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Women's defence - volunteer required

Sep 21, 2013
It was only a small advert, at the bottom right-hand corner of the local newspaper. Georgina only spotted it by chance as she turned the page. And she would have carried on turning the pages, if only … if only she hadn’t been assaulted as a teenager. And that made her pause and read it more closely.

‘Volunteer sought to assist in self-defence class for women. Applicant must be female, over 18 and physically fit. No payment, but you will have the satisfaction of helping us protect ourselves.’

The appeal to her altruism appealed to her, so she emailed the contact address and received a reply an hour later, inviting her to a meeting with the organiser, Amelia. They met in a café down by the river, sipping their coffees in the sun as they watched life go by. Amelia began by asking Georgina why she had applied and nodded sympathetically as she listened to the account of the sexual assault.

‘That is so typical of what happens to us all the time,’ she replied earnestly and immediately launched into her pitch. ‘With some basic training the story could have been so different and that is why I organise these classes to help women protect themselves. We meet every Thursday in the sports hall at the college. So far we’ve dealt with protecting ourselves against men, but sadly we may be attacked by our own sex. That’s why this year, for the first time, I have added an additional class dealing with just that, which is where you would come in as a volunteer.’

Georgina took advantage of Amelia’s taking a sip of coffee to interject.

‘What exactly would I be expected to do?’

‘All we want you to do is to play the part of the attacker, so that the women can practice the skills they have already learned but this time against a female. There are lots of mats, so there’s no chance of your injuring yourself in a fall. So, Georgie, you don’t mind if I call you that do you, I think you’re ideal. What do you say?’

And so it was that Georgie, as she was now known, arrived at the sports fall on Thursday evening. Amelia greeted her with a big hug.

‘Great, Georgie, great. Good to see you. Let’s get you kitted out and then we can meet the group. We’ll use this room to change, it’s small but good enough.’

It was a tight squeeze in the small room. Amelia pointed to a small pile on a chair.

‘That’s your outfit. I hope it’s the right size. You don’t want to wear anything too restricting.’

Georgie picked up a white T-shirt and a pair of maroon hipsters in soft clingy jersey, both of which looked like they were too small.

‘Don’t be shy,’ Amelia told her as she stripped off.

Georgie tried not to look at the muscular, tanned body that appeared as Amelia discarded her clothing entirely and donned her karate outfit. She removed her own clothes as discreetly as she could, conscious of Amelia’s appraising glances. Then she wriggled into the clothing she had been given. It was, to her surprise, both the perfect fit and comfortable, although it left nothing to the imagination.

‘Perfect,’ Amelia smiled, ‘come along and meet the group.’

There were six women waiting for Amelia, standing in line along one side of the room, all in their bare feet. The floor was, as Georgie had been promised, covered with mats. Amelia positioned herself facing her students.

‘Welcome back, ladies. It’s disappointing that so few have thought it worthwhile coming along for this special session in which we will practice sister-on-sister attacks. Before we start, let me introduce Georgie, who has selflessly volunteered to come along to help you practice.’

There was a smattering of applause. Amelia continued:

‘The techniques you’ll be using are the same that we’ve practised over recent weeks against men. Speaking of which, I’ve had an email from Matt who was so game last week. He says hello and wants you to know he’s back in full working order.’

After another smattering of applause, Amelia resumed.

‘It’s surprising how little some of us know of our own bodies, which is why I gave you those diagrams last week. I hope you all took my advice and got those mirrors out so you could check out where all the important bits are. Don’t worry if you don’t match the diagrams. We’re all different, which is what makes life so interesting.’

She looked around and pointed at one of the women, middle aged and rather timid in appearance, she was wearing jeans and a t-shirt.

‘Andrea, you go first. Just remember what you’ve learnt and try to apply it calmly.’

Andrea took a few steps towards Georgie and waited. Georgie advanced slowly, trying to look as menacing as she could. She had no idea how Andrea would react. Would she try to run away or would she scream and bite? To Georgie’s surprise, she did not move, just stood as if she was waiting patiently in a queue for a bus. And then, just as Georgie was a few feet away and reaching out to grab her, Georgie’s world went quiet and bathed in bright light. She could see Andrea, Amelia and the others standing around watching her and she knew something had happened but she had no idea what it was.

