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YOU'RE UNDER ARREST {darkest_fate&manofyourdream}


machina erotica
Dec 17, 2009
"Fuck!" spat Nina, hitting the wheel of her car. Flashing lights illuminated the cab in alternating blues and reds, letting the poor young starlet see precisely the sort of trouble she'd gotten into. The expensive mini-SUV had to stick out in the dumb little town she'd all but blitzed through a little bit ago; he'd probably taken one look at "California" on the plate and wanted to pull her over. Had she been swerving? Speeding? Hell if Nina could remember.

Somehow, she doubted that being Nina Dobrev, star of The Vampire Diaries was going to help her much when she'd been reckless driving a decent sized vehicle down some country backroads. Billy Bob Lawman back there would probably be aching to take down a snooty Hollywood starlet, assuming he even knew who the fuck she was. No, far more likely he took a look at her and figured "oh, another underaged girl who'd drank too much in that one party town and swung through my neck of the woods."

A glance at the window made Nina aware she looked the part. She'd meant to go casual, white blouse, blue-jeans. Even casual looked fucking good on lean, sexy Nina. The jeans clung to her svelte body, emphasizing how tight she was in all the right places. The blouse almost served like a corset, pushing up her modest, firm breasts and highlighting the slender curvature of her body. But noooo, she'd had to let her friends talk her into getting flirty after a few drinks. So a few buttons had gotten lost from the top, showing a fair bit of cleavage and the daring black lace bra that peeked out from underneath. Nina wasn't exactly well-endowed in the chest, but her perky breasts stood out because of how fit she happened to be.

Which led her to a really stupid idea, like, phenomenally stupid: she could try flirting with the officer. Backwoods Joe probably hadn't seen anyone remotely as svelte and hot as Nina, and there was a slim chance he'd even recognize her and get flattered. She could just butter him up, bat her eyes, and at least avoid having to take many tests. She wasn't entirely sure what had been in that last drink, but she was willing to bet it hadn't been strictly legal, and while she didn't feel drunk, she was betting she still had over the legal limit in her tiny little body.

"You can do this Nina," she mumbled, trying to reassure herself. She wasn't one of those celebs that crashed and burned or anything, usually the opposite. Flirting her way out of a ticket? Kinda a big deal. She tugged a bit at her shirt, took one last look at her rear view mirror, rolled down the window, and put a cover ready smile on. "Hey there, officer sir. Is something the matter?" She batted her big brown eyes at him, already not sure if she should be kicking or congratulating herself.
Mark Graham had been tuning out the chatter on his police dispatch for nearly an hour. It had been a grinding day and he had to pull the night shift to boot. He picked this back-road path since it required the least amount of work and tended to nab him at least one drunk or speeder each time he staked it out. Tonight was different. There weren’t many cars on the road, but then again, it was almost little past 11 and he wasn’t the one to complain. It only mean he could actually phase out and maybe take a nap.

He’d popped one of the pills from his collection of pharmaceuticals he’d confiscated from arrests when he’d started his watch, and its calming effect was slowly wearing off. It wasn’t some off the counter illegal drug, it helped him focus and keep his mind straight. He contemplated taking another to see what the mixture would do for him since he’d never used more than one a night, until he saw the faint glow of approaching headlights. His police cruiser was parked behind an old and dilapidated ground-mounted billboard sign, which in the dark was all but impossible to distinguish.

As the car drove by, the radar gun on his dash beeped and read “73”. Almost 30 miles per hour over the all-but-nonexistent speed limit for the back roads (45).

Mark illuminated his blue and red lights and punched his cruiser into gear and chased down the car, hitting a few notes on his siren until the car would slow down. However, the driver must have driven another three fourth of a mile despite it, almost as if they didn’t see him or trying to just ignore him. It also swerved over to the center yellow line as he was riding behind some fancy SUV.

He could understand why the speed, the car was a fancy one. "Must be one of them rich kids..." he muttered to himself as he saw the car before him come to a stop after a less needed chase. ‘A California plate…huh,’ he murmured under his breath. Another few seconds in and he would have called in for a chase, assuming he/she was trying to get away from him. When he saw the brake lights come on, he slowed down himself as he pulled over a few yards away from the other car. After a few seconds, he managed to step out of his car and unhook the torch he had on his belt. All the while, he placed his free hand on the gun holster, just in case he needed to use it and out of an old habit.

