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Sakura war Saphism ( thewhiterabbit & Chiechan )


Jun 17, 2009
The flower division had been disbanded after the government had to reveal to the public the existence of the division. In fact fully one half of the divisions went public and where scattered to the seven winds. Being sent to Europe to fight humans was a step down for her but it was a paycheck and a hot meal. "Come on you can not have a sweet" The Germans were rattling there sabers making Paris not as safe as it once had been. It looked like the french were trying to scoop up as may former division members as they could. even if some of them were children there suits gave them awesome power.
Iris Chateaubreand, now a bit older than she once had been when she had joined the Flower Brigade, was still not the adult most would put in the battle field. However, her experience, knowledge and just out right power levels made it a stupid decision to not leave her in. She was appointed to help choose the special team who would help defend Paris against the German invasion. And in this task she had spent weeks upon weeks preparing.

It was on one Monday, sitting at the desk which dwarfed the teen girl, that she got a pleasant surprise. "Send in the next applicant...please. Madame Voiselle."

"Yes Ma'am..right away."

Iris's eyes opened wide as the tall woman walked in. Her eyes watered and she shouted out. "it's you!!!"

( tag )
Iris was juts 13 she was a young woman and no longer the girl she had known at the theater playing young girls. "You know i could have sworn i got away from you" she teased wrapping her arms around the girl and lifting her up. She placed her on the counter as she signed both there names to the register. She added the flower mark but the man still gave both of them a look "Come on she is, how you say a small flower" she wanted to hurt the man but as former officers she could not. But neither could the man turn them down "i Have a room iris, or we could go to a cafe Paris is full of them"
Iris nodded...she couldn't refuse a request from Maria-chan...and she told her secretary to hold her calls and appointment for just a bit. She then smiled and walked out with Maria. "Well lead on...My dear.... We have so much to discuss...your appearance has already made my week very happy." She hugged Maria's arm softly.
The cafe was across the street filled with dozens of young soldiers on there way to the front more then a few gave her a look. "They say even my homeland will be pulled into the war" not that she had one homeland. He time with her friends in Japan was among the happiest of her life, but her place was in battle. "I Just wanted to see you and see how you were doing, France of all places i would have thought you would have had you're fill" The place was loud but compared to Japan far from crowded.
"France..and Paris...will always be home. I love Japan..but France is my homeland." Iris smiled. "Having you here..will be remarkable....incredible...I know we can't go wrong...the only thing is...I know you're twice the leader I ever could be...I'll just be asking you all the time for advice." She laughed. "But seriously....the only problem my reiryoku has been giving me is my loneliness..and my...desires...which go unfulfilled. You must know what that's like ne?"
She had to admit finding a man that could keep up with her was hard most were old monks who well could not keep up in other ways. "You are a little young to be worried about that" she did not even know she thought about those things. at 22 she had her share of experiences not all of them good and not all bad. "I think i should like to go to school and become an artist" why he friend was telling her she had no idea. Maybe she was just telling her to get it off her small chest, or was it something more.
Iris put on her mock pout for her friend. "You must have forgotten that I can read minds and I get lots of signals about STRONG emotions...even when I'm not actively trying to read them. And When I was 11, I was sitting around getting all these sensations from teens and young adults going ga ga over Nii-san... Don't think I didn't get glimpses of what some of YOU wanted to do with him." She sighs. "Not to mention other people's thoughts." She paused. "Anyways, Paris is a great place to become an artist...but are you sure you should come work with us then? You may not have time to devote to it, once you start fighting again."
She turned a deep shade of red after months of playing the male it was nice to have one with all the actual equipment. More then one time she had been less the actor, usually during the kissing scenes that really heated up. "Well you know i have not had time for art or to track him down"

it was rare to bump into any former division members they were now scattered all over the world helping to fight evil. "I wish you did not need my help, its all those stupid politicians creating wars when the get bored, boys and there toys". she wanted just to reach out and hug her friend she missed all of them so much.

"I hear they have all kinds of wonders flying machines and well we have seen are share of wonder and terror weapons" she looked away the monsters she had faced had been anything but human not that humanity had done much better. "so what do you want to do" she asked placing her hand on hers.
Iris smiled and stroked her friend's hand. "I want to fight them!" She nodded. "I want to keep fighting. I don't want to give up on this dreams and the ideals we believed in. I will keep fighting...but I'd also like to find someone special for me...wouldn't you?"
She blushed she was wondering if her mind was going to the same place as hers slowly she placed her hand on hers. "Are you sure i mean do you have any experience" she had tried a few things but well she was no expert. On the other hand regular sex was not that different it was easier but not so different. "i mean are you sure as well you want it to be me not someone you're age, or maybe even a boy" she asked.
Iris blushed and meeped. She had not realized she was hinting to the woman that she had meant her for a lover. She however couldn't argue that it would be nice. She nodded. "Yes...I'd prefer someone I know and trust." She looked at her in the face. "However, could you love someone like me?"
She laughed she had never been into the whole ultra beauty big breast things looks were second to health of mind and body. "Maybe i just need someone who can talk to me as well as make me cum till i cant stand" she smiled trying to think if sliding her room key over was a good idea she was so young. she had been that age when she had her first kiss bet that was a long time ago and she would want more then that.
Iris blushed and went quiet. She had never been with anyone, and she had never dreamed that her first time would be with the normally cold Maria....but now she didn't mind...she smiled softly...and winked. "Shall we go back to your room to continue our chat?"
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