No idea at all, until the sharp pain overwhelmed her brain. Slowly she became aware of a scream of agony, which she realised was coming from her, and what felt like a knife cutting between her legs. Within seconds, she had doubled over and was staggering backwards out of reach of Andrea’s legs.

‘Excellent.’ That was Amelia.

Georgie could not believe she was hearing that. Excellent her mind shouted at her, what’s excellent about being kicked in my pussy. Then, between spasms of shooting pain, she heard Amelia congratulating her pupil on her timing and the precision with which she caught Amelia with the arch of her foot.

‘It’s the same principle as kicking a guy, like you did to Matt last week, remember. Better in fact, because us girls have more nerves down there than the guys.’

Well, that was good to know. It was just a pity that no one had thought to warn Amelia.

‘Right,’ Amelia clapped her hands loudly, ‘let’s get on. We don’t want to take up too much of Georgie’s time, do we, girls?’

Georgie was tempted to tell her that they could take as long as they wanted, but she wasn’t consulted. Amelia had already identified Rachel, a twentysomething peroxide blonde dressed in a short skirt and sweater, who was standing on the mat waiting nonchalantly as Georgie approach cautiously. She had no intention of being caught unawares as she had been with Andrea and rushed to close the gap before Rachel had time to lash out with her foot. But Rachel made no attempt to attack or to move away. As Georgie closed on her, she raised her leg leaving her attacker impaled on her knee, which she ground hard until Georgie managed to extract herself and drop to the floor.

‘Excellent, another excellent performance, well done.’ That was Amelia once again showing no concern for her volunteer’s pain. ‘Just like I demonstrated with Matt last week, you lulled your attacker into a false sense of security and used her own momentum against her. Now, how’ya doing there, Georgie. Only four to go. We’ll take one more and then give you a break. Wendy, do you want to have a go?’

Georgie looked up to see Wendy approaching, a mop of wavy brown hair framing her cheerful smiling face, looking just like mom waiting for her children at the school gate. Deciding that attackers would not always play fair, Georgie took advantage of being on her knees and sprang up and forwards, aiming to knock Wendy onto her tight little ass before she knew what was happening. But once again Georgie found herself brought to an unexpected halt. A swift punch to her left breast left her gasping while Wendy spun around and delivered a backhanded chop between her legs. Georgie returned to what was by now her accustomed position on the floor. She didn’t need to hear what Amelia would say about that.

‘Excellent, Wendy, and so much better than last week when Matt almost managed to overcome you. You spotted, as I’m sure we all did, how aroused Georgie had become and took advantage. A woman’s crotch is not her only sensitive area.’ There was a murmur of agreement from the others.

Georgie raised her head to protest, but ‘Arou-’ was all she could manage before doubling over again. Aroused? How could Amelia possibly imagine that she would be aroused by what had happened to her in the last quarter of an hour?

‘Right,’ Amelia announced, ‘time for a comfort break.’ The pupils sauntered off, while Amelia sat down on the floor next to Georgie. ‘You’re doing brilliantly,’ she told her, ‘better even than Matt last week and he was a real star, the best we’ve had actually.’

‘Wha-, wha-, what did you mean?’ Georgie finally managed to get out a sentence between spasms.

‘Mean? Mean by what?’ Amelia sounded puzzled.

‘About me being arou-, argh, ooh, aroused? How can anyone think I’d be-’ But again her words were cut short.

Amelia laughed.

‘Well, love, there were your nipples for a start. I could have hung my washing on them. And,’ she pointed, ‘if that isn’t enough, just take a look at those shorts. They’re going to need a wash after this session.’

Georgie bent her head and stared in surprise at the damp patch between her legs.

‘But,’ she protested, ‘I’m not aroused, I’m in agony. I wish I’d never read your advertisement.’

Amelia laughed again.

‘Yes, but the pleasure is in the pain, isn’t it, at least that’s where it starts. The girls recognised that, which is why they’re going in hard, just like they did last week when they realised Matt was getting off on his punishment.’

Georgie’s protest was cut short by the return of the pupils. Amelia patted her on the back. ‘It’s going to get better, trust me, you’ll see.’ Georgie was not so sure. She clambered back to her feet as Amelia pointed at the next victim. ‘Pat, go on, give her hell.’

