The Mercenaries Guild


Jul 23, 2016
The Ronfel Empire, that had controlled the entire continent of Tarmal for over 2000 years crumbled 200 years ago, with it's fall the Provinces became independant Kingdoms that started fighting for territory. The constant wars brought with them starvation, many soldiers from the different armies became bandits and started raiding villages and cities, even more, the appearance of dangerous wild monsters and creatures near towns increased.
150 years ago, in the Kingdom of Rodos a new Guild was created by order of the King Inigas IV, "The Mercenaries Guild" the idea of the King was that this group of ex-soldiers and sellswords would help rondorian people in any way they could, as the army was too busy figthing the other Kingdoms. The fame of the Guild grew quickly, they took any job, from collecting medicinal herbs for an old woman, to slaying wild beasts. In just a few years the jobs were not coming from Rodos only, but from other Kingdoms as well.

Many years have passed and the Guild's numbers has grown, among their ranks not only Human can be found, but also Elves, Orcs and Were-beasts.

The Kingdom of Rodos, it's capital Malkut
Rodos is located in the central plains of the continent, therefore has a lot of land dedicated for agriculture and horse breeding yet they have no exit to the sea but through the Lopia River. There are four major cities in the Kingdom, Malkut, Almesia, Trasta and Elim, there are many villages that keep continuous contact with the cities.
Religion has no place in rodosian's life, the state offers it's people free education through hundreds of schools throughout the Kingdom, this is: learning to read and write, maths, history, herbalism and astronomy, once the students are old enough, they can choose to study other things like smithing.

The Rodosian Army

The Guild
Just a kilometer away from Malkut's gates, it was built 600 years ago and today is the Guild's Head Quarters:

-First Garden: Used for training
-Second Garden: Used for outdoor publich speeches.
-Great Hall: Were most of the social life of the members takes place, here you can see long wooden tables repleted with wine bottles and tankards. Here is also located the Jobs Board, from where the mercenaries pick up one of the jobs posted there.
Public bath: Unisex bath
Library: The mos quiet place in the Guild, some say to have seen ghosts there.
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