre. During the moment, Athena appeared and offered to teach them all to be warriors.


When Brit gained her powers within the Underworld, she unknowingly freed Queen Hera from her bonds. Hera had fallen along side Hades who held her hostage and tortured her for information. Hera suffered beyond imagination as she was raped by demons, devoured by souls and physically tormented by Hades himself but he would never let her die, even when she begged for death. Unable to break her however due to her fear of Zeus, he offered her revenge for Zeus' new love affair which lead to Hera giving up the names of the six girls who would rise up and defeat Olympus' greatest enemies.

Retuning to what was left of Olympus, Hera was approached by the four children of the Goddess Styx. They had long served Zeus as his royal guard, from the days of the Titanomachy. Hera knew they were bound to serve whomever sat upon the Throne of Zeus. With knowledge of his death wide spread, the four warriors knelt before their queen and asked how they could serve her. Hera gave them one order, bring to her the girl whom Zeus had blessed his powers upon.

Meanwhile, Brit and the rest of the girls were being trained by Athena who took no mercy upon them but they was each learning to fight. She held little back until they could at least defend themselves but she also took special interest in Brit whom she worked to train in all knowledge she could to ensure she took full advantage of the wisdom Zeus had bestowed upon her. Learning history, battle strategy, leadership skills and other basic knowledge; Athena was grooming her to one day be a warrior Queen. Until then, Athena gave her the idea of becoming a super heroine. Agreeing with her mentor, she choose the name Thunderbolt to honor Zeus as she now acted as his weapon of justice.

At school, Brit had started to date a member of the high school football team. Her confidence was sky high and her body had transformed into that of a goddess. Thanks to Athena, she had been working on how to over come the mental stress being raped by her step father had once caused. Johnny was good to her and never pushed her which lead to her having a very healthy sexual relationship with him. She still had daddy issues and thought sex was the best way to keep him interested in her.

In the middle of her and Johnny fucking after a football game, she was attacked by Bia. Having to reveal the truth to Johnny about her being something more than meets the eye, she was able to defeat Bia and drive him off. Shortly afterwards, Zelus would would cause them to wreck. Pulling a badly hurt Johnny from the wreckage, Zelus changed Brit to a fight which Brit used her Thunderbolt to win after a long drawn out battle. Weakened, she rushed a dying Johnny to Anya who was able to heal him through much doubt. Walking outside to finally break down from the night's events, Hera appeared to her and explain she would make Brit feel the same betrayal she had felt for her sleeping with Zeus.

During this distraction, Kratos attacked Brit as Hera taunted her. Kratos arrogant show boated after Hera disappeared he was more powerful and much keep her for himself once he over through Hera for Zeus throne. Through his gloating, Brit was able to attack him with a powerful thunder bolt. Kratos begged for his life and Brit allowed him to live if he promised to deliver a message to Hera, "She could have the throne if she only left her and her boyfriend alone." Kratos agreed and ran scared. At this time, Johnny stumbled out of the house looking for her. She had not realized, inside the house Anya had been knocked out. As she ran to Johnny and hugged him, she felt a pinch in her neck. Looking at his eyes, the were colored yellow. Brit would pass out in his arms.

When she woke up, she was naked and strapped to a sacrificial table on Mount Othrys. Nike stood before her and explained it was her who has possessed her boyfriend and that Hera planned to sacrifice him so the world would know to worship her again but Brit would not see this day because she would be sacrificed to Hera's pet, the Basilisk. Recognizing the creature as it rose from beneath the clouds, Brit quickly closed her eyes so not to look upon it. Feeling its rotting breath, she was swallowed in one bite as Nike watched on with pleasure until a powerful blast of electricity exploded from inside the snake. As it fell back through the clouds badly wounded, Brit floated back to the mountain and collapsed. Nike proclaimed she would do it herself since there was only one who could stand against her in battle by this is when Athena appeared behind Nike and tossed her from the mountain without a battle. Athena presented Brit with a suit, made from the finest material of Olympus and forged with metals only know to Olympus by Hephaestus himself. Each of the six girls would have a suit such as this to protect her in battle and allow her to be a symbol of hope while their true nature was hidden from the world.