He was wary as he approached the car, knowing that a secluded road was the prime place for trouble. When he shined his flashlight into the car and saw it was a lone young woman, he relaxed a bit. His light did not stop its assessment of the car and the driver though. At the age of 52, the African American male stood tall like a pole, 6ft 2…3 inches tall to be precise, long arms off of broad shoulders and all, but the driver wouldn’t be able to notice any of it since being blinded by his torch light.

Mark’s imagination was not a polite one, and he was already looking at her as much as he was her car. Both were definitely beautiful: the car and its driver. “Yes, Ma'am...Do you know why I pulled you over?” He said it as he smelled the car for weeds or alcohol. A usual assessment involving a pull over of a teenager. He was going to ask her a series of questions designed to trick her into admitting guilt or allowing him to search her car. If he was going to make all this time waiting out here worth it, he would need to make this stop count. Looking for alcohol in the car or on her or getting her to unwittingly admit speeding or reckless driving was the easiest way. He slowly assessed her, noticing the size of her pupils to catch signs of cocaine or such drugs. However, his eyes didn't move away from those pretty brown eyes and pert lips. “You also made me chase you for a mile almost…” he let that hang, allowing for her to say something in response.
Oh God, a huge black guy. Nina's eyes widened as she took him in. She didn't usually flirt with them, though she'd of course heard tons of rumors about black guys and stuff. Plus, she was all too aware of the size difference; he had to have at least a foot on her, and likely a few hundred pounds.... though it looked like quite a bit of that would be muscle.

Just play it cool, Nina. You've got no record, and at worse he can get you for driving while intoxicated... which would suck, but maybe you could convince him to keep it off books? She batted her eyes up at him, shaking her head a little. "No officer, I don't know why I got pulled over," which was partially true. It was either reckless driving or speeding or his just being an asshole or some weird combination of the three.

She tilted her head, trying to look coquettish. Her pupils were slightly dilated: she still didn't have a clue what was in that pill she'd swallowed back at the club, but that had been a few hours ago. "Oh, did I?" she asked. "I guess I just like being chased by a big guy wearing a uniform," she offered a smile, then shifted slightly in her seat, trying to bring her arms together and push out her chest a little. God, she sucked at this; you'd think someone who acted for a living would be better at flirting with a cop.

"I'm so sorry, officer. I'm a good girl, really. I didn't mean to do anything wrong," she tried, which was mostly true. More eye batting. "I guess I just got distracted by the pretty scenery," yeah, in the dark, that was viable, "and maybe I was kind of hoping I'd get pulled over by someone... cute?" she added a slight giggle, twirling her hair with a finger. That had to work, right? Or was he too old and too big to call cute? She was playing a bit ditzy too, which definitely wasn't her strong suit.

Gah, she should've gone for she-wolf or hungry minx or something. Her brain just wasn't what it should be. Stupid. Fucking. Pill.
There was something about the woman on which the older officer couldn't place his finger just yet. The glow on her pretty face was alluring to him. Yes, he was black, he was huge, but little did he knew what the woman would first thing about when seeing him. Or any other black guy for that matter. Could it be so that the younger generation was more open about such pairings. Or was it so that this young woman is deprived of normal teenage years for whatever reasons.

She could make assumptions about his package inside his pants, but she wouldn’t have to guess the pounds on he has on him. Nearly 225 lbs and lot of it is muscles. It’s something he prides on. There was a time when he had a woman in his life, his wife. She died very early, involved in an accident. Ever since, it’s work, home, gym for the officer Graham. He continued to point the torch towards her face to sort of intimidate her or blind her, all the while he would continue to steal glances at her easily. There were far too many times he'd pulled over someone and found out it was some pretty lady. Though, this one seemed much calmer. Little did he knew that the woman was an actress and getting blinded by lights was something she was used to probably.