Pat didn’t need a second bidding. She was large in all dimensions but swift and agile as she rushed at Georgie. Her cotton dress billowed around her as she dodged first left, then right, before pushing her dazed attacker, tripping her so that she fell backwards. Georgie’s spine was still jarring as Pat dropped, her knee crushing Georgie’s pubic bone. She rose and aimed a kick between her legs, which Georgie only just managed to parry as a wave of nausea washed over her.

Only the occasional word of Amelia’s analysis penetrated through the fog of Georgie’s mind. ‘Resourceful. … Attack her before she gets … Speed and surprise are …’

What worried Georgie more than the praise Pat was receiving was a feeling, just a momentary one, but unmistakeable when she squeezed her legs together as she rolled onto her side. There was the warm dampness between her legs, but there was more. A tingle there too and a fluttering in her belly. And her nipples felt so taut they might snap if she fell on them. But she had no time to dwell on how she was feeling. Her next attacker – that was how she saw them now, not as victims – was standing waiting.

‘Mandy,’ Amelia encouraged her, ‘see if you can find a different approach.’

Georgie had no doubt that she would certainly find something different. Probably one that had given the sainted Matt such pleasure last week.

Mandy looked like she’d just come from work at a bank. She was wearing a tight dark blue suit and heels, which she kicked off as she stepped forward onto the matting. Georgie’s first thought was that in such a tight skirt she wouldn’t be able to kick out or use her knees, which meant that she would have to use her hands.

Georgie approach cautiously, ready to retreat at the first sign of Mandy moving in to attack, but Mandy did nothing. She just stood still as a statue, looking as if she was meditating rather than facing a physical assault. In the end, Georgie just threw herself at her, with no plan other than to get this over with as soon as possible. It was only when their bodies collided that Mandy moved her hand. Her right hand came between them and her fingers grabbed Georgie’s shorts. And not just the shorts. Her fingers plucked at the plump labia that were outlined by the damp material, plucked and pulled and twisted, her nails digging through the cloth and trapping her clit. She stared at Georgie, holding her gaze as she pulled and pinched and twisted the battered and sore flesh, sending flashes of pain into Georgie’s brain, flashes that slowly began to mingle with soothing waves of pleasure.

There was no sign of Mandy stopping. She seemed happy to carry on for the rest of the evening. It was now Georgie who needed a strategy to escape from this sexual assault. She tried to pull away, but Mandy put her free arm around Georgie’s back and pulled her closer.

‘Stop, please stop.’ Georgie’s words were soft and pleading, but they had no effect. In the end, in desperation, she stamped hard on Mandy’s foot, allowing her to push away and leave a gap between them wide enough to chop down hard on Mandy’s wrist. She braced herself for the pain that she knew would surely follow as Mandy’s fingers were ripped away and howled when it came. She staggered backwards, but Mandy pursued her, only to be called off by Amelia.

‘Well done, Mandy. That was certainly different. We couldn’t see what was going on, but I think we’ve all imagined what you were doing to her.’

The other women shifted slightly, as if releasing an internal tension. Some were breathing hard. Pat was biting her lip. Mandy’s eyes were bright and her face slightly flushed.

‘Yes, well, quite,’ Amelia continued. She swallowed hard and seemed to be having trouble speaking.

There was a long silence, which gave Georgie time to contemplate what fate held for her. One part of her brain was telling her to leave. Just run, forget about your clothes, just get out of here. The other part of her brain was telling her something she didn’t want to hear. It was telling her to stay. It was trying to persuade that this was what she really wanted to do.

‘Right,’ Amelia announced brusquely and the final woman stepped for. ‘Janette, it’s your turn. You were certainly effective last week against Matt.’ The other women giggled. ‘Show us what you can do with Georgie.’

Georgie approached her opponent cautiously, but was surprised when Janette rushed towards her, immediately assuming the role of attacker. In a flash, she was behind Georgie with her arms round her waist lifting her off her feet, before releasing her. Too late, George realised what was going to happen. With her legs spread, she landed on the point of Janette’s knee. She was still howling in protest as she began to slide off towards the floor. But Janette was not yet finished with her. Instead of leaving her to fall, she grabbed her feet, topping her forward to land with a crash on her face. She planted her knee in the small of Georgie’s back and pulled down her shorts, exposing her pale ass and pushing her hand between her thighs.