Hera was busy holding Johnny hostage in the middle of Central Park as she walked through police and SWAT demanding everyone bow and worship her. She even tossed Johnny to the ground and demanded they sacrifice him to her and maybe she would show mercy. Suddenly though, lightning struck all around him as Thunderbolt showed herself for the first time. After some witty banter about Zeus, they fought until Hera was able to over power her after Thunderbolt fell ill from the Basilisk's venomous breath. A defeated Thunderbolt watched as Hera proceeded to rape Johnny, to make Thunderbolt feel the betrayal she had she had but this only spurred more fight from Thunderbolt who broke loose from the magical chain Hera wrapped her in and attacked her. This time, Thunderbolt would defeat her with a powerful lightning bolt that left Hera crisp and dead. However, Johnny fell to his knees as her power started to manifest in him. Realizing the danger the people were in, Thunderbolt flew Johnny high into the sky as his power exploded and both started to fall toward the Earth. Finding the last of her strength, Thunderbolt would grab Johnny and drop him safely to the earth before crashing through a forest herself. Emerging to a thunderous applause from the crowd who thank her as she made national media news for the first time.


Hades would realize his chance to claim the Throne was slipping away as each of the chosen ones gained there powers but he knew the truth, there was more than just six. There was someone chosen for each of them and he had been quick to locate his and seduce her in case something went wrong. Casting Persephone from the Underworld fir aiding Brit, this chosen one started to rule at his side as he prepared an invasion army just as he did with Olympus. Soon, Hell Spawns were set loose upon Dixie where the six girls had to defend their home town. Though they was able to drive the army back, they was not able to defeat Hades who took all six hostages.

Being held within The Underworld's worst prison, and under the watchful eye of its most sadistic warden, the girls were mentally and physically tortured. Brit would relive her father's death and the multiple rapes at the hands of her step father while experiencing the pain truth of medieval tortures. This would had been her fate for life had her and her friends not been saved by Persephone who now seeker revenge. She told them the only weapon which could kill Hades was his scythe but it was guarded by the dragon Kampe.

Escaping the Underworld yet again, the group calling themselves The Pantheon, traveled to only known Temple of Hades, where they fought and killed the Kampe. Upon attaining the scythe, Hades created a fortress which was defended by the souls of the love ones who had died. Thunderbolt was forced to face her father that pleaded with her to stop her quest for justice. Just as she allowed him to touch her and begin sucking the soul from her, she remember as a child her real father always taught her to fight for the things she loves. Seeing her friends suffering, she released a power static shock that destroyed all the specters.

Now facing off with Hades himself, the girls struggled with the fight. At one point, Hades regained his scythe and revealed Persephone had been working for him all along to return his scythe since Zeus had it hidden away in a temple he could not enter. The girls were forced into a choice, fight to the death or watch Hades burn the world. Choosing to fight, the girls overwhelmed Hades and disarmed him before Jenny was able to gain her revenge upon Hades as she drove the scythe through his chest.


After graduating from High School, Brit moved to New York City. Johnny had gone missing after graduate, and she figured he was simply finding himself. After attending a college party, Brit had to save a girl who was nearly raped by a group of guys high on the Lotus flower. Talking to the girl, Samantha Saint, she revealed her father was a DEA agent trying to track down the drug lord responsible for the flower. Brit's n insisted on meeting him which Samantha set up. Explaining to the agent who she really was, she wanted to help track down whomever this Dionysus was because she had been raped by her step-father who was high on it. However, Samantha's father insists they do not need help. However, Brit gives Samantha her number in case they ever need her.

After Samantha called screaming people were there to kidnap her, Brit turned to Athena to figure how to track Dionysus down. After tracking Samantha's phone, Thunderbolt arrived on scene. Thunderbolt offered to take there place, realizing Dionysus was the God of Vice, but a group known as the Illuminati invaded the scene. Samantha's father was killed but she was saved by Thunderbolt. After Dionysus escaped, the leader of the Illuminati showed herself to be the goddess Hestia. Demanding to speak to Thunderbolt, they also took Samantha into hiding and started to train her.

Hestia explained the Illuminati were a group she created to help eliminate the threat of rogue gods who preyed upon humans. Hestia offered to let Thunderbolt join their ranks and introduced her to her four newest recruits... the four children of Styx which Thunderbolt had fought previous while they served Hera. Leaving disgusted, she set out to stop Dionysus.