It was in that moment, he couldn’t help but notice how casually she was dressed, yet she’d undone a few buttons on her top with ease. He wondered if she’d done that after he pulled her over. He couldn’t blame the young girl for trying to flirt her way out of this. The younger they are, especially with something to hide and be shameful about, parents finding out or getting caught since they snuck out of the house to go to some party…these were the people who had every reason to flirt their way out of a ticket. Finally, he moved the torch away, turned it off and put it away when he noticed the way her pupils continued to dilate when they should be constricting. Something didn’t sit right, he knew it but he would get to that later.

He wondered what was going through her mind because she wasn't freaking out like other girls, instead she was flirting. Or trying to flirt with him. He looked down and almost let out muffled cough when she admitted how she liked being chased. If she was trying to flirt with him, it was pathetic attempt but also ute. Besides, she had to guess his age to be in late 40s at least, if not 50s. ‘Yeap, she’s definitely trying to flirt with me, definitely not going to stop her,’ he thought to himself even though she was so young. Well, he needed to pass some time tonight, some entertainment perhaps, maybe if she’s keeping this up, he’d let her before letting her go. Time to get a bit serious.

“Well, cute or not, but you’re definitely pulled over by a guy in uniform,” he said as she pushed his thumb into his belt, “Ma’am, you were speeding. Then, you didn't make an effort to stop when I was chasing you. And you were also swerving on the road...speaking of which, let me see your driver's license and registration please." He said to her as he leaned down a bit to look at her and then inside of her car for anything that would look suspicious. After she’d fetch the documents, he’d sneak in a question to keep her looped into a conversation, “Have you been drinking tonight, Ms. Dobrev?”
Shit, shit shit, he'd noticed almost everything. Nina was fighting back a sharp sting of panic now. Speeding, not immediately pulling over (and she'd have sworn he wasn't following her that long), and swerving. At least he hadn't asked her to take a breathalyzer (which ,again, not sure she'd pass) or even worse, try to take blood or something. She needed to figure out how to get out of that.

First though, obey. She leaned over, popping open her glove compartment, which of course actually had a set of gloves in it. She sorted through those to get the registration; at least the car was in her name. The license followed, which would read "20" clear as day. At least she wasn't a giggly teenager, though you wouldn't know from what she'd said. Unfortunately...

"Um," she bit her lip, looking askance for a moment, "maybe a bit? I swear, it was just a few drinks, officer, nothing too bad," she flushed all the same. Nina shifted, then figured that maybe she could do something a bit more subtle with her body language? Her breasts were the only thing about her that might be appealing, at least that he could see. So Nina tried shifting just a little, giving them a bit of a jiggle as if adjusting her bra.

"Sorry," she said, before pulling her arms together, looking up at him, "it's just kinda sliding. You know how these things get,' she bit her lip again. "I'm not gonna get in trouble, am I officer? It really was just," she held up a finger, "a few little drinks," she tried wiggling the finger, giving him puppy dog eyes, before sticking the finger near her mouth, lightly sucking it for a moment, keeping her eyes locked on him as she did.

C'mon, she was, like, ranked on "hottest girl of 20XX" lists, he should totally be into all she had to offer him. Closest this guy got was maybe a daughter... if he even had one.
The two had nothing in common. Here, he stood tall like a pole with his broad shoulders and chest complimenting his well-built frame, while the girl was exactly the opposite. Not only she seemed to have an average height about her, she also seemed very fragile. But then again, there was this feminine aura about her that he liked in a woman. Too bad! Not only he was way older than the teenager, he was also dark skinned fellow. Not sure if that earned in any brownie points in her dictionary.

Without losing his focus, he angled his torch light towards the rest of her frame when she moved to pop open the glove compartment and provide him with necessary documents. It was in that moment, he noticed how petite her frame seemed from that side angle. Petite waist. When she handed him her license and registration, the first thing he looked for was her birthdate. ‘Well, this puts her exactly at 20,’ he thought to himself as he glanced up towards her while she started to explain.

Passing off a serious gaze towards her, he let her know that what she admitted almost warranted for him to address the issue even more. “A few drinks?” he cocked his brows at her before adding, “A drink is a drink, young lady. It’s not just that you are putting others at risk, you are also putting yourself at risk because it impairs your judgement.” He sounded like a father figure in that moment, taking a step back, noticing how the young girl had naively tried shifting a bit to adjust her bra. He caught him stand still as she did so, managing to watch the show she was putting on for him. Well, if she was going to put on a show, why the hell would he stop her! came the thought, forcing him to be a little unprofessional. He didn’t show this to her, but he could feel himself getting weak against her magnificent beauty. Besides, he could tell that she was trying something here. Maybe trying to flirt her way out of this.

