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The Dungeon (Theris and Tenshi)


Sep 17, 2017
The Dungeon

The dungeon has always existed, settled on a small island at the base of a rocky outcropping. It is said that there are treasures beyond your wildest imaginings held inside, or that's what the survivors say. For there is great danger as well, not everyone who enters the dungeon comes back out, and there are never any bodies. It's not know what has happened to them, whether they are dead, or wishing they were.

Its a day like any other, the sun is shining and the breeze is gentle. An adventure makes their way from the small dungeon town on the west side of the island. For reasons of their own they have decided to travel to this place, and attempt to conquer the dungeon. Reaching the entrance she stops for a moment, inspecting the stone archway and the stairs leading down into the depths. A faint blueish glow comes up from the steep tunnel, illuminating ancient carvings along the walls. Carved into the archway itself is a series of shifting words and letters, changing languages based on whomever reads them. They read Be Warned, My Depths Are Not For the Faint Of Heart, But Should You Seek To Enter Them, Know That Great Reward Awaits You, And Great Danger As Well. Carved into the vary top of the arch is two forms, a naked man, and woman. The woman can feel the power of this place, like a buzzing on their skin, and a slight desire to throw off her clothing and rut like an animal.
N'Trish'Ta Songfire


"Is it realy so very strange to you? That an ebony elf girl should give song and praise to the goddess of the sun?

"It seems perfectly natural to me.

"My mother was captured in a very bitter war. She gave birth to me while languishign in an elven prison. The elves didn't know what to do with me, an ebony babe, crying for the milk of a condemend war criminal due to face the headsman in a few weeks time. It must have been a terible time for all involved.

"Leinessa Firesong--a priestess of Sarenrae--adopted me and nursed me alongside her daugther Naruna. I've lived all my life beneath the endless sky. I've danced under the stars and I've sung to the rising sun. I wept for my milk mother when they lowered her into the grave. i was still a child. My step sister's eldest daughter seemed my age.

"Sarenrae has given me the gift of healing, to nourish my family, to nourish the world. She's given me the gift of fire, and of steel, to protect what is precious.

"Naruna has joined her mother now in Saranrae's halls. It will be many, many centuries 'til I follow her. Now that I've seen my great-great neice wed, I know it is finaly time for me to leave this home.

"I am a maiden of ninty nine today, and I go to bear Sarenrae's mercy to the world."

"So this is the place..." The ebony girl's red-gold eyes danced over the entrance to the dungeon. She gave a bit of a blush as she realized the hot passion of this places magical aura was making her nipples stiff--which was actualy quite visible in the sheer silk of her dancer's costume.

She touched the gold and copper prayer token dangling in her cleavage. "Holy Sarenrae. I pledge to you that I will give my all to the challenges this place will grant me. I pray that i will grow in strength and wisdom to be a better vessel of your power."

Red gold eyes fluttered shut for a moment. "I'm not strong enough yet. I want to be an insturment of your mercy in the sunlit world, but too many fear me for the sins of my dark kin. I can't help those I must flee. I need... To be stronger.

"I need to be braver."

Her eyes fluttered open and she kissed the medalion. "They will be done, radiant Sarenrae."

She then drew and shouldered her scimitar and strode boldly up to the dungeon, light on her feet and ready for anything...
Reaching the mouth of the tunnel under the arch the young woman is able to make out more in the strange blue light. The Tunnel descends for a long ways, but she is able to make at the top of a staircase at the far end. Standing there the smell of the dungeon wafts up over her, the scent of earth and water, and the stench of sex. Along the walls is strange moss, clinging to the stone and seems to be whats producing the light.
The maiden's ebony nose crinckled. "What a very strange place this is." She squirmed a little bit. For a moment, she closed her eyes and pressed her inner thighs together. "It doesn't smell very nice, and yet... I'm not exaclty imune to it, am I?"

She shook her head, snow white hair making a wave patern.

"Okay," she whispered. "Let's see what's on those stairs." She progressed with soft steps. A lingerin blessing of her subteranean heritage allowed her to make effective use of the dim light. She tried to pad along as quietly as she could and see if she could pass unoticed long enough to catch a glimpse of potential foes before they spotted her.