Dionysus, now realizing how much trouble he was truly in due to his drug trafficking, had his men hunt down an object known as the god killer. Preparing for the Illuminati to attack, he was surprised when it was Thunderbolt instead. She walked through the men at his bar until the god killer crashed into the ground and sent everything flying. She was then captured where Dionysus forced her to eat his Lotus Flower until she unwittingly fucked him believing his was Johnny.

As Thunderbolt was being transported to an unknown destination where Dionysus planned to sell her to Eros for some game he host, the Illuminati attacked the convoy expecting there to be some major goods in the vans. Truth was, Thunderbolt was the only goods being transported but she was now a drug addicted. Athena would soon track her down, as she sat in a drug endured trance on the street and helped her to beat the addiction.

Having learned the location of the Illuminati's main base, Dionysus and his men launched an all out assault upon the complex. During the attack, Samantha was ready to be captured when Thunderbolt arrived to save the day. She would then find Dionysus with the god killer as e prepared to strike down a badly beaten Hestia but she was able to interfere and save Hestia's life. Defeating Dionysus in battle, Hestia had him placed into a magical coma and stored into a vault at the Illuminati's headquarters.

Name: Atlantis

Alias: Cara Ellis

Age: 18

Current Location: Miami, Fl.

Strength: 4
Intelligence: 4
Construction: 4
Quickness: 5
Power: 8
Fighting: 5
*** 1-10 scale, 4 is average for human, 7 is max for human, 10 is max for Olympian

- Ability to manipulate water
- Swim at superhuman speeds
- Telepathy with Sea Creatures
- Can create Earthquakes with Trident

- Overwhelmed by political pressure of being Queen of Atlantis
- Needs the sea to replenish strength
- Regrets not being able to save those she cares about
- Not the greatest hand to hand fighter
- Olympian based drugs



Cara was born the daughter of an American business man and as Asian wife he met in college. Cara was raised to be quite athletic, participating in many different forms of athletics growing up but she was most successful and at home when she was swimming. Her dad had pushed to get a swimming program started while Cara was only in middle school but now as a junior in high school, she is the defending state champion in multiple events and debating college scholarships already. Cara had become one of the more popular girls with the guys in school though she never dated anyone due to her intense training schedule with hopes of making the Olympics. She will do anything to escape the small town life she has grown to hate.

The night the gods fell, Cara was at the local high school football game as Poseidon fell into a pond not far from the field. As he emerged from the water, he questioned two teenagers about Cars's where about and headed toward the school. He would rip the surrounding fence into two pieces before walking on to the field where he was met by law enforcement who unsuccessfully tried to arrest him. He demanded to know where Cara was, which resulted in her and her sister Randa both trying to make a break for it. Poseidon was able to catch Randa using his water manipulation and endured her he meant no harm to her sister but a chase followed.

Believing her best chance to get away from him was swimming to the far side of the lake after Poseidon stalked her away from parking lot. Cutting through the forest, Poseidon begun to knock trees down with ease as he chased her up while begging her to stop. However, when she dove into the water, he laughed. Chasing after her in the water, he caught up with ease and after a short back and forth banter, he entrapped her inside a prison cell made of water as he stood on top of the water. Explaining to her he did not wish to hurt her, he gave her a necklace with the jewel of the ocean on it. It was a sign of Atlantan royalty and worth more than any jewel on earth though only the size of a small charm.

Transporting her back to Zeus' home, Poseidon nearly panicked finding his brother near death. Leaving Cars with Hercules and Britney, he left to retrieve Apollo. When he returned, he found Cara swimming in the large pool out back. Her and Poseidon had a long heart to heart about what was going on and who he was. Explaining to her she would one day rule Atlantis as its queen and gain his powers. Had she not seen what she had seen earlier, she would have mistaken him for a mad man. She asked to see Atlantis but he insisted this first night that she go home to her family.

Cara returned home as her family was talking to the police and assured everyone she was ok. She told the police the man meant no harm to her and begged her parents to drop it. She would explain to her sister later who he was and what happened, her also only believing it because of what she had seen. Over the next weeks, Poseidon would come to Cara late at night. The young girl would sneak out her window to spend the evening with the handsome middle aged looking man. He would promise to take her to Atlantis when the time was right and told her many stories from mythology. This would typically end with them cuddled together in the woods, a small fire built to keep her warm and the lake in front of them for a back drop. One night however, as Poseidon told his story, Cara interrupted him with a long passionate kiss; her first kiss. This kiss lead to another and soon, they laid in the forest making love to each other and thus, his essence was passed onto her.

