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SithLordOfSnark{A New Girl In Town}Cess

Nov 27, 2017
Sunnydale, was home to a number of people. The high school was bustling with people as they came and went during their day as Giles would have people come into the library asking for some books here and there. The Hellmouth seemed to be a little bit of under control for now but Halloween was approaching soon but soon, the doors to the library opened up and in walked one of the most beautiful woman anyone had ever seen. "Hello?" A soft angelic voice had called out as she had walked inside. This person was Bella, she was new to Sunnydale, all thanks to her mission, which was to destroy the hellmouth in some form of way. "Hello?" Bella had called out again as her heels clicked on the floor as she walked. Bella had her hair up in a messy bun, she had on nice tight jeans and a low cut top, she was sighed up as a new teacher at the school. "I need a few books" She called out walking around looking for anyone who could help her out. Bella's Skin was pale but it showed off her hair and eyes perfectly as her skin had this shine to it, it was almost like she was a glass doll come to life.
Rupert was behind the stacks when Bella entered and he turned his gaze upon her as he stepped out. "Hello there. What kind of books are you looking for?" He asked with a smile as he brushed a hand through his own hair and walked closer to her as he waited for her to answer him. He allowed his gaze to silently linger on her as he smiled softly. "I'm Rupert Giles, by the way." He told her with a smile as he leaned over the counter and waited silently.
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