He shook her head no, getting back into focus, “No, I don’t.” He really didn’t. He was honest in his answer, “Ma’am, you were already in trouble the moment I started chasing you for speeding. I am going to ask you to step out of the car,” he said and pulled the door open for her, “And then walk towards my car, in a straight line.” He finished as he moved towards the front of his car, providing enough space for her to step out and get a hold of herself. He was trying to see if she was even able to walk a straight line. Maybe a breathalyzer test after that and maybe he might let her go. But then again, her pupil size and its abnormal response to the light indicated there was more to this girl than what she was admitting. When and if she’d step out, he decided to just ask her, “And have you ingested some pill or substance you shouldn’t? Say--- illegal drugs? I am sorry, I have to ask.” He crossed his arms as he stood about ten feet away in the direction which she had to walk.
Dammit, dammit, dammit! How could he not be taking the bait, like, at all. Did she just suck that much at flirting or did she need to turn it on or was he just at the point where he didn't even get aroused? She didn't know what to do, just sat there for a moment, chewing her lip and trying to figure out what she could possibly do. "It was just a bit, a while ago, I swear I'm sober," she tried, stumbling a bit more into who she always was. "I mean, I know exactly what I'm doing."

There, that was flirty, right? She gave him another pouty look, but, there he was already insisting on continuing. Nina didn't know whether she should keep going or try to just play along or what have. She opened the car, stuck one leg out, then another. Slowly her body rose up, and as she did, she tugged the white shirt down just a little, letting a little more of the butterscotch colored top of her breasts show.

"Okay, officer, whatever you say," she said, sliding a little more flirt into the words. She walked, carefully putting one foot in front of the other. Walking wasn't a problem: Nina could've almost done this had she been plastered. Even now, she could put a little saunter, sway those impressive hips, give him a little show of that tight ass cupped ever so delightfully by denim. Just that feminine walk that every girl learned how to do, coupled with the heels to make it all the easier. But yeah, straight line, no problem.

The question, however, had her stopping, looking up at him. "Um..." she chewed her lip. Go for the truth here: if he suspected a damn thing he was going to test, and the truth might actually work. "I think a girlfriend might have actually slipped something in. I swear I didn't do it on purpose and I was just trying to get home as quickly as possible," because she sure as hell didn't want to linger in this backwoods, redneck town any longer than was necessary. "I waited until the stuff was mostly out of my system, I swear," she was very near to tears, partially with frustration, at herself, at her girlfriend, at the situation, at the cop. "Please! I'm being totally real with you right now!"

She was too, though she wasn't sure that was the best way to phrase it to someone in authority.
Only if Officer Graham knew what was going through the girl’s mind, he would have a better understanding of what all the wrong things she’s dome tonight and was afraid of getting caught. Not just that, he would also learn of her fame. Now, he wouldn’t know how to instantly use to his advantage, but would come around sooner or later. Maybe not tonight but over the next few days. As for the bait, she was not really giving it all just yet. She was holding back, thinking what if it gets backfired.

However, she also might be thinking she’s not all that much in trouble just yet. She may need to be pushed more, to be scared of this even more to actually put on some show that she may think would make him change his mind and let her go off the hook. He could see that she was trying to flirt with him, but it wasn’t to a point where other girls had before. Now, he wasn’t the one to melt away by a flirty woman, but with Nina, she had this way about her that he was already thinking of going easy on her.

While he stepped back, he managed to get a peek of her trying to adjust her top a bit to showcase her torso properly. Luckily, his own car had bright enough lights to allow him to get a good look at her. “That’s what everyone says, that they are sober and fine enough to drive. If you are out partying, it’s simple, don’t drink and drive. You younger generation don’t quite get that. That’s why we have to be strict enough. It’s not me but the department. I am sorry Ms. Dobrev.” He said to her and allowed her to walk in a proper straight line.