Her parents caught onto her sneaking out every night and even knew who she was with after her sister ratted her out, worried about the relationship Cara was having. It was the Night of the Beasts which Poseidon appeared and Cara made her way down to him. As they kissed, police surrounded him and tried to arrest him. Cara begged them to stop and Poseidon threatened what would happened if they harm him. As they stood in a stand off, a nasty stench filled the air. Knowing what was coming, Poseidon pushed Cara toward the cops before he turned to fight the dreaded Hydra which had emerged from the near by lake. It looked like a dragon with three long heads. After a long fight, Poseidon was able to kill all but one of the beast's heads which sent it retreating but a few of the cops were dead due to the fight. Poseidon though would fall to a knee, a great sense of sadness coming over him as he felt his Brother's death. Telling Cara they must go, she ran to him and apologized to her parents. Soon, they was at Zeus' home and watching as his body burned when Athena appeared and offered to train them each.


Poseidon and Cara would continue to see each other and tension grew with in Atlantis for Poseidon to take a new Queen from a citizen of Atlantis. When he said he had a dry worker selected, there was unrest and even a few riots which were instigated by a radical group of Atlantean soldiers. Poseidon, fearing he would have Into install marshall law, decided it was time to bring Cars to his world.

Coming to visit Cara as she trained with Athena, Poseidon informed her that it was time for her to come with him to see her kingdom as he dropped to a knee to purpose. He told her to prepare her things and he would be returning to take her with him in a day. After a huge fight with her parents over the issue, Cara ran away with her sister supporting her. The next day she waited for Poseidon when Athena approached her with a gift. It was the suit Hephaestus has made her, much like Britney's but a color more suiting for water. Poseidon soon arrived and collected his beloved.

Returning to Atlantis, Poseidon showed her around their palace as he prepared her for the reaction of the people. He was nerves it would overwhelm her. After her first introduction to the kingdom, their were many protests against her which caused her to run and hide. Her and Poseidon would share a long conversation about whether she could do this or not. He would explain to her the trident was a symbol of authority and only the god of the seas could unlock its true power. As long as she command the trident, his followers would always be loyal to her. Cara realized she had to do it for Poseidon and took his top military commander, General of The Trench, with her as she left to mingle with the crowds where she started to feel a sense of acceptance.

The wedding would come and the couple would marry but the leader of the Radicals would soon show themselves. A large group of Radicals attacked during the post wedding celebration. During the fight, the General of the Trench would steal Poseidon's trident and mortally wound the god. Revealing himself to be Prince Theseus, she would take the throne of Atlantis as king and Cara would be his queen. Poseidon would teleport Cara away from Atlantis with his last strength before he died. In the middle of the ocean, Cara would appear as her powers manifested in a powerful show of power that created one hundred foot waves in every direction. Panicking, she managed to stop most of the waves except one heading toward Miami this moment she started to swim toward Miami as fast as a bullet travels. Arriving at the beach, she begged people to run as the wave approached. People started to run in a panic and Cars started to question what she had done but just as the water reached her, she panicked and took control of the wave before gently placing in back into the ocean. Everyone would gather to celebrate her as a hero. Her parents would see this that night on national news before flying to Miami to get her where she explained everything.

Theseus was not pleased and wanted his bride back. He sent his best soldiers to her home where they found only her sister. After a brief struggle, Randa was captured and taken to Atlantis with instructions left for Cara. They demanded her return in exchange for her sister's life. Against her mother's wishes, Cara followed the instructions and returned to Atlantis. She gladly took Theseus' hand in marriage and allowed him to use her body on their wedding night. As he laid asleep, she slipped into the court yard an emotional wreck. This is where loyalist to Poseidon appeared and told her where her sister was being held. As she tried to help her sister escape, they were caught by Theseus and his men. Feeling betrayed, he ordered Randa would be executed for Cara's actions and Cara imprisoned.