With Georgie trapped, Janette finger’s began working, scratching at her throbbing clit. At first, all Georgie felt was the pain.

‘Please, no, ooowwwwwwwwwwwwww, no stop please. You’ve won, OK, I wouldn’t attack any more. Just let me go, ppppleeeassseeee, Janette. You don’t need to do this anymore.’

But Janette did not stop. With her thumb still working on her clit, her fingers circling her cunt hole, then probing it, inserting first one, then two, the a third finger, pushing her cunt wider and wider. Georgie began to squirm she sensed the slow approach of pleasure as it cut through the pain. So this was what Amelia had meant by her remark about Matt last week. So this was why those other women had giggled at the memory. Janette intended to get Georgie off, just like she must have done with Matt at the last session. And she was going to do it right here, in front of everyone else. She was going to masturbate Georgie to public orgasm.

‘No, Janette, no,’ Georgie tried to grab her hand and pull it away. But the more she pulled, the harder and faster Janette’s fingers worked. ‘No,’ Georgie roared, ‘I didn’t come here for this. Amelia,’ she pleaded, ‘stop her. You knew she was going to do this, please get her off me, now, right now.’ But no help came. As she looked up, she saw Amelia and the others watching intently, their eyes glowing with the pleasure of her humiliation. She knew there would be no help from them and there was nothing she could do to help herself. She had been well and truly set up for their pleasure, just like Matt before her. Was that why the other members of the class hadn’t come this week? Were they sickened by what they witnessed?

All Georgie could do was try to suppress her orgasm, deny them the pleasure of hearing it burst out of her. But even with that she failed.

She began with protests: ‘no, no, no, No, NO, NOOO.’

But those protests soon turned into stifled moans of pleasure: ‘no, no-oh, ooh.’


‘Please. No. Please, yes, stop, yes, no, please no. Oh please no. Yes, more, harder, no, please no, not that, not there. Oowww.’

She was writhing now, clenching her cunt muscles on Janette’s fingers and pressing hard against her thumb.




Her hands grabbed her crotch, pulling Janette’s hand tighter against her as her body shuddered.

The hand continued to work as her orgasm gradually subsided until a crisp command from Amelia called Janette off.

‘Thank you, Janette, just as I expected, an effective demonstration of how to turn the tables on your attacker.’

No one seemed to bother about Georgie as she lay on the floor, unwilling to lift her face for the others to see. Then Amelia spoke again.

‘Right, ladies, let’s all give Georgie a round of applause for her excellent work this evening.’

There was a smattering of applause and at long last Georgie heard the others walking away. She hoped she was alone, but then she heard Amelia’s voice right by her, calling after them.

‘Don’t forget, ladies, same time next week for a final debrief and exchange of experiences. Good night.’

Georgie raised her head and saw Amelia squatting on her haunches right in front of her.

‘I was right,’ she spoke to her softly. ‘The moment I saw you, I knew you were a natural.’ Georgie stared back. ‘I guess you’re pretty angry with me right now, Georgie. That’s right, isn’t it? You want your revenge. Well, you deserve it. Go on.’ Still crouching beside Georgie, she spread her thighs wide. ‘Go on,’ she repeated, ‘I’ll give you a free shot.’

Georgie bunched her fist and smashed it as hard as she could between Amelia’s open legs. She grunted and rocked but managed not to fall.

‘Good,’ she gasped, ‘take a moment to get more of your strength back and then try again.’

She was still breathing hard when Georgie thrust her fist for a second time into her open crotch. This time Amelia staggered backwards and doubled over, breathing hard. She stayed in that position for a while. When she finally looked up, her face was pale and her chest was heaving. She didn’t have the breath to speak, just nodded.

Georgie didn’t need a formal invitation. With her recovering strength, she threw her whole weight behind her final blow, knocking Amelia flat onto her ass, where she pushed her fists hard into her pussy and began rocking and moaning. Finally her whole body shook and she looked up at Georgie with a broad grin on her face.

‘Fuck,’ she grunted, ‘fuck that was good. I really needed that.’
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