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Miss Eleanora Seeks Adventure! FxM

Miss Eleanora

Bloody angel of the pages
Nov 8, 2017
Hello everyone. This is Miss Eleanora and I welcome you to my roleplay request thread! Happy browsing.​
Miss Eleanora is not responsible for any and all reactions of parties who read her thread. Some material may not be suitable for those with delicate sensibilities. Miss Eleanora also hastens to remind readers that not all of her darker tastes must be indulged in all roleplays, and that she is capable of forgoing some if necessary.​

About Me:
My name is Miss Eleanora, I'm a female from the United States of America. To me a reply that is not at least several hundred words long is not a true reply and cannot have enough meat to it to stand alone as a post. There are rare exceptions that normally only come up in very dialogue heavy patches of writing, and even there I love to see more. Tell me what your character is thinking, how he is feeling, what his attitude to the situation is, what he is looking at, his mannerisms. There are so many things you can tell me that help build your character and give me more to work off of for my own replies. You may hold me to that very same standard.

To me the very idea of playing a stereotypical 'submissive' character who does not have motivation, agency, and purpose all her own is tantamount to playing a cardboard cutout and just as dreadful as that sounds. Please do not bother to send me a message if you intend to ask me to play a character who lacks any of those three things. On the other hand, if the idea of playing opposite a character who actually has her own agency, motivations, and purpose is appealing to you, then please do contact me, the worst that can happen is I end up nibbling on your soul.... or drinking you dry.... or eating you.... or bathing in your precious bodily fluids.... or saying no to the roleplay, ah yes that's the right one, kindly disregard the others.

I will roleplay either through emails, through private messages, or a newly discovered option, through forum threads! Thanks to an awesome partner for showing me the value of thread based roleplaying, especially letting me edit and clean up errors AFTER I initially post which can't be done with private messages or emails. My availability and posting rates can vary. At least one post a week is normally my mantra, sometimes more, but never less if it can be helped. Please do not vanish without telling me. It makes everyone sad, and makes me fret. In the same vein I will make sure to let you know if I'm going to be going dark for a while, it's only fair after all.

See here for a link to my F-List. Please note that while many of my favorites are darker, and that I greatly enjoy bloodplay, a lack of those elements is not necessarily a deal breaker for me. :)

Miss Eleanora is happy to discuss plots that are not on her list, and is also happy to discuss tweaks to her plots. Miss Eleanora also reminds her readers that her plots are only starting points and that every concept requires some fleshing out and planning before the roleplay can begin. She believes that is part of the fun!​

Dark Queen From Another Dimension:
I know this sounds like the name of a terrible anime but hang with me just a bit. Your character has begun using a new dating website, we can come up with the specifics, and one particular profile has caught his eye, the profile of someone claiming to be the ________ of _______ (left blank so that you can have a say in what exactly she claims to be. Is she claiming to be the Dark Lady ruling another world? A mighty sorceress or witch? ect) While normally such a profile might get a laugh and little more, she has many pictures, and appears to be dedicated to maintaining her 'character', and so your character strikes up a conversation with her online. (Bonus points if your character makes up a fictitious powerful background to try and play the same game with her) The relationship would grow from there to the point where he wants to know who she 'really' is and to meet her in person.

Perhaps they get into an argument about it, with him not believing her and demanding she prove she is what she says she is. She says that she will, and then she actually appears. There are many directions to go from there, perhaps her magic doesn't work so well here and she's pretty much stuck now that she showed up, perhaps she is intent to building the relationship more and is taking a leave of absence from her day job as an evil overlord figure, perhaps she ends up dragging you back to her home to prove it like you challenged her to.

This is a scenario that if you want to play with me will require lots of work and in depth writing. It will also be starting with a period where their communications will just be via messages so be ready for a long haul with lots of actual relationship growth included!

Our World To Conquer!: What could be better than taking over the world? Taking over the world with a friend of course! While this again may sound like a somewhat silly anime type premise it could also be done in a suitably epic fashion. It'd take some world building effort from my partner and a willingness to spend a while coming up with plot elements before we could actually begin the play but it might be fun to create an original setting, then set ourselves up as the big bads. It would be even more awesome if we were to be able to run two story lines at the same time, the one from the perspective of our evil forces, and one from the perspective of the group of classical adventurers who have in that time honored tradition joined together to stop our advance.

Our World To Save!: Because everyone loves to save the world almost as much as they love to conquer it! ;) This is a little less open to complete world creation than the previous plot because I already have concepts for adversaries and the nature of the epic adventure that we would be embarking on. But there is still plenty of room to build up characters and stories!

Magic/Supernatural School/University: To be honest this isn't super fleshed out yet. But I have had a hankering to do a story set in a magical university type setting. One of the concepts I had for it involved something that is rather anime and cliched but still potentially fun. In particular I had the idea of having your character either being the 'normal' human who ended up at the supernatural or magic school and becoming involved with mine, who would actually belong there. lol Anyway, I'm spitballing and tired but happy to talk plots if anyone has an interest.
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