Cara managed to break out of her prison and sneak into her room where she put her heroine outfit on for the first time. She hardly had time to think of a name at this point as she rushed to the crowd where Randa was set to be executed. She would use her powers and the skills taught to her by Athena to fight through the Army of the Trench along with the soldiers loyal to Poseidon and save her sister's life. She would find out from a soldier though that Theseus was using this as a distraction so he could create a earthquake strong enough to flood Florida and hold the world hostage. Quickly leaving, she swam to catch up to him; not powerful enough to teleport just yet. Arriving just seconds after Theseus, she used her water powers to knock him down and force the trident from his hand before he could cause the quake. Picking up her trident, her and Theseus fought on West Palm Beach for the world to see. Her suit would save her, as his blade was unable to penetrate the alloy Hephaestus used. She managed to defeat Theseus just as he was preparing to cut her head off her shoulders, using a fists made out of pure water that kept knocking him around until he landed defeated at her feet. He watched as she readied the trident to stab through him but instead, used it to pin his neck down so he could not escape. She would then announce to the world she was simply Queen Atlantis and revealed her kingdom to man's world.


Hades would realize his chance to claim the Throne was slipping away as each of the chosen ones gained their powers but he knew the truth, there was more than just six. There was someone chosen for each of them and he had been quick to locate his and seduce her in case something went wrong. Casting Persephone from the Underworld for aiding Brit, his chosen one started to rule at his side as he prepared an invasion army just as he did with Olympus. Soon, Hell Spawns were set loose upon Dixie where the six girls had to defend their home town. Though they was able to drive the army back; they was not able to defeat Hades who took all six hostages.

Being held within The Underworld's worst prison, and under the watchful eye of its most sadistic warden, the girls were mentally and physically tortured. Cara was forced to live in a world where Theseus defeated her and made her a slave as he destroyed the world around her while experiencing the painful truth of medieval tortures. This would had been her fate for life had her and her friends not been saved by Persephone who now seeked revenge. She told them the only weapon which could kill Hades was his scythe but it was guarded by the dragon Kampe.

Escaping the Underworld, the group calling themselves The Pantheon, traveled to only known Temple of Hades, where they fought and killed the Kampe. Upon attaining the scythe, Hades created a fortress which was defended by the souls of the love ones who had died. Atlantis had never experienced true loss, instead she face a ghost of Poseidon who ridiculed her actions of revealing Atlantis and was enraged by her killing his son Theseus. Atlantis fought the ghost and was winning before the souls of dead Atlantans came to their king's rescue. Seeing her friends suffering, Thunderbolt released a power static shock that destroyed all the specters.

Now facing off with Hades himself, the girls struggled with the fight. At one point, Hades regained his scythe and revealed Persephone had been working for him all along to return his scythe since Zeus had it hidden away in a temple he could not enter. The girls were forced into a choice, fight to the death or watch Hades burn the world. Choosing to fight, the girls overwhelmed Hades and disarmed him before Jenny was able to gain her revenge upon Hades as she drove the scythe through his chest.


The United Nations would invite ambassadors from Atlantis to come visit at their location in New York as the world tried to come to terms the lost city was a thriving nation. Cara elected to allow the top official of the city to go in her place, believing she was not yet ready for politics. During the meeting though, there was an attack on the assembly which left many world leaders along with the ambassadors from Atlantis dead. Cara would come to the scene as quick as possible once news reached her about this tragic event. Here she would meet with the President who questions Atlantan involvement which she quickly reminded him was as a target of this attack.

Accompanying the President back to Washington, the security footage was brought to the Oval Office for many world leaders to watch. The person caught on tape committing the crimes was a handsome young man, Orion. The bombs were strategically placed and were of Atlantan technology. Cara, under the suggested of her most trust advisor, requested to see the one bomb they located that did not detonate. They also brought to light the man in the video had been dead for thousands of years.

Later that day, an American naval fleet was attacked and swallowed by a sea monster known as Charybdis. As the few survivors swam to save their lives, there were attacked by group of mermaids who started to try and eat them but they were saved Atlantis as she arrived with her trident. As another naval fleet arrived, Atlantis helped the sailors to their ship before she fought and killed Charybdis. The soldiers celebrated her victory but she grew concerned about the monsters.

Cara went to Athena hoping to find answers. During their research they came across a supposed link to the Titanomachy and the original god of the seas, the Titan Oceanus. His daughter was once the Queen of Atlantis but Poseidon killed her when she tried to assassinate him one night. Cara finds out where his supposed tomb was and sets off to find it.

Diving to the depths of the deepest point on Earth, Atlantis had to go by herself due to her powers protecting her against the pressure. Using the jewel of the ocean for a guiding light, she found the tomb was empty before being attacked by the Kraken. Atlantis managed to kill the Kraken after causing a cave in which crushed the monster.

