hello identity crisis


something of a ne’er-do-well
Jun 10, 2011
So, my regular partners know what’s been happening to me/with me, but there are probably at least a few people I forgot to contact regarding my absence from the site. Well, lots of things have happened that have kept me from being able to give you the words you’re owed via our agreements, some I’m at liberty to explain and some would violate some privacy concerns. In a nutshell though:

  • Tumultuous life events
    These are the things I can’t explain. I’ve had to move, my financial situation is compromised, and I’m dealing with really difficult people. It’s the pits.
  • Unable to log into my account
    I changed my password when I was drunk and subsequently couldn’t log in. This was really stupid of me. It has since been remedied, obviously, but I was being really stubborn about getting it fixed.
  • Baby’s first writer’s block
    I didn’t actually think this was a thing, and I’m so sorry for my previous skepticism. I feel like my arm has been cut off.

That’s probably all I want to say about those things. If you want to talk about our past roleplays, please message me and we can try to sort out whatever you like. If you’re willing to be patient, maybe something will come to me soon. I’m spinning my wheels and hoping right along with you.

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