And then she admitted. His doubts were confirmed by the girl herself. “I knew you had something in you. Your pupils were slow to react to light. It’s good that you admitted but you have to understand I can’t let you behind the wheels with whatever that’s in your system.” He said and added quickly, “The only way to make sure if it’s out of your system, and what it was actually, is to do a blood test. Back at the station.” He pushed just a tad bit. “I also might have to pat you down to see if you have something on you and search your car.” He raised his brows at her, desperately hoping she was in possession of something that would help him nail her down. He’s seen far worst. Nina was not even close. That’s why he was just having his share of fun. “Unless you want to pat yourself down…I don’t have a female officer here. But back at the station…” he let that linger a bit, adding a bit, “I know you are. That’s why I am not arresting you yet. But you are not giving me a lot of choice to be liberal with you, Miss.” He stood there like a giant, crossing his arms across his front, just looking down at her.
Was he checking her out? Nina thought he was, thought his eyes lingered upon her slight curves. But she was too worried, too scattered, just enough offkilter to not really think as entirely as she wanted to think. The lecture didn't sound like something coming from someone who was interested; it sounded like something that Nina would've expected to hear from a dad, or someone who thought he was a dad. Was that what he wanted? God, that was a little creepy... but Nina could probably play into it?

At least she'd walked straight, done better. "I get it," she mumbled as he kept going, bringing a hand up to brush back some brunette locks that threatened to get in the way. She chewed her lips for a few moments, looking up at him. Fuck, the last thing she wanted was to head back to the station, where there would be records and he could or would hold her for however long as he felt like holding her.

"Search--" she repeated, brows furrowing. She looked the car over: she knew there was nothing there, at least, but... oh, wait, something else: pat her down. He sounded almost eager there, didn't he? And those raking eyes. She looked up at him, biting her lip again, but this time, her dark eyes had a decidedly different look and tint to them.

'I don't mind if you want to pat me down, officer," she all but purred. She sauntered, almost strutted, up to the edge of the car. "You can search me all over," she said, putting perhaps a bit too much sauce into the words. She spread her arms, leaning against the car, pushing her chest together a bit more. A little valley of butterscotch showed between the arms, rimmed with black lace and highlighted with pristine white.

"I swear," she repeated, blinking, "I'm a good girl, officer. I promise to be fully cooperative, but we really don't need to go all the way back to the station, do we? We could just..." she tilted her head, pouted her lips slightly, "do everything we need here?"

God, she sounded like she'd been ripped out of a porno. Well, if that's what it took...
The middle aged officer knew better to get a hold of himself. These youngest may seem harmless at times but they could do a real damage to his integrity. The last thing he wanted was to get exposed, falling into the trap set by this beautiful girl. He had looked around to spot her phone, making sure it was not recording a video of him, capturing what would destroy not only his career but him as well.

She seemed too naïve to pull such a stunt on him, but being a little careful could never hurt anyone. He recalled that her phone was on the passenger seat so he was safe in that regard. That didn’t mean he could misbehave. She was way younger than him. What could he want a girl such as herself, even though she was trying to flirt with him. He also knew that she wouldn’t flirt with him if they were to meet somewhere else, in a different scenario. That’s just not because he looked decent, it also had to do with his age.

One thing was obvious, the more she flirted with him, the harder this was becoming. He shrugged his shoulders at her when she tried to reaffirm that he wanted to search her. That wasn’t his excuse to touch her but he might as well enjoy. Why the hell not! He began patting her down, smiling softly at her, “Well, just briefly for now. A proper search would be done back at the station, by another female officer.” He shrugged his shoulders, trying to scare the girl a bit to entice a reaction out of her as he patted down her thighs and then stepped behind her to gently tug at the bottom of her breasts, to the sides, over her back and then her buttocks.

He mostly kept it official, “I am sure you are. But I am also just doing my job. I didn’t want the hassle of arresting someone tonight. Especially someone like you…but,” he finished patting her down before taking a step back until the back of his legs brushed the front bumper of his police car. “I wish I can. But being a male officer…I can’t really.”… ‘but you can…strip yourself. Maybe dance even if you must! Entertainment, by all means,’ the officer thought in the back of his head.
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