Stealth 19
Perception 8. *Sweat drop.*
Songfire enters the dungeon with a soft step, making not a sound as she walks down the tunnel. Despite her heritage however, she is unable to make out much in the dim blue light, except for shadows. The scents of the place engulf her as she moves forward, and the feel of the place grows stronger. In that moment something catches her foot on the tunnel floor and attempts to trip her, close enough to the stairs to be dangerous.

Please give me a Reflex Save ^^ DC 14
Tripping over an odd root sticking out of the tunnel wall, the girl tumbled forward, crashing down the stairs. Bouncing up and down she rapidly descended into the dungeons depths, eventually coming to rest at the base of the stairs. Dazed it takes Songfire a moment to get her bearings, and looking around she sees that this room is actually pretty well lit. Great basins of oil line the room, blazing away with golden firelight, which seems strange as all she could see from the top of the tunnel was the blue glow of the moss. Looking back Trish cannot see the tunnel opening, or even the opening to the tunnel, and the smells have vanished. Inspecting her surroundings, the girl sees 2 ways out of the room she finds herself in, (3 if she counts the stairs down), a 3x5 chamber. A door waits for her on the far wall, and an iron grate is down on her left, on the right wall is a message, carved out in flowing runes.

A God I once was, now no more, find my idols and I will open the door to great treasure.

Take 7 points Nonlethal damage from the fall
For several long moments, the white haired girl simply lay their groaning. "How did I not break something doing that," she mumbled.

After a while, she straightened her red bikni top and rose. The snow-haired girl located her sword and her moonrod and took them up again. She probed her bruises for a moment, then rose carefully to her feet.

Looking around, the insrciption got her attention.

"A god I was once?" she arched a snwo white brow, then whispered, "okay. Idols to find... Now who was once a god, but now no more..." she pondered for a moment. If onthing else, it would hlep to know what the idols looked like!

Kn. Religion 23
The girl took a moment to wrack her brain for scraps of myth and legend, anything that would giver her a clue as to the identity of the being mentioned in the texts. After a few moments something comes to mind, an old legend about a fallen god, known as Lucan. His symbol was said to be a shining star, with an eye in the center. The old stories say that when the gods were creating the world that there were some among them that sought to corrupt the creations of others. Lucan was the one to create lust, bringing the dark desire into the world and unleashing it on the newly born races.
The ebony girl frowned soflty. "Lucan," she whispered, "Who took love and passion and created lust in an attempt to coopt and even corupt them. I'll have to be careful with this. Still," she took a step back and looked around. "Well, still, it's a goal. A route to take through these challenges. If the treasure can safely be had, it can be put to good use. Time to get started."

She made her way to the portculis and peered through. "I'll clear it left to right."
Beyond the portcullis was a sharply turning hallway, turning right and then left after only a few dozen feet. Inspecting the gate the dark skinned woman was able to make out a lever on the other side. Fortunately the metal rod was just barely within reach if she put her hands through the bars.
The snow haired girl pondered for a moment. She craned her neck to try and get a good look at the level, in case it proved to be visibly traped. Then she shrugged and reached aroudn with her one gloved hand to pull it down so she could get through.
The lever does not appear to be visibly trapped, and pulling it Songfire hears a click. A few moments later the portcullis begins to rise, ascending into the ceiling. The movement of the Grate is rather loud, ringing off the walls, and probably alerting everything in the dungeon that someone was poking about.
Active Spells: Aid

The ebony girl gave a wince at the loud grinding. She bit her lower lip thoughtfully and pondered casting a spell to prepare for trouble. The trouble was, most of her wards only lasted a few minutes...

OF course, if she waited 'til she saw the whits of their eyes, she might not get a spell off a all. She quickly wove an Aid spell, then started down the hall at a brisk walk, checking the left doors and following the left halls, moon rod in one hand, scimitar in the other.
Taking the first turn in the hallway the dark skinned girl see that the left turn ahead leads to another door, and at the other end of the hall is another door. they are both made of solid stone, with the same rune carved on the front. There appears to be no handles or hinges, yet they area clearly doors all the same. Stepping forward she checks the left door, which rises into the ceiling as she draws within 5ft from it. Past the portal the room is filled with smoke, and what looks like a primitive village can be seen through the smog. A great fire burns in the center, easily reaching up to the 15 foot ceiling, licking and blackening the stone. Forms can be seen moving through the smoke, but the smog coupled with the flickering firelight and the lack of any other source of light makes it difficult to see anything particular.

