Chubby Girls Abound! [Mxf, Fxf]


Dec 3, 2016

II'm 24, a lady, and I really like writing! I've been writing for like, I dunno, 13ish years?
I write anywhere from 1 to 5 paragraphs, but I'm most comfortable with 1-3, so I don't get too burnt out if we've got a good back and forth going! I like hopeless scenarios, damsels in distress, and a lack of happily ever afters.
However! On to what I'm looking for!

I really wanna write cute chubby or fat ladies being absolutely ruined. Maybe they're just in a shitty relationship and don't have the self-esteem or any means to escape, maybe she's been kidnapped with the intention of turning her into a breeder, or maybe someone's got some plans to turn her into nothing more than an animal.

I'd love to involve something with royalty, Princes or Princesses having their fun with a chubby servant girl who isn't in any position to refuse them.

I'm super open to scenarios, shoot me any you've got, but a few kinks I'd really love to include are:
Pet play, force, verbal abuse (weight/animal related in particular), bestiality, spanking, unfair punishments, humiliation, and similar such things.
I'm open to kinks as well! so long as we keep away from scat and vore, I'm very happy!

Bonus points for any folks who toss me a starter in my PMs for me to reply to, with all the above in mind! We can definitely still talk OOC, but having something to reply to straight off would be amazing!
I'm fine playing over PMs, email, or gdocs, and threads might work out although I admittedly forget to check them.

Hope to hear from anyone I've caught the interest of!
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