In Washington, a mysterious woman arrived at the White House and quickly removed her glasses and hat to reveal she was the Gorgon Medusa. Turning every to stone who came across her, she managed to head off the First Family. Turning all but the President to stone, she promised to free them if the President would capture Atlantis and deliver her to a specific island.

The President located Cara's family and had them contact her. When Cara came home, she was quickly arrested as the Commander in Chief acted out of distress. With his entire cabinet turned to stone, there was no one left to protect her rights. Fearing this might lead her people to war, Cara surrendered. The President would explain everything to her before she was taken to the island. When the President returned to the White House, Medusa turned him to stone as well.

Cara landed on the island where she found Orion chained to a rock. He told her if she left the island, her family would be killed. Cara questioned why he blew up the United Nations and he explained it was the Sirens Song that enchanted him. He begged her to release him, which she did. He explained he is a child of Poseidon and loyal to its Queen. He had been hiding for thousands of years, with his father's help because Apollo wanted him dead. Cara informed him Apollo was dead asked what they were doing there. He told her this was Medusa's island. Knowing the beast would come for them, they remained on the beach and took turns keeping watch. Cara would wake up in the middle of the night and realize Orion had been turned to stone. As she shielded her eyes, Medusa tainted her about revenge for turning her into a gorgon and the Titan of the Sea had returned to claim his throne. Cara took advantage of this, creating a title-wave to flood the beach. As Cara and Medusa was tossed about in the water, Cara located her trident. As Medusa tried to get her eyes to quit burning from the salt water, Cara swung her trident and cut the monster's head off before having the water carry her remains to sea. Swimming back to shore, she found Orion had been changed back along with the President.

Cara quickly returned to Atlantis as her heroine ego and found the men in the city were all under the spell of the siren's song. The women had all been rounded up and were being used for sexual satisfaction. Growing disgusted, Atlantis attacked but made sure not to harm anyone as she fought her way to the Sirens and killed them. With her people free from the spell, she was left to face off against the mastermind who was out to destroy her, Oceanus. He explained to her the Titans would rise again soon and take their place as rulers of this world. The two begun to fight, creating a path of distraction which carried them out of the city, until Atlantis was able to knock Oceanus into a pit of lava.

Cara would soon afterwards step down as Queen of Atlantis, handing the throne to Orion. With the help of Danielle, they reunited him with Artemis. The lovers soon married as Cara returned to the surface world, moving to Miami after graduation.

Name: Firebird

Alias: Stephanie Williams

Age: 20

Current Location:Detroit, Mi

Strength: 5
Intelligence: 6
Construction: 5
Quickness: 4
Power: 7
Fighting: 6

- Ability to create and control fire
- Flight using hands as thrusters
- Ability to repair or build anything dealing with construction, mechanical or electrical
- Can turn entire body into a ball of fire

- Nightmares of her twin brother's death
- Lonely
- Self guilt for father and Hephaestus' deaths; also Aphrodite's marriage
- Water
- Olympian based drugs


Coming Soon

Name: Titan

Alias: Paige Lowe

Age: 18

Current Location: Knoxville, Tn

Strength: 10
Intelligence: 4
Construction: 7
Quickness: 7
Power: 1
Fighting: 6

- Unmatched strength
- Body at top athletic capabilities
- Enhanced Endurance
- Low level invariability

- Trust issues
- Her fiancé Mike
- Self doubt
- Quick tempered
- Olympian based drugs



Name: Swelter

Alias: Danielle Jordan

Age: 17

Current Location: Dixie, Tn

Strength: 3
Intelligence: 4
Construction: 5
Quickness: 7
Power: 7
Fighting: 4

- Ability to generate heat
- Ability to create light
- Flight
- Can play any instrument
- Siren's voice of influence
- Healing factor

- Pure darkness no light can escape from
- Failure
- Willingness to use people
- Mental link to Artemis, share pain from cursed items
- Olympian based drugs


Coming soon

Name: Velocity

Alias: April Cantrell

Age: 18

Current Location: Dallas, Tx

Strength: 4
Intelligence: 4
Construction: 4
Quickness: 10
Power: 1
Fighting: 8

- Unmatched speed and quickness
- Ability to create speed clones
- Low level healing factor

- Slick surfaces
- Stopping
- Tortures memories of The Underworld
- Abuses drugs, unable to maintain a high
- Nymphomanic


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