Please give me a perception check ^^ and any other rolls you feel are appropriate ^^
Trish gave a startled gasp as she came to what seemed to be a village being sacked in the middle of an underground labrynth! She started forewads a step, then paused, not sure throuhg the haze of smoke who she shoudl be helping.

Ruby eyes peered into the town. The ebon elfmaid tossed her moonrod to the floor a ways ahead and made a tossing gesture at what looked to be a tight gathering of perhapst he biggest forms in the smoke. Her fingertips tingled as inate magic lit up the bunch with Fairy Fire.

Percpetion: 20
Songfires well placed casting struck the center of the fire, and easily caught the rooms inhabitants in the spells effect. Their outlines become semi visible, though the smoke still make it difficult to see. They appear to be small humanoids with over large heads, and one much larger shape, easily seven feet tall. You see the light Faeriy Fire shift around the forms as they move in the smoke, and you have the distinct feeling that they are facing the door. There are six in total, five smaller forms, and the large one in the back. the room looks to be about 40ft in diameter, but you cannot be sure from you current position. the ramshackle building in the room only look big enough to be small huts (5ftX5ft).

Please give me a Initiative roll ^^
Iniative 19

Recognizing the big headed little monsters as goblins, the drow girl hesitated for a split second on account of how people had judged her in relation to her dark kin over the years.

But no, ever since seeing what those goblins had in their stewpot, she just couldn't sacrifice needed advantage to give the things the benefit of the doubt!

The ebony elfmaid danced across the chamber 'til only 5' separated her from the monsters. With a rapid fire invocation of Saranrae's cleansing flame, she made a slash with her scimitar. A fan of red hot flames sheathed across as many of the goblins as she could catch in it!

Burning Hands
13 fire damage.
Reflex DC 14 for half.
Leaping into action Songfire is able to catch 2 of the little creatures in her cleansing fire. They resolved into goblins as she drew closer, and unfortunately see her coming, dive out of the way as she washes them with fire. Scorching rather then charring their flesh. Dagger come out as the little creatures scramble to their feet and charge the girl, while the others come running from around the great bonfire. Only the two that she attacker however were close enough to try and stick her with their knifes.

Goblin 1 Reflex save = 20
Goblin 2 Reflex save = 16

Both goblins take 6 points of damage

Goblin 1 attack = 10
Damage (if hit) = 1
Goblin 2 Attack = 14
Damage (if hit) = 2
The ebony girl giggled as she danced, the rush of battle driving away her doubts with heady victory and fear for her life. Her curved blade rang back and forth, twisting goblin knives to the right and the left. With nothing but flashing steel and crimson scarves between her silky skin and their deadly weapons, she had no room for doubt.

She had to fight.

Spotting a hole in a goblin's defenses, Trish springs forwards and delivers a slash that she hopes will be trailing blood through the air before it's finished.

Target: Random Goblin
Attack Roll: 20
Damage Roll: 10!
The Ebony beauty lashed out with her sword, the blade separating the nearest goblins head from its shoulders. The fountain of black blood was spectacular as it spayed both the girl and the other goblins. The rest of the little beasts were not dissuaded by this show of force however, and charged the girl, a few of their tiny blades finding purchase on her delicate skin. As the girl feels the sharp edges cutting into her there is a flash of light. she feels a burning along one shoulder, at the same time she hears a deep laugh from the other taller figure in the darkness.

Goblin 1
Dagger To hit = 18
Damage = 2

Goblin 2
Dagger To hit = 14
Damage = 4

Goblin 4
Dagger To hit = 10
Damage = 4

Goblin 5
Dagger To hit = 20
Damage = 2

Shadowy figure
Magic missile = 2 Damage

and your turn again ^^
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